20 Jan 2024

Media Warns of WWIII Starting in Mid-East After Presidential Elections
According to media reporting on documents leaked from the German Ministry of Defense, European leaders are preparing for a “hybrid” Russian attack in Eastern Europe. The first stage, dubbed “Alliance Defense 2025,” would start this February with Russia mobilizing an additional 200,000 soldiers. … classified German documents outlined how the militaries of several European countries are planning to prepare for an offensive by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Newsweek reported on Tuesday that … the Russian-state-owned broadcaster RT, predicted that World War III will “definitely” break out in the Middle East.

Torah’s blueprint for the Simchat Torah war
Jacob’s return is the central theme of the Torah portion Vayishlach (Genesis 32-36), and it is the prototype for all the subsequent returns of the Jewish people from exile. The modern return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel closely follows the Genesis prototype. In the story, when Jacob returns to the land of his fathers, he is renamed Israel. Curiously, he is renamed Israel twice in two separate incidents.

North Korea Tests Exotic Underwater Nuclear Drone, Claims It Can Create “Radioactive Tsunami”
North Korea says it has tested a nuclear-capable underwater attack drone, which some analysts have dubbed an ‘exotic system’ given there’s not much known about it, in response to fresh naval exercises involving the United States off the peninsula. The testing of the “Haeil-5-23” system occurred of the country’s east coast.

10,000+ soldiers promoted without proper training:
A new report shows that roughly 52,000 noncommissioned U.S. Army officers have been promoted over the past few years under the Army’s temporary policy implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic, which allows soldiers to be promoted without attending applicable leadership training academies. Army policy states that noncommissioned officers are supposed to lose their promotions if they do not attend relevant leadership training academies within a year of being promoted,

Texas Begins Arresting, Charging Illegal Immigrants In Eagle Pass As Border Feud With Biden Admin Intensifies
Texas authorities began arresting illegal immigrants at Shelby Park in Eagle Pass on Wednesday after the state’s attorney general defied a cease-and-desist letter sent by the Biden administration demanding officials stop blocking U.S. Border Patrol agents from the site.

Ford Prepares To Cut F-150 Lightning Electric Truck Production
Beginning on April 1, approximately 1,400 employees will be impacted at the Rouge Electric Vehicle Center in Dearborn, Michigan, Ford wrote in a statement on Friday.

Science’s fake-paper problem: high-profile effort will tackle paper mills
A high-profile group of funders, academic publishers and research organizations has launched an effort to tackle one of the thorniest problems in scientific integrity: paper mills, businesses that churn out fake or poor-quality journal papers and sell authorships.

The Goddess Of The WEF & ‘The Most Dangerous Thing In The World’
Tell me: is there a fairer grandmotherly face than this in all of Western Civ? Does it not seem to radiate eons of aggregate wisdom, maternal kindness, bountiful nurture, caring, and healing, and even a hint of fun in the nursury. . . the rectified essence of Teutonic beauty, fertility, vitality, and virtue. … That is exactly why Ursula von der Leyen was (s)elected President of the European Commission,

Watch: “You Are The Problem” – Conservative Speaker Slams Davos Globalists To Their Faces
Kevin Roberts, President of the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation, spoke to globalists at the World Economic Forum confab Thursday and told them directly that “You are part of the problem, you are not the solution.”

“We Have To Make Tough Choices”: After Already Laying Off Thousands, Google Prepping For More Layoffs
The illusion of a booming labor market may not last for much longer. At least if Google is any barometer, that it. The tech giant has joined a long list of names that has informed its employees that layoffs are on their way,

Saudi diplomacy could reshape region, Israeli journalist tells WEF
“If the US wants to manage the (Gaza) conflict … it needs to embrace a pathway to two states,” said Jane Harman, chair of the US Commission on the National Defense Strategy. “I think that without doing that, there will never be conflict management. And if that happens, the outlier is Iran.”

Netanyahu Hits Back At US For Suggesting Palestinian State, Warns Biden: ‘Don’t Try To Coerce Us Into Endangering Israel’
The rift between Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu deepened on Thursday as the Israeli Prime Minister accused the US of trying to ‘coerce’ Israel.

Hezbollah Rejects US Diplomacy While Wary of Expanded Conflict
Iran-backed Hezbollah has rebuffed Washington’s initial ideas for cooling tit-for-tat fighting with neighbouring Israel, such as pulling its fighters further from the border, but remains open to US diplomacy to avoid a ruinous war, Lebanese officials said. … Israel warns it will respond more aggressively if a deal to make the border area safe is not reached.

