4 Jan 2024

Italian priest excommunicated after saying ‘usurper’ Pope Francis ‘is not the pope’
Father Ramon Guidetti reportedly said that Pope Francis is ‘a Jesuit Freemason’ and ‘not the pope’ before the Diocese of Livorno declared him excommunicated. “We inform you that Don Ramon Guidetti, priest of the Diocese of Livorno and parish priest of the Parish of San Ranieri in Guasticce, on December 31, 2023, publicly performed an act of a schismatic nature, refusing submission to the Supreme Pontiff and communion with the members of the Church subject to him

Bomb threats target state capitol buildings across US; evacuations ordered
Multiple bomb threats targeting state capitol buildings across the United States led to evacuations Wednesday morning. At least six state capitol buildings were impacted by the bomb threats, including Connecticut, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi and Montana.

Review Shows COVID-19 Vaccines “Significantly” More Deadly Than Flu Shots: Sen. Ron Johnson
The review was conducted by the senator’s staff and involved a certain level of assumption given that no publicly available data exist regarding how many flu vaccine doses were administered in the United States over the past 10 years. Using the number of distributed doses to generate that figure, they found that the number of deaths per million doses of the COVID-19 vaccines (25.5) far exceeded those estimated for the flu vaccine (0.46). … the 25.5 deaths per million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine represents a 55-fold increase over the flu vaccine deaths per million doses,”

Hezbollah Losses Grow To 9 In One Day After Israel Mounts Another Major Airstrike
Within hours after the Nasrallah speech, Israel has conducted another major airstrike on Lebanon, this time against a residential building which housed Hezbollah members. “Two security sources told the Reuters news agency that four Hezbollah members were killed in the attack on what had been described as a residential building, “It brings the number of Hezbollah members killed on Wednesday to nine” – which suggests we are witnessing a significant escalation.

Chicago Led Nation In Homicides For 12th Year In A Row, Murder-Rate Still 5x NYC’s
Count on hearing repeatedly this year from Chicago’s leadership that it successfully brought down the city’s murder total by 13% in 2023. Chicago finished the year with 617 homicides, down from 709 in 2022. But what you’re unlikely to hear are five additional facts that would temper any optimism gained from that first fact:

Names of Jeffrey Epstein’s associates set to be released
A U.S. court is expected on Wednesday to start revealing the names of dozens of people with ties to deceased financier Jeffrey Epstein, a move that could unveil new details about his sex trafficking. Epstein socialized with Wall Street titans, royalty and celebrities before pleading guilty to soliciting prostitution from a minor in 2008. He took his own life in 2019 at age 66 while awaiting trial on federal sex-trafficking charges.

The Misconception That Leads Many Christians To Misunderstand God’s Plan For Israel
It is oddly that this individual quoted from Daniel 9, considering that, after speaking about God’s punishment upon Israel for their disobedience, idolatry, and covenant-breaking, Daniel states that such a punishment was temporary and that God was about to bring the people back to the Land which He had promised the Jewish people. Also, in Psalm 78, God was certainly angry with His people, but biblical prophecy makes it clear that in the end times, God would indeed return the Jewish people to the very Land which He promised them by covenant. It is a gross error to believe that the Jewish people must be obedient to return to the Land. What one must remember is that God acts to fulfill His prophetic promises because of Who He is and not because of the obedience of His people.

Mossad chief: Every Oct. 7 terrorist ‘signed his own death warrant’
Jerusalem did not inform Washington before killing Hamas No. 2 Saleh al-Arouri in Beirut. Mossad director David Barnea threatened to hit any terrorists who participated in the Oct. 7 massacre, during a eulogy at the funeral for former Mossad chief Zvi Zamir on Wednesday. “Let every Arab mother know that if her son took part in the [Oct. 7] massacre—he signed his own death warrant,” Hamas, in a statement following the assassination, warned that “all options are open” in response.

Berlin Jews Facing ‘Extremely Tense’ Situation, City’s Top Antisemitism Official Warns
“Since the barbaric antisemitic terrorist attack by Hamas on Oct. 7, the security situation for Jews and Israelis in Berlin has been extremely tense,” Samuel Salzborn — the antisemitism officer for the state of Berlin — told the taz news outlet. “We had a series of extremely aggressive antisemitic gatherings and rallies,

Likud MK claims a High Court justice leaked judicial reform verdict
Following a leaked report regarding a draft judgement showing that the High Court intended to reverse the reasonableness law, Likud MK Tally Gotliv sharply attacked the judges who intended to vote in favor of rejecting the law, claiming that she knows who leaked the draft.

