4 Jan 2021

No Let-Up

As the Middle East settles into an almost weird period of relative peace (thanks in large part to Donald Trump’s negotiating skills), Israel’s Palestinian population continues its satanic attacks on Jews.

We see this on a macro and micro level. Individual murderers manifest what is in the hearts of the leadership. The Jerusalem Post this week posted:

“Security forces arrested a Palestinian man Thursday suspected in the murder of Israeli Esther Horgen early this week in the West Bank, as well as several suspected accomplices.

“The Shin Bet security service announced on Thursday that it had arrested a man suspected in the murder, a resident of Jenin. Later in the day the military said additional suspected accomplices were detained for questioning, without specifying how many.

“Horgen, 52, a mother of six, went for a run in the Reihan forest near her house in the settlement of Tal Menashe on Sunday afternoon and did not return, whereupon her husband, Benjamin, notified the police. Her body was found in the early hours of Monday in the forest, apparently after she was killed violently.”

I am beyond sick of the vile attacks on Israeli Jews.

The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center gave more detailed information, including the vermin’s name:

“The Palestinian media reported the Palestinian was Muhammad Marwah Kabha, 33 (or 36), married to two women, who held several jobs to support his family. According to Muntaser Samour, director of the prisoners’ club in Jenin, Kabha spent six years in Israeli prisons and was released in 2017.”

This is why I don’t think past Jewish leaders like Ze’ev Jabotinsky, Meir Kahane, and Benzion Netanyahu were wrong to call for separation from the Palestinian Arabs. I know there are decent ones, but the ones that are scum make this an unacceptable situation. I hope Kabha is executed.

Next, there is an equally troubling development in Gaza and Judea/Samaria. Both “low-level” terrorism and “war games” terrorism is on the rise. From Meir Amit:

“In Judea and Samaria large numbers of stones and Molotov cocktails were thrown at Israeli vehicles. Prominent were drive-by stone-throwing attacks. This past week the Israeli security forces detained the Palestinian who murdered the Israeli civilian woman in the Reihan Forest. He is from Tura, a village near Jenin, a released prisoner who served a six-year sentence in an Israeli jail. He confessed and reenacted the crime.”

If you think big rocks and homemade bombs are not a big deal, think again. And, there is this escalation from the paramilitary Palestinians:

“On December 29, 2020, 12 military wings of the terrorist organizations operating in the Gaza Strip held an exercise under the command of the joint operations room. The exercise lasted 12 hours and used live ammunition. Rockets were fired at the sea, UAVs were flown and there were both land and sea military activities. The exercise simulated responses to Israeli threats expected in the next round of fighting and its objective was to improve the terrorist organizations’ capabilities coordinate a response.”

Good grief, the day is coming when the Palestinians will have a legitimate army. And what in that day will the leadership of Egypt and Israel be like? It should be utterly crushed now, these Palestinian war games.

You won’t hear about these developments from mainstream media, including the (overall) corrupt Christian media like Christianity Today. They are leftwing and in lock-step with political progressives.

As we always keep our eye on the prophetic, we see that no matter what is going on in the West, Israel’s close enemies are pushing things along to that climactic Day of the Lord.

Ready yourself spiritually.











Last Modified on January 2, 2021
This entry was posted in Israel Watch
Bookmark this article 4 Jan 2021