18 Feb 2024

Greece legalizes same-sex ‘marriage’ and adoption of children
Greece on Thursday became the first Orthodox Christian country to legalize same-sex “marriage” and adoption of children. In a move signaling the widespread departure of the country from its Orthodox Christian roots, Greece’s Parliament approved the landmark legislation with 176 voting in favor and 76 against. Two legislators abstained from the vote, and 46 were not present in the house.

At least three dead in Russian assaults on Ukraine cities, officials say
Russian forces shelled and fired missiles at a series of cities in eastern Ukraine on Saturday, killing at least three people and leaving others under the rubble of shattered buildings, Ukrainian officials said. Two cities close to the front line in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk region — Kramatorsk and Slovyansk — came under fire.

Egypt says Gaza displacement unacceptable, but will deal with civilians humanely
“It is not our intention to provide any safe areas or facilities, but necessarily if this was a case we will deal with the humanity that is necessary,” Sameh Shoukry said at the Munich Security Conference.

Imam recites Quran at Belgian parliament, calling for killing, kidnapping of Jews
An Imam at the Belgian parliament last week began reciting a verse from the Quran that explicitly calls on Muslims to kill and take Jews captive. The Quran excerpt is verse 33:26 from the Al-Ahzab Surah (chapter). It translates to, “ And He brought down those from the People of the Book who supported the enemy alliance from their own strongholds, and cast horror into their hearts. You ‘believers’ killed some, and took others captive.”

Iran unveils new weaponry in latest show of force
Iran on Saturday unveiled new weaponry, including what it said was the locally made Arman anti-ballistic missile system and the Azarakhsh low-altitude air defense system, Reuters reported, citing Iran’s official IRNA news agency.

Axis of evil: The Soviet-Nazi pact
“In their many bloody clashes for dominance in Germany, the Nazis and Commies were virtually indistinguishable. Both were totalitarians, ever ready to brutalize to crush resistance to their respective ideologies.”

Hamas suspends hostage and ceasefire negotiations, demands more aid
On Friday, a Saudi media report indicated that Hamas turned down an Israeli offer to free 1,500 Palestinian prisoners for the return of all of the hostages into Israel. Hamas had previously asked for the release of 5,000 Palestinian prisoners, including those serving life sentences for murdering Israelis.

Blinken: ‘Virtually every Arab country’ now wants peace with Israel, but…
“Virtually every Arab country now genuinely wants to integrate Israel into the region to normalize relations…to provide security commitments and assurances so that Israel can feel more safe,” Blinken said during the Munich Security Conference. “And there’s also, I think the imperative, that’s more urgent than ever, to proceed to a Palestinian state that also ensures the security of Israel,” he added. (surprised?)

Israeli military intelligence report: Hamas will ‘survive as a terror group’ despite government’s goal to eradicate
Israeli military intelligence has reportedly assessed that Hamas will survive as a terror organization in Gaza despite the Israeli government’s official goal to eliminate the Iranian-backed terror proxy in Gaza. The intelligence assessment was summarized in a document that was reportedly shared with Israeli leaders, Israel’s Channel 12 news reported on Thursday.

Tropical Cyclone “Lincoln” hits Gulf of Carpentaria, heavy rainfall and damaging winds continue, Australia
Tropical Cyclone “Lincoln” made landfall on the Gulf of Carpentaria coast between Port McAarthur and the Northern Territory – Queensland border at 06:00 UTC on February 16, 2024, as a Category 1 storm. Shortly after, it weakened and moved west across the Northern Territory, with heavy rainfall forecasted and a moderate risk of redeveloping into a tropical cyclone.

Dangerous atmospheric river storms again threatening California with flooding
A pair of storms are soaking California once again this weekend, bringing fresh rounds of heavy rain that renew concerns for dangerous flooding and increased risks of mudslides.

