3 June 2024

South African Minister: ‘America is next in line for prosecution’
She noted that there is already a planned class action suit “against all foreigners who have been serving in the IDF. A group of 140 international lawyers are working on this case. They are very carefully identifying each of these non-citizens of Israel, including South Africans, who have been fighting in Israel.”

Right-wing orgs to Netanyahu: Announce that you will not agree to surrender to Hamas
“The fate of the State of Israel is in your hands. For years you called yourself the guardian of Israel and now your legacy is being tested,” the heads of the organizations wrote to Netanyahu,

Israel fighting against ‘demonic’ Islamism: Iranian dissident
An Iran-born human rights activist critical of the Islamic regime toured Israel this week, telling media that Israel is fighting against the same “demonic” strain of Islamic ideology currently manifesting in her home country. Moo said she recognized the sexual assaults committed by Hamas against Israeli Jewish women as the same “wild, demon, inhumane form of treatment” that the Iranian regime leverages to crack down on dissent.

Biden ‘wrong’ on proposed ceasefire deal, says Israeli official
Biden misinterpreted the terms Israel has accept for a possible ceasefire and hostage deal, an Israeli official said Sunday, emphasizing that Jerusalem has not agreed to permanently halt hostilities with Hamas starting with an initial truce.

The state of affairs in Israel’s multi-front war
Despite an abundance of media reporting on the war in Israel, many people outside the country appear to be no longer able to get a proper idea of the situation in the multi-front conflict in which the Jewish state is embroiled. This is mainly due to the obsession that the media, but also many foreign politicians, have with the front in Gaza.

Unveiling Jerusalem’s priestly neighborhood from Herodian era
After two years of extensive development and renovations costing $5 million, Jerusalem’s ancient Herodian Quarter is reopening to the public this week. This remarkable archaeological site in the Old City’s Jewish Quarter features an affluent residential neighborhood from the Second Temple period, spanning 2,600 square meters (about 28,000 square feet). It includes luxurious homes, exquisite mosaics, paved streets and numerous ritual baths.

Colorado Hail Storm Hints that Pre-Messiah Replay of Plagues Quickly Approaching
The Denver metropolitan area experienced an intense hail storm Thursday, which led to the largest hailstones recorded in the county in 35 years. The National Weather Service (NWS) issued a ‘destructive’ severe thunderstorm warning for the Denver area. Baseball-sized hail and wind gusts up to 50 mph were reported, with accumulations of 2.75 inches. Damage to vehicles, homes, and trees was also reported in many locations. … meteorologists report that hailstorms have become more common and more intense.

German grandson of Nazis volunteers in IDF, seeks to enlist to support Israel’s war effort
A 23-year-old non-Jewish German man is trying to enlist in the IDF after having volunteered in Israel since January, … After witnessing the events of the Oct. 7 massacre in Israel unfold in the news, Edgar immediately felt compelled to help.

Hezbollah rocket barrage forces over 100,000 Israelis into bomb shelters, injuring 2 people and causing fires and damage
The Lebanese terror organization Hezbollah carried out an almost non-stop bombardment of northern Israel on Sunday after the Israeli Air Force (IAF) struck a compound in Baalbek in northern Lebanon on Saturday evening in retaliation for Hezbollah shooting down an Israeli drone earlier that day.

California’s Corral Fire growth escalates prompting evacuations
California firefighters face extreme weather conditions as they work to contain the Corral Fire outside of Tracy, which exploded to 12,500 acres over the weekend, prompting officials to order mandatory evacuations for some residents.

Severe storms threatens Plains on Sunday with large hail, damaging winds
Nebraska and north Kansas could see very large hail up to 3 inches in diameter, damaging winds between 60 and 80 mph, and the potential for a tornado spin-up or two. A greater area from Texas to Minnesota will also face potentially severe thunderstorms on Sunday.

