17 Feb 2024

Why Its Going To Be So Compelling For The World To Worship The Antichrist
And here’s a haunting verse about the Antichrist: “All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation 13:8). Listen, it’s going to be so compelling for the world to worship the Antichrist. The Bible says, “God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie” (2 Thessalonians 2:11).

“Civil War, Nuclear War, Economic Collapse… Maybe All Three?”
Have you noticed yet that America has turned into a Coen Brothers movie? Everywhere you look, you see madcap characters disgracing themselves while doing their bit to burn the whole country down.It’s a panoramic extravaganza of everything gone wrong, with slapstick overtones, driving toward an apocalyptic climax — civil war, nuclear war, economic collapse, maybe all three. And all because the people on-screen just can’t stop lying.

The Heavy Price For Rejoicing Over Israel’s Suffering
Whereas most people were sickened and horrified by the barbarity shown by Hamas, many in Gaza cheered. In our mind, it is difficult to understand why people would celebrate this. Yet, it isn’t the first time that a neighbour of Israel’s has cheered over their calamity. What’s worse, the people I am referring to were even closer than a neighbour. Ezekiel 35:15 reveals who I speak of (with emphasis added): “As you rejoiced because the inheritance of the house of Israel was desolate, so I will do to you; you shall be desolate, O Mount Seir, as well as all of Edom – all
of it!”

Harvard Slapped With Congressional Subpoena Over “Failure To Satisfy” Antisemitism Probe
On Friday morning, the House Education and the Workforce Committee revealed on social media platform X that it is serving subpoenas to Harvard Corporation Senior Fellow Penny Pritzker, Interim President Dr. Alan Garber, and Harvard Management Company’s Chief Executive Officer N.P. Narvekar “for failing to produce priority documents related to the Committee’s antisemitism investigation.”

Nasrallah threatens Hezbollah rockets can reach ‘anywhere’ in Israel as IDF braces for war in north
Terror group leader warns ‘price will be blood’ after reports Israeli strikes in southern Lebanon killed civilians; IDF says Israeli forces drilling fighting on northern front

Top UN court rejects South African request for urgent measures to safeguard Rafah
World court says no new order necessary because existing measures ordered Jan. 26 ‘applicable throughout the Gaza Strip, including in Rafah’.

IDF soldiers recite prayer – and demolish Gaza mosque
New footage shows commander reciting ‘Shema Yisrael’ before buildings in Khan Yunis are demolished. Prior to demolishing the structures, the soldiers recited the verse, “Hear o Israel, the L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is one”.

Gallant: More than 30 UNRWA workers assisted in October 7 attack
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant revealed on Friday, during a briefing to foreign reporters, the details of 12 Hamas terrorists who were employed by UNRWA, the UN agency for “Palestinian refugees”, and who participated in the massacre on October 7. Gallant also told reporters that Israel has found intelligence that more than 30 of UNRWA’s employees actively participated in the massacre, and assisted in the kidnapping of civilians and soldiers.

EU Markets Not Immune From New World Disorder Of ‘No Article V’ Trump Office
This week shocked European leaders from Helsinki to Brussels and back via Berlin to Warsaw without skipping any of the other European NATO member capitals in Europe. What happened? During one of Trump’s campaign rallies Trump said that he would sort of encourage Russia to do whatever it wanted with NATO members that have not been meeting their defense spending fair share of 2% of GDP.

Israel behind explosions of gas pipelines in Iran
Israel carried out covert attacks on two major gas pipelines inside Iran this week, two Western officials and a military strategist affiliated with Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps told The New York Times on Friday. The attacks resulted in explosions that disrupted the flow of heat and cooking gas to provinces with millions of people, the report said.

With new UN ceasefire resolution, Algeria all but dares Washington to veto
Washington is out of reasons for rejecting a U.N. Security Council resolution insisting upon a ceasefire between Israel and the Hamas terror organization, according to Algeria, which plans next week to put forward a resolution to that effect to a vote at the United Nations.

‘Israel Outright Rejects International Dictates’: Biden Creating Plan For Palestinian State, Netanyahu Pushes Back
Joe Biden, along with a number of Arab states, are quickly working to form a plan to end the Israel-Hamas war and create a Palestinian state, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday, sparking pushback from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu wrote that “Israel outright rejects international dictates regarding a permanent settlement with the Palestinians. Such an arrangement will be reached only through direct negotiations between the parties, without preconditions.”

