11 Feb 2019

How Prophecy Unfolds

With the news that state governments are beginning to legalize infanticide, can the end be far away?

It got me thinking: the fulfillment of Bible prophecy often unfolds in ways we had not previously considered.

We’re always looking for Gog-Magog, or the destruction of Damascus. That kind of thing. Certainly those things are on the horizon.

But another story in the past couple weeks has me just as excited, for different reasons.

Two Israeli researchers have announced that they believe they have a cure for cancer. The story is legitimate; articles in The Times of Israel, the Jerusalem Post, and Forbes prove that.

“’We believe we will offer in a year’s time a complete cure for cancer,’ said Dan Aridor, of a new treatment being developed by his company, Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies Ltd. (AEBi), which was founded in 2000 in the ITEK incubator. AEBi developed the SoAP platform, which provides functional leads to very difficult targets.

“’Our cancer cure will be effective from day one, will last a duration of a few weeks and will have no or minimal side-effects at a much lower cost than most other treatments on the market,’ Aridor said. ‘Our solution will be both generic and personal.’”

Remarkable. And…generic!

In any case, because it’s the Israelis, I believe this report. We’ll see, of course, but this would be a watershed moment.

And here’s how it indirectly is fulfilling prophecy.

The key thing indicating we are in the last of the last days, I think, is the intensifying pressure on Israel. This has steadily increased since the founding of the state, and in the past two decades has reached fever pitch. Even now, anti-Semitism is metastasizing around the world. Jews are in peril everywhere.

One would think that an announcement of a cancer cure would cause people to dance in the streets. Israel should be lauded.

Instead, a few days ago Dutch protestors chanted “Jews burn best!” on Holocaust Remembrance Day. Jews are being beaten up on the streets of cities considered to be cultured. Celebrity pastors continue to de-emphasize prophecy and Israel.

This week, a story broke about American rabbis reaching out for interfaith dialogue with Gulf States. Evangelical pastors have been part of these junkets, including the anti-Israel Bob Roberts Jr., who claims to support Israel!

The world is upside down.

In all this, we are moving—I would say unwillingly—along a path that will lead to outright international war against the Jewish state. It is in this way that prophecy is being fulfilled in the most interesting ways.

While we scan the horizon for Gog, everyday things are happening that are at least as interesting. A cure for cancer? Hatred unleashed that points toward Zechariah’s prophecies.

Jews gathering in a synagogue in South America? Terrorist attack that calls to mind the viciousness of Jew-haters in Isaiah.

This is how we know where we are in history. It won’t be the “scariest” stuff that signals the time of the very end. It will be the daily evidences that the enemy is alive and well, and trudging to his gruesome destiny.

Taking with him millions who decided individually that they hate Jews.

