America’s Approaching Apocalypse :: By Terry James

Some will likely say, “There he goes again with his Amero-centricity.” But America has never been more front and center in the roaring of the seas and waves of humanity as it is during this late prophetic moment.

I find that I can do no other than examine end-times matters within the apocalyptic milieu surrounding this profoundly unique experiment in liberty—this nation-state called America, the concept of which was given to the founding fathers by the Creator, according to their own recognition of the fact.

Harvest House Publishers released my book, The American Apocalypse, in 2009. We, that is, the publisher and myself, planned a major book tour and publicity effort at the time. However, as you might recall, that year there was a major financial meltdown in America and around the world, due primarily to a banking crisis. So our book promotion plans were greatly curtailed.

I now see that delayed book publicity effort was providential. Now, in this greatly accelerated wind-up of the age, I believe we are truly looking at the coming Apocalypse in terms of, perhaps, America’s position within that unveiling of things to come.

Here is part of what I wrote in introducing that volume:

No nation in modern times stands more at stage-center than the United States. None in all of recorded history has had more influence–or has more directly affected countries contemporary to its time of nationhood–than America. Its contributions to moving the world from the speed a horse can run to light speed through near-instantaneous communications technologies are staggering.

There is no peer to American creative industrial genius when considered in context of civilization-enhancing contributions by all generations prior to the 20th century. The United States of America, as a result of her genius and industry, stands alone as the most materially endowed nation-state ever.

Sounds like pompous, typically ugly American elitism, you say? Well, to borrow from, quote, and expand a bit upon the words of that renowned philosopher, one-time St. Louis pitcher Dizzy Dean: “It ain’t braggin’ if you can do it.”

Section I of this book, “Prophecy Takes Shape,” provides proof that America’s accomplishments stand far above and beyond achievements of all other nation-players in bringing mankind to the current degree of technological progress. The most gifted history revisionists would be hard-pressed to construct even moderately believable sophistry that would offer contradictory evidence to America’s role in bringing mankind to this amazing technological point in a mere 100 years.

Again, Dizzy would say that it ain’t braggin,’ because this nation has done it. The very fact of America’s spectacular achievement would, one would think, secure its place within the final prophetic disposition of nations. Yet, this nation is referenced by name nowhere in Bible prophecy. Absence of mention of the most powerful and wealthiest nation in recorded history seems a profoundly strange omission.

Recognizing and acknowledging that this super nation-state is not even alluded to by name, there nonetheless remains room to ponder. Therefore, we return to the question, though slightly altered: Is America in Bible prophecy, even if not specifically named?

We must first address another question even more pressing: Does there exist a Supreme Judge of all things, who therefore has the final say on human conduct and on contributions to the furtherance of man? (Terry James, The American Apocalypse: Prophetic Scenarios for the United States and the World  [Harvest House Publishers, 2009])

Much stage-setting for the coming Tribulation (Daniel’s seventieth week) has taken place since those days when Barack Obama became president—so much change, in fact, that my book, as thoroughly as I feel it was researched, could but serve as cursory prelude to the profound position America now occupies on this world stage of anti-God rebellion.

The all-out effort to bring down America—including the attempt to assassinate a presidential candidate who opposes their plans to rule, which just occurred—is evidence of their satanic evil. Their more than obvious intention to remove America’s sovereignty, to bring it into compliance with the globalists’ Agenda 30 goals, to me, manifests Satan’s orchestration beyond any doubt. America must, as Obama stated, be fundamentally transformed. And, beginning with his administration, that is what has been accomplished.

The open borders, the transsexual madness, the Sodom-like transformation that has swept every area of society and culture into its wickedness gives witness toward the American Apocalypse. 

Yet, as obvious as Satan’s orchestration is to bring America into his future Antichrist orbit of control, God’s great restraining hand is even more obvious.

The Ephesians 6:12 cabal–the powers and principalities against which the Church (all born-again believers) struggles—must have a crisis of world-rending proportion in order to complete the final governmental architecture necessary to support the coming Antichrist regime.

Again, in my opinion, they tried this with the COVID so-called pandemic. It failed, and now much of the world is on to their lying ways.

One writer frames well the dilemma Lucifer’s minions face in their drive to bring America and nations of the world into configuration for fulfilling Satan’s desire to enslave humankind:

The globalist timeline for their “Great Reset” mentions 2030 as the prime year for total centralization. This is the year they plan to put their carbon controls in place, remove most oil and gas energy, bring in their digital currency framework, finalize their 15 Minute City programs, establish the IMF and BIS as the overseers of the global CBDC structure, launch their cashless society and integrate ESG-related goals into every aspect of the economy.

2030 is only six years away, and that’s a lot to accomplish in such a short amount of time. The globalists are going to have to either admit failure and change their timeline or create a substantial crisis in the near term to facilitate the Reset. (Brandon Smith, “The Juggling Act: Is 2024 A Pivotal Year For The Globalists?” 1/3/2024

It becomes more apparent by the day that the Great Resetters can’t do so without America. Thus, so much hangs on the political process leading to this November and the presidential election.

