2 Mar 2024

A message to Netanyahu? Gantz to travel to Washington next week
Benny Gantz, a member of the war cabinet, is set to fly to Washington next Sunday for a series of meetings, without coordinating with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Ynet learned on Friday.

Israel demands Hamas provide list of hostages still alive
Israel made it clear to Egypt and Qatar that it will not hold another round of talks on a hostage release deal until Hamas presents a list of the hostages who are alive and provides a serious response to the number of prisoners that the mediators proposed to be released as part of the deal,

Republican senators tell Biden to stop ‘anti-settler’ sanctions
Nine Republican senators wrote a letter to US President Joe Biden urging him to rescind his policy of imposing sanctions on certain residents of Judea and Samaria and to retract his statements in a memo criticizing Israel’s operations in Gaza. The letter said that Biden’s policy grants “the State Department broad authority to arbitrarily punish Israelis in Judea and Samaria, with no defined standards for determining when sanctions are warranted.”

US blocks UNSC resolution condemning Israel over aid truck stampede disaster
The United States on Thursday blocked a UN Security Council (UNSC) statement blaming Israel for the more than 100 alleged deaths that resulted from a stampede around an aid convoy in northern Gaza on Thursday morning. The U.S. was the only country of the 15 council members that didn’t support the statement put forward by Algeria in an emergency closed meeting, Palestinian UN ambassador Riyad Mansour told reporters. American Deputy Ambassador Robert Wood said that discussions about amending the language of the statement would continue, but added, “The problem is that we don’t have all the facts here.”

Trump says Biden is ‘destroying our country’ during southern border visit
“I call him ‘Crooked Joe’ because he’s crooked,” Trump said. “He’s a terrible president. The worst president our country has ever had, and probably the most incompetent president we’ve ever had.” Standing just yards away from the Rio Grande, Trump said there is a “new form of vicious violation to our country” called “Biden migrant crime.”

Heavy rain, strong winds, and sudden freeze hit Atlantic Canada 
On Thursday, February 29, 2024, a severe storm swept through Atlantic Canada, bringing heavy rain, winds exceeding 100 km/h (62 mph), and a sudden freeze across the region. The storm, which started late Wednesday, has left over 32,000 people without power and caused significant flooding, particularly in southern New Brunswick, including the town of Sussex where 100 mm (4 inches) of rain prompted evacuations and road closures.

Smokehouse Creek Fire becomes largest wildfire in Texas history and second-largest in U.S.
On Thursday, February 29, 2024, the Smokehouse Creek Fire expanded beyond 404 686 ha (1 million acres) in Texas, marking it as the largest wildfire in the state’s history and the second-largest in U.S. history. The blaze, which also extended into Oklahoma, has claimed the lives of at least two individuals and continues to pose a significant threat to homes, cattle, and livelihoods in the Texas Panhandle.

Pentagon is panicking over Biden’s proposal that would increase water costs by $10,000 per household 
Without so much as a whisper of pushback from Congress, the White House is bulldozing forward with a regulatory proposal that could cost the average household up to $ 10,000 extra in water costs. But it’s not only President Joe Biden‘s campaign that is scared of this latest forefront of the president’s green agenda — Biden’s own Pentagon is panicking over the proposal.

Secret documents reveal Trudeau government virologists had “clandestine relationship” with Chinese agents.
Documents authored by Canada’s top intelligence service reveal the long-awaited explanation behind the abrupt departure of two virologists from Canada’s top biolaboratory.

California Seized Enough Fentanyl In 2023 To Kill Global Population ‘Twice Over’ 
Authorities in California seized enough lethal doses of fentanyl last year to kill the entire global population “nearly twice over,” according to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office. In a statement on Feb. 27, the Democrat governor said operations supported by the state’s National Guard, or CalGuard, led to the seizure of a record 62,224 pounds of fentanyl in the state and at ports of entry in 2023, marking a 1,066 percent increase since 2021.

Today Is A Good Day To DEI: In Huge Win For DeSantis, University Of Florida Fires All ‘Diversity, Equity & Inclusion’ Staff
Following a mandate by the Florida Board of Governors, the University of Florida has fired all DEI (diversity, equity & inclusion) staff, effective immediately. “To comply with the Florida Board of Governor’s regulation 9..016 on prohibited expenditures, the University of Florida has closed the Office of the Chief Diversity Officer, eliminated DEI positions and administrative appointments, and halted DEI-focused contracts with outside vendors,” reads a statement from Provost J. Scott Angle.

Transgender Space Force Colonel Says Using Pronouns In Emails Will Help Win Wars
During a speech to the U.S. Air Force, transgender Space Force Col. Bree Fram demanded everyone use pronouns in their emails as a way to enhance “winning war fighting strategies.”

Google Gemini AI Creates Fake Book Reviews To Defend Google
Google Gemini, the tech giant’s new AI chatbot aimed at competing with ChatGPT, generated a series of fabricated reviews—falsely attributing them to actual individuals—to undermine the credibility of Peter Hasson’s 2020 book on political biases within Google and other major tech firms.

Joe Biden’s green energy plan is a gift to China, experts warn, amid fears Beijing could plunder more than $100billion from US taxpayer under scheme designed to BOOST American manufacturing
Beijing could plunder more than $ 100 billion from US taxpayer funding thanks to a ‘naïve’ plan by Joe Biden to boost the American renewable industry…Exclusive industry data shows China has already planted its flag on a dozen green energy projects that could benefit from uncapped tax credits. The scheme, which could cost the US taxpayer $ 1.2trillion overall, was designed to improve American competitiveness in sectors that China currently dominates, including solar and electric vehicles.

Exclusive: Canadians Protest Trudeau’s Proposal for State-Assisted Killing for Mental Illness
In this culture of death, the roster of individuals deemed “killable” perpetually expands and will not halt until it is legalized as a “solution” for anyone confronting any ailment or challenge.

15 Catholics killed at Mass by Muslim jihadists in Burkina Faso 
Muslim jihadists killed 15 Catholics during Sunday Mass this past weekend in the persecution-fraught African nation of Burkina Faso.

Carbon removal is a very expensive product that no one needs
Nearly 800 companies around the world are exploring a wide variety of methods for drawing planet-warming greenhouse gas out of the atmosphere and storing it away or putting it to use. A gigantic leap from the five startups that James Temple could have named in 2019. However, the industry is in trouble because carbon dioxide removal is “a very expensive product that no one needs” and no one seems eager to pay the “true cost” for the “waste management of invisible garbage.”

Meta knew parents were monetizing photos of their children for pedophiles: bombshell reports 
Social-media giant Meta was aware that its subscription tools were being used to facilitate child sexual exploitation but neglected to solve the issue, according to two recent explosive reports in the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times.