22 Jan 2024

Netanyahu: Israel rejects Hamas’s terms of surrender
In exchange for the release of the hostages, Hamas demands an end to the war and the release of terrorists captured on Oct. 7. The State of Israel will retain full security control over the entire territory west of the Jordan River after it achieves its objectives of demilitarizing the Gaza Strip and returning the hostages held there, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu affirmed in a statement on Sunday night.

IDF eliminates Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s deputy head of psychological warfare operations
The Israel Defense Forces eliminated a senior Palestinian Islamic member who was instrumental in propagating the organization’s narrative through media, the military announced on Friday. Wael Abu-Fanounah was the deputy head of Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s psychological warfare operations.

Iran considering next steps against Israel, US amid strikes
Escalation in Syria, Iraq, and the Red Sea, in which Iran may suffer more losses than it can easily replace, could be a challenge for Iran in the long term. Saturday was a busy day for Iran in the region because it suffered losses in Syria while it was also plotting and carrying out attacks in Iraq. Several members of the Iranian IRGC were killed in Damascus.

EU to hold rotating talks with Israel, Saudi, PA, Jordan and Egypt FMs
European Union foreign ministers plan to hold back-to-back meetings in Brussels on Monday with their counterparts from Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt, and with Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit.

Israeli scientists find way to elicit strong immune response against cancer
a novel approach to cancer treatment through immunotherapy is introduced. The research presents a new method that combines different types of immune system cells, specifically T cells and dendritic cells, for more effective cancer treatment.

Blinken is using blackmail to achieve goal of Palestinian statehood
In his need to be clever and come up with new creative ways to achieve the goal of Palestinian statehood, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has now resorted to the threat that “Arabs won’t pay to rebuild Gaza without a path to Palestinian statehood” Israel has no obligation to restore the lives and homes of those who tried to destroy ours because we don’t owe them that consideration.

Netanyahu rejects Hamas’ conditions: Only absolute victory will ensure hostages’ return
PM Netanyahu rejects outright ‘Hamas monsters’ capitulation terms’: ‘Were we to agree to this – our soldiers would have fallen in vain.’

Russia accuses Israel of ‘collective punishment’ in Gaza, backs genocide charges
Moscow accused Israel of engaging in “collective punishment” against Arabs in Gaza, justifying the genocide charges brought by South Africa against the Jewish state at the International Court of Justice.

Biden and Netanyahu face off in Biblical dispute: Two state or not two state
A difference of opinion concerning the future of a Palestinian state is the basis of dispute between the Biden administration and the government of Israel. While Netanyahu is not overtly religiously observant, it is well-documented that giving land in Israel to the enemy is counter to God’s commandments.

After Biden says Netanyahu ‘doesn’t rule out two-state solution,’ Israeli ministers respond firmly
Joe Biden’s statement on Friday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu might support a demilitarized Palestinian state, the Israeli government refuted it. Coalition ministers say White House needs to ‘wake up’

Israeli energy minister predicts shared Iranian threat will facilitate Saudi normalization deal
we are fighting Iran at the end of the day. We are fighting the war of the free world. We are fighting against Iranian aggression,” a potential full-scale war with Hezbollah means “it will be a war with Iran. When you are fighting Hezbollah, you are actually fighting Iran.” Hezbollah is pushing Lebanon, against its will, towards a military confrontation with Israel. Saudi Arabia officially backs the two-state solution, Cohen believes that the Saudis are mainly interested in the deal in order to clinch American security guarantees.

Netanyahu reiterates: No Palestinian state, no to Hamas hostages deal offers
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu again rejected the idea of creating a Palestinian state after the current war with the Hamas terror organization in the Gaza Strip in a Sunday evening video address. He also reiterated his opposition to different versions of a new hostage deal with Hamas that have been floated in the media

WEF researching use of AI-generated patients and data in clinical trials
But as world leaders prepare to discuss AI, a WEF project – first announced in 2019 – is already funding research on the use of “synthetic” AI-generated “patients” and data in clinical trials.
Proponents of using AI to create “synthetic” clinical trial data and participants say that it is far less expensive than using human participants,

Archaeological Research Confirms a Biblical Account in 2 Kings
“At that time Hazael king of Syria went up and fought against Gath and took it” (2 Kings 12:17). This short summary of what must have been a fearsome battle against the stronghold of Gath introduces the threat King Hazael posed to Jerusalem, a threat that King Jehoash of Judah avoided by paying Hazael with “sacred gifts.” But, yes, even this minor, one sentence mention of a battle is true historical narrative—it really happened—and it appears it has been confirmed by archaeology!

