10 Feb 2024

Putin Tells West Russia Cannot Be Defeated In Ukraine, But Is ‘Ready’ For Negotiated Peace
President Vladimir Putin in his lengthy interview released Thursday with journalist Tucker Carlson clearly wanted to deliver a firm message of defiance to the West. At one point he stressed that Kiev’s Western supporters must understand it is “impossible” to defeat Russia in Ukraine. “Up until now, there has been the uproar and screaming about inflicting a strategic defeat to Russia on the battlefield. But now they are apparently coming to realize that it is difficult to achieve, if possible, at all.

EU Bends The Knee To Farmers: Drops Key Provisions In 2040 Climate Proposal
According to the EU exeuctive’s plan, “all sectors” need to now contribute to the effort – but the previously mandated 30% cut to agricultural production between by 2040 is gone. The revised draft has also excluded a mandate for citizens to make lifestyle changes – such as eating less meat, and a push to end fossil fuel subsidies, Politico reports.

US Army Ditches Next-Gen Helicopter Program In Major Aviation Shakeup
In an announcement, the service said the decision to end FARA was based on a “sober assessment of the modern battlefield” that would now allow it to increase investments in unmanned aerial vehicles. FARA was launched in 2018 and selected two helicopters in 2020: Bell-Textron with the 360 Invictus and Sikorsky with its Raider X.

Prophetic Chess Pieces — Israel And Syria Go Toe To Toe; U.S. To Recognize A Palestinian State?
But many times, it seems that Syria is left out of the equation in the larger conversation. Syria remains a very active front. Israel has carried out hundreds, if not more, airstrikes in Syria over the past several years, striking Iranian-backed targets in the region. The Assad regime and the Syrian army are an avowed ally of the Iranian regime. Iran is in Syria, Many times, people mention Isaiah 17 and Damascus, the Syrian capital.

What would Israel do if it captures Sinwar?
If the mediators fail to bring the parties to agree on any deal, one can only hope that military and diplomatic pressure will ultimately force Sinwar to accept a deal. Sinwar’s challenge is using the hostages — the only card left in his hand — to enable Hamas’ survival in the Strip under his leadership.

Texas A&M to shutter Qatar campus over Middle East ‘heightened instability’
“Doha has decided to side with terrorists; as such, Aggies have no business associating with that regime,” said Pastor John Hagee, founder and chairman of Christians United for Israel.

World-Renowned German Research Institute Fires Top Academic Over Antisemitic Social Media Posts
One of the world’s leading institutes for research into the natural and social sciences has fired a prominent academic over posts he wrote on social media that glorified the Oct. 7 Hamas pogrom in Israel. Prof. Ghassan Hage, a Lebanese-Australian scholar of anthropology, was dismissed from the Max Planck Society in Germany on Wednesday for posts that were deemed “incompatible” with the institution’s “core values.”

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes Naalehu, Hawaii, region
The quake was at a depth of 10 kilometers (6.21 miles), the USGS said.

Netanyahu orders plan for evacuation and military action in Gaza’s Rafah
Hamas cannot be defeated with four battalions remaining in Rafah It is impossible to achieve the goal of the war without eliminating Hamas, and by leaving four Hamas battalions in Rafah,” the statement noted. “On the contrary, it is clear that intense activity in Rafah requires that civilians evacuate the areas of combat.”

Knesset Speaker cancels meeting with UN chief over his anti-Israel statements
Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana, who is currently on a visit to Washington, DC, cancelled a scheduled meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, which was scheduled for Friday, due to Guterres’ statements against Israel, Channel 12 News reported. According to the report, Ohana made clear that he would not give Guterres legitimacy by holding the meeting.

Biden unable to recall his son’s death date or his years of vice presidency
President Joe Biden could not recall when he served as vice president or when his son Beau died, according to a Special Counsel report released Thursday. Department of Justice investigators say that “Biden’s memory was worse” than in previous interviews when he appeared in their office on Oct. 8, 2023. That day, the president “did not remember when he was vice president,” nor could he “remember, within several years, when his son Beau died.”

U.S. assassinates top Kata’ib Hezbollah commander
The United States assassinated a top Islamic terrorist in the middle of Baghdad Wednesday night as part of its ongoing retaliation for the Iranian-backed drone strike on an American base in Jordan in which three of its soldiers were killed.

Magnitude 5.1 earthquake strikes southern California
A magnitude 5.1 earthquake struck southern California on Friday, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) said. The quake was 10 km (6.2 miles) below the Earth’s surface, GFZ said.

Hamas commander tells troops it’s time to surrender to the IDF
In their own words, it appears the time has come for Hamas terrorists to throw in the towel. When Shin Bet asked Hamas Nukhba terror commander known as Abu al-Baraa during interrogation if he had a message for his fellow Hamas fighters, he said, “I recommend everyone surrender, your fate is death.”

Crime-ridden Chicago now embraces terrorism
The permissive attitude of the city’s administration towards unspeakable violence extends beyond the domestic and into the international realm. Death may be the ultimate fate of us all, but it comes in many forms. In Chicago in recent years, all too often it has come from a bullet amid gangland turf wars and skyrocketing violent crime.

Three US soldiers died because Biden won’t stand up to Iran
“as President Biden has made clear, we will take all necessary measures to defend our people and will always respond at a time and place of our choosing. No group will strike our troops with impunity.” But Iran and its jihadi proxy militias could and did go on attacking our troops with impunity. We launched a few light airstrikes for show and the attacks went on.

Hiker discovers an ancient and rare scarab in the Lower Galilee
Erez Avrahamov, a 45-year-old resident of Padoel, recently hiked the Tabor Stream Nature Reserve in the Lower Galilee in Israel, and to his surprise, found a scarab dating back to the First Temple period – about 2,800 years ago.

