11 June 2024

North Korea vows response to South’s ‘psychological warfare’
It comes as South Korea resumed loudspeaker broadcasts of anti-North Korean propaganda in border regions on Sunday in response to an ongoing campaign of sending trash balloons southwards.

Federal Court Revives Lawsuit Against Los Angeles COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
A federal appeals court has revived a lawsuit challenging the COVID-19 vaccine mandate imposed by the Los Angeles school district, noting that the record doesn’t clearly show whether the vaccines prevent transmission of the illness.

“This Is Insane”: US-Linked Ukrainian NGO Unveils ‘Enemies List’ Including ZeroHedge, Tucker, Elon And Trump
The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity’s Daniel McAdams has revealed a rather concerning US government-affiliated non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Ukraine, which has published a list of ‘enemies’ that includes American journalists, business leaders, media outlets, websites, and basically anyone who has been critical of the Biden administration. And of course – they’ve already backpedaled.

Russian air force carries out six strikes on militants in Homs, Deir al-Zor in Syria
Russian air force carried out six strikes on militants in the Syrian central province of Homs and the eastern province of Deir al Zor, Russia’s TASS news agency reported on Monday, citing a deputy head of the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria. “Over the past 24 hours, the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out six strikes on identified bases of militants who had left the al-Tanf region and were hiding in hard-to-reach areas,” the state agency cited the deputy, Major General Yuri Popov, as saying.

Indifference Toward Israel And Bible Prophecy Wields Dangerous Ramifications
I am deeply concerned and grieved that some of our nation’s most prominent Christian leaders just can’t get it right when it comes to issues of Bible prophecy or Israel. Equally troubling is the fact that eschatology has vanished from our pulpits in recent decades because it is “divisive,” “confusing,” and might drive away today’s “seekers.” I cannot figure out why the message that “the King is coming” doesn’t fit into today’s “feel good” theology.
The Bible says in II Thessalonians that there will be a great “falling away” from sound doctrine in the last days.

EU’s top diplomat obsessed with Israel: a policy fixation
As antisemitism surges in Europe, Ukraine collapses under Putin’s aggression and far-right gains ground across continent, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell seems preoccupied with only one issue: Israel and its war against Hamas; until his term ends in October, Borrell expected to continue using his position to hinder Jerusalem’s efforts

Israel not invited to Gaza aid summit in Jordan
Israel was not invited to Tuesday’s Gaza aid conference in Jordan, an official in Jerusalem’s Foreign Ministry told reporters on Monday. The conference on the humanitarian response to the Hamas war is being hosted by Jordan, Egypt and the United Nations at a venue on the Jordanian side of the Dead Sea, a few miles from the Israeli border.

Gazans celebrate: ‘Gantz retreated, so, too, will Netanyahu’
A senior Hamas official, Sami Abu Zuhri, told Iran’s Press TV on Monday that Gantz’s decision to leave the government “points to the downfall of the regime’s [Israel’s] political system. “There is no end in sight to the resignation of the Zionist regime’s political and military figures,” claimed Abu Zuhri.

Rescued Israeli hostages were in a ‘state of severe malnutrition’
The four hostages rescued on Saturday after eight months in Gaza captivity are in a “state of severe malnutrition,” according to a doctor who treated them upon their return to Israel.

US resolution approved, Security Council calls on Hamas to accept deal
“I will not be ready to stop the war. Despite what President Biden said, it has not yet been agreed how many hostages will be released in the first phase. We can stop the fighting for 42 days in order to return the hostages. We cannot stop the war. The Iranians and all our enemies are looking at us, and want to see if we surrender,” emphasized the Prime Minister.

Sinwar must meet bin Laden’s fate
It took 10 years to track bin Laden down and end the nightmare he started. America never gave up. He had to pay for his crimes against humanity. On May 2, 2011, he met his end. Israel must do the same to Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, who on Oct. 7 perpetrated the worst savagery, butchery, murder, rape and atrocity against the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

Lord, Will You Restore the Kingdom to Israel
So many Christian believers are unaware that we are surely living in the last days of the Church Age, or if they know it, they are not sure how to live in light of prophetic developments. First, we must be informed as to what the Scripture tells us about the times in which we live, and what God’s plans are for the future and the dramatic events that are about to take place.

Spain’s Ramallah embassy plan stalls as diplomats unwilling to relocate
Spanish diplomats based in Israel have refused to relocate to the P.A. city, citing safety and convenience concerns, according to Spanish media. The Spanish government’s plan to open an embassy in Ramallah has hit a snag as Spanish diplomats based in Israel are refusing to move to the city, according to Spanish media.

