20 Feb 2024

Israel dismisses report that Hamas leader Sinwar fled through Rafah tunnels to Egypt
The Israel Defense Forces on Tuesday denied claims that Israel had information indicating that Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and his brother Muhammad had fled the Gaza Strip through tunnels between Rafah and the Egyptian Sinai peninsula. The IDF dismissed the reports by the Saudi news outlet Elaph, stating, “There is no intelligence information that Yahya Sinwar fled to Egypt.”

The Error That Bores Holes Into Christians’ Understanding Of The Tribulation
There are six things that are prophesied to happen during the seventy seven-year-periods spoken of here that are in relation to Daniel’s people, the Jews, and the holy city, Jerusalem.

Houthis reportedly sink British ship in Red Sea
The United Kingdom’s Maritime Trade Operations Agency (UKMTO) reported Monday that the Houthis sunk a ship traveling in the Red Sea, south of the port city of Mukha in Yemen. It is the first time since the start of Israel’s war on Hamas in Gaza that a crew had to abandon their ship because of the Houthis.

Ancient Judean cistern fills for just 3rd time since 1992
The cistern, located inside a tunnel dated to the 9th century BCE, filled up to a depth of over a meter of water. Additionally, the water flooded the pathway to the well itself, which usually serves hikers for crossings into other parts of the park. The tunnel itself is estimated to date back to the time of the biblical King Ahab

Egyptian FM blasts Hamas, declares it ‘outside of Palestinian consensus’
Shoukry also said “we must give an account of how Hamas gained power in the Gaza Strip and why it received financial support.” Shoukry made these comments at a press conference held at the Munich Security Conference.

Foreign Min. to Brazil Amb.: Tell your president he is a persona non grata in Israel
Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz (Likud) on Monday morning called the Brazilian Ambassador Federico Mayer for a reprimand after Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva compared Israel to the Nazis.The reprimand took place at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial museum in Jerusalem. tell President Lula that he is a persona non grata in Israel until he apologizes and retracts his statements.”

Arab states want Israel to destroy Hamas
Malcolm Hoenlein, … in an expansive interview, … describes support for Israel from a surprising quarter: “Israel obviously made a commitment and remains committed to the destruction of Hamas, but I will tell you that every Arab leader I speak to says to me “decimate them, don’t listen to what we say, because we will pay the price.” If Israel is pressured to do things prematurely, Jordan and Egypt will pay first, and the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Morocco, and others will pay next. Israel will pay a price as well, but I think they will pay a greater price.”

Nearly 10,000 urge Cardinal Dolan to exorcise St. Patrick’s Cathedral after sacrilegious ‘trans’ funeral
Within one day, over 9,000 people have signed a petition urging Cardinal Timothy Dolan to exorcise St. Patrick’s Cathedral after a blasphemous funeral of an atheist transgender activist was held in the iconic church last week. The mob staged a supposed funeral service for Cecilia Gentili, a transgender, atheist prostitute during who they eulogized as: “This whore. This great whore.…

Muslim preacher calls for murder and abduction of Jews at Belgian Parliament ceremony awarding him with ‘successful integration’
“Absolutely horrified to discover that in Brussels Parliament, an invited Muslim preacher chose to recite parts of Surah ‘Al-Ahzab’, a Surah about a battle between Muslims and Jews. This is a Surah that explicitly (26) calls for the KILLING and TAKING CAPTIVE of Jews! In these words!” Rosenzweig wrote …

Israeli gov’t unanimously rejects ‘diktat’ of international Palestinian State recognition, Knesset to follow suit
The declaratory decision was agreed to by all cabinet members, including the more left-leaning National Unity Party ministers like Gadi Eisenkot. “Israel utterly rejects international diktats regarding a permanent settlement with the Palestinians. A settlement, if it is to be reached, will come about solely through direct negotiations between the parties, without preconditions,” the declaration reads.