Hamas Pogrom Has Taken Away Israelis ‘Faith’ in Peace, Absorption Minister Says
“Before [the Hamas pogrom of] Oct. 7 had many people hope for peace,” Pnina Tamano-Shata told the Swiss news outlet NZZ. “Now it is more despair at which path the Palestinians have chosen.” “The David-and-Goliath story that Hamas defenders tell is bullshit,”

Day-after Netanyahu there will be a PA-run Palestinian state, PM says
“I can say something about what they call the day after Netanyahu. I do not love to speak of myself in the third person. But those who speak of the day after Netanyahu are talking about the creation of a Palestinian state led by the Palestinian Authority,” the Prime Minister told reporters during a press briefing in Tel Aviv. This conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is not about the absence of a Palestinian state, but about the existence of the Jewish state, he said.

IDF strikes Islamic Jihad leader released in Gilad Schalit deal
Wael Abu-Fanounah was originally arrested in Israel on December 12, 1989, and was sentenced to three life sentences for his terrorist activities. Deputy Head of Information for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad organization Wael Makin Abdallah Abu-Fanounah was targeted and killed by the IDF in an airstrike on Thursday, the military announced on Friday in a joint statement with the Israel Security Service (Shin Bet.)

Netanyahu warns against territorial concessions and ending Gaza war prematurely
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday defended his government’s handling of the Gaza war, rejecting calls for a quick end to the conflict and warning against future territorial concessions. Contrary to what is being said, the war is continuing on all fronts, and it will continue on all fronts – until all of the goals that we set are achieved.”

Biden no longer on speaking terms with Netanyahu
Biden reportedly hung up on Netanyahu a month ago, saying ‘This conversation is over.’ Four U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the issue told Axios this week that tensions are mounting between the Biden administration and the Prime Minister’s Office, leading to a break down between the president and prime minister.

Israel must go to war with Hezbollah if it wants regional peace
Over the years, it has become de rigueur and increasingly predictable to state that “there is no military solution to the conflict” regarding Israel’s long-standing conflict with its enemies. Nonetheless, the Hamas massacre of October 7 has demonstrated that, regardless of the frequency of its usage, it is increasingly understood not to be true.

Damaging M5.6 earthquake hits Cartago, Colombia 
A strong earthquake registered by the SGC as M5.6 hit Cartago, Colombia’s Valle del Cauca Department at 11:26 UTC (06:26 local time) on January 19, 2024. The agency is reporting a depth of 52 km (32 miles). USGS and EMSC are reporting M5.6 at a depth of 61 km (38 miles).

Disease X Is Globalists Cover Story For Coming Mass Deaths Caused By Their Bioweapons
…Meaning the globalists are busy creating ‘vaccines’ for ‘something,’ while they have no idea what that ‘something’ even is, even believing in their warped minds that that ‘something’ will kill off 20 times more people than ‘COVID,’ the WEF and WHO never even bother to address the fact that the ‘vaccines’ created (in WARP SPEED) for COVID have been killing people all across the planet and that those ‘vaccines’ have been proven to be a ‘military operation,’ run by the Pentagon, with the Pentagon ONLY GOOD at one thing; killing people.

World Economic Forum Hosts Disturbing Pagan ‘Forest’ Ritual on Stage
Having watched an hour of the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, this week, I hardly see leaders. What I see is a bunch of egomaniacs on a mission to ruin our planet. I liken it to viewing the Golden Globes, only for green activists.

BORDER SHOWDOWN: Texas Must Give Feds Access by Jan. 18, or Else, Says Biden Admin
A strongly worded letter from the Department of Homeland Security to the State of Texas demands access to the U.S.-Mexico border on land seized by the State in Eagle Pass. DHS officials ordered the State to cease and desist its efforts to block Border Patrol’s access in and around Shelby Park “and remove all barriers to access” by the end of the day on January 17.

Feds Asked Banks to Search Americans’ Records for Gun Retailers
The Treasury Department, on behalf of federal law enforcement after January 6, 2021, asked banks to snoop through customers’ transactions for signs of “extremism,” such as purchases of “small arms” or from gun retailers Dick’s Sporting Goods, Bass Pro Shop, or Cabela’s, according to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH).

