Pre-Rapture Prayer List #19 :: Compiled by Dick Ainsworth

From death to life

I received the following letter from Pastor Elizabeth in South Africa that I am using as part of my opening statement to this article #19. She says it all in a way I would have missed.

When we lose someone on earth, many times we feel they are just dead and six-foot under. It is their loss but we who are left behind must suffer and mourn over our loss (they didn’t lose a thing if they were saved). We know better and wear out sayings like “they are now in a better place,” but why do we still mourn because they are in a better place? We should be happy and rejoice for them.

I wouldn’t wish life on earth on anyone. Satan has made earth a horrible place to reside.

Dear Brother Dick,

I trust you are well; so many people pray for you.

A few months ago, I sent in a prayer request for a lady called Corrie; she had been diagnosed in November 2018 with stage four cancer in several areas of her body.

I would like to thank all my brothers and sisters in Christ, which includes you Dick for the prayers that went out for Corrie, to every person who prayed for her and interceded before the throne of our Precious Savior. Thank you.

There was also one lady who mentioned a special treatment in Mexico that helped cancer patients. Thank you for that as well.

It is in times like these that we have to accept the sovereign will of God and know that He is in control of everything. Whether we understand it or not, we can rest assured that our Savior Jesus is alive, seated at the right hand of God the Almighty Father, and all power and majesty belongs to Him. Jesus conquered death, sin and Satan; and through Him we too will overcome. Once we understand that and rest in that truth, we are able to deal with that.

The Bible tells us it is appointed for man to die once; and so we know that for those who are in Christ Jesus, there is no condemnation and we have passed from death to life! We lay down these bodies and exchange them for brand new ones when the trumpet sounds; and in the twinkling of an eye, we are raptured to a new life!

Corrie passed away last night the 26th of June in hospital. She went through difficult and harsh treatments of chemo and was very weak towards the end.  In everything, Corrie understood that her times were in God’s hands and that he was the one who ultimately decided what he wanted for her.

Corrie was described by her daughter Jen as being a Christian, so my hope is that she did know Jesus personally as her Lord and Savior. Because if she was truly saved, then I can only imagine the joy she is experiencing right now at the throne of the one who gave his life to save hers!

May our Precious Jesus bless you all.


Pastor Elizabeth Amorim

South Africa

(Dick’s reply) You said it all. I hope that all readers will take your preceding letter and put it in a private place, and reread it from time to time when all seems lost and your prayers don’t seem to be answered.

God answers all prayer but His answers include “yes,” “no,” “not now but later,” or “I have something else in mind for you.” And the later is usually better than what you originally prayed for.

After you pray to God, don’t be so impatient for instant answers. God does not have a drive-thru window! Jesus promised us in John 14:14, “If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I shall do it.” He didn’t say who, what, when, where and how. He just promised that He would do it in His Name, His time and in His way.

All of us should be praying the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9, Luke 11:2) at least once a day. In this ultimate prayer, we recite “THY WILL BE DONE” which we should sincerely take literally and to heart. Also, the 4th chapter of James is a good lesson on prayer.

So we have to allow God’s will in our prayer lives. It isn’t our will, but it is His will that answers prayer. God’s answers will be better if we do it God’s Way instead of our own way. We should not ask for something in prayer and then sit back and worry, fret and become anxious (Philippians 4:6). That is showing the lack of trust in God’s perfect word and promises to answer all prayer.



My sister-in-law, Bernie, has stage IV breast cancer and is bedridden. The Lord has allowed her to be pain-free; praise Him for that. We are asking for a total healing. Science told her that she would die in December, but the Lord has other plans!

Prayer for my son, Nathan, involved in a homosexual lifestyle. Please, Lord, deliver him and all others requesting prayer for the same sin on this site. Perfect that which concerns us Lord… deliver the descendants of the righteous!

Prayers for all of us to be bold to proclaim the Gospel.

Thank you for doing this, Mr. Ainsworth. God bless you and your boldness. I look forward to meeting you one day.

