10 June 2024

YMCA has shamefully embraced LGBTQ+ ideology and should remove ‘Christian’ from its name
The YMCA ‘has become the antithesis of Christian teaching’ by promoting the LGBTQ+ agenda and anti-biblical ideology – even to the point of endangering its patrons – American Life League President Judie Brown said.

Sen. Cruz to Newsmax: Biden, Dems ‘Funded the Death Squads’ on Oct. 7
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaking with Newsmax’s John Huddy, accused President Joe Biden and Democrats of having “funded the death squads” that attacked Israel on Oct. 7, and of funding “the war that’s been waged against Israel every day since then.” “It’s indisputable,” he argued

Collapse Shuts Mountain Highway
Two days after a crack first appeared in a mountain highway connecting Idaho and Wyoming, the road collapsed in a “catastrophic landslide,” officials said. The road connecting Victor, Idaho, with Jackson, Wyoming, was closed at the time because of a mudslide in another area, and no one was injured in the collapse Saturday.

Jeff Landry raises possibility of sending more National Guard troops to Texas border
Gov. Jeff Landry said Monday he would like to speak with his Texas counterpart about the possibility of sending more National Guard troops to the border as Louisiana’s three-month deployment nears its end. In March, Louisiana began sending three rotations of 50 Louisiana Army National Guard soldiers each to Texas to help secure the border against illegal crossings — a potent political issue for Republicans like Landry and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. Other states have also sent troops to Texas.

It Leaked From A US-Backed Lab
“Whether the pandemic started on a lab bench or in a market stall, it is undeniable that U.S. federal funding helped to build an unprecedented collection of SARS-like viruses at the Wuhan institute, as well as contributing to research that enhanced them,” “Advocates and funders of the institute’s research, including Dr. Fauci, should cooperate with the investigation to help identify and close the loopholes that allowed such dangerous work to occur.

Iran reveals presidential election candidates
Iran’s Interior Ministry has released a final list of six candidates who will compete in this month’s presidential election. The election was called after President Ebrahim Raisi was killed in a helicopter crash in May.

Senate Blocks ‘Trojan Horse’ Bill Targeting Rights Of Parents, Christians, and The Unborn
Conservative leaders pointed out that the bill’s vague wording could clear the way for minors to undergo transgender surgeries, as well as receive puberty blockers and procure abortions. The bill’s text reads, in part, that it is designed “to protect an individual’s ability to make decisions about their body, medical care, family, and life’s course.”

Europe shifts far to the right in dramatic parliamentary elections
The dramatic elections to the EU parliament on Thursday, according to early results and exit polls, take the continent in a new direction with the far-right parties gaining most seats although not winning a clear majority.

Belgian Prime Minister announces resignation following election results
Belgium Prime Minister Alexander De Croo announced his resignation on Sunday night, in the wake of the results of the elections for the local parliament as well as the elections for the European Parliament. In both cases, the right-wing and extreme right-wing parties achieved great success, defeating the liberal camp led by De Croo.

IDF Home Front Command on war with Hezbollah: ‘We are ready’
Air-raid sirens sounded in towns on the northern border throughout the day on Sunday.
“If the IDF needs to go to war in the north, we are ready. We have made great efforts to achieve this in recent months,” the Home Front Command head stated at the MuniWorld Conference in Tel Aviv.

The Cries of Byai Phu
Men bearing tattoos deemed to be politically offensive screaming in agony as their skin is burned off with lighted petrol. Women, men and children beaten brutally when answering questions barked at them by the soldiers, irrespective of what actually came out of their mouths. I wish I could give you the details of the demonstration this weekend that’s been organized to protest these foul atrocities, but there isn’t one. These horrors didn’t afflict Palestinians in Gaza, and they weren’t carried out by Israeli troops. They occurred in the village of Byai Phu in the state of Rakhine in the far west of Burma.

Noa Argamani Was Held Captive in Al Jazeera Contributor’s Home
Several of the family members were killed during the operation including 36-year-old Al Jazeera contributor Abdullah Al-Jamal. According to the Quds news agency, Al-Jamal was also identified as a staff writer for the U.S. outlet The Palestine Chronicle. Al-Jamal’s wife was also killed during the rescue mission.

IDF continues to prepare for conflict on northern fronts amid escalating tensions
The IDF intensifies soldier readiness, including Brigade 36’s artillery unit preparedness for potential Lebanon conflict. Gaza remains a priority, but tensions rise along the northern border.

