Future Egypt
Born in Old Cairo in 1954, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is not a radical Muslim. As Egypt’s current president (from a 2012 coup that toppled the diabolical Muslim Brotherhood chieftain Mohammed Morsi), al-Sisi is perhaps the most Western-friendly leader from this legendary country.
Recently, it came to light that al-Sisi is far more open to the Jewish community than any previous Egyptian leader.
New York political consultant Ezra Friedlander met with al-Sisi during a gathering to present an award to the widow of former Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat. From news reports:
“’President Sisi spoke fondly not only of Egypt’s past vibrant Jewish community, but also said that should there be a resurgence of the Jewish community in Egypt, the government will provide every religious necessity required… that was a very warm embrace,’ he said. ‘He [Sisi] basically said that should there be a resurgence of the Jewish community, the government will build synagogues and other related services.’”
This is in keeping with a thawing of relations between Israel and Mideast states in the past few years.
“Sisi’s comments came a couple of weeks after the United Arab Emirates officially recognized its small Jewish community, in a move seen as an effort to present itself to the West as a country that is tolerant of other religions. While there was never a historical Jewish community in the UAE – although there is now a small synagogue in Dubai – the Jewish community in Egypt extends back to antiquity. Before the establishment of Israel in 1948, an estimated 75,000 Jews lived in the country. “They were expelled in the 1950s, and only a handful of Jews are believed to live in Egypt today.
“The commission’s founder said that Sisi also promised to clean up the ancient Bassatine Cemetery in Cairo, a cemetery dating back to the ninth century and believed to be the second-oldest Jewish cemetery in the world. In December, Sisi also announced a multimillion-dollar project to restore Jewish heritage sites in Egypt.”
So is all this prophetic in nature? Well, the Bible does have things to say about future Egypt:
“And the LORD will strike Egypt, He will strike and heal it; they will return to the LORD, and He will be entreated by them and heal them” (Isaiah 19:22).
“Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance” (Isaiah 19:25).
One of the most awe-inspiring aspects of God’s love is that He loves all people. All nations. Today, we live in a fallen world that is disintegrating, it seems. Humans cannot/will not solve their problems. Sin is the problem.
Yet God gives us the big picture and the future picture by letting us know that one glorious day, He will bring in righteousness and heal relationships.
Let us hope that al-Sisi’s changing heart is genuine. We do know that he opposes the Muslim Brotherhood. Let us pray fervently that the Lord is beginning that redemptive work, as we look greatly forward to a future that is bright and holy unto the Lord.