As stated before in these commentaries, Satan knows the Rapture is going to happen—and soon. He has, therefore, stepped up efforts at every juncture to set the stage for the great crisis the Rapture will create. His human minions, at least, don’t know about the Rapture other than believing it is pie-in-the-sky nonsense by some religious fanatics. But Satan knows. So he lets his human minions work as feverishly as possible to create a crisis, knowing they are helping finish constructing the global platform for his Son of Perdition’s all-controlling machine for governing during that coming time of horror.

You don’t want to be here during that time. Here is how to go to Jesus Christ when He calls all believers to Himself in the clouds of Glory.

“That if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and will believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10).

What We See Dimly in What Is Playing Out :: By Ron Ferguson

Luke records a spectacular miracle in Chapter 8 that happened in the country of the Gerasenes, where a severely demonic man, whose name was Legion, was delivered from his possession. In this powerful account, we read – Luke 8:32 “Now there was a herd of many swine feeding there on the mountain; and the demons entreated Him to permit them to enter the swine. And He gave them permission. The demons came out from the man and entered the swine; and the herd RUSHED DOWN THE STEEP BANK INTO THE LAKE, and were drowned.”

There is a well-known story – The Pied Piper of Hamlyn – where the Piper led the rats of the town, at the sound of his flute, to the river, and they were drowned. Later on, he led away the children of the town to an unknown land.

What do these two accounts have in common?

I am a life member of National Geographic magazine, and in the last few years, more and more, I am becoming annoyed at the increasing references to climate change. It is so bad, it is being forced into many articles. We could say, “Get on the prevailing bandwagon.”

Sometimes, I like to watch some space science fiction movies, and today, I saw one on YouTube called “Solar Storm.” The theme was that great solar flares were about to burn up the earth because they were igniting the ever-increasing methane caused by climate change. This term is becoming like a cracked record, and people use it even without thinking what it means. They have joined themselves to a mass acceptance of the term so it becomes a green religion.

In the examples I just gave, what is the common element?

[Regarding Climate Change, I don’t accept the prevailing philosophy behind it, but I think there is a possibility that God is putting His finger on a number of weather events to wake man up to the fact He is still in control. Currently, China is recovering from massive flooding, some places receiving around 700 mm of rain in 24 hours [28 inches]. Toronto has had its floods. Where I live, in December, we had between 50 and 55 inches of rain in 5 days, and shortly after, another 11 inches overnight.

The ancient world was awakened to the fact of God’s rule and authority in Noah’s flood, and I think these more outstanding weather events right now are pointing to the coming Tribulation judgment on the world. They are God’s voice of warning to a world that has turned its back on the Creator.]

Here is yet another example – John 10:3-4 “To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name AND LEADS THEM OUT. When he puts forth all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice.”

There is the good leading and the bad leading. The good pertains ONLY to the Lord’s sheep. The bad belongs to the world. This word is full of the bad leading. Religion is when an inner need is trying to be satisfied, be it the religion of paganism or the religion of climate change; even the religion of dead, ritualistic christianity. Without Christ, the empty soul remains empty but ever strives to seek fulfillment; a life buoy to grasp in the turbulent sea. What is common in these articles is the pitch toward destruction in a herd mentality. Follow the leader, but don’t think!

Satan is the Pied Piper leading away the children of Adam to certain destruction in the river of hell.” For the past week, I have watched so many of the speeches at the Republican National Convention (RNC), I dare say more than most of you. Certain things here have impressed me about this. (I try to keep abreast of things.)

The first has to be the enthusiasm, and that is because of the expectant victory the faithful Republicans have in their sights. The second thing is the many references to God and the Lord’s help in prayer and other aspects as well, regarding Christian values and morality. Nearly all speakers honored God with words and sentiments. I know some of you will come back at me and say that this is an appeal to the conservative voter to vote Republican. I acknowledge this may be a factor, but I also believe some of those speakers were genuine.

I dare say I would not be hearing such things at a Democrat Convention with its misled humanism and destructive policies. The last two things I watched today were Trump’s testimony of the shooting and his acknowledgment of God’s providential care. I think he is very somber about this. The other one was Franklin Graham, who spoke and then led the convention in prayer.

It concerns me that men and women try to advance in blindness to truth and godliness, and actually, today, are advancing in the opposite direction – away from God. Many Pied Pipers are leading them to destruction.

This world’s sheep (as opposed to God’s sheep) blindly follow facets of the world’s humanism and fractured thinking. They know no better. 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 “Even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God.” That is sad, as they are rushing headlong into the river of destruction as Legion’s demons did in the pigs, into the lake.

Can we convince them otherwise? Many more now turn off you if you say anything. These last days are becoming more arrogant and violent and more hardened to godly thinking. I am sure you know that and see that.

