Trump’s Peace Trap :: By Terry James

I preface this with the assurance that I believe President-elect Donald J. Trump is God’s man for this late prophetic hour. Despite his sometimes audacious demeanor, I have no doubt he is precisely the person God has brought to the forefront of what I believe to be the final moments of this Age of Grace for Heaven’s great purposes. And, I’m convinced he truly is a friend of Israel–one who intends to again bring America to genuinely embrace that nation in a manner like before the Obama and Biden administrations that, in my view, acted treacherously against the Jewish state.

At the same time, I’m convinced Mr. Trump might likely be instrumental in bringing about the conditions that will ultimately cause God to gather all nations to the killing field of Armageddon.

I’m aware that this seems incongruent, but such has been the case throughout the biblical history of God dealing with men in leadership positions. The Lord uses men–sometimes terribly flawed ones—to accomplish His holy will and to bring about prophetic fulfillment.

Hopefully, I can make clear how it seems that “your favorite president”—as Trump, tongue-in-cheek, calls himself—will both be God’s man for this prophetic hour and, at the same time, instrumental in bringing about humanity’s most destructive war.

It is just like Lucifer the fallen one to use a word–a concept—that is soothing, pleasant, thus desirable, to obfuscate or camouflage something devastatingly evil. This was Satan’s ploy in seducing the mother of us all in the Garden. He promised Eve that if she ate of the fruit of the tree of good and evil, she would not surely die, as God had said. He said she would gain knowledge—God-like knowledge.

We know the result of that deception from the father of lies. Other than the peace offered by the Lord Jesus Christ, the world hasn’t experienced a moment of true world peace since that seduction and disobedience.

We are told, “and through peace he shall destroy many” (Daniel 8:25). Peace is the operative term being offered to the world’s diplomats by the father of lies today to seduce them into bringing about humankind’s final war. And the peace proposition with which Satan lures rebellious, anti-God forces is front and center as Donald J. Trump prepares to take office on January 20, 2025.

To my way of viewing developments at this early stage of putting his administration together, a trap is being set for Mr. Trump—a kind of trap he doesn’t seem to be aware of. It’s the one Daniel the prophet foretold as given above: “and through peace he shall destroy many” (Daniel 8:25). 

It is a matter of discussion that many prophecy watchers from the pre-Trib view have pondered ever since Trump’s major foreign policy achievement in his first term as the nation’s forty-fifth president. The Abraham Accords, the 2020 normalization agreements between Israel and four Arab countries that were Trump’s signature foreign policy effort, will be among the top priorities of his administration. Achieving permanent peace in the Middle East has been the burning desire of every president of the modern era, with the exception, in my opinion, of Barack Hussein Obama.

The prophecy watchers of our ilk believe the nucleus of any agreement that will bring about Daniel’s prophesied destructive peace will have to include Israel’s land being divided. The Arab-Muslim world will accept nothing less than a state that divides Israel’s land and Jerusalem. And the people within those forces so hate Israel that they will not be satisfied even with a divided Israel. They want Israel erased from the land from the river to the sea.

This dividing is also prophesied to come to fulfillment, which we have covered many times in these articles.

“I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land” (Joel 3:2).

While there will yet be a future dividing of God’s Israel, the world has long since divided and partitioned God’s land. The world of rebels will pay the price for that treachery at the time of Armageddon.

The trap being set is, at this point, only a hint of what is to come as the administration comes together and begins to move into the process of peace-making. Most among the Trump brain trust for the new administration hold to the position declared by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He has declared that Israel and Jerusalem will never be divided.

This begs the question: Will Mr. Netanyahu continue to be prime minister if, as is thought probable by those of us who think the new effort at establishing the Abraham Accords will eventuate in offering the Palestinians some of God’s/Israel’s land in order to agree to permanent peace? –A “peace that will destroy many” eventually, according to the great prophet Daniel?

The following touches on the trap I propose might be in the process of being set to turn the new US presidential administration from no two-state solutions to an offering of land for peace, opposed by Mr. Netanyahu, most of the Israeli people, and, currently, most of Trump’s people.

WASHINGTON — Massad Boulos, President-elect Donald Trump’s advisor on Middle Eastern and Arab affairs, said that the United States would have to discuss laying out a “roadmap” to Palestinian statehood if it hopes to establish relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Saudi officials have long made it known that they would not establish ties with Israel absent progress toward a Palestinian state. But for Boulos — a Lebanese-American billionaire and the father-in-law of Trump’s daughter Tiffany — to emphasize the point is significant because other Trump appointees, in addition to Trump himself, are seen as close to the Israeli right, which rejects Palestinian statehood.

“I think the issue of a roadmap that would lead to a Palestinian state is an important part of the discussions between the United States and Saudi Arabia,” Boulos said in a wide-ranging interview last week with Le Point, a French magazine. “It is certainly a very important point.”

Boulos, 53, framed the focus on Palestinian statehood in terms of expanding the Abraham Accords, the 2020 normalization agreements between Israel and four Arab countries that were Trump’s signature foreign policy achievement in his first term.

Trump has spoken repeatedly about expanding the Abraham Accords. In the interview, Boulos said that many additional countries would initiate ties with Israel if Saudi Arabia did so.

“It is important to remember that Saudi Arabia is not demanding the creation of a Palestinian state today, but it is asking for a vision and a road map for it, that’s all,” he said. “Today, the president’s priority is to resume discussions on the Abraham Accords, with, of course, Saudi Arabia first. Because we know very well, and the president has said it, that once we agree with Saudi Arabia on Israel, there will be at least 12 Arab countries that will be immediately ready to follow suit.” (Massad Boulos, Trump’s new Middle East adviser, touts roadmap to Palestinian state, By Ron Kampeas/JTADECEMBER, Jerusalem Post)

We can all be thankful for the new direction America is apparently pointing with the election of Mr. Trump, who promises a change from the moral and governance madness experienced over the past number of years. But we can also watch and pray while we work toward pointing out that the satanic trap we might be witnessing being set will be recognized by the new president. I hope some of the Bible prophecy-astute pastors who have Mr. Trump’s ear—the bullet damage of which God used, I believe, in shaping his reelection—will as strongly as possible warn him of the dangers involved in dividing God’s land.