23 Feb 2024

3 X Class Solar Flares, Satellite/Network Issues, Biggest Flare of the Cycle | S0 News Feb.23.2024
It’s quite interesting to me that the “media” at large does not want the public looking into the Sun and discovering the rapidly weakening magnetic field due to the pole shift. (watch)

Massive Solar Flare Explodes from Sun; Radio Black-Outs Today, Geomagnetic Storm in Coming Days
A massive solar flare exploded from the sun today, the largest of three X-class flares that have impacted Earth in the last 24 hours, and the most intense flare of the current solar cycle. Due to this event, there are significant high-frequency radio black-outs today and it is likely geomagnetic storm conditions will be likely around Earth in the coming days. This most recent X class flare is rated as a X 6.3. It generated an R3 radio blackout, which is considered “strong”

Missouri sending Nat’l Guard to Texas border
Governor Mike Parson, a Republican, announced Tuesday that up to 200 Missouri National Guard soldiers will be activated to support Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star at the southern border between the United States and Mexico.

Teamsters Union Makes First Major GOP Donation Since 2004 Following Trump Meeting
Weeks after a meeting between former President Donald Trump and Teamsters Union leaders, including President Sean O’Brien and Secretary-Treasurer Fred Zuckerman, along with the union’s executive board at their Washington, DC headquarters, America’s most powerful labor union has made the first major donation to Republicans in two decades. This move has sparked huge concern that unions are losing faith in President Biden, lauded as the most pro-union president ever.

Debris from North Korean missile in Ukraine could expose procurement networks
Revelations that a North Korean missile fired by Russia in Ukraine contained a large number of components linked to U.S.-based companies underline the difficulty of enforcing sanctions against Pyongyang, but could help uncover illicit procurement networks, experts say.

New York Appeals Court Announces Decision on Dems’ Non-Citizen Voting Scheme
A lawsuit in New York led by the Republican National Committee saw sanity prevail when an appellate court ruled that no, non-U.S. citizens cannot vote in our elections. If the absurd policy had been allowed to stand, some 900,000 non-citizens to cast votes in municipal elections in the Big Apple.

US successfully lands on moon for first time in half-century with private robot spacecraft
The U.S. witnessed Intuitive Machines’ Odysseus lunar lander touch down near Malapert A in the South Pole region of the moon on Thursday evening. This marked the first American spacecraft has landed on the moon since the last crewed Apollo mission over 50 years ago. The last time an American spacecraft touched down on the moon was in 1972, during the Apollo 17 mission.

Radio signals from Orion nebula reveal new data about strange celestial objects: ‘JuMBOS’
Discovered at the end of 2023 by the James Webb Space Telescope, these bodies defy star and planet formation models. Last year, using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), astronomers made the startling discovery of some free-floating, planetary-mass objects in the Orion nebula that threw their ideas of planet and star formation into doubt. And now, new research has further deepened the mystery around these so-called Jupiter-mass binary objects, or JuMBOs. JuMBOs aren’t stars, but aren’t really planets either. … Both components seem to have around 11 times the mass of Jupiter, making them the largest of their kind seen by the JWST

Cellphone outage hits AT&T customers nationwide; Verizon and T-Mobile users also affected
The outages started popping up just before 3:30 a.m. ET, according to a graph shown on the website that tracks outages. Just before 2 p.m. ET, the number of reports had declined drastically to nearly 4,900 after spiking at more than 73,000 just after 9 a.m. ET.

Powerful twin solar flares erupt from sun as cell phone outages spike across US
Two outbursts from the sun occurred as widespread cellphone outages were reported throughout the United States on Thursday (Feb. 22). Two powerful solar flares erupted from the sun on the evening of Wednesday (Feb. 21) and during the early morning of Thursday (Feb. 22). An X1.8-class flare occurred at 6:07 p.m. ET (2307 GMT) on Feb. 21, and another, an X1.7 class flare, erupted at 1:32 a.m. ET (0632 GMT) on Feb. 22. The flares erupted from a region of the sun that “continues to exhibit strong magnetic complexity,” the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) wrote in a statement about the events.