Karen Mayercsik


Fisherville Baptist Church Prayer List

(submitted on June 23, 2019 by Lisa Hofmann & Lou Ann Buechele)

Brother Brian’s sister-in-law, Audrey, has cancer; pray about spot on lung.

Stratton’s neighbor, Jennifer, has cancer throughout her body.

Bobby Vanhooser – Leukemia, undergoing chemotherapy and stem cell transplant

Leah Huff – lung problems – needs diagnosis

Patsy Drury Hunt – one active cancer spot on liver remains, 3 previous spots are gone.

Cathy Drury – back problems

Matt & Alyssa Kuiper

Carol Stratton – continued success of cancer treatments

Venny Miranda – recovery from back surgery

Chad, Alcorn’s son-in-law, seizures under control; recovery is slow

Philip Campbell – stroke

Annie Eades – lonely

Carolyn Drury Hatfield – has pain in her stomach – need diagnosis

Tommy Kirby – Judy May’s son

Kerry Robertson – Judy Melear’s nephew, has stage 4 Melanoma

Tibbott’s – beginning the adoption process

William Wiedemer – rectal cancer

Dolly Buechele

Our families that need saving

Vernie Daniels – rare virus

Evelyn Barnett

Nada Hoskins

Lisa Hoffman – prayer for a 17-year-old with a brain tumor, depression

and her daughter and family who are trying to get home from Arizona.

Chance’s son-in-law being moved from Kuwait to Iraq

Sylvia McIntosh – Geraldine Stratton’s sister in law

Russ Williams – pancreatic cancer

Our church and country

Gilliland’s 4-year-old granddaughter facing eye surgery

Jessi Annarella – needs a car, mother and cousin’s family

Charlie Stalker – doctor visits/tests


Judy Engelberg wishes all prayer warriors would thank Jesus as Judy celebrates three years of being cancer-free.

Judy is also thankful to our Lord Jesus Christ for His healing of her dear twin sister whom she loves so much and who means so much to Judy and her family.


Have you ever stopped and wondered about the many unknown things that God has done for us? Maybe He cured us of a sickness before we were even sick? Or He saved us from a fatal crash that never happened?

I have felt that God has protected me more times than I can count. So I can only imagine how many times He rescued me when I wasn’t even aware I was in danger?

I did a hitch in the U.S. Marine Corps infantry, raced motorcycles for six years, was a somewhat wild teenager plus into my 20’s, etc., and had quite a few “close calls” that I didn’t think too much about at the time.

But looking back at those times, I am convinced that God’s protective hand and His guardian angels looked out over me and saved me from disaster and serious injury numerous times.

Elsewhere around the world, I remember stories like the one where Tom got an emergency call from work to cut lunch short and return to work. A few minutes later, a shooter shot up the restaurant he was at and killed several.

Or the time Angie missed her flight out due to her car having a flat tire, to find out later that the plane crashed, killing all passengers onboard.

Or the time Jeremy, Maggie, and their children decided to visit their parents a few blocks away during a violent storm. While doing so, a tornado completely destroyed their empty home.

Take a moment to thank God for the times He has protected you that you aren’t aware of. He is always watching over you and yours.


Di is requesting prayers for the following:

Diane and family, Lewis, Jaime, Jen, Lewis, Benjie, Charles, Melissa.

Thank you in the Name of the Lord.



Asking for a group of people understanding unto salvation, repentance and rescue from backsliding, strengthening of Light already received, and protection from the deception that is rampant concerning the Truth.

Please pray for Mark, Charles, Charles, Ryan, Lynn, Renault and family, Norman, Mark, Scott, Austin, Kayelyn and David, in the Name of the Lord.


Your prayers are urgently requested for RR article writer Ronda Lane as she suffers towards the close of her earthly existence with Stage 4 cancer throughout her body. Her doctors stated she had maybe up to 5 months to live. That was 3 months ago. Ronda has been a strong inspiration to many over the years. She requests that you pray “God’s will be done” and that you also pray that He grant her relief from the constant extreme pain she is now enduring.

