Unthinkable :: By Daymond Duck

On June 24, Michael Snyder (Author, Speaker, End of the American Dream) wrote:

  • We are closer to the unthinkable than we have ever been, but I have noticed that concern about global war has fallen to an exceedingly low level in the Western world. Many people are just having a good old time as if they didn’t have a care in the world, and meanwhile, global leaders on all sides are dragging us to the brink of destruction.

There is a great article (https://www.raptureready.com/tribulation/) on Rapture Ready by Dr. Thomas Ice, Dr. Harold Wilmington, and Terry James that lists 12 titles of the Tribulation Period.

Here are just 5: The Indignation; Day of God’s Vengeance; The Time of Trouble Such as Never Was; The Great Day of His Wrath; and The Hour of His Judgment.

Just a few undeniable signs that this time of God’s judgment is approaching are:

  • The nation of Israel will come back into being, have a powerful military, be in possession of Jerusalem, be surrounded by enemies, be hated by all nations, and make plans to rebuild the Temple.
  • Nations from the old Roman Empire (the EU) will unite.
  • Knowledge will increase (AI).
  • World government will begin to appear (globalism, the New World Order, the Great Reset by 2030 or sooner, if possible, borders erased, etc.).
  • The technology to identify everyone and track all buying and selling will be coming on the scene (digital ID, digital currency, etc.).
  • Good will be called evil, and evil will be called good (opposing abortion, LGBTQ, etc., is called evil; supporting these evils is celebrated).
  • Russia, Turkey, Iran, and others will become allies and oppose Israel.
  • And many more.

The thing that triggered this article is Michael Snyder’s statement that “Many people are just having a good old time as if they didn’t have a care in the world, and meanwhile, global leaders on all sides are dragging us to the brink of destruction.”

Snyder didn’t say it, but it sounded like something Jesus said:

But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

  • And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be (Matt. 24:37-38).

Before the Great Flood, Enoch (who was Raptured; Gen. 5:24) named his son Methuselah, which some scholars say means, “When he is dead, it (the Great Flood) shall be sent.”

As Enoch was nearing the end of his life (969 years), immorality and wickedness was great on Earth, Enoch’s grandson Noah was building a great Ark, and he was warning people to repent because a Great Flood was coming.

The people ignored the Rapture of Enoch, Noah’s great Ark, and his prophetic warnings.

They lived their lives as though God didn’t exist and nothing bad would happen.

Jesus was saying when the Tribulation Period is approaching, immorality and wickedness will be great on Earth; most of society will ignore the Rapture, the signs, the prophetic warnings, and live their lives as though God doesn’t exist and nothing bad is going to happen.

To most of society, the judgment of God will be unthinkable, and they will not prepare.

Sadly, it is unthinkable to many in the Church and many behind the pulpit, too.

When prophecy is mentioned to some pastors and Church members, they say, “I have heard that all my life. Nothing has changed.”

It is unthinkable that some believe nothing has changed, but they say it.

We are not living in the same world we lived in 10-20 years ago.

(More: Enoch prophesied the Second Coming – Jude 1:14 – And Methuselah was an ancestor of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob or Israel, Mary, and Jesus.)

Here are recent current events that seem to indicate the unthinkable is close:

One, concerning wars and rumors of wars at the end of the age: on June 26, 2024, Israel’s President Herzog said,

  • The international community cannot act surprised if the situation (between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon) spirals out of control, as the international community has almost done nothing to contribute to the full security of the residents of Israel despite repeated violations of treaties and international agreements from Lebanon by Hezbollah.

Two, concerning wars and rumors of wars: on June 28, 2024, it was reported that Israeli citizens have been preparing for an Israeli war with Hezbollah in Lebanon for months.

The CEO of a large store that sells tactical and outdoor equipment said:

  • Customers are stocking up.
  • Some gear up with weapons, while others focus on generators, lights, radios, and solar equipment. Many also bought bulletproof gear and tactical wearables. Thousands of generators were bought in the past few months, thousands of shelters were built, and tons of food and other emergency supplies were purchased.

