11 Feb 2024

White Rainbow Spotted in North Israel: Sign of the Messiah?
As the name suggests, this is phenomenon is very similar to the colorful rainbow we normally see but is formed in fog rather than rain. Because of the very small size of the water droplets in the fog – less than 0.05 millimeters – the colors in such a rainbow are very weak and you can see mainly the color white, with a little red on the outside and a little blue on the inside. according to the Zohar, a rainbow of bright colors or entirely white marks the imminent arrival of the Messiah. It is a reminder of the covenant of the Biblical patriarchs and God’s promise to return the people of Israel to the Land of Israel.

Netanyahu: Those who oppose IDF operations in Rafah want Israel to lose the war
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was interviewed on Saturday night by the U.S. television program, ABC News’ “This Week,” where he responded to international criticism regarding future IDF operations in Rafah. “Whoever tells us not to operate in Rafah is actually calling on us to lose the war and leave Hamas there.” He also clarified that Israel is planning to move the more than one million evacuees currently sheltering in Rafah. “Victory is within reach. We’re going to do it. We’re going to get the remaining Hamas terrorist battalions and Rafah,

The Dragon Is the Only Mythical Animal on the Chinese Zodiac—or Is It?
It is true that dragons are quite common in Chinese celebrations, art, and plays, but they are usually waved off as “mythical creatures” or “supernatural beings.” But why would the dragon be the lone exception on the Chinese zodiac? the oldest surviving Chinese hagiography of Daoist [demi-gods] written during the Western Han dynasty [206 BC–25 AD], even recorded how ancient people raised and rode dragons.”3 Some scholars doubt this earlier date, however, and place the work in second century AD during the Eastern Han period. “In 80 [AD], eight yellow dragons were spotted in the Xiang River in present-day Yongzhou, …

House Republicans Unveil Resolution To Declare Trump Did Not Engage In Insurrection
House Republicans unveil a resolution to declare that former President Trump did not engage in an insurrection on January 6.

Canada declares Flipper Zero public enemy No. 1 in car-theft crackdown
On Thursday, the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada agency said it will “pursue all avenues to ban devices used to steal vehicles by copying the wireless signals for remote keyless entry, such as the Flipper Zero, which would allow for the removal of those devices from the Canadian marketplace through collaboration with law enforcement agencies.”
How do you ban a device built with open source hardware and software anyway?

Giant Hamas tunnel found under UNRWA’s Gaza headquarters
Netanyahu showed Blinken proof of terrorists’ use of the agency’s premises. the American diplomat was shown photos of a giant tunnel that was exposed in recent days underneath the central headquarters of UNRWA in the Gaza Strip. The meeting was attended by senior officials from both sides. The Israeli leader showed Blinken proof of the misuse of the UNRWA headquarters’ underground premises for apparent terrorist tunneling purposes.

Thousands rally in Jerusalem against ending Hamas war
“Israelis understand the impact that ending the war now could have on our future,” said march organizer Gilad Ach.

BREAKING: DC medical examiner will not discard remains of five babies in abortion scandal
After pressure from pro-life Thomas More Society attorney Martin Cannon and prominent U.S. politicians, the Washington, D.C. medical examiner’s office reportedly confirmed it will not dispose of the bodies of five late-term aborted babies that may have been killed by infanticide or partial birth abortion. According to a report by The Daily Signal, “emails between the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner and the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ)” confirm that the bodies of the five babies will not be disposed of, leaving open the possibility that an investigation into the manner of death may still be conducted.

US is run by the CIA and other agencies, not elected officials, Putin claims in Tucker Carlson interview
the Russian president confirmed the host’s proposition that the U.S. government is “not run by the people who are elected” but rather by others, including “agency heads.” “That’s right, that’s right,” Putin said, affirming Carlson’s question in this regard after the Russian president’s description of three experiences he had with American presidents, suggesting this to be the case.

Netanyahu orders Rafah evacuation ahead of expected invasion
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the military to prepare for civilian evacuations in Rafah on Friday as his troops are set to enter the densely populated city

What surprised Tucker Carlson most about his Putin interview
During the past two years of fighting, Putin acknowledged he hasn’t spoken to President Joe Biden, although the Russian leader said he would entertain peace talks today. “Don’t you have anything better to do?” Putin asked rhetorically. “You have issues on the border, issues with migration, issues with the national debt — more than $33 trillion. You have nothing better to do, so you should fight in Ukraine. Wouldn’t it be better to negotiate with Russia? Make an agreement.”

Biden defends mental fitness after DOJ report calls him ‘elderly man with poor memory’
The special counsel’s report described Biden as an elderly man with “diminished faculties” and a “faulty memory.” The blockbuster special counsel report, while clearing Biden, sparked questions about Biden’s mental fitness when it called him an “elderly man with a poor memory.” Biden is 81 years old. “My memory is fine,” Biden fired back before getting hostile with reporters who asked about his mental fitness to serve as president. The special counsel’s report detailed numerous examples of Biden’s trouble remembering key events in his life. while answering a question from a reporter about the Israel-Gaza conflict, Biden appeared to call Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi the president of Mexico.