Her latest article will strengthen cancer- and other terminal patents as they go through their final days, plus inspire family, friends and loved ones who stand by helplessly watching the patient endure the extreme pain that accompanies these dreaded diseases.

Here is the link to Ronda’s article. “God’s will be done” is Ronda’s wish.


Pray for us.

On Wed, 19 Jun 2019, 9:07 am, Paramjyothi Koyya <> wrote:

Dear Our brother,

Thank God for prayers and fellowship with you. And we continue to uplift you in our prayers.

During the days we organized the Outreach Camps, we personally reached lost souls in P. Palem and also conducted Gospel meeting so that The God of Holy Spirit moves the hearts of young groups. Then they accepted Jesus Christ as their Personal Savior and come forward to public witness through Baptist.

We reached Kids and Youth groups also through Camps. Blessed by the Teachings, Stories, Bible Quiz. The Youth groups have come to know the Lord.

Pray for the Outreach Camps During June last week.

Pray for the India Government who Try to Bill against Christians and Not to church Constructions.

I will share the Hindu group RSS Secret Agenda Paper we find out.

So Pray for church constructions in Devarapalli, T. Metta and P. Palem Villages due to Bill pass next Year. So God is doing wonderful works among all groups of Hindu, Muslim communities. At the Same time, The Satan is run run run to destroy the Believers Faith and to Stop Evangelism to Hindu groups. So we Trust that God is to give the Victory over Satan.

As you Alert believers to RR News Letter.

We Makes Copies and Preserved in Library and Distributing Youth and Pastors Meetings. Some have enjoyed and many blessed by Readings. We have seen good results on distribution through their testimonies.

Pray for the NEEDS of the Light of the World Ministry.

We are appreciating all the Saints prayers of you and especially Bro. Mike & Vicki as well as Sis. Robin Reese.

We Praise God for fellowship and encouraged prayers.

We look to the Lord in Prayers for all the Saints.

With Christian Love,

Pastor Paramjyothi Koyya

Deevena Koyya



Good evening Mr. Ainsworth,

I just wanted to let you know I was blessed reading your prayer list today. Our Lord Jesus convicted my heart to pray over each and every one of those. Many touched my heart because many of these requests I directly relate to one way or another. Sometimes in my prayers for others I know, and some prayed about me before I gained salvation and lost my assurance and was restored again. I just wanted to let you know that this ministry and your articles are a great encouragement, and God bless you.

Jeffrey Kirk


When the devil goes hard after your family, you go harder for your family. You pray and you love harder.


Dearest Dick,

My heart is touched at your request for prayer needs. I have to go back and reread your past articles and see what you are up to!

I recently experienced heartfelt pain with my prayer request at my place of worship. I’d been on a prayer list for several months (I suffer from unmanageable pain). The church secretary called me and said she’d recently seen me, and I was, in her opinion, doing well; so she thought it was time to remove me from the prayer request list. I was floored.

After the stunning sensations let up, I was hurt. And as silly as it may seem, I need prayer to get over not being on a prayer request list! Honestly! I couldn’t make this up!

Also, I’m very active in prayer and will pray for those on your lists.

My prayer needs are primarily for my precious children. Please pray with gratitude for the salvation of Joseph, Samuel, Katherine, Aimee, Daniel, and Maggie. They are all in different places with the Lord, but I am certain of their salvation and praise God for loving them and guiding them.

It’s my faith that directs my prayers in this way, with thanksgiving. He is faithful!!!

I am praying now for you to continue with your prayer outreach!! May our wonderous Lord continue to lead you and guide you in all His ways.

Very truly yours,

Carol Lynn Smith

(Dick’s reply) Thank you very much for being such a strong and faithful prayer warrior. I am sure those sending in prayers are also truly grateful for your prayers.

As far as your church secretary is concerned, there is quite a bit to discuss.

First, someone needs to find out where she got her medical degree? Evidently, she can observe a person from a distance and, without any of the person’s medical history at all, make the medical determination that this person is well?