Three, concerning wars and rumors of wars: on June 28, 2024, following Hezbollah rocket and drone attacks on Israel, Israeli jets conducted waves of attacks on several Hezbollah sites in southern Lebanon.

(More: On June 29, 2024, the U.S. and Europe warned Hezbollah to ease up on attacking Israel and to back off to avoid a war with Israel. They believe Hezbollah is powerful but overconfident and unable to prevail over the power of Israel.)

(More: On July 2, 2024, Lebanon notified Israel through a third-party message that it does not want a war with Israel. Israel responded, “We need to return our residents to their homes; if it is not through a diplomatic solution, it will be through war.”

(My comment: No matter how powerful Hezbollah is and who helps them, they are unable to prevail over the power of Israel’s God.)

Four, concerning wars and rumors of wars at the end of the age: on June 28, 2024, following Ukraine’s use of U.S.-supplied weapons that killed 4 Russians and about 150 others in Crimea, Russia summoned America’s ambassador to Russia and informed her that Russia and the U.S. are no longer at peace with each other.

It was not a declaration of war, but it clearly signals a bad turn in the relationship between Russia and the U.S.

Five, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog in the latter days and latter years: on June 26, 2024, it was reported that Russia and Iran are in the final stages of a “big” treaty (comprehensive bilateral cooperation agreement) that will reflect an unprecedented upswing in their relationship.

This “big” treaty will strengthen their political, trade, and military relationship.

Six, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog: on June 27, 2024, it was reported that Israel has been practicing long-distance flights and operations for military activity in distant locations, including refueling aircraft and transporting planes and additional military units in case they need to strike Iran.

  • On June 27, Israeli Prime Min. Netanyahu said, “Iran is fighting us on a seven-front war: obviously, Hamas, Hezbollah as well as the Houthis, the militias in Iraq and Syria, the West Bank, and Iran itself.”
  • On June 27, 2024, Netanyahu warned a group of U.S. military officials that Iran is trying to conquer Saudi Arabia.
  • On June 28, 2024, Iran warned that an Israeli attack on Lebanon could lead to a wider war involving all resistance fronts; all of Israel’s enemies, as in Psa. 83.
  • On July 1, 2024, a senior Iranian official said Iran’s next attack on Israel will lead to complete victory.
  • On July 2, 2024, Iran said it will throw all its military power behind Hezbollah if Israel launches a full-scale attack on Hezbollah in Lebanon.
  • On July 2, 2024, Russia said if Israel sells Patriot air defense systems to Ukraine, there will be certain political consequences.

(More: Iran is trying to overthrow the government of Jordan – a Psa. 83 nation – to make this an eight-front war. But, even if Iran doesn’t succeed in toppling the king of Jordan, there are terrorist groups in Jordan that are operating against Israel.)

Seven, concerning the fact that Israel cannot be defeated: on June 27, 2024, Bible prophecy expert Amir Tsarfati wrote:

  • Things are escalating in the north. Yes, we have political turmoil. Yes, my region of the world is chaotic. However, none of these realities change the fact that the promises of God are sure. God initiated my blessed country through Abraham. He rescued it through Moses. He restored it through Joshua. He preserved it through David. He rebirthed it from the ashes of the Holocaust, and He’s going to do an amazing work in my people in the future, just as He promised through the prophets and New Testament authors.

Eight, concerning deceit and animosity toward Israel: on June 30, 2024, the chair of the U.S. Foreign Affairs Committee (Michael McCaul) said the Biden administration has held up the transfer of 7 weapons systems to Israel.

Iran has significantly increased its shipments of weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Biden is delaying the shipment of weapons to Israel.

(My opinion: With God on Israel’s side, Israel will win with or without the U.S. Denying the weapons systems could mean that Israel will use bigger and more destructive weapons.)

Nine, concerning world government: last week, I reported that Klaus Schwab said this at the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Dalian, China on June 25, 2024:

  • To drive future economic growth, we must embrace innovation and force the collaboration across sectors, regions, nations, and cultures to create a more peaceful, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient future.

I specifically urged readers to notice that Schwab wants to:

  • Force all regions, nations, and cultures to collaborate with the agenda of unelected globalists.

