1 Feb 2024

More than 220 Earthquakes Rock Hawaii; USGS Raises Volcano Alert Level
More than 220 earthquakes have rocked Hawaii in the last 24 hours; the increase in seismic activity and other signals at the Kilauea Volcano have prompted USGS scientists at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) to increase the volcano alert level there. While the volcano is not erupting yet as of press time, USGS warns that an “eruption can occur in the future with little warning.” Patterns of ground deformation and earthquakes since this morning indicate that pulses of magma continue to move beneath the surface of the region south-southwest of Kilauea’s summit

Future historians might remember Sunday, January 28, 2024, as the day World War Three started.
It happened overnight at a US military base in the arid desert of northeast Jordan, where the borders of Jordan, Iraq and Syria meet. American soldiers were asleep in their tents. Suddenly, all hell broke loose and drones were firing at them. Three soldiers perished. At least 34 were wounded. The vicious attack was executed by radical militants in Iraq and Syria backed by Iran.

Physicists Create One-Dimensional Noble Gas
Using advanced transmission electron microscopy (TEM) methods, physicists at the University of Nottingham have successfully trapped atoms of krypton inside a carbon nanotube to form a one-dimensional gas.

Harvard produces ‘whiny snowflakes’, says major donor as he withdraws funding
A major Harvard donor has halted financial support for the university and accused elite US colleges of producing “whiny snowflakes” instead of future leaders. Ken Griffin, an alumnus who donated $300 million (£237 million) to Harvard last year, is the latest in a string of wealthy donors who have halted donations amid uproar over the university’s handling of anti-Semitism on campus after the Oct 7 Hamas attacks on Israel.

Tech CEOs told ‘you have blood on your hands’ at US Senate child safety hearing
U.S. senators on Wednesday grilled leaders of the biggest social media companies and said Congress must quickly pass legislation, as one lawmaker accused the companies of having “blood on their hands” for failing to protect children from escalating threats of sexual predation on their platforms.

DeSantis calls for Ilhan Omar’s deportation after saying she is ‘Somali First’ in speech
Ilhan Omar, who has accused pro-Israel politicians of dual loyalty in the past, now faces questions of her own after remarks she made to the Somalian community have gone viral. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis called for Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar to be deported from the United States on Tuesday after footage showed Omar delivering a Somali-language speech to a gathering of community leaders at a Minneapolis hotel Saturday night where she called herself “Somali First” and vowed to protect Somalian interest as long as she is a member in the US Congress.

Chaos, Culture, And Christ: Why Society Can’t Help The Hopeless
Two Gospel writers, Matthew and Luke, give a graphic account of two men who had been completely taken over by the power of Satan. These men were tortured, lonely, suicidal, frightening to their neighbors, and utterly miserable. In short, they were in an absolutely hopeless situation. Hopeless, that is, until Jesus came along.

‘The flood will wash them away’: IDF’s message to Hamas in viral image
A photo published on social media on Wednesday went viral after it showed suspects arrested by the IDF in Khan Yunis handcuffed and blindfolded. Behind them are the flags of Israel and the Givati Brigade, as well as a massive sign with a quote-turned-pun from the Quran. The quote in question is taken from a sura in the Quran relating to the biblical flood: “…and the flood washed away their sins.” This is a clear allusion to the name Hamas gave to the October 7 attack – “Al-Aqsa flood.” The message is clear: The action backfired on its perpetrators, who are now paying for their sins.

Explosive device found at Israeli embassy in Sweden
On Wednesday, an explosive device was discovered close to Israel’s embassy in Sweden, the Swedish public broadcaster SVT reports. The device was immediately destroyed by Stockholm’s bomb squad and the incident was declared as “an attempted terror attack” by Israel’s ambassador to Sweden Ziv Nevo Kulman. the Aftonbladet Swedish daily said it was a grenade that was thrown over the embassy fence onto the grounds.