Regarding Trump and Make America Great Again, I have said in the past that things won’t get better, but rather they will get worse. Speaking of the last days of the Church age, Paul wrote – 2 Timothy 3:12-13 “Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. Evil men and impostors WILL PROCEED FROM BAD TO WORSE, deceiving and being deceived.” That makes me think that maybe Trump won’t be elected for some reason, BUT…

If the Lord tarries and the trump of God is on standby, and we do enter a Trump rule, then those days may be likened to the rule of Josiah, a godly King as was David. The prophets Haggai and Jeremiah ministered at that time, and the reforms implemented by Josiah were just amazing.

His own grandfather was the worst godless King in Judah’s history and had the longest reign, 55 years – 2 Kings 21:16 “Moreover, Manasseh shed very much innocent blood until he had filled Jerusalem from one end to another besides his sin with which he made Judah sin, in doing evil in the sight of the LORD” Manasseh’s son, (Josiah’s father) Amon, was just as bad.

Out of that dire wickedness that flooded the nation came Josiah and all his godly reforms. However, when you study Jeremiah, you see that the entire nation was corrupt, from priest and elder to all people. People were rushing to destruction as Hamlyn’s rats did. When the godly king died, his sons succeeded him, and they were vile and evil in all their ways.

What does this show? You can have a good person at the top, but evil festers underneath and grows worse. That is what will happen to the USA no matter who is at the top. My nation is like that already. A greater attitude to godliness is found in the USA, though, as the USA has a higher percentage of Christians. Christians follow the Lord, but the others follow Satan down to the destructive river.

Jeremiah was told to go speak to Judah several times by the LORD, but he was also told that the people would not listen because their eyes were blind and their ears deaf. However, the LORD is longsuffering, not wishing to visit destruction on His earthly people, and He gave them opportunity after opportunity. In focusing on the USA, is this their last opportunity? Why was Trump spared by God? Jeremiah preached right to the end, and God’s opportunity was open right to the end. The world is right at the end of its tether. I would say its very end and America’s last chance. Is the “last Trump” the last chance before the “last trump” sounds – 1 Corinthians 15:52 “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at THE LAST TRUMP: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed” (KJV).

Biden’s White House has carried the nation closer to godless implosion possibly more than any other President, and he has led them to the river. He has been a Pied Piper. Those who honor God, He will honor; those who despise Him, He will judge swiftly.

I know when things happen that have tragedy as the outcome or are potentially tragic, people get a wake-up call. Why did God spare Donald Trump? It was only a centimeter of deliverance, a serendipitous turn of the head. We, as Christians, don’t believe in chance. The situation for David 3,000 years ago is the same for us today; the same for Donald Trump – Psalm 31:15 “MY TIMES ARE IN YOUR HAND. Deliver me from the hand of my enemies, and from those who persecute me.”

Let our prayer be the previous verse in that Psalm – Psalm 31:14 “But as for me, I trust in You, O LORD. I say, ‘You are my God.'” May Donald Trump come to a full salvation experience, learning humility and dependence on God. God’s hand is coming in severe destruction, as we know, beginning with the red horse and continuing until Armageddon. The Lord’s own people will not be here for all that, but the time is short.

I will be interested in seeing if any speaker on the Democrat side bothers to acknowledge God in any way in their convention coming up. Kamala Harris will probably be the endorsed candidate. I don’t think you will see any reference to God (maybe only a token reference), for how can a Christian ever be a member of the Democrats when their platform is built upon abortion, evolution, gender destruction, hate for Israel, homosexuality, WOKEism, and so many, many more anti-God practices, all underwritten by humanism?

I don’t want this to be a political coverage, though I am speaking on the signs of the time. I find politics divisive and still have concerns when Christians are too involved in politics, as they must be strong and well-committed. The political scene has become a bit of a dirty game.

My interest in politics, and I do follow fairly closely BUT not involved, is for this reason – Matthew 16:1-3The Pharisees and Sadducees came up, and testing Him, asked Him to show them a sign from heaven. But He answered and said to them, ‘When it is evening, you say, “It will be fair weather for the sky is red,” and in the morning, “There will be a storm today, for the sky is red and threatening.” Do you know how to discern the appearance of the sky but CANNOT DISCERN THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES?'”

Jesus was among His people, the Messiah in their midst, and they did not know it; they could not discern the signs of the times. I believe Christians are obligated to notice the things happening around them (discerning the times) and to live and act accordingly. The churches are failing in this regard deplorably, and often, the people follow the blind leaders of the blind. RaptureReady is a bastion of awareness in this matter, and God will bless the contributors and the readers.

I find our times difficult ones. People are becoming more and more resilient against the gospel, more arrogant and self-willed, and more annoying, I find (hoping that is not the victim’s complaint). I can understand Christians who have fought the good fight just wanting the Lord to come. We should all be wanting His coming for us in the clouds when He comes to take home His Bride.

We want the Rapture, that glorious calling of the saints in an instant; a calling in power and victory to carry us into the Lord’s presence for ever more. Lord Jesus, come!