This week (on July 1, 2024), it was reported that UN Sec. Gen. Guterres wants the UN to adopt a set of Global Principles for Information Integrity that will allow nations to:

  • Take immediate action to address the harm caused by misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech.

In my words, Guterres wants to monitor the media, online platforms, individuals, and others to silence all opposition to the globalist agenda (silence all opposition to the globalist desired New World Order, one-world religion, tracking all buying and selling, the gay agenda, Covid-19 jabs, to what they want citizens to eat, etc.).

(More: On July 1, 2024, Keisha Bottoms, a senior advisor for Biden’s presidential campaign, criticized The Atlantic Journal-Constitution – Georgia’s largest newspaper – for election interference, for criticizing debate performance.)

(More: When it was established that the Biden administration was conspiring with liberal social media networks – YouTube, Facebook, etc. – to censor users, Texas and Florida passed laws to prevent the censorship from happening. The networks sued to have the laws struck down. On July 1, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to strike them down.)

(My opinion: Removing all opposition to a godless satanic world government will result in the rise of an evil government and the most disastrous 7 years of human history.)

Ten, concerning natural disasters increasing in frequency and intensity at the end of the age: on July 2, 2024, it was reported that the development of a Category 5 hurricane on or before July 4 is unprecedented, but Hurricane Beryl has appeared and broken the record for earliest Category 5 hurricanes by 15 days.

Brian McNoldy, a hurricane expert at the Univ. of Miami, said, “This storm continues to break records, ravage the Caribbean region, and stun scientists like me.”

Citizens in Mexico and on the western U.S. Gulf Coast need to monitor this record-breaking storm.

Here is my daily update on the Israel-Hamas war:

Wednesday, June 26, 2024 (Day 265): The two-hundred-and-nineth day of the resumed war. Day 51 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Israel’s Defense Min. said Israel could take Lebanon “back to the Stone Age” in a war but added Israel preferred diplomacy.

Thursday, June 27, 2024 (Day 266): The two-hundred-and-tenth day of the resumed war. Day 52 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Israel’s Security Cabinet will meet tonight to discuss concerns that a full-blown war is about to break out between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon.
  • Several nations, including the U.S., are advising their citizens in Lebanon to leave due to the risk of war between Israel and Hezbollah.
  • Every third home in south Lebanon is used by Hezbollah for weapons storage, training, firing positions, and meeting points for a possible cross-border attack.
  • This afternoon, Israel assassinated a Hezbollah operative, and Hezbollah responded by firing 40 rockets into Israel.
  • The UK submitted a brief to the International Criminal Court challenging its jurisdiction over Israel and its authority to issue arrest warrants for Israeli leaders.

Friday, June 28, 2024 (Day 267): The two-hundred-and-eleventh day of the resumed war. Day 53 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Israel said it now controls 70% of Rafah.
  • Israel attacked 5 different targets in Gaza.
  • The U.S. destroyed 5 Houthi drones and a Houthi control center.
  • In May 2024, 5 nations unilaterally recognized Palestine as a state. Israel retaliated today by authorizing construction of 5 new settlements on the West Bank.
  • Israel released captured Hamas documents instructing the terrorists that started the Israel-Hamas war on Oct. 7, 2023, to seize a lot of Israeli military and civilian hostages.

Saturday, June 29, 2024 (Day 268): The two-hundred-and-twelfth day of the resumed war. Day 54 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Israel’s foreign minister posted a message on X for Iran. His message was about Iran and Hezbollah threats to destroy Israel. His message said, “A regime that threatens destruction deserves to be destroyed.”
  • Israel’s foreign minister said if Hezbollah does not cease its fire and withdraw from southern Lebanon, we will act against it with full force until security is restored and residents can return to their homes.
  • Hezbollah thanked Iran for threatening to annihilate Israel.

Sunday, June 30, 2024 (Day 269): The two-hundred-and-thirteenth day of the resumed war. Day 55 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Israeli troops killed 40 terrorists in one neighborhood of Gaza.
  • A Hezbollah drone injured 18 Israeli soldiers in the Golan Heights (one serious, and surgery was required; two mild to moderate).

