17 Jan 2024

When is the last generation?
The history of the world and mankind is about 6,000 years. The Bible – the written record of God’s Word – gives us information from the Creation up until the time of the Flood in Noah’s day, about 1,656 years after, that cannot be known otherwise by whatever historical records and archeology there might have been since the Flood would have destroyed them. The world as we have known it is spiraling out of control. So, when is the last generation?
Latest rocket barrage from Gaza highlights tensions within Israel’s leadership regarding withdrawal of troops
The unusually large rocket barrage fired from the central Gaza Strip toward the Israeli town of Netivot on Tuesday again brought to the surface the deepening divide over the handling of the war in Israel’s political leadership.
Hamas terror tunnels are much longer than expected
At least 100 more miles of tunnels estimated to be under Gaza than Israel previously estimated, according to new report. Deepest,most luxurious tunnels used as headquarters.
New York City is regifting migrants to Minnesota
The Minneapolis Star Tribune had a headline yesterday noting that Minnesota is among the top states to which New York City is redirecting its excess illegal immigrant arrivals. The Star Tribune writes, Minnesota has emerged as a top destination for migrants accepting free plane tickets to leave New York City, as homeless shelters there strain to house a record surge of asylum-seekers. Data released by the city shows that over roughly the past two years, 1,177 migrants have taken tickets to Minnesota—the fifth most popular destination. The Star Tribune notes that these new arrivals are adding to the record backlog at the local immigration court, located in Ft. Snelling. Overall, a record 35,443 pending cases await the state’s immigration court. With illegal immigrants now eligible for free college tuition, free health insurance, and legal drivers licenses in Minnesota, among other taxpayer-funded benefits, look for that number to surge.
Trump pledges to solve ‘horrible’ situation in Israel quickly if elected
Former US President Donald Trump said on Monday that Israel would not have been attacked on Oct. 7 if he had still been president, and pledged to “solve” the “horrible” situation in the Jewish state if he is reelected in November.
Hundreds of the lost tribe of Menashe asking to make Aliyah and join IDF
During the gathering, they marched in the streets of the city, waved Israeli flags and called on the government of Israel to allow them to make Aliyah (immigration to Israel) immediately so they could join the IDF and fight alongside other Israeli soldiers whom they call “our brothers and sisters”.
US vessel hit by missile off coast of Yemen
An unidentified vessel was struck by a missile off the coast of southern Yemen, the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) tweeted on Monday afternoon. The British naval security company Embray said the vessel was owned by the United States and sailed under the flag of the Marshall Islands.
Davos updates: Zelenskyy warns ‘predator’ Putin won’t change
The Ukrainian president dismissed the idea that Putin could be persuaded to stop pursuing his invasion of Ukraine in the long term, even if fighting were to stop on the frontlines.”After 2014, there were attempts to freeze the war in Donbas. There were very influential guarantors, the Chancellor of Germany, the President of France. But Putin is a predator who is not satisfied with frozen products,” Zelenskyy said. Zelenskyy’s speech was rounded off with a standing ovation from the room.
Drilling set to probe major Minnesota helium gas deposit
More than a decade after a fluke discovery of helium while drilling for other minerals in northern Minnesota, a mining company plans to start excavations next month to confirm what may be the second-richest pocket of the increasingly strategic gas in North America. The discovery of such a significant helium pocket comes at a critical time.
Why attacks on Yemen offer Houthis a ‘golden opportunity’
The current escalation between Yemen’s Houthi militia and the US-led naval coalition in the Red Sea serves the Iran-backed militants in several ways. In fact, it is even welcomed, according to some analysts. “The Houthis have been looking for an opportunity for confrontation with the United States,” Hisham al-Omeisy, Yemen conflict analyst and former director of Washington’s Information Research Center for Yemen, told DW. “For the past eight years, they’ve been telling their followers that they are at war with the US and with Israel, so this is a golden opportunity for them that they need to capitalize on,”
German tractors clog Berlin as farmer protests reach climax
Farmers are in the German capital for a fresh day of protests against government plans to end tax breaks on diesel fuel for the agricultural sector. Germany’s Finance Minister Christian Lindner took to the stage in front of thousands of farmers outside Brandenburg Gate. “I can’t promise you more state aid from the federal budget,” Lindner told the crowd. “But we can fight together for you to enjoy more freedom and respect for your work.” Farmers’ Union head Joachim Rukwied advised against booing the minister.
Landmark COVID lawsuit moves to trial after man watched his daughter die over FaceTime
“The entire case is going to trial, including the first medical battery claim in over 60 years. So, this is a big deal,” Scott Schara said. “Grace was 19 when she met the Lord on Oct. 13 of 2021. Grace had Down Syndrome. Most people would think somebody with Down Syndrome can’t do much, but Grace was not just our life. She was the life of the party. She did everything.
Violent thunderstorms cause deadly floods in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 
Violent thunderstorms and heavy rainfall affecting KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa, since January 12, 2024, have led to devastating floods, resulting in at least 11 fatalities and significant property damage in the Durban City area, particularly in eThekwini Municipality.