Netanyahu rejects Hamas’ ‘delusional’ terms for a hostage release deal, says ‘total victory’ is possible within months
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected Hamas’ terms for a deal that would see the release of the remaining Israeli hostages in Gaza, calling the proposal “delusional.” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is currently visiting Israel for the fifth time since the outbreak of the war in early October, referred to Hamas’ conditions as “non-starters.”

Hezbollah launches 30-rocket barrage after Israel targets senior terrorists deep inside Lebanon
Hezbollah and Israel engaged in a cycle of retaliations and counter-responses on Thursday and Friday, as the terror group launched 30 rockets into Israel in retaliation for an alleged Israeli strike targeting a senior commander of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Force.

German seminary rector says he allows openly homosexual men to enter, become priests
The rector of the Catholic seminary in Munich has said that he allows openly homosexual men to enter the seminary and be consecrated as priests, contrary to the teaching of the Universal Church.

Telescopes Show the Milky Way’s Black Hole is Ready for a Kick
artist’s illustration depicts the findings of a new study about the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy called Sagittarius A* (abbreviated as Sgr A*). As reported in our latest press release, this result found that Sgr A* is spinning so quickly that it is warping spacetime — that is, time and the three dimensions of space — so that it can look more like a football. Black holes have two fundamental properties: their mass (how much they weigh) and their spin (how quickly they rotate). Determining either of these two values tells scientists a great deal about any black hole and how it behaves.

M5.7 earthquake hits southeastern flank of Mauna Loa volcano, Hawaii 
A strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M5.7 (downgraded from M6.3) hit the southeastern flank of Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii at 20:33 UTC on February 9, 2024. The agency is reporting a depth of 36.8 km (22.8 miles).

Shallow M6.1 earthquake hits Kermadec Islands, New Zealand 
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.1 hit Kermadec Islands, New Zealand at 10:57 UTC on February 9, 2024. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles)..

DEVELOPING: Hawaii, SoCal Hit With Earthquakes Two Hours Apart 
Hawaii was hit with a powerful magnitude 5.7 earthquake on Friday at around 10 am local time. A couple of hours later Los Angeles was hit with a magnitude 4.6 earthquake at 1:47 pm PST.

Wisconsin records first-ever February tornado
A tornado touched down in Wisconsin for the first time in recorded history during the month of February.

CA atmospheric river storm update: Death toll rises to 9 in California storms as mudslides ravage Los Angeles
The death toll has increased to nine people during a massive, atmospheric river-driven storm in California as public officials warned people it was too soon to let their guard down.

Canadians forced to dig through five feet of snow after blizzard hits Nova Scotia
Heavy snow pummeled coastal areas of Nova Scotia in Canada over the weekend as a strong low-pressure system stalled just off the Canadian Maritimes.

Squatters Are Taking Over Homes All Over The Nation On An Industrial Scale And Turning Them Into Dens Of Crime
…Thanks to online listings, it is easier than ever to identify properties that are vacant, and many states have laws that make it exceedingly difficult to get squatters out once they have settled in. This is becoming an absolutely massive problem, especially in certain areas of the country. For example, it is being reported that squatters have taken over approximately 1,200 homes in the Atlanta area.

Amir Tsarfati: Israel Is Winning The War In Gaza—Don’t Let The Media Tell You Otherwise
Israel is winning the war in Gaza. Don’t let the media tell you otherwise. On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have destroyed 17 of 24 Hamas battalions. Thousands of buildings used to house terrorists and their war materiel have been demolished, and kilometers of underground tunnels are being blown apart weekly. A massive number of weapons, from explosives to rockets to automatic rifles to handguns, have been found and confiscated.

Have You Seen Tucker’s Interview With Vladimir Putin? The Reason Why The Elite Are Freaking Out Is Because They Don’t Want Peace
This week, the biggest news story in the entire world is Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin.  Honestly, it was kind of a bizarre interview, and you can watch it for yourself below.  But I give Tucker Carlson a ton of credit for going to Russia and sitting down with Putin.  I think that the real reason he did this is because he wanted to see for himself if there is any hope of avoiding a cataclysmic conflict between our two nations.

Hordes of Armed Muslims Launch Violent Attack in Haldwani, India, Over Demolition of Illegal Madrasa and Mosque
A shoot-at-sight order has also been issued against the Islamic rioting terrorists.

The Ongoing Inward Struggle Of The Jewish People 
To the unbelieving world, blindness is only apparent in its physical form.  But to us who believe, we know there are two types of blindness – physical and spiritual.

BRICS agenda and “Western Empire” agenda are the SAME agenda
In an article last month, Catte Black and Iain Davis argued that we should oppose the multipolar world order just as vigorously as we might any other model of tyranny. Why? Because the multipolar world order, led by the BRICS nations, is the same agenda that you’ve heard from the talking heads of the “Western Empire,” the US, its allies and its so-called military-industrial complex.

Crotty Judgement: If the Irish government ratifies WHO’s Pandemic Treaty without holding a referendum, “all hell will break loose”
In 1987, the Irish Supreme Court ruled that the Irish government, as guardians of the Irish Constitution, could not enter into certain international agreements without a majority approval of Irish citizens through a referendum.  This ruling is famously known as the “Crotty judgement.”

MUST WATCH: Democrat senator promotes Satanism in Arizona state Capitol
On Wednesday, Arizona state Senator Juan Mendez (D) proudly honored satanists at the state capitol in Phoenix. Mendez claimed that Satanists are under “arbitrary” and “tyrannical” religious persecution and gave the group glowing praise as he welcomed them to the capitol grounds before a committee hearing.