Monday, July 1, 2024 (Day 270): The two-hundred-and-fourteenth day of the resumed war. Day 56 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Terrorists launched 20 rockets from Gaza into Israel.
  • Iran has significantly increased its shipments of weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon in preparation for an all-out war with Israel.
  • Ynetnews reported that Israel will begin its offensive on Lebanon in the second half of July unless Hezbollah holds its fire.
  • Israeli troops found and destroyed the largest underground terrorist rocket factory they have found up until now in Gaza.
  • S. Sec. of State Blinken said Israel has effectively lost sovereignty over northern Israel due to Hezbollah attacks.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024 (Day 271): The two-hundred-and-fifteenth day of the resumed war. Day 57 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Israeli forces killed 4 terrorists while they planted a roadside bomb in Gaza.
  • A senior Iranian military commander said that the country is waiting for a chance to launch another direct attack on Israel.
  • A Hezbollah official said if Israel wants to avoid a war in Lebanon, it must end the war against Hamas in Gaza.
  • The U.S. threatened to hold Israel accountable if it builds new settlements on the West Bank.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024 (Day 272): The two-hundred-and-sixteenth day of the resumed war. Day 58 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Israel assassinated a senior Hezbollah commander in Tyre, Lebanon.

FYI: God does not send anyone to Hell (all of us are born with a sin nature and destined to go to Hell because we sin), but God has provided a way (Jesus) for everyone to go to Heaven (and He is the only way to get there; John 14:6).

Finally, are you Rapture Ready?

If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.


All-Out War :: By Daymond Duck

On June 17, 2024, Pres. Biden’s special U.S. envoy met with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Gallant to try to prevent an all-out war between Israel and the Lebanon-based, Iranian-backed group called Hezbollah.

On social media, Israel’s Foreign Minister said:

  • We are getting very close to the moment of deciding to change the rules of the game against Hezbollah and Lebanon.
  • In an all-out war, Hezbollah will be destroyed and Lebanon severely beaten.

On June 18, 2024, Biden’s special envoy met with 3 high-ranking Lebanese officials (Lebanon’s Prime Minister, Parliamentary Speaker, and Military Commander) with the same goal in mind (prevention of an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah in the nation of Lebanon).

Biden sent his special envoy to meet with these Lebanese officials in an effort to avoid a “greater war” in the Middle East, but it still sounded like an all-out war is on the horizon (the destruction of Lebanon, great damage in northern Israel, multitudes made homeless in both nations, many killed, etc.).

The UN, EU, U.S., and others have tried to produce peace in the Middle East for almost 80 years, but they have always failed because they refuse to believe that many Muslims don’t want peace. (Many want the destruction of Israel, not peace.)

The UN, EU, U.S., and others have worked out agreements that they expect (and try to force) Israel to keep, but they don’t expect (or try to force) radical Muslims to keep them.

In the last 8 months, Hezbollah has fired about 5,000 rockets, missiles, and drones at Israel, driven about 80,000 Israelis out of their homes, killed about 25 Israeli soldiers and citizens, damaged or destroyed almost 1,000 structures, and burned about 20,000 acres of Israeli land.

Israel has had enough of UN, EU, and U.S. worthless phony-baloney ceasefires and peace agreements.

Unless something unexpected happens, we could soon see an all-out war and possibly the fulfillment of several prophesied wars in the Middle East.

Because some readers may not agree with the above, I want to point out that Hezbollah’s ally Yahya Sinwar (Hamas’ military leader) recently rejected Pres. Biden’s three-phase ceasefire proposal that several U.S. officials called “extraordinarily generous.”

Among other things, Sinwar said:

  • The deaths of Palestinians and civilians in other places are “necessary sacrifices” (in Hamas’ effort to destroy Israel).
  • We have to move forward on the same path we started. (The Israeli-Hamas war started with the seizure, murder, rape, and enslavement of Jewish men, women, and children.)

Some call Sinwar a psychopathic killer or a genocidal maniac.

He spent 22 years in an Israeli prison for murder before being released in a prisoner swap.

In 2018, he told a reporter:

  • We make the headlines only with blood. No blood, no news.