Israel to Hamas: Return all hostages or IDF will enter Rafah
Benny Gantz: IDF will invade Rafah if hostages are not freed, war could continue into Ramadan   Gazan riots erupt near Rafah’s border with Egypt

IDF finds medications with names of hostages during operation at Khan Yunis hospital
During the IDF operation at Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis, troops located medications with names of hostages inside the building. “As part of the activity at Nasser Hospital, medications were found with the names of Israeli hostages on them. The source of the medications and how they were used is under investigation,” the IDF said on Friday. At this time, it is unclear whether the medications that were found at the hospital were part of the Qatari shipment that was delivered to Gaza about a month ago.

“Real progress’ in unifying Hamas and PA says Abbas aide
The Palestinian Authority is inching closer to an agreement that would see Hamas terrorists become part of the Western-backed leadership in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, Arabic media outlets reported on Tuesday.

Israelis prioritize defeating Hamas over freeing hostages
More Israelis would choose to defeat Hamas over returning the hostages in a hypothetical scenario where Jerusalem is faced with the stark choice, according to the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI)’s monthly Israeli Society Index for February. Forty percent of the Israeli public prioritizes toppling the terrorist group in Gaza at the expense of bringing the captives home,

Gazan civilians blame Hamas in secret testimonies
Even before the Hamas massacres in Israel on Oct. 7, international media tended to blame Israel for the difficult living conditions in the Gaza Strip. However, many Gazan civilians have increasingly been blaming the terror organization for ruining their lives.

Senior Hezbollah commander killed in wave of Israeli airstrikes, Hezbollah bombards Kiryat Shmona
Israel announced on Thursday that a senior commander in Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Force was killed in an airstrike on Wednesday night, as the terror group continued its attacks on Israeli towns, especially targeting the northern Israel town of Kiryat Shmona. The killed commander was identified as Ali Muhammad al-Debes, a senior officer in the special-ops Radwan Force. Alongside him, his deputy and another Hezbollah terrorist were also killed.

New Jersey Offers Students Cash to Promote Scandal-Plagued COVID-19 and HPV Vaccinations
The “Protect me with 3+” contest, sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Health, seeks to turn naïve students into propagandists for a scandal-plagued industry that has bankrolled politicians and media for years. The program targets children in grades 5 through 12 under the guise of “raising awareness” about the “importance of adolescent immunizations.” Winners receive gift cards.

Over 20 Hamas terrorists involved in Oct 7 attacks arrested during IDF op in Nasser Hospital
According to the IDF spokesman, over 20 terrorists who participated in the October 7 massacre have been apprehended, and dozens of other suspects have been taken for questioning.

Cardinal of Vatican orgy fame takes part in ‘historic’ meeting with Italian Freemasons
Leading Catholic prelates and a scandal-plagued Vatican cardinal took part in a conference on Freemasonry and the Catholic Church today, organized by the leading Freemasonic lodge of Italy. Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, known for his attendance at the infamous cocaine-fueled homosexual orgy at the Vatican in 2017, met with Freemasons on Friday.

‘No Reward for The Murderers’: Israeli Officials Bash US Plan To Recognize Palestinian State 
A chorus of Israeli officials spoke out against a reported peace plan being pushed by the United States and several Arab states that would include the recognition of a Palestinian state on Thursday.

Widespread liquefaction hampers reconstruction after M7.6 earthquake in Ishikawa, Japan
In the aftermath of the January 1 earthquake, the city of Wajima in Ishikawa Prefecture faces significant challenges due to liquefaction, severely impacting infrastructure and complicating relief efforts. Continuous aftershocks further hinder the restoration process, with houses, roads, and manholes notably affected. Governor Hiroshi Hase has requested a comprehensive investigation from the central government to address the escalating situation, emphasizing the need for seismic reinforcement of underground infrastructure.

Floods and landslides hit Ecuador, leaving two dead and thousands affected
Heavy rain has been affecting Ecuador since January 29, 2024, resulting in devastating floods and landslides across the country. Two fatalities were reported in Azuay Province, with four others injured in Chimborazo and Loja. The disaster has affected over 16,600 individuals, predominantly in Los Ríos, Manabí, Esmeraldas, and Guayas provinces, leading to the destruction of 36 houses and damage to 3,180 others.