On trial at 95: Ursula Haverbeck charged for Holocaust denial in Germany
Haverbeck was convicted by a court in Verden based on numerous articles she had published in the local newspaper Stimme des Reiches, or “Voice of the Reich,” in which she denied that the Holocaust occurred.

After Gantz’s resignation | Ben Gvir to Netanyahu: Add me to the War Cabinet
National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir on Sunday evening sent a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following the resignation of Benny Gantz and the National Unity Party from the coalition. “As a minister in the government, chairman of a party and a senior partner in the coalition, I hereby demand to join this cabinet,

‘Nazis are not welcome here in South Dakota,’ says governor Kristi Noem
Kristi Noem, the governor of South Dakota, noted that the Nazis sought to rally at the capitol without a permit shortly after “we just celebrated the 80th commemoration of D-Day, when the take-back of Europe from Freedom-hating Nazis began.” The Nazi ralliers “were escorted away by Highway Patrol officers,” the Republican governor said. “Nazis are not welcome here in South Dakota.”

Masks off: DC protesters openly support Hamas, Hezbollah
“Kill another soldier now,” “Kill another Zionist now,” and “Hezbollah, Hezbollah” were some of the chants heard at the protest outside the White House.

Daring Israeli rescue discredits appeasement
The only way to stop the cycle of Islamic terrorism is to stop cutting deals with the terrorists.

Sydney battered by heavy rain, leading to flash floods and rescues, Australia 
Torrential downpours caused flash floods in Australia’s largest city, Sydney, on June 7, leading to evacuations and rescues in low-lying areas.

Historic floods, tenfold increase in wildfires, and now a potential extreme drought make triple suffering for Brazil 
After historic floods recently claimed 172 lives in coastal Brazil, the country now faces a new crisis as fires rage through the Pantanal wetlands. These fires have surged nearly tenfold compared to the same period last year, setting the stage for a potential catastrophe worse than the devastating fires of 2020. With severe to extreme drought conditions expected, the situation is becoming increasingly dire.

Shallow M6.2 earthquake hits Pacific-Antarctic Ridge
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.2 hit the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge at 09:55 UTC on June 9, 2024. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). EMSC is reporting the same magnitude and depth.

Have you wondered why we’re getting so many grey, hazy skies?
Have you wondered why we’re getting so many grey, hazy skies?  Blame Solar Engineering – aka Solar Radiation Management.

Less than 5% of abortions are sought for rape, incest, or ‘medical emergency’: report 
Abortions sought for rape, incest, and “medical emergencies” account for less than five percent of abortions in the United States, according to updated statistics released on May 24 by the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute, providing context to some of the most common arguments invoked against state pro-life laws.

FDA Expands Approval for RSV Vaccine, Now Available for Adults Over 50
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently approved an expansion of a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for use in at-risk adults over the age of 50.

WHO Plans More ‘Health Promoting Schools’ — Critics Say More Vaccines, Less Parental Control Are Fueling the Plan • Children’s Health Defense
…critics say that behind the WHO’s noble-sounding plan to expand health-promoting schools — also known as school-based health centers (SBHCs) — is an attempt to gain “a foothold in our schools,” to bypass parental consent and expand vaccination, data collection and surveillance.

“Damage Control Underway”: Cargo Ship Hit By Missile In Gulf Of Aden In Suspected Attack By Houthi Rebels
More than six months since the Biden administration launched Operation Prosperity Guardian to defend the critical maritime chokepoint Bab al-Mandab Strait from Iran-backed Houthis and ensure freedom of navigation in the Red Sea, we’re witnessing yet another alarming development. Late Saturday, rebels targeted a Western-linked cargo ship with missiles. This underscores the ongoing threat to the shipping lane and the utter failure of Biden’s disastrous foreign policies.

10,000 California Fast Food Workers McFired Thanks To $20 Minimum Wage: Report 
Nearly 10,000 California fast food workers have been fired thanks to the state’s new $20 minimum wage, according to the California Business and Industrial Alliance (CABIA), which slammed Governor Gavin Newsom for the law that went into effect April 1.

Exclusive: Farmer Movements the Vanguard Against ‘Degrowth’ Green Agenda
The farmer movements are leading the charge against the “degrowth” agenda of the far-left and neo-liberal elites, which has used the green agenda as a pretense to impoverish the people of Europe, a French Member of the European Parliament said.

2 million Americans dead from covid vaccines, and it all started with the Department of Defense
…Over 2 million people in the USA have been killed by the covid mRNA injections, Dr. Breggin said. What has not been widely publicized, he said, is that Operation Warp Speed was launched by the Department of Defense, not the President’s Office.