AccuWeather sounding ‘alarm bells’ for supercharged 2024 Atlantic hurricane season
The reasons are two-fold: the return of La Niña and record high ocean temperatures. Neither are good news when it comes to hurricanes and especially not when they work together. Ocean temperatures in February are already as warm as they historically have been in mid-July,

Follow the money: Left-wing donors financed Bible study urging Church to stay out of politics
A journalist who covers faith and religion is describing how she stumbled into a eye-opening story: Some big names among Trump-hating evangelicals used left-wing sources to fund their Bible study intended to put the Church to sleep. Megan Basham, a Daily Wire reporter, recently had her curiosity piqued when reading a new Tim Alberta book about religion. Flipping through the pages, she discovered a Bible study entitled “The After Party – toward better Christian politics,” which is praised in the evangelical-bashing book. That forthcoming Bible study was created by New York Times columnist David French, Russell Moore of Christianity Today, and Duke Divinity professor Curtis Chang. “By ‘political idolatry’ they mean ‘political conservatism,’

Ballistic missile fired at Israel intercepted over Red Sea
Israel air defenses intercepted a ballistic missile over the Red Sea on Thursday morning, setting off sirens in the coastal city of Eilat. The missile, which was reportedly launched by Houthi rebels in Yemen, was downed by Israel’s long range Arrow system.

IDF arrests 8 UNRWA employees for participating in Hamas terror
Out of a total 12,000 UNRWA employees, 9,500 have Hamas ties. Over the course of the IDF’s operations in Gaza, 8 UNRWA employees have been arrested over alleged connections with Hamas, and in some cases, full participation in terrorist activities. Maariv obtained a secret report available to the IDF detailing terrorist ties of UNRWA workers, and the information is being investigated by Israeli officials.

Knesset votes 99-11 against unilateral recognition of Palestinian state
Netanyahu congratulated the opposition MKs who helped give the resolution the backing of an unprecedented super-majority. The Knesset plenum on Wednesday voted 99-11 to back the government’s decision to reject any unilateral recognition of Palestinian statehood, amid reports the Biden administration is considering such a move.

Senator asks Biden to clarify if US sees Jerusalem as part of ‘West Bank’
Joe Biden’s Feb. 1 executive order, imposing sanctions on “persons undermining peace, security and stability in the West Bank,” runs 1,699 words. None of those words is “Jerusalem.” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) wrote to Biden on Tuesday asking the president to clarify whether, for purposes of the executive order, the White House considers Jerusalem to be part of the “West Bank,” which is a term the Biden administration, and some others, use for Judea and Samaria.

Israel trials replacing Hamas with local leaders in Gaza City district
Israel is preparing to carry out a pilot program that will see local authorities replace the Hamas terrorist group in governing the southern Gaza City neighborhood of Zeitoun

Three Arab Israelis Indicted for Plotting Shooting Attack on Temple Mount
Three Arab-Israeli residents of northern Israel were arrested on suspicion of planning a shooting attack on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Two of those arrested in January and February are 20-year-old men, the third is a 16-year old minor, all from the Arab-Israeli town of Um al-Fahm. The minor and one of the adults are supporters of the Islamic State terrorist organization and planned to carry out the attack in the group’s name, the Israel Security Agency, also known as the Shin Bet, announced on Monday,

Illinois: This Bill Would Make it ‘Abuse’ for Parents to Object to Trans Hormones, Mutilation and Abortion
A recently-introduced bill in the state of Illinois would change the definition of “abused child” to include minors whose parents object to their children receiving puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, transgender surgeries, and abortions. House Bill 4876, which was introduced in early February, also shields doctors from liability

Fearing prosecution, UAB pauses in vitro fertilization after Alabama embryo court ruling
The University of Alabama at Birmingham health system has paused in vitro fertilization procedures following an Alabama Supreme Court decision due to fear of criminal prosecution and lawsuits, a spokeswoman said. the Alabama Supreme Court, in a decision released Friday, ruled that fertilized eggs and embryos have the same status as children. The opinion referred to embryos, which are often stored in cryogenic freezers, as “extrauterine children.“

Largest winter snowfall since 1975 and severe cold leave nearly 668,000 livestock dead in Mongolia
Mongolia has experienced its heaviest snowfall since 1975 this winter, with the government reporting one fatality and the loss of nearly 668,000 livestock due to severe cold and blizzards. Disaster relief efforts were initiated on February 19, focusing on providing essential aid, including food, fuel, and livestock feed, to affected communities.

Thousands urged to evacuate as wildfire rages near Ballarat, Victoria 
An emergency warning has been issued for 28 communities west of Ballarat, Victoria, as residents are urged to evacuate due to an out-of-control bushfire. The fire, which ignited along Bayindeen-Rocky Road, is being fought by 1,000 firefighters with support from 24 aircraft and 100 vehicles. Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan and emergency officials emphasize the rapidly evolving situation, with no properties reported damaged yet but significant disruptions including road closures and power outages affecting over 2,100 customers.