America is at war
In our war with the Russia-Iran-China axis (North Korea is the junior partner), American troops are not engaged directly at this time, but those of our Ukrainian and Israeli allies experience death and destruction every day. The sooner the American people and their elected officials recognize that we are at war—by proxy, for now—the better off we’ll be. Our leadership is fearful of speaking this hard truth.

Gazans reportedly pay thousands of dollars for coveted permit to enter Egypt
Some Gazans are reportedly prepared to pay thousands of dollars to acquire the highly-coveted permit to enter Egypt from the war-ridden coastal enclave, according to a new investigation conducted by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting (OCCRP). Independent brokers and travel agencies have turned Israel’s ongoing war against Hamas in Gaza into a profitable business, focusing on residents of Gaza who are desperate to enter Egypt.

Prime Minister Netanyahu: We are working on hostage release deal, but not at any cost
“There is a lot of noise in the media about the efforts to get more hostages released, so I want to make it clear: We are working on another plan for the release of our hostages, but I stress: Not at any cost,” Netanyahu said. He added, “I have red lines, among them: We will not end the war, we will not remove the IDF from the Strip, and we will not release thousands of terrorists.”

The US hasn’t seen syphilis numbers this high since 1950. Other STD rates are down or flat
The U.S. syphilis epidemic isn’t abating, with the rate of infectious cases rising 9% in 2022, according to a new federal government report on sexually transmitted diseases in adults. They are most focused on syphilis, which is less common than gonorrhea or chlamydia but considered more dangerous. And while it continues to have a disproportionate impact on gay and bisexual men, it is expanding in heterosexual men …

Man accused of beheading his father, posting video
Police said the YouTube video, which was more than 14 minutes long, showed Justin Mohn picking up his father’s decapitated head and identifying him by name. Police said it appeared Mohn was reading from a script as he railed about the government. He also complained at length about a wrongful termination lawsuit that he lost, and encouraged assassinations of family members and public officials.

Straight out of history book: NYC teachers caught using communist website to teach 3rd graders
The rabid antisemitism on college campuses that has bubbled to the surface since October might have been outdone by two radical third-grade teachers in Brooklyn and a twisted version of “Wheels on the Bus” pulled from a communist website. The New York Post somehow learned two elementary school teachers are teaching an anti-Israel song, “Wheels on the Tank,” to children at Public School 705, an arts and science school located in Prospect Heights. The teachers were identified by the Post as Giuseppe Rebaudengo and Ann Battaglia.

Strong atmospheric rivers set to soak California
A one-two punch of strong atmospheric rivers threatens to dump heavy rain and snow in California during the next 10 days, with flooding likely. Why it matters: The state’s mountain snowpack is running well below average for this time of year, and this wet pattern could change that.

China issues warning for strongest winter weather since 2009 during Spring Festival travel
This weather event is particularly significant during the ongoing Spring Festival travel rush, known as “chunyun,” when millions travel to reunite with family. The Ministry of Emergency Management highlighted the severity of the weather pattern, stating it as the strongest winter weather since 2009.

Red warnings for extreme wind gusts and avalanches issued as Storm Ingunn approaches Norway 
A powerful Atlantic windstorm named Storm Ingunn by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute on January 31, 2024, is now moving over the Faroe Islands with wind gusts of up to 250 km/h (155 mph). While severe gales will affect northern Britain, in Norway, red warnings are in place for extreme wind gusts and avalanches.

Saskatchewan shatters January temperature record with 21.1 °C (70 °F) in Maple Creek, Canada 
On January 30, Maple Creek in Saskatchewan, Canada, recorded a temperature of 21.1 °C (70 °F), marking the warmest January day on record in the province and falling just 1.1 °C (2.0 °F) short of the national Canadian January record.

Record highs in Victoria follow coldest January 12 in 55 years, Canada 
Victoria, the capital of the Canadian province of British Columbia, recorded its warmest January 29 ever with 15.3 °C (59.5 °F) at the Gonzales weather station, surpassing the previous record of 13.3 °C (55.9 °F) set in 1931. This record-breaking warmth follows closely on the heels of the coldest January 12 in 55 years.

