3 Jan 2024

Restraining The Great Reset: Christians Are A Road Block To Globalism—And The World Powers Know It
Those of us who believe we are charged by the Lord to be “watchers” on the wall look at the acceleration of stage-setting for prophetic fulfillment as a wondrous thing to behold. There can be no missing the reality that we are fast approaching the dénouement of the Age of Grace. … “the great reset.” This term, defined within the title of a book by the same name, means the globalization of the entire world— …must, in their view, not be thwarted. … goals encapsulated within what they call Agenda 21 and now Agenda 30. .. they must accomplish all their shaping of this global order no later than the year 2030.

Axis of evil condemns al-Arouri assassination as Israel braces for possible retaliation
Tensions simmered in Israel Tuesday following the assassination of Hamas politburo deputy chief Saleh al-Arouri in Beirut. Although Israel has not taken responsibility for the deadly strike, reactions to the incident in Lebanon have cautioned that this act could lead to a spillover of hostilities in Gaza to additional fronts.

New Israeli Foreign Minister Takes Reins Amid Gaza Conflict, Calls Out Iran: ‘This Is a Third World War’
“We are in the midst of a Third World War against Iran and radical Islam,” said Israel Katz, who had been serving as energy minister. He also previously served as foreign minister from 2019-2020. Iran is the main international sponsor of Hamas, providing the Palestinian terror group with funds, arms, and training.

Lebanese Officials Had Requested Arrest of Hamas Leader Killed in Strike
Security officials in Lebanon had previously called on Hezbollah to arrest Hamas terrorists operating within the country, including Samir Pandi, who was killed alongside Salah al-Arouri, the deputy head of Hamas’ political bureau, in a drone strike on Tuesday. According to a report from i24 News in Jan. 2023, Lebanese officials warned that the Hamas cell planned to carry out operations against Israel from Lebanese territory.

US to reopen border crossings as illegal immigration drops
The US will reopen four legal US-Mexico border crossings on Thursday as high levels of illegal immigration have receded and freed up personnel, a senior US official said on Tuesday.

Harvard President’s Resignation is the Tip of the DEI Iceberg
If the truth about DEI continues to be exposed and American universities return to academic ideals, the downfall of Claudine Gay may turn out to be a historic inflection point.

Hamas no longer demands full ceasefire for hostage deal — report
A Qatari mediator has reported that Hamas may be willing to agree to the release of 40-50 hostages captured from Israel in exchange for 120 Palestinian prisoners and a 20-day pause in fighting and has dropped its demand for a permanent ceasefire as a pre-condition, according to the Arab World Press, citing sources in Hamas.

Long-range rocket launchers, Gaza weapons depot found and destroyed
Troops identified and struck Hamas terror squads planting explosives along the coast and inside nearby compounds. In joint operations, Israeli naval, aerial, and ground forces targeted a number of the terrorists and neutralized the explosives. Furthermore, IDF troops identified three terrorists in southern Gaza City entering a terrorist compound. An IDF fighter jet struck the compound and killed the terrorists. After the strike, secondary explosions were observed, indicating that large quantities of weapons were stored inside the compound.

A New Year Resolution for Our Nation: Revive the Pledge of Allegiance
The grand ideal of a colorblind society has been replaced by a post-modern attempt to cure racism by adding more racism, or, as race guru Ibram X. Kendi puts it, “The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.”

Turkey claims it has broken up Mossad spy network
Thirty-three alleged operatives were detained for supposedly tracking “foreign nationals” in a possible attempt to kidnap or kill them. The state mouthpiece said that the targets were suspected of attempting to identify, track, and possibly attack or kidnap “foreign nationals” living in Turkey. Thirteen others are still being sought in the supposed conspiracy.

Rockets hit synagogue, kill 7 Jewish tribe members in India
Seven members of the Bnei Menashe group, a tribe that claims Jewish ancestry, were killed when a rocket hit their synagogue in Manipur India, the Knesset’s Diaspora affairs committee reported on Tuesday.

Maritime War Between Houthis and US Heating Up
The Houthis have stated that the attacks are in support of Hamas in Gaza. The attacks endanger shipping routes to the Suez Canal and the Strait of Hormuz. Roughly 30% of global container trade passes through the Suez Canal. About a fifth of the volume of the world’s total oil consumption passes through the Strait daily. According to a New York Times report, Pentagon officials have come up with detailed plans to strike missile and drone bases in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen

Israeli forces seize Hamas’s strategic Gaza City stronghold
Israeli forces took control of a Hamas stronghold in Gaza City, including more than 30 buildings, underground bunkers and tunnels located near civilian homes, schools and hospitals, the Israel Defense Forces said on Tuesday. Hamas’s Eastern Military Post in Gaza City included 37 buildings

50,000 Jews visit Temple Mount in 2023
During 2023, 50,098 Jews visited the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, down from 51,483 in 2022, according to data compiled by Beyadenu, an Israeli NGO dedicated to strengthening the Jewish connection to the holy site. Some 16,000 people ascended in the first four months of 5784, the Hebrew year that started on the evening of Sept. 15, the numbers showed.

Jews abandoning Ivy League – a smart idea or a calculated plan to create Jew-free campuses?
If you listen to William Daroff, CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish American Organizations, his best advice for Jewish students is to “move on from Ivy League universities.”

