18 Sep 2023

Watch the Saudis!

Our relationship with Saudi Arabia over the decades has been, shall we say, uneven?

In 1973, because Nixon sent munitions and hardware to Israel in its existential war with Syria and Egypt, the Saudis made it painful for us as the pump, inflating oil prices as punishment.

We remember too that it was mostly Saudi nationals that flew planes into the World Trade Center, then the next day our government mysteriously allowed several highly placed citizens of the kingdom to fly home.

In 2002, Saudi Arabia floated a “peace plan” that gained some traction between Israelis and Palestinians.

The problem with all three above scenarios is that the Saudis were anything but allies for us. Until Donald Trump, we had long been dependent on the Saudis for oil. The ’73 embargo, the Twin Towers attacks, and a peace plan designed to hurt our real ally, Israel, all revealed the desert kingdom to be anything but our friends.

I don’t trust them, at all.

In 2020, Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu worked tirelessly to negotiate the celebrated “Abraham Accords,” which opened up economic and social avenues between the Jewish state and Arab countries that had long been enemies.

Bahrain and the UAE (United Arab Emirates) signed a deal at the White House to cooperate with Israel. Within two months, Sudan and Morocco joined the party.

Now comes word that Saudi Arabia might want to join the Accords. This would be a hallmark of Netanyahu’s career and would go a long way in cementing his legacy.

But at what cost?

As is usually the case in these matters, it is expected that Israel will make painful concessions…not the Palestinians or any Arab country.

In a report from the Jerusalem Post:

“Despite recent US-brokered normalization talks between Israel and Saudi Arabia, the entirety of the Jewish State is still referred to as ‘Palestine’ in an update of the Saudis’ official map of the country and its borders published earlier this week.

“Saudi Arabia’s General Authority for Survey and Geospatial Information released the map, which they implored to be exclusively used by media in the kingdom.

“It described the map as one with ‘reliable national reference for general purpose applications, and is intended to be used for strategic planning, feature location and identification.’”

That last paragraph is a word salad that basically means the fangs are still out for Israel.

This is outrageous, my friends.

An outrage.

Why would Israel trust a country that not only shows support for a terror entity (the PLO), but refuses to live in reality? There is no “Palestine” as a sovereign nation. It is a political term, a weapon to use against Israel.

Why can’t Israel present preconditions and stick to them and receive what they want in negotiations?

I know what will happen if this progresses. They might sign some sort of agreement, but the Saudis—like other rogue nations in the Middle East—will continue to placate the terrorists and pretend that “Palestine” exists.

I can’t see a scenario in which Israel could ever let her guard down. Maybe in 500 years? Who knows.

Our illegitimate Secretary of State, the leftist Anthony Blinken, said this week that a deal hinges on concessions for the Palestinians!

It also doesn’t help that this week, former negotiator Martin Indyk revealed his embarrassing naivete when he said he was dismayed that Mahmoud Abbas preaches violence against Jews, just like his boss, Yasser Arafat did. Indyk intimated that he was caught off-guard by all this, because after all, the heads of the Palestinian snake had treated him “like a friend” for 30 years!

Do you believe these men are this dense? I do not.

I can wish Israel would reject such political blackmail, but that and ten dollars wouldn’t get me a cup of coffee.

We will continue to watch the latest iteration of the Abraham Accords, but we’re not likely to be happy with the outcome.

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