13 Jan 2024

US strikes 60+ Iran-backed terrorist targets
Central Command explained that the strike was conducted Thursday at 2:30 a.m. (Sanaa time) by U.S. forces in coordination with the United Kingdom, as well as support from Canada, Australia, Bahrain, and the Netherlands. Central Command explained that the joint strikes were meant to “degrade” the ability of the Houthis to “continue their illegal and reckless attacks on U.S. and international vessels and commercial shipping in the Red Sea.”

Walz compares keeping Minnesota state flag with ‘saving the Confederate battle flag’
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz dismissed Republican efforts to keep Minnesota’s current state flag. “Minnesota is a diverse state, it continues to grow. This flag was crafted in the 1890s,” said Gov. Walz regarding Minnesota’s current flag. “It’s highly offensive … Walz, a left-wing Democrat, has championed the redesign of both state emblems, others have criticized the process. On Wednesday, the Minnesota Republican Party released a statement which denounced the redesigned flag. Walz compared these Republican efforts to “somehow saving the Confederate battle flag.”

“Disinformation Doomsday Scenario”: AI-Powered Propaganda Is The Latest Threat To Humanity (That Must Be Censored)
In the fullness of time of course, it was revealed that the Clinton campaign, Obama administration, and their allies in corporate media had peddled fabricated information themselves. Yet, the threat of ‘disinformation’ has blossomed into an entire ecosystem of collaboration between governments and private think tanks which has been used to censor free speech around the globe. Yet, we’ve now gone beyond simple ‘disinformation.’ The world is now under threat from ‘AI-Powered’ Disinformation!

The spectre of Donald Trump hangs over Davos
The most talked-about person in Davos next week will be nowhere near the Swiss mountain resort. As politicians, financiers and chief executives converge for this year’s World Economic Forum, Donald Trump will be 7,500 kilometres away in Iowa, starting his quest to win the U.S. Republican Party’s presidential nomination for the third time. Even so, his possible return to the White House will pervade Davos discussions on topics ranging from Ukraine, China, trade, and climate change.

Erdogan Attacks US and Britain for Striking Houthis, Says Turkey Providing Evidence to ICJ Against Israel
“All that has been done is a disproportionate use of force,” Erdogan said … referring to the strikes in Yemen. The rebel movement — whose slogan is “death to America, death to Israel, curse the Jews, and victory to Islam” — has also claimed responsibility for attempted drone and missile strikes targeting Israel itself.

Foreign Minister Israel Katz: The true face of South Africa has been revealed
‘The Israeli delegation revealed the true face of South Africa as the loyal representative of a terrorist organization that inhumanely slaughtered babies, children, women and the elderly.” “When it comes to Israel, it seems that the double standards of some of the world’s countries are shockingly blatant.”

Justice Department to seek death penalty for Buffalo supermarket shooter
Justice Department says it is intending to seek the death penalty for Payton Gendron, who shot dead 10 Black people in May 2022.

It’s Time for Hamas to Surrender
When government officials and pundits talk about how this war should be ended, Hamas’ surrendering — instead of calls for Israel to stop its just fight to destroy Hamas — should be put forward as the right and best path forward.

Hertz Selling Fleet of Electric Vehicles, Shifting Back to Gas Cars
Now Hertz itself is among those joining the skeptics, on Thursday announcing the sale of 20,000 EVs, to be replaced by gasoline-powered cars, according to Reuters. The rental giant is one more corporation that hitched itself to the promising star of electric vehicles only to find it was riding a fizzling meteorite.

Analysis: Trump says he knows who his VP pick will be. Here are 8 possibilities
The former president and GOP front-runner said, “I know who it’s going to be.” Trump would not provide details or hints, saying, “We’ll do another show sometime.” Here is a look at eight people who have been widely mentioned in media speculation as possibilities to be Trump’s VP pick this time around.

Judge Snaps on Trump’s Attorney as Former President Tells Him ‘I Know You Have Your Agenda’
on Thursday, Engoron allowed Trump five minutes to speak after his lawyers made their closing arguments, according to the New York Post. “I did nothing wrong. They should pay me for what we’ve had to go through,” he said. At one point in his comments, Trump murmured to Engoron, “I know you have your agenda.”

Staten Island Fentanyl and Overdose Task Force demands Gov. Hochul declare state of emergency
“The reality is, substance use disorder has become the scourge of our time, and I believe future generations are going to judge us based on how we handle this,” Staten Island University Hospital (SIUH) Executive Director and task force member Dr. Brahim Ardolic said. “This is something that we are not doing enough about nationally, and yet, if you compare Staten Island even to the nation, we are under resourced.”