Hezbollah is launching rockets, missiles, and drones into Israel almost every day, and Hezbollah says:

  • We will not stop attacking Israel until Israel ends its war with Hamas.

As I see it, a lasting peace treaty with Hezbollah and the murderer who heads up the Hamas military and controls the Palestinian people is not possible.

Hamas has even said they will regroup and keep attacking Israel.

On June 14, 2024, it was reported that:

  • Iran warned Israel not to launch a war with Hezbollah and notified the U.S. that Iran will join the war if one breaks out.

Considering what the Bible says; what Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran are saying; what is happening; the fact that the UN, EU, U.S., and others have not required the radical Muslims to keep their agreements; and that God will not allow Israel to be destroyed; it is my belief that an all-out war is on the horizon (and when the smoke and dust settles, Israel will still be on the map, more Jews will believe in Jehovah, and Allah will be greatly embarrassed).

(More: On June 20, 2024, expert prophecy teacher Amir Tsarfati wrote, “War is not a matter of if, but when.”)

(More: On June 20, 2024, it was reported that Israel has started moving troops from Gaza to its northern border in preparation for war with Hezbollah.)

(More: On June 22, 2024, it was reported that senior U.S. officials assured Israel that the U.S. will back Israel if there is an all-out war with Lebanon.)

(More: On June 22, 2024, Joel Rosenberg of All Israel News said, “We are facing an apocalyptic war.” God is shaking Israel. God is sovereignly letting it happen to humble us as Jews, as Israelis, and even with America beginning to waffle, that is telling us we have to turn to God and His Son and His word, or we don’t have hope.”)

(More: On June 23, 2024, Hezbollah launched several explosive-laden drones at Israel.)

(More: On June 23, 2024, it was reported that Canada is preparing to evacuate about 45,000 Canadian citizens from Lebanon.)

(More: Approximately 100,000 Lebanese citizens have left the country.)

(More: On June 24, 2024, Netanyahu said Hezbollah will have to be removed from the border, and Israel will have to do it.)

(More: On June 24, 2024, the U.S. warned Hezbollah and Lebanon that it will not be able to reign in Israel if they get into a war.)

Here are some recent current events that seem to relate to Bible prophecy.

One, concerning wars and rumors of wars: on June 19, 2024, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah threatened to attack Cyprus if it continues to allow Israel to use its airports and bases for military exercises.

Two, concerning wars and rumors of wars: earlier this year, the U.S. started supplying Ukraine with long-range missiles called ATACMs that can hit targets about 190 miles away.

On June 24, 2024, it was reported that Ukraine launched a U.S.-made ATACM that was shot down by Russia over a beach in occupied Crimea (Ukrainian territory that Russia seized).

Falling shrapnel killed 4 people (two were Russian children) and wounded 150.

Russia summoned the U.S. ambassador, accused the U.S. of being involved in the attack, said the U.S. will not go unpunished, and said retaliatory measures will definitely follow.

Three, concerning world government: on June 20, 2024, Meryl Nass, MD for Door to Freedom, sent out a very long but excellent article on the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) recent attempt to gain partial sovereignty over all nations on earth with a new International Pandemic Treaty (IPT) and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHRs).

Here is a link to what I received:


Here is a link to their analysis:


Dr. Nass said,

  • Attempts to water down both documents were made during the final days before and even during the meeting, but no general agreement could be obtained. Finally, at the eleventh hour (as often happens), an agreement was reached to give the Pandemic Treaty negotiations another year, with some new negotiators to be brought in. A set of amendments to the International Health Regulations were passed, but the heart of the document had been defanged: while the WHO Director-General would be allowed to declare public health emergencies, he would not accrue special powers as a result; he would not be able to order nations to pass laws; he could not issue lockdowns, mandates, etc.

This was a major victory for those who oppose the coming satanic world government (New World Order, Great Reset, etc.), but the globalists are not happy, and they are not giving up.

They have already issued a new report “charting a path forward.”

I have decided not to go into detail on Dr. Nass’s analysis of the new IPT and amendments to the IHRs because it is so long and detailed, but it is an excellent resource for those who are looking for information on this issue.

