Prayer Requests
There have been some changes beginning with the “prayer requests” section. Due to space limitations and the growing popularity of prayer in these end-times, my articles will now be divided into two separate posts: (1) Will be the title subject of the article in the “After the Rapture” series, and (2) a new series of articles for “prayer requests” only entitled “A Pre-Rapture Prayer List.” Also in these articles will be some “Reader Feedback” emails. So instead of getting the entire article in one place, you may now get it in two.
I’m requesting that those of you seeking prayer to please update your prayer requests when needed. You may want to add to or take away from so I depend on you to keep the prayer list current. Also get back with me via email when you are getting a positive result from group prayer so I can report it to the worldwide prayer warriors. That will be an encouragement to them that their prayers are being heard and acted upon by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The following are the new prayers that have recently come in. They will be transferred to new “Pre-Rapture Prayer List” when it is necessary to do so.
Go to in the new articles (right column on home page) for a post entitled “Prayer” by Alice Childs (posted July 22). What I did was run off hard copies of the prayer plus I also posted it on my Facebook page. However Facebook deleted the “Prayer” post in less than a day.
Send your prayer requests to:
The first “Pre-Rapture Prayer List #1” was posted July 24, 2018 in RR new articles:
Recent new prayers
Would everyone please pray for my son Jacob? He is going into the 10th grade. He was suspended last year for vaping (*juul). He does not truly seem repentant. He is often rude, disrespectful and has an entitlement attitude. My ex-husband (CEO) basically worships money and power. He has expensive cars, multiple houses and fancy clothes, shoes, etc. My son seems to think that this is where life is. Jacob said the sinner’s prayer years ago when he was very young. However he is mimicking my ex-husband’s priorities.
Please pray for Jacob’s true salvation (if he isn’t truly saved) and please pray for him to fully repent and submit under Jesus. Please pray that Jesus would fully show Jacob who He really is.
Thank you.
(NOTE: “Juuling” is a new high-tech fad among teens. It is a discreet way of vaping that’s popular with teenagers, but it’s a phenomenon most parents haven’t heard of).
Please pray for my son Andrew. He is 26. I think he is saved but he is away from the Lord. He is moving back east to start a new life. He has struggled with alcohol but has been sober for a year. He has anxiety and some depression. He needs a mental and emotional healing. Please pray that God will get ahold of his life this year and he will rededicate his life to God and be healed.
Thank you & God Bless
Dear Dick,
We grew up in a cult church. I got saved in 2000. I have six children that need salvation.
My son Andy is on drugs and was sabotaging the house today so that it would burn down. He fixed the air-conditioner so it wouldn’t work and had the heat turned up to 86. He stole a package delivered today off the front porch. I found drugs in one of his shoes in my car. And this goes on continuously.
Brent has a disability and is in continuous terrible pain. He is not married to his companion.
George is an alcoholic and has had a broken back plus other injuries.
Katherine (my daughter) prays but she and he husband have not taught their children and do not go to church.
Christopher is a good person but is not saved or his wife or any of their family.
David and his family claim to be Christian but are not saved and do not go to church.
I am in continual prayer for my family and have been for years. I would be so grateful to you for prayer for my family. Thank you very much. Blessings to all of you.
Hi Dick,
My wife Debb and daughter Ryann are unsaved. Satan has been deceiving my wife for over 30 years. We are planning on going to Israel this coming February. Please pray God will use this time to draw Debb to HIM, that she might be unshackled, and come to receive HIS gift of salvation!
In HIS Name
Please pray for my son and daughter. They both had given their lives to the Lord when they were young but are not walking with Him now. They think they are ok but want to do it their way, and not His. They are not teaching their children about the Lord. Please pray that the Lord will open their eyes and place a great desire and hunger inside of them.
Please pray for my husband. He is not saved and has totally rejected anything to do with the Lord. May the Lord place in him a new heart.
My brother and his family, my sister and her family all need the Lord. They had all turned to the Lord at one time but now have turned to alcohol and sin. Please, Lord, awaken them; quicken them to repent and turn their spirits turn back to You.
The enemy has tried to take me down with great illnesses. Please, I would be most grateful for prayer that I remain strong and continue my walk, and I might be found faithful when our Lord calls His bride home.
While it is increasingly harder and harder to walk in the world, I am grateful for this opportunity to not only add my prayer, but to pray for all of those who have reached out.
God Bless each and every one, and may His peace be with us all. God Bless, and thank you once more.
Cindy Burke
JoAnn and Carrie read the following prayer request in the last article from Nancy concerning her son Ryan. Their responses follow the prayer request:
NANCY SCHUMACHER has a most urgent prayer request with a medical situation her Christ-filled family has suffered through for years. Only the Great Physician God can give them peace in this painful matter.