Texas DPS Traffic Stop Leads to Drug Seizure Worth Over $1 Million by Illegal Aliens
A traffic stop by Texas DPS on Friday resulted in the seizure of over $1 million of cocaine in the vehicle. A trooper had stopped a Nissan Frontier with two illegal aliens inside the vehicle. Williams Garcia-Granados, 44, and Williams Garcia-Redondo, 17 were arrested for transporting a controlled substance, which is a felony.

Texas To Build Military “Base Camp” On Mexico Border To House 1,800 Soldiers 
In the latest signal of his resolve to stem the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States, Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Friday announced that the Lone Star State will build a military base along the Rio Grand at the border city of Eagle Pass.

San Francisco Appoints First Non-Citizen to Sit on the City’s Elections Commission – And She’s Only Been in the US Since 2019
This is how a nation ends. First, they open the borders to millions of illegal invaders. Then, they put non-citizens in charge of elections. Kelly Wong from Hong Kong was recently appointed to serve on the San Francisco Department of Elections. Kelly is not a citizen and came to the US in 2019, around five years ago.

Minnesota School District Allows Muslim Families to Opt Out of LGBTQ Curriculum
Alpha News has reported the St. Louis Park School District will now allow parents to opt out of their children from any curriculum that promotes LGBTQ ideology.

More Young People Are on Multiple Psychiatric Drugs, Study Finds 
Growing numbers of children and adolescents are being prescribed multiple psychiatric drugs to take simultaneously, according to a new study in the state of Maryland. The phenomenon is increasing despite warnings that psychotropic drug combinations in young people have not been tested for safety or studied for their impact on the developing brain.

Massachusetts Dem Senator Ed Markey Pushes Bill That Could Prevent Churches From Using Armed Security
Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) is pushing legislation that could prevent churches from protecting themselves with armed security. In the House, this was pushed by Democrat Hank Johnson, who famously suggested that Guam could tip over if too many people were there.

‘This is What They Should Have Done’: Pastor’s Remake of Controversial Super Bowl Ad Goes Viral
An alternative take on the He Gets Us ad that ran during the Super Bowl has gone viral and continues to grow. What’s different about this ad?

China makes chilling Microwave Cannon ‘that can down SATELLITES’ with waves 68,000x stronger than Earth’s magnetic field
…The terrifying weapon is augmented by four Stirling engines and can reportedly be fitted onto the back of a truck as the East Asian powerhouse flexes its military muscles.

All Of The Elements Are In Place For An Economic Crisis Of Staggering Proportions
….From the federal government on down, our entire society is absolutely drowning in debt, and now it appears that our economic problems are about to go to the next level.

New York’s Proposed Minor Consent Law ‘Dangerous’ and ‘Misleading,’ Critics Say
According to a report by the Defender, the New York state lawmakers are weighing legislation that would allow any child or teen under 18 to seek out and consent to medical treatment — including vaccines, dental procedures, hospitalization and even surgery — without parental consent as long as the minor appears to have the mental capacity for making that decision.

Network of New Zealand authorities still deceives and denies Covid injection harms 
There was a lack of long-term safety testing of mRNA vaccines before their widespread rollout and mandated in New Zealand and there is a continued failure by authorities to properly investigate vaccine effects on mortality.

JPMorgan, State Street quit and BlackRock scales back involvement in UN climate action group
JPMorgan Chase, BlackRock, and State Street Global Advisors have announced their withdrawal or reduction of involvement in the United Nations climate alliance known as Climate Action 100+.

Is vaccine shedding possible? Over 1,000 reports say it’s real and it’s happening
An analysis of over 1,000 reports of Covid vaccine shedding reveals that the most common symptoms, by far, are gynecological. Outside of menstrual abnormalities, the most commonly reported symptoms include headaches, tinnitus, nosebleeds, bruising, dizziness, skin rashes and reactivation of latent conditions such as shingles. The analysis also revealed that there are varying degrees of susceptibility to the effects of vaccine-shedding, different routes of exposure, different timings of the onset of symptoms after exposure and that young and healthy people tend to shed more frequently than the elderly.