Report: “Latinos” Reconnecting With “Roots” by Practicing Witchcraft
…Axios reports that American Hispanics are increasingly embracing the demonic, i.e., practicing witchcraft and returning to their “roots.”… at least one state, California, encouraged the satanic practice by approving public school prayers to false Aztec gods. But young “Latinos” aren’t the only demographic calling forth demons from the netherworld. So are the pasty-white worthies of the WEF in Davos. They actually invited a witch to cast spells.

Alarming Surge in Persecution: Nearly 14 Christians Martyred Daily in 2023, Reveals World Watch List
In 2023, nearly 14 Christians were killed each day, totaling 4,998 for the year, as a result of persecution for their faith, according to the 2024 World Watch List by Open Doors.

Religious Themes Banned in Jill Biden’s White House Easter Egg Contest for National Guard Children
Jill Biden is sponsoring a White House “Youth Art” Easter egg decorating contest for children of National Guard servicemembers that bans religious-themed eggs, even though Easter is a religious holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ–and the contest announcement states the eggs will be displayed during the Christian and Jewish observances of Easter and Passover.

China develops miniature, cost-effective nuclear battery for civilian use 
Beijing Betavolt New Energy Technology Co Ltd has announced the development of a miniature nuclear battery, the BV100, which they claim can generate power for 50 years. Utilizing nickel-63 isotope decay technology and diamond semiconductors, this battery offers significant advancements in miniaturizing and modularizing atomic energy batteries.  The company said the batteries have entered the pilot stage and will be put into mass production on the market.

Netanyahu furiously hits back at US for suggesting there must be a Palestinian state after the Gaza war – as he warns Biden ‘don’t try coerce us into endangering Israel’
…In an interview on national TV, Netanyahu rejected US calls to scale back Israel´s military offensive in the Gaza Strip and take steps toward the establishment of a Palestinian state after the war. Netanyahu accused the US of trying to ‘coerce’ Israel into a situation which would ‘endanger’ the country and said ‘we will not settle for anything short of an absolute victory.’

“Building Trust”? The World Economic Forum Is the West’s Perfect “White-Collar Euthanasia Agent” says Geopolitical Analyst
De-carbonization, De-electrification, De-humanization – Toward Getting Rid of “Useless Eaters.” The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) motto for Davos24 (ongoing) is “Rebuilding Trust.” This is worse than a joke because what the WEF propagates openly – a Polygon Cyberattack, a not yet identified virus “X,” already somewhere out there (say Bill Gates and WHO’s Tedros), and more — as well as the untold secret behind closed-door topics, is anything but “Building Trust.”

A Quiet Evil: The Destruction of Informed Consent
“Informed consent is a principle in medical ethics, medical law and media studies, that a patient must have sufficient information and understanding before making decisions about their medical care. Pertinent information may include risks and benefits of treatments, alternative treatments, the patient’s role in treatment, and their right to refuse treatment,” according to the Wikipedia, still in use, definition. However, “Informed consent” as a genuine foundational principal of medicine has been undermined as a result of following an agenda that is oppressing us, according to psychiatrist, Dr. Emanuel Garcia, who says that that agenda is also “destroying viable and decent medicine in the process.”

The Thomas Crown Affair Houthi Style
Please do not interpret this piece as making light of the U.S. and U.K. bombing of the Houthis in Yemen. There are people dying on the ground and that is no laughing matter. The reason for my title is that the U.S. and U.K are acting like the clumsy cops chasing Pierce Brosnan in the movie, The Thomas Crown Affair. Watch the following snippet from the movie and I think you’ll grasp my point:

False savior: COVID vaccine rollout spurred a 55% increase in disabilities among American working women 
…Since February 2021, both men and women (ages 16-64) have been reporting disabilities at an ever-increasing rate. Women have been hit the worse. From February 2021 to November 2023, the number of women reporting disabilities rose by an unprecedented 55% – from 2.1 million women to 3.2 million women. This unprecedented rise in disability has shocked the insurance industry, reversing decades-long trends in disability and excess death.

Satanism Takes Over Disney With “Little Demon” And “Pauline” As Hollywood Is Turning Johnny Depp Into The Devil That Wants To Save Earth As God Destroys It
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” – Isaiah 5:20. It was bad enough when the TV series ‘Lucifer’ turned the Devil into a crime fighting agent of good, who had tired of Hell and decides to open a night club in LA, and subsequently working as a police consultant, but Disney and Hollywood are taking things a step further.