Yemen’s Houthis say they attacked two US ships in Gulf of Aden
The group was pressed by Iran in October to join Hezbollah and Hamas in initiating attacks on Israel. Yemen’s Houthi militants said on Monday they attacked two US ships, Sea Champion and Navis Fortuna, in the Gulf of Aden. The decision by the Houthis to use unmanned “underwater vessels” presents a new danger.

Deputy Chairman of Hamas in Gaza: Hamas has ‘capabilities in Rafah’
The Deputy Chairman of Hamas in Gaza, Khalil al-Hayya, acknowledged in an interview with Al Jazeera on Monday that Hamas still had capabilities in Rafah, according to a recap of the interview posted to the Hamas Telegram channel. Al-Qassam Brigades still in Rafah.

US’ Oldest Gunmaker Leaving a Blue State for a Red One
Remington began in the blue-collar village of Ilion two centuries ago, and generations have turned out rifles and shotguns at the massive firearms factory in the heart of New York’s Mohawk Valley. Remington is packing it up in upstate New York, heading for more firearm-friendly Georgia

Move over, CRISPR: RNA-editing therapies pick up steam
RNA editing is gaining momentum. After decades of basic research into how to manipulate this complex molecule, at least three therapies based on RNA editing have either entered clinical trials or received approval to do so. They are the first to reach this milestone. The launch of human trials signals the growing maturity and acceptance of the field, scientists say. “There’s a much greater understanding of RNA technology,

House Dems Furious After Guest Chaplain Dares to Tell Truth About Liberal America
Hell hath no fury like the righteous wrath of God. Second to that, apparently, hell hath no fury like politicians told that, dead in their sin, they will receive that righteous wrath. This, more or less, flew under the radar for the better part of the month of February — until a letter sent to the speaker of the House and signed by 26 House Democrats last week accused Hibbs of being “an ill-qualified hate preacher” who was pushing a “Christian nationalist agenda,”

Storm-hit California faces fresh atmospheric river flood threat
The U.S. West Coast faces a fresh round of heavy rainfall and snow this week, as another atmospheric river began slamming California on Sunday — bringing with it the threat of flooding, mudslides and possibly tornadoes. …the Sierra Nevada and Mount Shasta will be impacted by an onslaught of heavy snow on Monday, with new snow likely totaling a few feet through the next couple of days,”

Satellite photos show Egypt building a wall near Gaza Strip as Israeli offensive on Rafah looms
Egypt is building a wall and is leveling land near its border with the Gaza Strip ahead of a planned Israeli offensive targeting the border city of Rafah, satellite images analyzed Friday by The Associated Press show. Egypt, which has not publicly acknowledged the construction, repeatedly has warned Israel not to forcibly expel the more than 1 million displaced Palestinians now in Rafah into its territory while Israeli troops battle the militant group Hamas for a fifth month.

Measles cases are surging across England
Clusters of measles have been detected across England amid “worryingly” low vaccine uptake in some areas, There have been 521 confirmed cases of measles …

Tropical Storm “Akará” forms off Rio de Janeiro as first TS in South Atlantic since 2019 
On February 16, 2024, the Brazilian Navy identified a subtropical depression ESE of Rio de Janeiro, which intensified into Tropical Storm “Akará” by February 19. Akará is the first named tropical storm to develop in the South Atlantic Ocean since Iba in 2019 and the basin’s first named storm in February since Bapo in 2015. The system is expected to continue intensifying but remain well away from Brazil.

Severe thunderstorm hits Sydney, lightning strikes injure 4, set 3 homes on fire, Australia
Severe storms hit NSW, Australia on February 19, 2024, causing injuries, transport shutdown, and flash flooding. The storms have resulted in four people injured by a lightning strike, significant transport disruptions, and the ignition of three houses. Sydney recorded up to 57 mm (2.24 inches) of rain, intensifying the risk of flash flooding across the state.