Mystery as hundreds of Aussie birds suddenly fall from the sky
Experts and animal carers are stumped by a mystery illness plaguing the east coast with so far hundreds of birds dropping from the sky, unable to fly.

Atmospheric rivers flood, damage Death Valley National Park roads 
The driest place in North America became flooded this week when an atmospheric river storm drenched Death Valley National Park in California.

California faces renewed atmospheric river storms next week
As California finally gets a sunny weekend to wring out and clean up from record rainfall and deadly storms earlier this week, long-range weather forecasts show a renewed flooding threat as the weather pattern reverts later this week.

Pair of storms to put occasional damper on Mardi Gras weekend
Supercells could develop late Saturday evening across central Texas overnight Saturday into Sunday morning, bringing with them the possibility of very large hail, damaging winds and tornadoes.

Knesset Speaker cancels meeting with UN chief over his anti-Israel statements
Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana, who is currently on a visit to Washington, DC, cancelled a scheduled meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, which was scheduled for Friday, due to Guterres’ statements against Israel, Channel 12 News reported.

Pro-Palestine Agitators Occupy MoMA Museum in NYC, Hang Genocidal Message
Pro-Palestine agitators took over the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City on Saturday and hung a genocidal message from the top story amidst rousing cheers.

Global Eugenicists Pick The Vax As The Hill To Die On
While a big part of America is ‘awakening’ quickly to the genocide unleashed upon the country and the world by the COVID-19 bioweapon ‘death shots’ some are still calling ‘vaccines,’ as this new story over at Zero Hedge reports, America’s so-called ‘best and brightest’ are refusing to acknowledge ‘reality,’ with ZH reporting Harvard University is among at least 69 colleges and universities across America renewing their COVID-19 vaccine mandates for their upcoming semesters.

Indigenous, trans, 2 spirit Laurier University professor says ‘quality of life is not gonna change’ until ‘Two Spirit’ is added to LGBTQ acronym
A professor at Laurier University, Ontario is advocating for a lengthening of the LGBTQ acronym to include two-spirit individuals and others, by changing it to MMIWG2SLGBTQQIA+.

Canada Contemplates Offering Euthanasia To 12-Year Old Children
“Canada is only weeks away from legalizing assisted suicide for Canadians whose only underlying condition is mental illness. There are reports that assisted death is already being offered to Canadians who are suicidal.”

Depopulate 6 Billion People ‘Peacefully’ – as in, ‘Without Violence’
Those that want to control the world have increasingly used fear mongering to weaken human resolve.

China hacking threatens US infrastructure, FBI director warns, as Volt Typhoon botnet foiled
US officials say they have disrupted a state-backed Chinese effort to plant malware that could damage civilian infrastructure, as the head of the FBI warned that Beijing was positioning itself to disrupt daily life in America were the US and China ever to go to war.

Airline announces it will now weigh PASSENGERS as well as their carry-on luggage
An airline has announced it will begin weighing passengers with their carry-on luggage in order to better estimate the plane’s weight before take-off.

Iran Can Build Nuclear Bomb in One Week, Signaling ‘Extreme Danger’ for Western World, Report Says
Iran has enough weapons-grade uranium to produce its first nuclear weapon within a week and a total of six bombs within a month, a scenario that is increasingly likely to unfold as conflict in the Middle East reaches critical levels, according to a report from a watchdog group.

Critics Blast UN For Ignoring Longstanding Ties Between UNRWA And Hamas
That the United Nations fired a dozen employees of its Palestine relief agency for involvement in Hamas’s gruesome Oct. 7, 2023, massacre seems underwhelming to scholars and policy experts on the issue.

Switzerland: Armed Iranian ‘Asylum Seeker’ Takes 15 Hostage, Police and Media Invent Motives 
The Iranian hostage-taker, proficient in Farsi and English, held 15 passengers and the conductor captive for four hours on the train, during which authorities stormed the scene, utilizing explosives to distract the perpetrator and ultimately neutralizing the threat with lethal force.

Spain: Riot police are used to crush farmers’ protests
Farmer protests have been taking place since Tuesday throughout Spain. Yesterday they announced that would they take their protest to the Socialist Party headquarters in Madrid today.  The government has announced that they would deploy riot police to avoid farmers blocking roads as they had done for the previous four days. Meanwhile, yesterday, social media users were widely sharing footage of police aggression towards protestors.  Many are claiming these are not the usual police officers but rather members of Eurogendfor.

Organizations that make up the UN World Government System 
The UN has morphed into a leviathan.  Its various agreements and goals seek to centrally dictate the world’s economy, migration, “reproductive health,” monetary systems, digital IDs, environment, agriculture, wages, climate modifications, one world health, and other related globalist programmes.

Shocking CDC Report: Autoimmune Heart Disease Risk Skyrockets Post-COVID Vaccination
A study conducted by the US Centers for Disease Control and Food and Drug Administration has shown that the risk of myocarditis following mRNA COVID vaccination is around 133x greater than the background risk in the population. This means COVID-19 vaccination increases the risk of suffering myocarditis, an autoimmune disease causing inflammation of the heart, by 13,200%.