Major network outages in U.S. following two X-class solar flares 
A widespread network outage was reported in the United States on Thursday morning, February 22, 2024, following two major eruptions on the Sun, an X1.8 flare at 23:07 UTC on February 21 and X1.7 at 06:32 UTC on February 22. Both erupted from Active Region 3590.

Solar flare effect on cellular network outage ‘unlikely,’ NOAA says
…”While solar flares can affect communication systems, radar, and the Global Positioning System, based on the intensity of the eruption and associated phenomena, it is highly unlikely that these flares contributed to the widely reported cellular network outages,” they said.

VIDEO: Hundreds Baptized in Florida Party School’s Fountain
Hundreds of college students at one of the largest party schools in America, Florida State University (FSU), dedicated their lives to God on Thursday.

Iran Fires Ballistic Missile From A Shipping Container At Sea
Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has fired two ballistic missiles from launchers disguised as standard shipping containers that were hosted aboard one of its sea base-like vessels. This particular combination, which has not been seen to date, greatly expands the reach with which those weapons could be used to strike potential targets by surprise, especially given that shipping containers can be embarked on any vessel that has the space to accommodate them.

State-enforced gender ideology is letting ‘transgender’ pedophiles escape justice
The transgender movement wields so much power that even men who rape children can sometimes avoid prison simply by claiming to be a woman. Perhaps keen-eyed readers will notice some weird inconsistencies in a story recently reported this month in the U.K. press.

Former Border Chief Reveals He Was Ordered to Flood Europe with Illegals 
“Your job is to take in migrants and welcome them because they come out of love. And whether you like it or not, we’re an aging continent so you have to let them in,” Ylva Johansson, the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs.

Terror in Israel: One murdered, eight wounded in highway shooting
One Israeli was killed and eight more were wounded, including three severely, after gunshots were fired on Highway 1 near Ma’ale Adumim just outside of Jerusalem, Israel Police confirmed early Thursday morning.

Who Will Be Blamed For Harmful Covid-19 Vaccines? ‘It May be Time to Speak Up…’ says Dr Tess Lawrie
Although doctors and other medical professionals may be expecting that their actions of the last four years in relation to the use of the dangerous Covid jab, will be defended by politicians, health and regulatory authorities etc, they may be in for a shock, says Dr Tess Lawrie. Doctors, it seems, will instead be the scapegoats “for when the anger and distress of ordinary men and women can no longer be contained” and Dr Lawrie urges the health professional who now realise the harms caused by these jabs, to speak up now.

Australian medical professionals who were cancelled haven’t given up; they’re still fighting for medical freedom
During an Australian Senate hearing on the terms of reference for a Royal Commission into covid, a doctor described healthcare practitioners around Australia being suspended and silenced for questioning the “pandemic” response and covid injections. Three such health professionals, who were targeted by their regulators, have launched a declaration for anyone around the world “who understands the critical importance of free speech in formulating rational evidence-based and compassionate policy” to sign.

Canada’s carbon tax: Stop trying to rebrand it and just get rid of the whole scam
The Canadian government believes renaming their ‘Climate Action Incentive Payments’ as ‘Canada Carbon Rebates’ will satisfy the national disgust about what carbon taxes have done to daily life. The carbon tax is, after all, nothing more than a disincentive penalty fine for choosing the wrong behavior – as decided by the Liberal-NDP regime … We buy alternatives and don’t use the products we need because they are now too expensive. Thus are we fined and penalized into environmental virtue.”

Vatican sponsors youth guide promoting ‘values’ of ‘heretical’ interfaith Abu Dhabi document
The Vatican is sponsoring the creation of a “guide” to promote the “values” of the Abu Dhabi document on human fraternity — which has been described by a faithful prelate as “a betrayal of the Gospel” — to youth across the world.

Hall of Shame: A worldwide list of those who pushed for covid “lockdowns”
Trust the Evidence has started a list of people and institutions who pushed the harmful and destructive idea that you could “suppress” or “eradicate” SARS-CoV-2 using social measures, for example, “lockdowns.” “Those listed below showed crass ignorance of respiratory viral epidemiology, and they are likely to approach other topics with the same facile attitude in the future,” Dr. Tom Jefferson and Professor Carl Heneghan said.

Violence at High School in Massachusetts is so Bad That School Committee Members Are Calling for National Guard Intervention
School committee members in Brockton, Massachusetts say that violence at the city’s high school is so bad that they want the National Guard to come in and restore order. In other words, the inmates are running the asylum at this school.