On a visit to a cousin’s farm 20-years ago, Nancy’s 10-year-old son Ryan was riding down a 3-story high hill that he had ridden down many times before, when he skidded off the trail and hit a metal fertilizer wagon head on at full speed (about 30 MPH). The rest of the family and his siblings were in the barn playing when the crash occurred. Ryan’s head was bleeding and his scalp was peeled off of his skull.
He was rushed to the hospital where 15 staples attached his scalp back on his head. No fractures, aneurysm or concussion were found, and an MRI was sent to the University of Michigan and came back negative. Ryan had migraines for two years after the accident but a neurologist could not find anything physically wrong with him. The doctors didn’t want to test him until he started projectile vomiting due to the numbing medication to his scalp to kill the pain. Ryan doesn’t want to take out a medical marijuana card.
The migraines went away for several years but came back stronger than ever before, and he had to be put on a special program just so he could graduate from high school. The neurologist put him on Fioricet but it affected his personality in a negative way, and he became suicidal; so they won’t use that anymore. The only thing that helped was CBD oil, but he can no longer get that in Michigan without a prescription.
Sometimes his migraines are so bad he has to take off work as a sous chef. Ryan would rather be dead than suffer through this almost constant pain. The hospital doesn’t want to do another scan as they feel the two previous MRI’s would be too much radiation in his body. He is a certified scuba diver, and the oxygen seems to help when he dives. Their insurance won’t cover oxygen therapy unless a stroke or diabetes is involved, and it is too expensive privately. Ryan would be happy if only half of the constant pain would be reduced.
Please pray for God to heal the cause of these migraines and the constant pain. Ryan is a believer and knows God allowed this to happen for a reason but doesn’t understand why? When this accident happened, Nancy calmly told God He had loaned Ryan to her husband and her, but Ryan is His baby and He can do whatever He wants with him and they will trust Him. People have been praying for Ryan’s healing for years. Nancy is not ready to give up on prayer. That is one more reason they are anxious for the rapture.
So please pray for Ryan’s healing.
Thank you so much, and to God be the Glory
Nancy Schumacher
Two email responses directed to Nancy and Ryan are as follows:
JoAnn’s email response is as follows: God encouraged me to immediately write to her.
It is possible Ryan needs a sleep study. When a person has head trauma, it is possible to develop central sleep apnea, narcolepsy with cataplexy or without cataplexy. There are many types of sleep apnea. However, if Ryan developed sleep apnea, the treatment for sleep apnea is a Cpap machine that delivers oxygen to his body while sleeping. Additionally, an MRI or CT SCAN will not show sleep disorders.
I have had a lot of head trauma and migraine headaches in my lifetime. I have central and blocked sleep apnea, narcolepsy with cataplexy. My migraine headaches have gone down to a few a year. Before I started using a Cpap machine, I had migraine headaches several times a week.
JoAnn has included a link for Nancy and Ryan.
Carrie Boyer (Prescott, Arizona) responded with the following: I will pray for Ryan. I would advise also to get electromyography then radio frequency ablation of aggravating nerves probably in the neck region. This has been a miracle for me after head injury.
God Bless You.
PLEASE PRAY OVER THE MANY LEFT-BEHIND BOXES and other spiritual and physical supplies, tools, Bibles, manuals, equipment, etc., so that they do not fall into the hands of evil. May God protect these crazy uncle efforts to further His Kingdom with those that will be left behind.
Go to in the new articles (right column on home page) for a post entitled “Prayer” by Alice Childs (posted July 22). What I did was run off hard copies of the prayer plus I also posted it on my Facebook page. However, Facebook pulled the prayer off and deleted it in less than a day.
Dear Dick,
Thank you very much for the Prayer List. It is a huge blessing for all of us.
Please pray for my family and loved ones; for the ones that at least believe in God are Catholics and the rest are unbelievers. In this secular world, it is getting harder to get them to listen. I am ridiculed and scoffed at all the time. Especially pray for the hardened heart of my grandfather and my boyfriend.
Please pray also for me as I feel lost and exhausted and constantly struggling to find God’s way even though I’m yearning to be His vessel.
God Bless
Zuzana Randakova
(Dick’s reply) Keep doing what you are doing. The Holy Spirit of God is leading and guiding you. Our Christ told us we would suffer persecution and hardships IN HIS NAME while in the world but HE has overcome the world. Your exhaustion from doing God’s Will is placed there by Satan in order to discourage you and to shut you up. The ridicule and scoffing IN HIS NAME is also the product of Satan; but when you are in heaven, you will receive crowns as Badges of Honor by our Lord for those same mockings and scoffings. Stay strong in the Lord. The best is yet to come (James 4: 7).
MIRA AND HER FAMILY are requesting prayer for Jennie, Bradey and family. Please pray for their family as they grieve. Their daily struggle of coping with their September 2017 tragic loss of husband and father Brian has yet to lessen. They are still trying to live through their new normal.