Second, when a Christian requests prayer, it is the duty of all Christians at hand to see that this person gets prayer. It is not the church secretary’s duty to determine who is on the church’s prayer list and who isn’t.

Third, you need to run off two copies of this Prayer List #19. One should be given to the church secretary so she can see what her problem is in this section, plus the prayer I will write for the worldwide prayer warriors to pray for her enlightenment. The second copy should be given to the church pastor or an elder so they might discuss the matter with her.

I can’t imagine any Christian refusing prayer to any other Christian. But those things happen in this world in which we now live.

With all of that said, I now ask all worldwide prayer warriors to offer up prayer in behalf of the church secretary in question that the Holy Spirit of God might guide and lead her in the ways of the Lord. May she become bold in her ways and stand tall in the eyes of God. Let incidents of this nature never happen again. AMEN.


“……… to help send Satan running with his head between his legs. That loser is history.”

Have you ever given any thought concerning Michael, some 3,500 years ago, wouldn’t say something about the Lord’s anointed like you have said?

I have no interest in a response —– just trying to get you to think about something.

(Dick’s reply) I can’t comment on what Michael might or might not say, but you did offer up a good question the readership might want to comment on in the Feedback column. I might change what I wrote to “That loser WILL BE history.”


A Facebook prayer chain across the world is requested.

Greg Comer has battled cancer for almost 7 yrs. The doctors are giving him only days to live. Greg is 41, married & has 2 children, Jacob 11 & Alyssa 7. Jacob has asked his Mom for a special request, for everyone to pray for a special miracle for his daddy. He wants a prayer chain across the world. Please pray for Greg and help start this prayer chain across the world for Jacob.
Copy & re-post, and add your city and state on Facebook.

Nikki Breshears Eaton

Harrisburg, MO


Brother Ainsworth,

For reasons I can’t explain, I can’t be very detailed in my prayer request, but I still ask it. Please pray for my mother ‘M’, 92, who was put into a nursing home. She then fell and broke a vertebra. My father died shortly before this.

She (‘M’) has dementia. At the same time, my brother ‘J’ who is mentally ill, couldn’t handle the situation. He is now in a mental health facility. I can’t locate him. They are both out of the home and alone with no one checking on them. I live in another country. This is a very complex matter but the Lord knows all. I ask prayers of the brethren. If you print this, please just call me ‘J’.

In His Holy name



An abortion is when a baby gets the death penalty for someone else’s crime of murder. Pray for the women who are now considering, or being forced by others to consider, killing their child. Many couples are willing and wanting to adopt.

Information on adoption of children prior to their abortion can be obtained at the following websites:,,,


Dear Prayer Warriors,

I pray that my adult children, Michael and Christina, receive the strongest possible nudging from Jesus and God’s Holy Spirit to awaken to the truth in Jesus and choose the only way of salvation through Jesus.

I also pray for my friend Craig, who remains incarcerated. He has a parole hearing tomorrow. He is a good and gentle Christian man who developed alcoholism which led to his incarceration. Please send the holy spirit boldly to the hearts and minds who will determine his fate.

And please, by the authority of Jesus, I ask for Craig to be comforted and his faith be strengthened through this experience.

I thank you in Jesus’ Name.

Joellen Marro


Hi Dick,

This is an update on my friend Nicky White.

Since the last request, things took a turn for the worst. She started fitting and didn’t stop for many hours. The doctors told her she would need a miracle as she would not survive the night. Her organs were expected to shut down.

However, she made it through the night and came to being able to speak and recognizing people. Since then, she has remained in hospital; the two lesions have shrunk, and the cancer has not spread. The swelling around the lesions is what caused the seizures.

Nicky is now in rehab to try to get her mobile again. Her appetite is poor and she is still is in quite a confused state most of the time.  Her husband Brian is concerned that there may be some permanent damage.

Brian was a non-believer but now is starting to question things; he has seen a miracle take place and now asks for prayer for Nicky.