Four, concerning a falling away in the Church and the coming one-world satanic religion: Roman Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano was summoned to appear at the Vatican on June 20 to face the beginning of a trial on charges that he has committed schism (promoted discord; caused dissent or conflict) and denied the legitimacy of Pope Francis.

Here is a link to an article on the announcement of his summons:


Here is a link to Vigano’s response to the charges:


His response is long, so here is a small part of what he said. Those who are interested can go to the link for his full response.

  • Bergoglio (Pope Francis) promotes uncontrolled immigration and calls for the integration of cultures and religions.
  • Bergoglio authorizes the blessing of same-sex couples and imposes on the faithful the acceptance of homosexualism while covering up the scandals of his protégés and promoting them to the highest positions of responsibility.
  • Bergoglio… supports Agenda 2030 (the coming satanic world government) and attacks those who question the theory of man-made global warming.
  • He has mandated the use of experimental gene serums, which caused very serious damage, death and sterility, calling them “an act of love,” in exchange for funding from pharmaceutical companies and philanthropic foundations.
  • Bergoglio is to the Church what other world leaders are to their nations: traitors, subversives, and final liquidators of traditional society who are certain of impunity.
  • I am honored not to have – and indeed, I do not want – any ecclesial communion with them: theirs is a lobby that conceals its complicity with the masters of the world in order to deceive many souls and prevent any resistance against the establishment of the Kingdom of the Antichrist.

(My opinion: It is better to obey God than man. We are not only witnessing an all-out shooting war shaping up in the Middle East, but we are also witnessing an all-out spiritual war against the Church.)

(My opinion: I, too, believe Pope Francis is on the wrong side of the spiritual war. I also believe Vigano loves the Roman Catholic Church; he is grieved by what Francis is doing, and he is urging Roman Catholics to stick to their traditional understanding of the issues. I admire Vigano for risking his job and reputation to stand up for what he believes the Bible teaches.)

(More: On June 20, 2024, expert prophecy teacher Amir Tsarfati wrote, “You can either take part in the globalist agenda or do your part to stand up against it.”)

Five, concerning an increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters at the end of the age: on June 23, 2024, it was reported that more than 1,400 temperature records were broken on Earth in the past week.

Some so-called experts have blamed it on global warming or climate change.

I believe God is telling us the end of the age has arrived and the lost are running out of time to get saved.

(More: At the time I am writing this on June 23, 2024, there is record-breaking heat in the U.S. West and mid-Atlantic; flooding in Iowa, South Dakota, and Minnesota; and a tornado watch in several New England states.)

Six, concerning a peace agreement with Hamas and Hezbollah: on June 24, 2024, an Israeli official said:

  • We have had a litany of agreements concluded between Israel and Hamas and Hezbollah. And now we know very well that each agreement concluded with Hezbollah and with Hamas have been only means to enhance their destructive capabilities.

In my words, he said, history shows that Hezbollah and Hamas do not keep their agreements.

Seven, concerning world government: at the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Dalian, China, on June 25, 2024, Klaus Schwab said, “To drive future economic growth, we must embrace innovation and force the collaboration across sectors, regions, nations, and cultures to create a more peaceful, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient future.”

According to the article, Klaus argues that “economic growth” and a more “peaceful” future will come from reducing population numbers and embracing innovation, such as artificial intelligence (AI) while using the green agenda to advance policy change.

Notice that, among other things, Schwab wants to:

  • Force all regions, nations, and cultures to collaborate with the agenda of unelected globalists.
  • Reduce population numbers.
  • Force everyone to go by the green agenda.

(My opinion: MAGA goes against forcing all nations to collaborate. Corrupt elections are about empowering people to collaborate. Controlling everyone will culminate in tracking all buying and selling and the beheading of all who do not collaborate. Abortion, LGBTQ, euthanasia, etc., are all about reducing population numbers, and the green agenda is about controlling people.)

Eight, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog: on June 25, 2024, Israel’s Defense Min. (Gallant) met with the U.S. Sec. of Defense (Austin).