Dems enraged by Christian pastor’s House invocation
A coalition of Democrats in the U.S. House, led by self-proclaimed atheist Rep. Jared Huffman, has written to Speaker Mike Johnson to express members’ rage over a Christian pastor’s recent House invocation, and to express their intolerance for his views.

Illinois bill could imprison parents for not helping daughters abort their grandchild
Illinois parents and guardians could face criminal child abuse charges if they don’t help their children or others under their care get abortions.

China’s Infiltrators: ‘They Are Coming Here to Kill Us’
China’s Communist Party is at this moment putting in place the infrastructure in America to attack America. In Reedley, California, near Fresno, authorities found a secret Chinese biological weapons lab with at least 20 pathogens, including the one for Ebola, and almost a thousand mice that had been genetically engineered to spread disease. Chinese agents, in addition to hobbling Americans with disease and gunning them down, could bomb power stations, attack military bases, start wildfires, poison reservoirs, or create terror in dozens of ways.

Why Its Going To Be So Compelling For The World To Worship The Antichrist
The Bible predicts there is a false Christ coming. In 1 John 2:18, he is called the Antichrist. Many typically think the Antichrist is somebody who’s against Jesus. But the prefix anti- can just as easily mean instead of. It seems from Scripture that this Antichrist will pose as a substitute Christ—and it’s quite possible he is alive at this moment.

Wars And Rumors Of Wars: The World Is Falling Apart — Get Up And Give The Gospel 
Right now, China, Taiwan, North Korea, Japan, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Sweden, among other nations, are all posturing for war or are at war. What’s going on?

In The Political Theatre It’s No Longer Coming Attractions But COMING DISTRACTIONS
The time between now and November’s presidential election should be called ‘The Era of “COMING DISTRACTIONS” because that’s exactly what society is now up against. “COMING DISTRACTIONS” will include anything to take the public’s mind off what is coming as soon as this May when the One World Order elitists strategize the take over of international health by the United Nations’ World Health Organization (WHO).

France: “Article Pfizer” criminalizing criticism of mRNA injections passed by National Assembly
On 15 November 2023, the French Senate reviewed a draft law, modifications to the Penal Code, that aim to crush dissent using hefty fines of up to EUR 15,000 and threat of jail time.  Anyone daring to criticize medical treatments could fall foul of this law.  Considering the “covid vaccines are safe and effective” false narrative propagated by the government, this law is nothing short of outrageous.

Shocking Findings of New Study: Excess Deaths in the UK Pandemic were Iatrogenic and Caused by Midazolam and Euthanasia
Findings of a new study show that data showing a spike in excess deaths in April 2020 in the United Kingdom (UK) had significant anomalies and inconsistencies with existing explanations wrongly attributed to “COVID-19.” According to the study, the excess deaths did not originate from the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but from widespread Midazolam use in euthanasia and then likely later from mass vaccination. The pandemic in the UK, was iatrogenic according to the study.

Trudeau’s Canada ranks third on list of Western countries persecuting Christians
Canada is third on the list of Christian-persecuting Western nations under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s leadership. According to a report published on January 31 by Family Research Council’s (FRC) Center for Religious Liberty, Canada ranks third among Western countries that persecute Christians for their faith.

DeSantis defends bill to only allow flying of US, Florida flags at government buildings 
Conservative Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis endorsed legislation this week banning any flags other than the official banners of the United States and the state of Florida from flying outside government buildings in the Sunshine State, framing it as a straightforward stand against activist bias from offices intended to serve the public.

Beyond Orwell’s 1984, 5G and the launching of 6G: “It’s Easy to Take Down a Society that is Digital”
…Nobody really knows, or at least has not publicly said what 6G is meant to do, what 5G cannot already do. Incidentally, has the health impact of 6G been studied? Maybe. But nobody divulges the results.

Retail Store Sends Internal Gender Identity Magazine With Tips For Chest Binding Children To 70,000 Employees
A British retail store is facing a massive boycott after it was revealed that it had produced an in house magazine completely devoted to gender identity, replete with tips on how to use chest binders on children, to all of its 70,000 employees.