Please pray for Nicky and her healing. The Lord has already shown His mighty hand at work, so please pray that Nicky herself will be able to give the most fantastic testimony and praise the Lord for His blessing upon her life.

Also pray for Brian that his belief in Jesus will grow stronger and that he will become a solid follower of Jesus Christ.

Thank you.

Paula Parsons



(Quick and easy way to find previous articles)

Previous “After the Rapture” articles (#1 thru #52).

By clicking on the following link, you will get a directory of the first 52 “After the Rapture” series articles. Scroll down the list to the desired article and click on its individual link. Each article and its link also has a brief table of contents:

“After the Rapture” articles #54 and forward (click on the number).

#54 – Heaven is 100% complete sin-free happiness; Wilderness survival tips; Homemade antibiotic recipes; Reader feedback; Outback survival tips (December 26, 2018).

#55 – Hillary Clinton is an ordained witch; More wilderness survival tips; Snowflakes in the tribulation period; Evading antichrist’s gestapo; Reader feedback (January 8, 2019).

#56 – Father God kicks Son Jesus out of heaven?!; Disappearing history; Wilderness survival tips; Reader feedback (January 30, 2019).

#57 – We are a big part of His plan; More survival tips; Saving seed; More on hardtack; Reader feedback; Directories. (February 20, 2019).

#58 – Satan never lets up on the Saved; Another of my wild theories; Wilderness Survival Tips; Reader Feedback’ Way of the Father; Directories. (March 1, 2019).

#59 – The Unpardonable Sin and the 666 Mark; Reader Feedback; Brain Transplants; Directories (March 16, 2019)

#60 – Notes to the left behind; All illegal drugs will become legal; Having 666 Loons for neighbors; My #1 source of news; Jesus finally takes over; Wilderness survival info; Reader Feedback; WND founder, CEO Joseph Farah suffers major stroke; Directories.

#61 – Long-Term storage food (20-30 years) and a list of 104 Mormon (LDS) canneries and home storage centers; Other sources and lists of long-term storage food; Wilderness cellar construction; Reader Feedback; List of previous articles & directories.

#62 – No Big Deal? Reader Feedback, Wilderness Survival Tips, Directories list.

#63 – More hope for the Left Behind; President Trump’s Christian walk grows; Zombie- proof real estate; Reader Feedback; Directories.

#64 – Trump out as President in 2020; Let’s truthfully discuss liars; Un-American activities running amuck; Wilderness survival tips; Reader Feedback; Directories.

#65 – Hate and evil increases rapidly in these end-times; Reader Feedback; Wilderness Survival Tips; Killing Mosquitoes; Hand pollenating your garden plants; List of supplies, tools, equipment, products, etc., to be left behind for the Left-Behind; Directories.

Prayer List info and guidance

A good way to build a stronger prayer life is to print off hard copies of Prayer Lists #1 to #15 and following, and at any time of day or night when you as an individual want to pray to the Lord, take out your printed copies and read/pray over them again. This is also great for family group prayer and home-church group prayer. God has a very big memory, and all prayers are recorded by Our Lord and Savior.

Below are the links (in blue) to all prayer lists thus far:

“Time is Running Out” prayer kit

Pre-Rapture Prayer List #1

Pre-Rapture Prayer List #2

“A Prayer” by Alice Childs

Pre-Rapture Prayer List #3

“The Ultimate Prayer” by Dr. Thomas J. Miranda

Pre-Rapture Prayer List #4

Pre-Rapture Prayer List #5

Pre-Rapture Prayer List #6

Pre-Rapture Prayer List #7

Pre-Rapture Prayer List #8

Pre-Rapture Prayer List #9

Pre-Rapture Prayer List #10

Pre- Rapture Prayer List #11

Pre- Rapture Prayer List #12

Pre- Rapture Prayer List #13

Pre- Rapture Prayer List #14

Pre-Rapture Prayer List #15

Pre-Rapture Prayer List #16

Pre-Rapture Prayer List #17

Pre-Rapture Prayer List #18


Email your prayer requests to:


Thank You!

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