Storm Isha map: Tracker shows exactly where it will rip through UK
Storm Isha is about to batter the UK with devastating ‘danger to life’ 85mph winds and torrential rain. Multiple weather warnings have been issued across the entire country with alarming satellite footage showing the storm hurtling full steam ahead across the Atlantic.

Death toll tops 60 across U.S. as arctic blast leaves dangerous icy conditions
A bitter blast of Arctic air will linger across much of the United States this weekend, with tens of millions enduring bone-chilling cold and facing dangerous icy conditions, forecasters warned Saturday, as weather-related deaths numbered more than 60.

Dangerous ice storm in Plains, mid-South could snarl Monday morning commute
A dangerous ice storm is forecast to affect the central Plains and mid-South into Monday, increasing the risk of significant icing, power outages and dangerous driving and travel conditions during the morning commute.

Texas, New Orleans face multiday flash flood risk as rain returns to Southeast
The Gulf Coast and Southeast are bracing for a multiday wet-weather event that will deliver the heaviest precipitation of the year, with many communities picking up 3-5 inches of rain and isolated areas seeing even more.

Ohio pastor charged for keeping church open 24/7 to help the homeless
An Ohio pastor is facing charges for keeping his church open around the clock to help the homeless. Chris Avell is the pastor at Dad’s Place Church in Williams County. He started keeping it open 24/7 in March 2023 because the local homeless shelter was often full.

Cult leader who ‘told his Good News International Church members to prepare for the end of the world by starving themselves’ to be charged with murder after 429 bodies are found in mass graves 
A cult leader who allegedly told his followers to starve themselves to prepare for the end of the world has been charged with murder after mass graves filled with 429 dead bodies were found in a Kenyan forest.

The Catalyst For The Next US Civil War?
Could this be the catalyst for the next civil war? The federal government warned the Texas National Guard to “cease and desist its efforts to block Border Patrol’s access in and around the Shelby Park area and remove all barriers to access to the U.S.-Mexico border.” Texas said NO, and numerous states are sending resources to Texas to stand against the federal government.

Florida Republicans eye ban on pride flags in schools, government buildings
Florida House Republicans introduced new legislation Wednesday that would restrict certain flags in government buildings and schools, bringing the state one step closer to banning emblems like the LGBTQ+ pride flag.

Pentagon Insider Issues Chilling Warning of World WAR III
We in the Independent Media have been reporting on events observed globally which we believe are leading to World War III, laying out each event, the possible ramifications as well as how other nations are reacting, including countries with nuclear capabilities.

2024 is the year of the double cicada emergence
It’s the year of the dragon for observers of Lunar New Year, but in North America, 2024 is the year of the cicada. For the first time in 221 years, two broods of cicadas (not locusts) that spend the vast majority of their lives underground will emerge, invading backyards in 17 states. According to Cicada Mania, a website dedicated to cicadas, Illinois and Indiana are lucky enough to see both broods this year.

Iran vows revenge on Israel after Damascus strike kills 5 Revolutionary Guard members 
Iran on Saturday accused Israel of a strike in Damascus that killed five Revolutionary Guards members, the latest attack on the Islamic Republic’s personnel abroad, and vowed to avenge it.

I Never Thought I Would See the Day… When Our World Would Be Upside Down 
I’m at it again—mulling over the insanity of our day, even though such absurdities were predicted for the last days. I say a dozen times a day, “I never thought I would see the day.” Be honest. You do, too!

Alaska Borough Urges Residents to Get Ammo and Arm Themselves
An Alaskan regional government is urging its residents to be armed and ready. The Matanuska-Susitna Borough Assembly voted Tuesday to encourage its people to have guns and ammunition, linking the need to rely on the Second Amendment to an increase in crime and a dearth of state troopers, according to Alaska Public Radio.

EU announces provisional agreement to regulate anonymous forms of payment 
Last Monday, the Council of the European Union announced that the Council and the Parliament had struck a deal, a provisional agreement, on stricter anti-money laundering rules.  The reason for the new regulations, so they claim, is to combat “terrorist financing,” a goal which has been fast-tracked since the 7 October Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.

Health Related News: Influenza-like illness, including Covid, in the UK is the lowest we’ve seen in years
A virus very similar to SARS-CoV-2 was in Ralph Baric’s freezer at the University of North Carolina in 2018. SARS-CoV-2 is not a “deadly” virus. The same cannot be said for Covid “vaccines.” As a study published in the Lancet confirmed, unvaccinated people have less severe Covid outcomes than vaccinated people. This is the same for some vaccines for other diseases, which researchers have found may increase the risk of infections.