North Korea set to send new class of missiles to Russia, Seoul says
North Korea is looking to step up its military cooperation with Russia by sending Moscow new types of tactical guided missiles, while Pyongyang may soon conduct new tests of its own missiles designed to deliver nuclear strikes, South Korea’s defense minister said.

Texas seizes control of US-Mexico border area; blocks federal gov’t access
the Texas Military Department confirmed that the National Guard took control of Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, Texas, this week and began restricting federal officials from accessing the park. The Texas Military Department claimed federal immigration authorities “perpetuate illegal crossings” at the southern border. Melguin reported that Texas set up fences and razor wire at Shelby Park to “block the area off from the public and federal government.”

Harvard partners with Palestinian university that calls to genocide Jews
Harvard University, whose president Claudine Gay resigned earlier this month weeks after she testified before a House committee that it wouldn’t necessarily violate the Ivy League’s schools policies to call for genocide against Jews, is partnering with a Palestinian university in Judea and Samaria that appears to endorse calls for genocide against Jews. That’s according to a report by Kassy Dillon in The Daily Wire … Harvard describes the course as taking place in “occupied Palestinian territory and Israel.” Birzeit University officially bars Israeli Jews from campus.

Jerusalem’s Hezekiah Biblical (Broad) Wall
This site, popularly called the “Broad Wall”, is in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City, a mere 20 second walk from the main square. If you have travelled to Israel, you probably passed this treasure countless times and failed to notice it. The wall was built by Hezekiah, the Righteous King of Yehuda (Judah) close to 2600 years ago,

US-led coalition launches dozens of airstrikes against Houthi positions in Yemen
An international coalition led by the United States launched dozens of airstrikes and missile attacks against targets belonging to the Houthi rebels in Yemen early on Friday morning. The strikes were carried out by U.S. and British forces with support from Australia, Canada, the Netherlands and Bahrain.

IDF encircles al-Bureij camp and advances deeper into Khan Younis
After largely securing the northern Gaza Strip, the Israel Defense Force continued to lead intense battles in its central and southern portions as it encircled the al-Bureij camp and advanced deeper into the town of Khan Younis. Currently, four IDF divisions are operating in the Gaza Strip, IDF Spokesman Brig.-Gen. Daniel Hagari said in a press briefing on Thursday.

Rejecting claim of genocide, Israel says Hamas guilty of ‘genocidal intent’
Israeli lawyer Tal Becker led Israel’s defense at the International Court of Justice in The Hague in response to the allegations leveled by South Africa that Israel is operating in Gaza with “genocidal intent” in its war against the Hamas terror organization. Becker said Israel is “singularly aware of why the Genocide Convention was adopted,” saying that reason is “seared in our collective memory.” He mentioned Polish Holocaust survivor, Raphael Lemkin, who is credited with inventing the word genocide.

Roman Catholicism’s Disconnect from the Scriptures Is Increasingly Clear
The Pope has just completed a huge synod held for nearly 500 leaders at the Vatican. It ran for the entire month of October and resulted in a lot of confusion for the sheep. From all indications, this pope comes down on the progressive side. It is obvious from his statements that he has accepted the lie of sexual orientation. This places people outside the responsibility for their behavior because they were just “made that way.” God’s word does not allow this excuse. On globalism, Pope Francis is active in promoting this agenda of the anti-Christ.

Xcel Energy shuts down Sherburne County Unit 2 coal unit as grid reliability worsens.
On New Year’s Eve, 2023, Xcel Energy shut down Unit 2 at the coal-fired Sherburne County (Sherco) generating station. Unit 2 was a 680-megawatt (MW) facility capable of powering 25 percent of the homes in Minnesota on an annual hourly basis … the most at risk of rolling blackouts in the near future because too many coal plants are being retired without enough reliable generators coming online to replace them. Closing Sherco will also mean higher electricity prices because electricity generated by new wind projects costs twice as much as the Sherco plant, and new solar costs more than three times more than Sherco,

Congo River peaks at 60-year record, causing massive casualties in DRC and Congo Republic
The Congo River has surged to its highest level in over six decades, unleashing devastating floods in both the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Congo Republic. The floods have claimed more than 300 lives in recent months and affected hundreds of thousands of households.

Florida’s Bay County hit by first EF3 tornado since 1970s
The National Weather Service has confirmed that the tornado that struck Panama City Beach, Florida, on January 9, 2024, was an EF3, marking the first occurrence of such a severe tornado in Bay County in over half a century.

GDACS issues Red alert for developing cyclone near Mauritius and La Reunion
Residents of Mauritius and La Reunion are bracing for a possible significant impact from a developing tropical cyclone — Tropical Cyclone 05S, expected to rapidly intensify and pass between the islands on January 16, 2024, as a Category 3 hurricane equivalent. When named (Belal), this will be the second named storm of the 2023/24 South-West Indian Ocean cyclone season.