DR Congo declares hydrological and ecological catastrophe 
Record flooding of the Congo River has resulted in a catastrophic situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), affecting 15 provinces, leading to over 300 deaths, and impacting at least 304 000 families.

Next cross-country winter storm begins with Ice Storm Warnings in Northwest
Fresh off the heels of a winter snow and ice storm that left two dead and over 200,000 without power across northwestern Oregon and southwestern Washington over the weekend comes another ice storm that threatens a volatile second punch before starting a cross-country journey with widespread winter weather impacts.

Deadly cold overspreads US with freezing temperatures felt from border to border
Temperatures are at their lowest since the Great Freeze of February 2021, with frigid conditions spanning the entire country, the FOX Forecast Center said.

EU Now Wants a Million Migrants a Year: ‘It’s Not Enough’
The European Union Home Affairs Commissioner, Ylva Johansson, has claimed that Europe needs to take in an additional one million migrants each year to make up for corporate workforce losses.

Train Crash Leaves South Africa’s Coal Exports Throttled 
Two freight trains collided on South Africa’s main coal export railway along the country’s east coast, resulting in significant disruptions that have throttled mineral shipments at a top maritime export facility.

Deadly ‘Zombie Drug’ Believed to Contain Human Bones Wreaks Havoc in West Africa 
A new drug called Kush is wreaking havoc in west Africa, particularly in Sierra Leone where it is estimated to kill around a dozen people each week and hospitalize thousands.

Poland’s New, Gay Activist Deputy Justice Minister Announces Laws Banning ‘Hate Speech’ Against Gays and Transgenders
“In practice, this means nothing more than criminal prosecution for expressing views that are inconsistent with a specific ideology that is close to the new coalition,” warned Konfederacja politician Konrad Berkowicz. “This is obvious censorship, an obvious attack on freedom of speech and obvious, creeping totalitarianism,” he added.

US Conducts New ‘Preemptive Strikes’ On Houthi Launch Sites
On Tuesday US forces carried out another round of strikes on Houthi sites in Yemen, but this time the operation is being dubbed a “pre-emptive” attack that came in response to militants preparing missile launches on the ground in real time.

16K Chinese Migrants Headed for U.S. Border, Detained
Border Patrol agents apprehended tens of thousands of illegal Chinese migrants headed for the U.S. border as President Joe Biden’s immigration crisis continues to threaten the nation’s national security risk.

A Hearing on Blood Related Adverse Events Post Covid Vaccine – What Happened to the Medical Profession? 
United States Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene held a hearing on blood-related adverse events post-COVID vaccination on the 12th January 2024 and explained that the hearing was “once again truly doing the people’s work and trying to get to the bottom of the detrimental effects of the covid vaccine that the government forced on so many Americans.”

RuPaul Defends Drag Queen Story Hour During Emmy Speech, Brings ‘Literal Hell Goblin’ on Stage
…Many social media users were quick to point out the irony of telling people not to be creeped out by drag queens “while Princess Poppy takes the Emmys stage as a literal hell goblin.”

Bill Gates attends another climate summit for Africa to market his vaccines and seeds
In a speech earlier this year at the Adaptation Finance Summit for Africa, Bill Gates again took the opportunity to market his vaccines. “We all know that malnutrition is a scourge,” he said.  And then within a few words switched into his sales pitch for vaccines.

If the Covid Jab was a Trial Run – What Happens Next? 
In a year or two, or even earlier, governments everywhere – aided and abetted by the Gates-controlled WHO – will announce that a new, even deadlier virus has been isolated.  And a new “vaccine” will be promoted with tremendous enthusiasm.

Central Bank Digital Currencies are Spycoins 
Unlike paper money, Central Bank Digital Currencies (“CDBCs”) are very unlikely to offer privacy protections.  They threaten privacy in ways that the world has never seen before.

Breaking: U.S. Consulate in Northern Iraq Targeted
In what is a massive escalation of hostilities in the Middle East, a U.S Consulate in Northern Iraq has been bombed on Monday night. Several videos have gone viral claiming to show the moment of impact, though confirmation of their authenticity is still being gathered. The consulate was just one of eight different locations targeted, according to sources inside Iraq.

Atheist homosexual WEF adviser fears a Trump reelection will land ‘death blow’ to ‘global order’
A highly influential figure with Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF) has proposed that should Donald Trump regain the presidency of the United States in this election year it would likely deal a “death blow to what remains of the global order.”