Destructive avalanche hits Afghanistan, leaving at least 25 people dead 
A destructive snow avalanche mixed with rubble struck the village of Nakre in the Tatin valley, Nugram district of Nuristan Province, overnight on Sunday, February 18, 2024. The disaster resulted in at least 25 fatalities and 8 injuries, with around 20 homes destroyed or heavily damaged.

The Looming Threat of Directed Energy Weapons
Imagine the possibilities: a person who is targeted by such a weapon might have a brain aneurysm and die or experience serious complications for the remainder of his life, and the effects would be blamed on a medical occurrence rather than a deliberate attempt at harm with a directed energy weapon.

California bill would force home owners, renters to report number of guns they own to insurance companies, government
On Friday, California Assembly member Mike Gipson (D) introduced a bill that would require homeowner insurance companies to ask insurance applicants how many firearms they own and report it to the government.

Protest against euthanasia for mental illness to take place outside Parliament Hill in Ottawa 
Due to the timing of the Canadian government announcement that euthanasia for mental illness will once again be delayed, we have decided to change the original date (February 6) for the rally and press conference on Parliament Hill to Tuesday, February 27.

America’s ‘last best place’ is overrun by Mexican cartels because gangsters ‘can charge 20 TIMES the price for drugs’ – with overdoses ‘SURGING’
Mexican drug cartels have expanded all the way north and are targeting America’s ‘last best place’ by preying on vulnerable Native American communities in Montana.

Researchers Introduce Wireless “Smart” Earrings, to Continuously Monitor Wearers’ Earlobe Temperature; Investigate Other Applications 
Smart rings, watches, and other accessories are becoming increasingly common, especially in the fitness world. Now, researchers from the University of Washington are introducing the Thermal Earring, a wireless wearable earring that monitors a user’s earlobe temperature.

Israeli prez presents hateful Hamas book found in Gaza: ‘The End of the Jews’
Israeli President Isaac Herzog revealed a hateful book at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday titled “The End of the Jews” that he said was written by a Hamas co-founder and praised the Holocaust.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Satan Club… Teaching Children To Call Evil Good And Good Evil
…Satanists are now busy taking their worship of evil into the lives of elementary schoolchildren in the form of Satan Clubs. They advertise these clubs as fun, happy, educational, and full of hope. And the devil? Well, they present him as a great guy — an angel of light.

Elderly UK Couple Ordered to Sell Home to House Migrants
An elderly English couple was shocked to receive a letter from their county’s council ordering them to sell their home to house migrants. The North Northamptonshire Council sent a strongly-worded letter to Jose and Ted Saunders in January, claiming their £200,000 home could be subject to compulsory purchase from the government to be used to house young migrant men.

Groundbreaking Global Study on 99 Million Vaccinated People Reveals Increases in Neurological, Blood, and Heart Conditions Associated with COVID-19 Vaccines
In a groundbreaking multinational study conducted by the Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN), researchers have shed light on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines among a cohort of 99 million vaccinated individuals.

Embalmer Shares Shocking Video of Removing “Strange White Fibrous Clots” from a Dead Body — “I Didn’t Start Seeing This Until Early 2021”
Richard Hirschman, a funeral director and embalmer from Alabama, went viral after releasing a disturbing video on his social media account on Sunday, which has since amassed over 15 million views.

3 Existential Threats That We Are Facing Right Now Which Could Potentially Result In Millions Of Dead Americans
In recent years, there has been one enormous crisis after another.  We live at a time of major wars, global pestilences and billion-dollar natural disasters.  Millions have died over the last several years, and I believe that millions more will die during the years ahead.  In fact, there are several existential threats that we are facing right now which could potentially result in millions of dead Americans.  I wish that I was exaggerating, but I am not.

Imported African Wars: Eritrean Migrant Riots Turn Western Streets into Battlefields 
As The Hague and Charlotte grapple with the aftermath of these violent clashes, it’s unmistakably clear that these are not isolated incidents but rather symptomatic of a profound societal attack on Western nations, highlighting deep-rooted upheaval within communities struggling with mass migration and open border challenges.