Why Isn’t the U.S. Government Deporting a Gambian Imam Advocating Jihad and Threatening the Execution of Jews While He Builds a Mega Mosque in Wisconsin
“By Allah, all of them will be killed by Muslims. They all will be executed by Muslims. They will all be killed, this is a divine promise that will inevitably be fulfilled.” – Imam Alhajie Jallow

How Much for Your Children?: Google Pays Parents to Collect Facial Recognition Data of Kids
Google has reportedly launched a new data collection project, hiring a contractor to gather facial recognition data from children, offering $50 to parents for their child’s participation.

Ukraine announces purchase of 50,000 women’s uniforms as worries grow women could be drafted
The Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU) has announced its purchase of 50,000 women’s uniforms amid worries that females could be pressed into service in Kyiv’s fight against Moscow.

New ‘transgender’ Virginia Democrat senator picks Metallica album over Bible for swearing-in ceremony
Daniel “Danica” Roem, the first “transgender” state representative in U.S. history, won election to a new office last November and shared in a recent interview his intention to be sworn into the Virginia Senate with his hand on a heavy metal album rather than the Bible, as is tradition.

Amir Tsarfati: When God Made His Covenant With Israel, He Did So Without Caveats
…I mentioned last week the case brought by South Africa to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague accusing Israel of genocide. It is such an asinine condemnation, but I would not be surprised to see it affirmed. The ICC is an organ of the United Nations (UN), and there is nothing that the UN enjoys more than a good, old denunciation of Israel.

Red Sea Chaos: Is The Aggression Of Yemen’s Houthis Rebels Prophetically Significant?
Ever since the Hamas invasion of Israel, the Houthis in Yemen have been firing daily ballistic missiles and suicide drones at Israel, in addition to attacking ships in the Red Sea. The Houthis stand in solidarity with Hamas. They insist that when Israel withdraws from Gaza, they will stop these attacks.

New Hampshire Becomes Second US State To Ban Chemtrails
New Hampshire has become the second U.S. state to potentially outlaw the spraying of aerosolized particulate matter into the skies – a phenomenon commonly referred to as “chemtrails.”

Maryland Medicaid Will Now Cover Sex Change Procedures and Treatments – Even Voice Lessons and Hair Removal
Maryland will now cover an unprecedented number of sex change procedures and treatments through the taxpayer-funded Medicaid program.

The Hague Day 2 -Israel Rejects Accusations of Genocide in Gaza
Friday the 12th of January 2024 was day 2 at the Hague also known as the “Peace Palace” where the International Court of Justice (ICJ) convened to deliberate on the unfolding crisis in Gaza for the second time. The proceedings commenced yesterday at the behest of South Africa, with the accusation that Israel is perpetrating genocide within the Gaza Strip.

Gaza War Expands As US, UK Warplanes Bomb Houthi Strongholds In Yemen
Reuters and VOA are reported that US and UK warplanes have begun striking Houthi targets in Yemen, in what marks the first major regional expansion of the Gaza war. According to Politico: The U.S. and U.K, with support from Australia, the Netherlands, Bahrain, and Canada, conducted joint strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen, per DOD official. Strikes involved U.S. aircraft, ships and submarines.

Yale professor says prion diseases are on the rise but no one is discussing the condition – Who’s no one?
In mid-December, Medscape published an article titled ‘Why Are Prion Diseases on the Rise?‘. In it, the author stated that cases of CJD are increasing in the USA and “it’s been a while since I’ve seen people discussing the condition.” We beg to differ. Since a month after the rollout of the covid injections, prion diseases have been discussed, repeatedly. It is perhaps a question of who you talk to.

Canadian government lobbies WHO to include climate change in the definition of a pandemic emergency
According to the Canadian government, the World Health Organization’s “new instrument” to control populations in the event of an infectious disease should be expanded so it is an “all-hazards approach.” As part of this approach, Trudeau’s government named global health emergencies for which WHO should issue diktats. They include climate change, air pollution, and chemical contamination.

What Do You Call a War with China Plus a War With Russia Plus a Colossal War In The Middle East?
Did you see that we just bombed the Houthis?  Each new day in 2024 seems to bring some sort of a new escalation, and for now most Americans can ignore all of the fighting because it is all happening on the other side of the globe.  But how are they going to feel when the U.S. is actively engaged in multiple wars simultaneously and those wars are directly affecting daily life inside the United States?  The time to speak out against the foolish policies of our leaders is before the entire world is engulfed in flames.  Once thousands of missiles start flying, it will be too late.