Is It Just A Coincidence That The Great American Eclipse Of 2024 Will Enter The U.S. At Eagle Pass, Texas?
The Great American Eclipse of 2024 is just a bit more than two months away, and amazingly, the first city the path of the eclipse crosses over when it enters the U.S. is Eagle Pass, Texas. There are over 19,000 incorporated cities, towns and villages in the U.S., and out of all of them, Eagle Pass is the first the eclipse will touch.

Hamas Returning To Northern Gaza, Reasserting Control In Some Areas
Now 117 days into the Gaza war, with fighting having long been focused in the south, and there are already reports that Hamas militants are returning to the northern half of the Gaza Strip, which the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have for months exercised control of after pacifying it early in the ground offensive.

Homelessness In The U.S. Is Up 48 Percent Since 2015, And Americans Are Being Laid Off In Droves…
How can anyone possibly believe the U.S. economy is doing well? As you will see below, the number of homeless Americans has risen to the highest level ever recorded, and large companies all over the country are laying off workers in droves. The number of Americans laid off in 2023 jumped 98% compared to the year before, and now during the first month of 2024 it feels like we’re being hit by a tsunami of layoffs.  It seems like someone has turned a fire hose on, but the Biden administration continues to insist that unemployment is “low” and that the outlook for the U.S. economy is positive.

The Lying Devil’s Cult of Global Warming
Woke Media Propaganda ignores God’s ‘warning shots’ across our bow: “If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” (Isaiah 8:20) Even among professing Christians these days, biblical discussions are difficult. A lot of folks out there carry, in their hearts and minds, pet doctrinal theories which often simply best fit their lifestyles. Or maybe it’s an unbiblical doctrine they heard from Mom and Dad, and it stuck in their repertoire of favorites.

White House admits US has troops on the ground in Yemen
Troops are on the ground in Yemen, according to a report from the White House. When asked if there was a presence there, the Pentagon refused to acknowledge the reality earlier in January.

‘No cash accepted’ signs are bad news for millions of Americans
How many people don’t have a bank account? And just how difficult has it become to live without one? These questions are becoming increasingly important as more businesses refuse to take cash in cities across the U.S. People without bank accounts are shut out from stores and restaurants that refuse to accept cash.

Encamped Immigrants Begin Overtaking Another Major Airport: ‘We Need DC to Act’
We knew it would happen– the number of airports used as housing facilities for illegal immigrants continues to rise.

Ukraine Corruption Continues. Five Arrested for Stealing $40M Meant for Weapons
Americans who wonder how Ukraine is spending all the tax money the Deep State Uniparty has sent there just found out where some of it is going. Straight into the pockets of corrupt officials who work in the Zelensky Regime’s defense ministry. Five officials have been arrested for stealing some $40 million, and if past reports indicate anything, a lot more than $40 million has gone down the drain for the sake of the Uniparty’s latest globalist adventure.

Islamized Germany: Afghan Migrant Who Previously Sexually Assaulted a Child, Rapes Young Woman in Train, Tells Court, ‘I Felt Like It, So I Did It’
This crime could have also been prevented if the illegal Afghan had been immediately deported after sexually assaulting a German child.

The road to the New World Order runs through Ukraine
Ukraine may be at war, writes Leo Hohmann, but that isn’t stopping it from playing a leading role in the digitization of the global economy. In a recent article, Hohmann highlighted the World Economic Forum’s (“WEF’s”) role in fully digitizing Ukraine’s citizenry and establishing a Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the country.

The Plot Thickens as Comeuppance Looms for the Unhinged Zealots of the Vax Brigade
EMBALMERS REPORT BIZARRE BLOOD CLOTS. “The evidence is becoming overwhelming that the pseudo-vax rollout was a mass poisoning event inflicted on us with malice aforethought by the Covid Psyop’s duplicitous architects, aided and abetted by corrupt or simply gormless politicians. The mass poisoning has seen the injuring and killing of tens of thousands of people,” says Jon Davy.