Jewish Support for Biden Sharply Declining, Trump Gaining Ground
In a significant shift in voter sentiment, recent polls indicate that Jewish-American support for President Joe Biden has declined by more than 20%, with a notable portion of this demographic moving toward former President Donald Trump. This trend is highlighted by a new survey from the American Jewish Committee (AJC)

US military confirms Houthis fired missiles at two vessels
Iranian-backed Yemeni Houthi forces fired anti-ship ballistic cruise missiles at two ships on Saturday, the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) stated. One of the missiles hit Tavvishi, a Liberian-flagged and Swiss-owned container ship in the Gulf of Aden. “Tavvishi reported damage but has continued underway,” CENTCOM announced in a statement on Sunday, adding that a coalition warship had successfully intercepted a second Houthi missile.

President Biden, stop caving to anti-Israel, pro-Hamas voices in Congress, on campuses, and in front of the White House
Why won’t President Joe Biden and his allies in Congress stand just as loyally and steadfastly with Israel? Israel stood with the U.S. for 20 years. Biden hasn’t been able to stand with us Israel, for nine months.

Series of small earthquakes near large faults in Southern California sparks public concern 
Southern California experienced a series of small earthquakes between May 31 and June 5, 2024, affecting populated areas from Santa Barbara to Newport Beach and sparking public concern. Experts say the quakes occurred near large, potentially dangerous faults but are not predictive of a larger quake.

Millions in southwestern U.S. under Excessive Heat Warning 
Southwestern U.S. is bracing for another dangerous heat wave, just a week after the region battled scorching temperatures. Excessive Heat Warnings are in effect for over 9 million people.

Biden admin issues worldwide ‘travel warning’ for unspecified attacks against ‘LGBTQI persons’
This June is under a travel advisory for “worldwide caution” for unspecified potential violence against homosexual and gender-confused Americans, according to the U.S. State Department under pro-LGBT President Joe Biden.

China Tightens Grip on African Media, Pushes Anti-America Messaging
The Chinese communist regime has annexed media spaces across Africa, severely restricting citizens’ access to fair and accurate news, while allowing Beijing to spread anti-American messaging at will, according to separate research completed by two authorities on China’s activities on the continent.

A Political And Spiritual Battle: Why The Arab World Has No Claim Over Jerusalem
The October 7th war between Israel and Hamas boils down to one city, Jerusalem. Is Jerusalem really holy to Jews, Christians, and Muslims? This question is at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is not only a political matter but also a religious and spiritual one.

9th Circuit: L.A. school employees can sue over COVID vaccine mandate
Even though Los Angeles Unified dropped its COVID vaccine mandate for school staff almost a year ago, a lawsuit accusing the district of violating workers’ rights can still move forward, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Friday.

US gov’t scientists received $710 million from Big Pharma during COVID, watchdog finds
Scientists affiliated with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) received $710 million in royalties from medical companies during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new data uncovered by government spending watchdog Adam Andrzejewski.

20 New Boeing Whistleblowers Emerge to Expose the Company’s Dangerous Practices in Airplane Manufacturing 
20 new credible whistleblowers formerly employed by Boeing or their subcontractors are speaking out to raise awareness of the military defense contractor’s dangerous practices in manufacturing airplanes – even following the mysterious death of the most prominent Boeing whistleblower.

Elon Slams Apple’s Farcical “AI” Launch, Says Will Ban Tim Cook’s “Creepy Spyware” Devices If They Integrate OpenAI
“Either stop this creepy spyware or all Apple devices will be banned from the premises of my companies…. That is an unacceptable security violation”.

‘A horrible new life’: Oct. 7 kibbutz massacre survivor wants safety ensured before returning home
A former Israeli soldier who survived Hamas’ Oct. 7 raid on Kibbutz Be’eri believes the Israeli government must do more to improve the community’s security and recover the people taken hostage by the terror group, detailing how his family survived the ordeal and what it would take for them to return.

A Nationwide Teacher Shortage Is Costing Schools $4 Billion Per Year
Educational leaders are highlighting a troubling trend in teaching, attributing increased teacher absenteeism to challenging work conditions, behavioral issues among students, dwindling resources, and declining salaries amidst rising inflation.

UN Security Council Backs Biden’s Gaza Ceasefire Plan, Russia Abstains
“We’re waiting on Hamas to agree to the ceasefire deal it claims to want.”

Trump, Biden supporters disagree on the Bible, Christianity’s influence in the US: poll
A new report reveals a wide divergence in views between Americans who plan on supporting President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election and those intending to back former President Donald Trump.

10 years after ISIS, Iraqi Christians rebuilding their lives as religious minority
Christians in Mosul are marking 10 years since ISIS seized control of the city and surrounding Nineveh Plains, causing thousands to flee in fear. Over 13,000 Christian families fled to Iraq’s autonomous Kurdistan region rather than stay and face the brutality of ISIS, says Archbishop Bashar Warda of Erbil. Mosul was finally liberated in 2017 after a fierce battle which left much of the city in ruins.

Biden administration is considering protecting undocumented immigrants who are married to citizens
The Biden administration is considering a plan to protect from deportation undocumented immigrants who are the spouses of U.S. citizens and give them access to work permits, according to two sources familiar with the discussions.