Flood Watch issued as rare June atmospheric river takes aim at Seattle, Portland
Meteorological summer begins in the Pacific Northwest this year with a time warp back to winter as rare back-to-back atmospheric river-type storms sweep through the region to kick off the new week.

Life-threatening triple-digit heat to bake millions across West this week 
Meteorological summer has just started, and already millions of people across the West are preparing for potentially life-threatening heat-related illnesses due to a change in the weather pattern that will result in triple-digit temperatures during the region’s first summer heat wave.

Is America Becoming An Anti-Christ Nation?
…everything has changed in recent decades. When Barack Obama boldly declared that “we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation” in 2009, he was speaking the truth. We are no longer a Christian nation and we haven’t been for a very long time. So if we aren’t a Christian nation at this point, what exactly are we?

During The Great Depression They Were Called “Hoovervilles”, But Today America’s Shantytowns Are Called “Bidenvilles”
To those at the bottom of America’s economic pyramid, it feels like the economy has already collapsed.  When you can’t afford to put a roof over your head and you barely have enough food to eat, nothing else really matters.  During the Great Depression of the 1930s, millions of homeless Americans created large shantytowns known as “Hoovervilles” all over America.  Unfortunately, we are witnessing the same thing today.

Hal Turner Radio Show – French President Macron To Announce: “Europe is at war with Russia” on June 6
June 6 will be a landmark day for the whole of Europe. France will officially make the first announcement of sending military personnel from a European/NATO state to Ukrainian territory.

A “Restaurant Apocalypse” Is Starting To Sweep Across America, And That Is Really Bad News For The U.S. Economy
You can get a really good idea how the U.S. economy is doing by watching restaurants in your area.  When the economy is booming, restaurant parking lots are full and chains are feverishly establishing new locations.  But when the economy is struggling, restaurants get a lot less traffic and poor performing locations get shut down.  Sadly, in 2024 it appears that a “restaurant apocalypse” has started to sweep across America.

Catholic priest in Poland participates in ecumenical ceremony to bless homosexual ‘couples’
A Catholic priest in Poland has participated in a public ceremony to “bless” same-sex couples. The attempted “blessings” took place on May 17, during an ecumenical service at the Evangelical Reformed Parish in Warsaw in which both Catholic and Protestant clergy were present,

Hundreds of Lawmakers Worldwide Warn The WHO’s ‘Pandemic Treaty’ Would Usher In ‘Tyranny And Oppression’ 
Hundreds of officials from dozens of countries have put the leader of the World Health Organization on notice that if he persists in violating WHO rules to adopt a controversial global pandemic agreement or amend the International Health Regulations (IHR), it will render those provisions “null and void.”

Confronted By The Celebration Of Sin: ‘Pride Month’ Tests Our Commitment To The Truth Of God’s Word
Today marks the beginning of what has become known as pride month—a 30-day celebration of sexual sin and sinful identities by the media, many corporations, and even cities and towns. As those who believe God’s Word and understand that what these individuals are celebrating is nothing short of bondage and slavery to sin, June can be a discouraging month. But it can also be more than that—it can be a month that tests our commitment to the truth of God’s Word.

Mark-to-market: A BIS scheme that helped to set up the 2008 Global Financial Crisis
The 2008 financial crisis, also known as the Global Financial Crisis, was a severe economic downturn that was triggered by a housing market bubble burst in the United States. The crisis began in 2007 and lasted for several years, affecting many countries around the world…was it caused by banks acting recklessly? In 2016, Mark Arnold…discovered that the Bank for International Settlements (“BIS”) imposed an accounting policy on US commercial banks only months before which helped set the world up for The Great Recession.

Hospital worker tells Scottish Covid Inquiry hospitals were only “half full” during the covid outbreak
A porter has testified at the Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry that the hospital he works in was “half full” at “the outbreak” of covid and the beginning of the first lockdown. In April 2020, gradually covid patients began being admitted to the hospital but it was still not anywhere near as busy as on a normal day pre-covid.