Former British PM Blair strongly rejects report about involvement in resettling Gazans after war
“The story was published without any contact with Tony Blair or his team. No such discussion has taken place,” the organization said in a statement on Tuesday.

Hamas deputy leader assassinated in alleged Israeli drone strike in Beirut
An explosion early on Tuesday evening shook several buildings in Dahieh, a residential neighborhood in Beirut, home to several Hezbollah members. Shortly after the explosion, Hamas leaders confirmed that senior Hamas official Saleh al-Arouri was killed in the targeted attack, which appeared to be a drone strike.

Lightning destroyed key, hand of St. Peter statue in Argentina on Pope Francis’ birthday
The Lepanto Institute and CatholicVote confirmed that a lightning strike blasted off the right hand and key of a statue of St. Peter north of Buenos Aires on December 17. “The Dec. 17 lightning strike is CONFIRMED,” the Lepanto Institute shared on X, noting that lightning struck the statue despite the fact that multiple lightning rods are located about 30 to 40 feet above it, as pictures show.

Destructive M7.6 earthquake in Japan results in at least 57 fatalities, 1.2 m (4 feet) tsunami waves, and a land shift of up to 3 m (10 feet) 

A powerful M7.6 earthquake struck Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, at 07:10 UTC (16:10 local time) on January 1, 2024, leaving extensive damage, at least 57 fatalities, and prompting a massive rescue effort. The quake led to tsunami waves of more than 120 cm (3.9 feet) and significant crustal changes, with up to 3 m (10 feet) of displacement in some areas. The region faces ongoing aftershocks and difficult rescue conditions.

Pfizer Makes $43 Billion Bet That ‘Turbo Cancers’ Are Going To Explode Around The WorldPfizer has
stunned the medical world, completing the 43 billion acquisition of Seagen, a small drug company that treats turbo cancers and barely makes $2 Billion per year.

Michele Bachmann: Hatred Of Jews For Being Jews — Antisemitism Is Demonic, Irrational, And Satanic 
Imagine: Four wisdom teeth pulled the morning of high school graduation! It wasn’t pretty, but it needed to be done so that the next day I could join a Young Life trip to Israel. It was 1974, and I was among 17 excited Christian high-schoolers and three counselors who traveled to Israel from Minneapolis-St. Paul.

US cybersecurity gaps exposed as water utilities targeted by hackers
The Aliquippa water authority in western Pennsylvania became a victim of an international cyberattack, along with other U.S. water utilities.

Syrian capital hit by renewed Israeli airstrikes
Israel launched a series of airstrikes on the surrounding areas of the Syrian capital of Damascus late on 28 December, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reports

MUST WATCH: WHO head Tedros declares war on meat and traditional farming to fight ‘climate change’ 
A new declaration from the World Health Organization has revealed that it wants the masses to eat less meat and more plant-based foods in order to supposedly combat “climate change.”

Tesla robot ATTACKS an engineer at company’s Texas factory during violent malfunction – leaving ‘trail of blood’ and forcing workers to hit emergency shutdown button
A Tesla engineer was attacked by a robot during a brutal and bloody malfunction at the company’s Giga Texas factory near Austin. Two witnesses watched in horror as their fellow employee was attacked by the machine designed to grab and move freshly cast aluminum car parts.

Prices of a Vital Food, Rice, Just Surged to a Fresh 15-Year High
Rice prices surged to a fresh 15-year high, fueled by strong demand and lingering supply concerns.

Fired Hospital Worker Wins Payout in Flu Shot Civil Rights Case
A maintenance assistant formerly employed by the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta pediatric hospital who was fired for refusing to take a flu shot has won a settlement in a court case against his ex-employer, which must pay him $45,000 and change its vaccine mandate policies to accommodate religious exemptions.

Netherlands: Islamic Schools Ban Muslim Children From Befriending Jews and Christians, Teach Non-Believers Should Be Killed
The impact of these violent and dangerous Islamic teachings is not confined to the walls of these schools. It spills over into society, contributing to a troubling rise in Islamic-driven antisemitic and anti-Christian incidents and threats against public figures critical of Islam.

Channel 4 to release a film labelling the Hampstead satanic ritual abuse scandal a “conspiracy theory”
In early 2024, British TV Channel 4 will be releasing a documentary to pass off revelations made by two children in 2014 about satanic ritual abuse as a “conspiracy theory.”

EXPOSED: Dead Children In The CPS System Near Bohemian Grove And Pelosi’s Pedophilia Links
The deaths of numerous children in the Child Protective Services (CPS) system in Contra Costa County, California are raising suspicions, especially considering the county’s proximity to Bohemian Grove, home of an  alleged elitist Moloch-worshipping cult.

AP Quietly Reveals Donation From Foreign Group That Trains Journalists as Climate Change ‘Activists’
The Associated Press’s latest foreign donor wants to transform journalists into “community activists on climate change.” The AP doesn’t seem interested in publicizing that.

UK to bin passports and roll out advanced facial technology at airports 
Long queues at immigration at Heathrow look set to be consigned to the dustbin of history as the UK’s Border Force has announced plans to roll out advanced facial technology at airports to enable “frictionless travel” whereby passports do not need to be presented. The facial recognition technology will instead decide whether passengers arriving in Britain are allowed to enter the country.

Anti-Gun Group Faces Investigation Over Door-to-Door Firearms Buyback Drive
A New Mexico sheriff announced an investigation into an anti-gun organization for potentially buying guns illegally during a so-called “gun buyback” program