And please pray for Sandra as she is going through some health issues.
(Dick’s note) Brian was a high school coach & teacher that was just taking his cross-country team to an event. On their way to the event with his team by school bus, a driver was in the wrong side of the 2-lane country blacktop road and caused the head-on crash. The driver had his license revoked several times, including at the time of this wreck, and DWI previous charges. Brian was driving the school bus.
Hi Dick,
We all worry about family and friends, and in my own case I have caused great harm to my family I really cared for and ultimately hurt them deeply. God Forgive me.
(Dick’s reply) I know God forgives sin but I never heard of Him forgiving one’s good works IN HIS NAME? Those family members need to repent and seek forgiveness and not you. It’s another Satan trick. He causes the sin and then blames it on someone else.
What testimony are you giving as you struggle with your own personal fight against illness. May God grant you your wish to be a witness to those left behind (of your own family and friends) when the Bridegroom comes.
And like many, as we see the quickening pace of those signs that Yeshua said to look out for, we know that it is imminent: almost upon us.
Yes, we could look at earthquakes, war and pestilence and their quickening, but to me the greatest sign of all is the almost totality of the depraved state into which this passing world has fallen – worse, in which a great number of us now wallow, enjoying every perversity of flesh and spirit known to mankind and then some.
May God bless and keep you according to His will. Paul said in Philippians 1: 23-24, “For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart and be with the Christ; which is far better. Nevertheless, to abide in the flesh is more needful for you.”
Denis Bowden
Hi, I’m a regular viewer of Rapture Ready.
I want to request prayer for my sister Carrie and my niece Abby. My niece was molested by her dad. Next week she is to testify against him as well as my sister testifying against him also. My sis has six children; five of them are special needs. We think he also hurt his other children. As a result, I have had to step up as a father figure to them. They are damaged, and it is not the first time their father has been in jail. Ten years ago he molested my other niece who is my brother’s daughter.
We have a lot of family members who are not saved and need to be saved. I come from a family of eight children, and my mom is still alive.
Carrie’s husband was also involved in satanic witchcraft and voodoo dolls. I’m praying that he will be found guilty of these latest charges and will have to serve a long time for what he did to Abby.
In addition to this trial, Carrie has shingles bad; and my sister where they now live is a 10-year survivor of ovarian cancer and 4-years ago a survivor of sinus tumor. God has been really great for my family.
Please pray for them! Thank you.
J.W. Savage
Please pray for my precious daughter Penelope and her dear husband Julien, that they might be saved.
Thank you, and God Bless you and your ministry.
Pandora Shaw
My stomach cancer which I had less than two years ago has metastasized to my liver. I have six months or so to live; chemo might give two years. Incurable-type cancer.
I decided not to have chemo for two reasons. One, it would only give a short-added time; and second is because of side effects. It is all in God’s hands now. I have put my faith and trust in Jesus Christ and what he accomplished on the cross where he shed His Blood and died for my sins, was buried, and rose from the dead after three days and three nights. Salvation is only from God and cannot be earned or kept by our work here on earth.
I thank God for my salvation. Praise God. I am asking for healing from God for more years, also praying for the trumpet to sound and the Rapture to occur. Looking up for the soon return of Jesus for His Church. Time is getting short.
Israel became a nation in 1948, and the Bible says when we begin to see end-times prophecies come true it would be the last generation. I was born in December of 1948 and have been hopeful that I would see the Rapture. It is in the will of God whether I have the opportunity or not.
Thank you for accepting my prayer request, and may God Bless you. Keep looking up. MARANATHA!
Richard Campbell
Thank you so much for your encouraging articles and reminders of our Lord’s soon return.
I am asking prayer for my family and me as we face a financial crisis, a health crisis and a housing need.
Six years ago we were a normal Christian homeschool family with my husband and me raising our adopted daughter to love and honor the Lord and to remain watchful for His return. We loved our simple life of serving the Lord, studying His word and preparing our little girl for a life of service to Jesus. This is when a health crisis hit her with a vengeance.
We had no answers as to what was wrong; but her health declined quickly, and we soon concluded she was likely to leave us if we did not find answers soon. After much prayer and being abandoned and ridiculed by healthcare workers and doctors, we found an alternative support group for parents and individuals facing similar symptoms and issues that we were. To make a long story short, after five years, a great deal of money, and a lot of support and education from others who had gone before us in this health battle, the Lord graciously healed our daughter, and she is doing well now. We praise Him for this!
During this time of crisis, we sold our home to move her to a healthier, mold-free environment and went through a great deal of money for medications and therapies. We were also rejected by a number of close family members which was emotionally very hard. Just as we realized that our daughter was on her way to health and as we began to hope for the chance to move out of an RV and into a home of our own, I was diagnosed with cancer.