US: We have no reason to believe Israel assassinated Arouri
The United States does not have any reason to believe that Israel assassinated Hamas deputy leader Saleh al-Arouri in Beirut, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said Wednesday. “The US was not involved in any way, and any suggestion to the contrary is ridiculous,” he told reporters in Washington. “We have no reason to believe that Israel was involved in this explosion.” “We have no information to suggest that they were,” Miller said, adding that US and Israeli officials speak multiple times a day.

Nasrallah threatens: If Israel starts a war – we will go all the way
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah spoke on Wednesday evening … Hezbollah leader explicitly threatened Israel, saying, “If the enemy thought of starting a war on Lebanon, then it will be a war without a ceiling, without borders, without rules. He knows what I mean. Our missiles and our ability and our means, it is enough just to mention that because we are not afraid of war. Those who think of fighting with us – the war with us will be very, very expensive. If there is a war on Lebanon, then we will go all the way without rules.

MK Simcha Rothman: ‘Soldiers returning from Gaza won’t tolerate divisive rhetoric’
“Ruling on a divisive issue at a time of war is a mistake. Even if the ruling were for my side, I would say the same. This is not the time to deal with divisive issues.” says Rothman. He explains that he believes that a vast majority of the Israeli public supports a major change to the justice system.

Over 100 killed as twin explosions hit memorial for assassinated Iranian general
At least 100 people were killed and hundreds more injured Wednesday afternoon in a pair of explosions at a cemetery in Iran as mourners marked the anniversary of the assassination of a senior Iranian general. The explosions were reported in the city of Kerman, in southeastern Iran

Iranian opposition leader tells Knesset: “Attack Iranian leadership in Iran, the only language they understand.”
Yesterday, at a meeting of the Knesset Israel Victory Caucus (KIVC), Vahid Beheshti became the first ever Iranian opposition leader to address the Knesset, as Ministers, Members of Knesset, security, diplomatic and political leaders presented “day after” plans and spoke about how to turn a victory on the battlefield into something more permanent. “Soon you will have to deal with the elephant in the room, which is the Iranian government,

The plan for ‘the day after’: Local clans will control areas in Gaza
Israel’s plan for Gaza: Clans recognized by Shin Bet and the IDF will manage the Gaza Strip and distribute humanitarian aid, as was reported on the Monday evening news on KAN public broadcasting. the Gaza Strip will be divided into districts and subdistricts, with each clan controlling their subdistrict and taking responsibility for the distribution of the humanitarian aid entering Gaza from Egypt and Israel.

Hezbollah on assassination of Saleh al-Arouri: This crime will not go unpunished
Knesset Member Danny Danon, a member of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, wrote on X: “I congratulate the IDF, the Shin Bet, the Mossad, and the security forces for killing senior Hamas official Saleh Al-Aruori in Beirut. Anyone who was involved in the October 7 massacre should know that we will get to them and close an account with them.”

Potent storm threatens U.S. with widespread winter hazards 
A powerful storm is anticipated to strike the eastern U.S. early next week, posing a range of winter weather impacts including snow, flooding rain, and damaging wind. The storm will form in the Rockies on Monday, intensify over the Plains, and peak from the Southeast to the Great Lakes and Northeast by mid-week.

Sweden records lowest January temperature since 1999 
A severe cold snap has gripped the Nordic region, with Sweden experiencing its coldest January night in 25 years. This extreme weather has caused widespread disruption across Scandinavia, closing schools and halting transport, while Storm Henk brought heavy rain and strong winds to Western Europe, leading to one fatality and widespread damage.

Tropical Cyclone “Alvaro” makes landfall in Madagascar
Storm Henk hit parts of the United Kingdom on January 2 and 3, 2024, leaving at least one person dead and another injured. The storm brought winds of up to 150 km/ (94 mph) and heavy rain, closing several major roads and train lines, and leaving as many as 10000 homes without power. Hundreds of flood warnings are in place across England, Scotland and Wales.