Gallant told Austin:

  • The greatest threat to the future of the world is Iran.
  • Time is running out.
  • Now is the time to materialize the commitment of American Administrations over the years – the promise to prevent Iran from possessing nuclear weapons.

Here is my daily update on the Israel-Hamas war.

Thursday, June 20, 2024 (Day 259): The two-hundred-and-third day of the resumed war. Day 45 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Hezbollah is vowing to fight a war without rules if it gets into a war with Israel.
  • Israel vowed to put an end to Hezbollah’s daily attacks on northern Israel.
  • Hezbollah threatened to target Israel’s oil rigs in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Israel’s Defense Min. said his nation has powerful weapons that it will use if necessary.
  • The U.S. said Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile defense system may be overwhelmed by the great number of rockets Hezbollah fires at Israel at the same time.
  • S. and Israeli intelligence said there may be as few as 50 (out of 116 remaining) hostages still alive.

Friday, June 21, 2024 (Day 260): The two-hundred-and-fourth day of the resumed war. Day 46 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Netanyahu said the flow of U.S. arms to Israel will be critical in a war with Hamas.
  • Israel has stepped up its attacks in Rafah and other parts of Gaza. There has been fierce, non-stop fighting for two days.
  • UN Sec. Gen. Guterres expressed profound concern over the escalating tensions between Israel and Hezbollah. Guterres said, “One rash move — one miscalculation — could trigger a catastrophe that goes far beyond the border and, frankly, beyond imagination.”
  • UN Sec. Gen. Guterres said there is total lawlessness and chaos in Gaza, and most of the humanitarian aid is looted.
  • S. efforts to stop an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah are going nowhere.
  • UN efforts to disarm Hezbollah and push them back from Israel’s border have been a total failure.

Saturday, June 22, 2024 (Day 261): The two-hundred-and-fifth day of the resumed war. Day 47 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Israel assassinated the man who supplies weapons to Hamas in Lebanon.
  • Israel struck the director of the Hamas media office in Gaza (his condition is unknown).
  • Israel criticized the UN for disseminating misleading or false information on the war in Gaza.

Sunday, June 23, 2024 (Day 262): The two-hundred-and-sixth day of the resumed war. Day 48 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Thousands of Iranian-backed groups in the Middle East have offered to fight shoulder to shoulder with Hezbollah if it gets into an all-out war with Israel.
  • Whistleblowers say Hezbollah is storing huge quantities of Iranian rockets, missiles, explosives, etc., at Lebanon’s main civilian airport. If Israel targets those weapons, innocent civilians will probably be killed.
  • Israel shot down a drone that was coming from Iraq (a Psa. 83 enemy of Israel, as is Lebanon and Egypt).
  • Netanyahu repeated his claim that the U.S. is delaying some (not all) weapon shipments to Israel. Biden denies it. Israel’s defense min. has arrived in the U.S. to try to get delayed weapons shipments speeded up.
  • Israel destroyed a terrorist training camp in Rafah.
  • Netanyahu said the Israel-Hamas war will not end until Hamas is destroyed.

Monday, June 24, 2024 (Day 263): The two-hundred-and-seventh day of the resumed war. Day 49 of the attack on Rafah.

  • An all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah could be the most destructive war either side has ever been involved in.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 (Day 264): The two-hundred-and-eighth day of the resumed war. Day 50 of the attack on Rafah.

  • PA sources said an Israeli attack in Gaza killed 10 members of Ismail Haniyeh’s family. Haniyeh is the political leader of Hamas.
  • Hamas wants Israel and Hezbollah to get into an all-out war because Hamas believes another war will take the Israeli pressure off Hamas.
  • Some of the Israeli hostages are suing the UNWRA for $1 billion for using UN money to help Hamas buy, smuggle, and store weapons and explosives.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024 (Day 265): The two-hundred-and-nineth day of the resumed war. Day 51 of the attack on Rafah.

  • Hamas has held 5 U.S. citizens hostage for almost 9 months.

FYI: God does not send anyone to Hell (all of us are born with a sin nature and destined to go to Hell because we sin), but God has provided a way (Jesus) for everyone to go to Heaven (and He is the only way to get there; John 14:6).

Finally, are you Rapture Ready?

If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.