For two years we have battled this disease with both alternative and standard of care methods. Our finances are gone and the hope of a home and normal life seem distant. We are constantly being attacked by the enemy of our souls and often have to fight to keep from depression and despair.
Our daughter who has always felt she was called to the mission field and who weathered her own health crisis with deepening faith in Christ, is starting to waver in her faith when it comes to the possibility of losing her Mom. She is very attached to me as many adopted children are. My husband is past retirement age and tired and discouraged. Nothing that we have attempted for my healthcare has worked to put cancer into remission, although it seems to have held it back from progression to some degree. The Lord is good, and He has provided greatly for our needs along the way; but now the provision seems to be drying up. We are scared even though we know He loves us and cares for us.
We desperately need prayer. We have searched our hearts and minds for anything we might need to confess and change to please and be in right relationship with the Lord. There are many ways He had corrected and matured us; but the bad news just keeps coming, and we are truly exhausted. We know the Lord is sovereign when it comes to life and death of His people, and we trust Him to heal me or take me home, whichever is best and brings glory to Him.
But we ask prayers for our daughter’s spiritual protection, my husband’s health to be protected, for peace and joy in the midst of this, and for financial provision as we have little left to live on, let alone treat cancer. We have tests coming up next week for myself and are asking for good news on my progress to encourage us to go on.
We have many things to praise our Lord for… our daughter’s recovery, financial provision along the way and the strength He has given us so far to keep going. But now we are in greater need than ever and feeling hard pressed to go on.
Please pray for us.
(Dick’s reply) Much of my reply will be from God’s Word that you already know and follow. But I repeat it sort of as a reminder of Satan’s efforts to tear down your faith in Christ.
Rejections from family and medical “professionals” that lead to your losing hope, and increasing despair and depression that leads to you feeling like giving up on God –that is all the work of Satan as he tries to pull you away from God’s protective hand.
Satan will work on you through your daughter. If he can get a grip on her, he can also get a grip on you and your husband. You need to impress on your daughter that she will NEVER lose you. The cancer may end your earthly life but Jesus said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions” (John 14:2-6). You would really have “your new mansion” fixed up really fine by the time your daughter and husband get there! There is no cancer in heaven!
Your husband will cease to be tired and discouraged when that mansion has no mortgage, taxes, repairs & upkeep, etc.
I don’t think you need to search your minds for unforgiven sins you might have overlooked. All of your sins were forgiven and forgotten at the foot of the Cross.
You say that God’s provisions are drying up, but I’d like to remind you that His Provisions are endless and they never dry-up!
You have been through more than your share of bad news. But that bad news will cease one day, and it will be “The Good News” from here on out FOREVER.
Hi Dick,
Just wanted to send a quick prayer request. I’ve applied to the Marine Corps Officer program; and if all goes well, I will leave in January for basic training, then a 6-month-long officer school (OCS). I would ask that God make it clear to me that this is the correct decision and give me the strength while I am away from my family. They mean the world to me. I feel called to serve my country, and I pray every day that this decision is the right one.
I have also been a little anxious lately and would ask for healing upon my mind and body!
Lastly, I would just ask in general for prayer for all those who don’t know the Lord! I’ve seen so many of my friends, and not just them, but many people getting farther and farther away from wanting to know God. They ridicule Him, mock Him, and want nothing to do with Him. We haven’t got much time left. Jesus is coming soon, and it’s my hope that people will wake up!
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Stephen Arnst
Send your prayer requests to:
Reader Feedback
Having read your article which was published on July 24th of this year (Pre-Rapture Prayer List #1), I have a few things to say about the subject that Misty spoke of.
A lot of people with disabilities see the world differently. And yes, a lot of people with disabilities will think that they have been cursed by God because they did something wrong.
When I was young I felt that way; but as I have matured, I have learned to accept my limitations, and that I am very good at some things such as art and craft, not so good at others.
I myself have Asperger’s syndrome, which is in the Autism spectrum disorder range. I also have diabetes, (self-inflicted stupidity on my part, ha ha), double vision in my right eye which doesn’t bother me all that much, and an impressive middle-aged spread (Again, ha ha ha…sigh).
It is a challenge for me to survive in this world.
When I started reading your articles, they gave me the hope and the knowledge that something better is coming, which I look forward to.
In 2010 (I think), I was watching a movie when a little voice said to me, “Three to six months then disaster.” My reaction was to say, “Oh OK,” then go back to watching the movie.
2016 is when things got interesting. I heard a little voice tell me to “prepare,” and I just started doing it without asking. It was a few weeks after Donald Trump was elected that I finally understood the message.
In 2017, cycling home from my cooking class, I heard a voice say loudly, “It has begun.”
Have you ever watched the movie Mortal Kombat? If you have, then you will know of that scene on the Dragon-headed boat.
Yours Sincerely,
Kieran Roberts