Storm Henk wreaks havoc across UK, leaving one dead and thousands without power
Storm Henk hit parts of the United Kingdom on January 2 and 3, 2024, leaving at least one person dead and another injured. The storm brought winds of up to 150 km/ (94 mph) and heavy rain, closing several major roads and train lines, and leaving as many as 10000 homes without power. Hundreds of flood warnings are in place across England, Scotland and Wales.

Storm Henk hits Britain, blocking roads, bridges and rail lines in south 
Roads, bridges and rail lines were blocked as the first named storm of 2024 – Henk – swept across parts of southern Britain, with one area experiencing its strongest wind speeds for more than 30 years.

Franklin Graham erupts on church officials claiming ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ are ‘hurtful’
Franklin Graham, the popular evangelist who heads the Samaritan’s Purse worldwide Christian charity as well as the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association that his famous father started, is scolding officials of the Methodist church in the United Kingdom. It’s because they’re telling ministers that using the words “husband” and “wife” is “hurtful.”

Watch: “Guerrilla Camps” Set Up By Leftist Groups Assist Cartels In Southern Border Invasion
Real America’s Voice host Ben Bergquam published a video on social media platform X that exposes what is described as a ‘guerrilla camp’ on the southern border, operated by radical leftist groups, which are aiding in the illegal migrant invasion by cartels.

Chicago-area medical examiner’s data shows 90% of 2023 opioid overdoses involved drug pouring in across border
Data collected by the Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office in Illinois shows 90% of the opioid overdoses last year involved fentanyl, which the Centers for Disease Control says has been plaguing the U.S. for years.

Waste of the Day: Planned Parenthood, Other Abortion Providers Got $2 Billion From Feds
The federal government gave almost $2 billion to abortion advocacy groups and providers between 2019 and 2021, according to a Government Accountability Office report.

Financial Analyst Ed Dowd says – Disability Claims Among Women Shot Up 55% After Rollout of COVID Vaccines
Financial analyst and data expert Edward Dowd said a new U.S. Department of Labor disability survey shows employed men and women ages 16-64 reported record harms since February 2021, with women suffering an unprecedented 55% increase in disabilities.Since February 2021, more than 1 million working U.S. women ages 16-64 have told the U.S. Department of Labor they are disabled, according to a new government report, writes reporter for the Defender, Mike Capuzzo.

“Escalation” Is A Word That You Will Hear A Lot This Year As The Globe Erupts In Flames
2024 has just started, and already we have seen major escalations in the Middle East and in Ukraine.  Unfortunately, I believe that both of those conflicts will spiral out of control in 2024, and the U.S. military is simply not ready for such a scenario.  This year, we will see things happen that once would have been unimaginable.  But there is no turning back now.  World War III has begun, and over the next 12 months things are going to get really crazy.

“COVID Was a Government DEEPSTATE PCR-Manufactured Fraud” – Says Dr Paul Alexander
“I Agree with Yeadon, I agree With Rancourt,” says Dr Alexander, “There NEVER Was a Pandemic. never, & not even an emergency! COVID was a government DEEPSTATE PCR-manufactured fraud of a 0.05% IFR rate event, from lockdown to the fraud ineffective and deadly mRNA technology gene based mRNA vaccine (Weissman, Bourla et al.), all of it designed to instill fear, to strip freedoms, to destroy the world, topple POTUS”

Lost In Space, Space Force Promotes A Dress Wearing Man
The space force has traveled down the worm hole of wokeness. I shudder to think that if we ever do have a “public” meeting between earthlings and aliens, and they ask; “take us to your leader,” that we don’t respond by leading them to a man wearing a dress.
Google settles privacy washing lawsuit for an undisclosed amount 

Google, owned by Alphabet, settled a lawsuit alleging the secret tracking of internet use of millions of users who were led to believe their browsing was private.

Moderna’s influence over the US and UK governments is more than most realise 
“…Months before a pandemic was declared in 2020, World Economic Forum Young Global Leader and CEO of Moderna Stéphane Bancel told his staff that there was going to be a pandemic and Moderna would need to manufacture a billion doses of vaccine the “next year,” being 2021. How did Bancel know?”