29 Dec 2023

It’s five minutes past midnight in Armageddon
It is five minutes past midnight in Armageddon and the Biden Administration continues to dither in how to decisively respond to Iran’s hastening pursuit of nuclear weapons. For nearly a year and a half, we cautioned this moment was fast approaching in time. Now it is here. Washington finds itself in overtime and losing.

Haley calls to “Finish” Hamas after death of US citizen; Biden still unsure who killed her
Nikki Haley has always been a strong supporter of Israel and this was reaffirmed on Thursday when she responded to news of the October 7 murder of Israel-US citizen Judith Weinstein Haggai. Haggai had been presumed kidnapped until Kibbutz Nir Oz announced her death last week. Hailey explicitly placed the blame on Hamas, tweeting, “Another American is confirmed murdered by Hamas, adding, “Finish them.”

These are the pro-Iranian militias attacking US bases and sending drones to Eilat
In Iraq and Syria there is a noticeable escalation in missile attacks and drone strikes attacks against American forces since the beginning of the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza

Syria claims: Israel carried out air strikes in Damascus
Syrian media reported overnight Thursday that explosions were heard in and around the capital of Damascus following an air strike attributed to Israel. It was also reported that the country’s air defense systems were activated following the strike. The Syrian Army said that the Israel Air Force attacked several targets in the Damascus area from Lebanon’s airspace and that the attack caused damage. About two hours earlier, Syrian media reported another Israeli strike in the area of the Syrian capital.

Defund Universities That Allow, Ignore Antisemitism, US Senator Says
US Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) on Tuesday called for defunding colleges and universities that refuse to take significant steps to condemn and combat antisemitism on their campuses. Blackburn touted the idea in a guest column published in the Knoxville News Sentinel, a local Tennessee newspaper, affirming a position she already took in October by cosponsoring the Stop Antisemitism on College Campuses Act

Netanyahu, France’s Macron talk threats in Gaza, Lebanon and Red Sea
Netanyahu thanked Macron for France’s involvement in protecting freedom of navigation in the Red Sea and for its willingness to help restore security on Israel’s border with Lebanon, the statement said. “Netanyahu made it clear that the people and the government of Israel are determined to work to return the residents in the North and South to their homes, by any means,”

Why is Hamas worried about the October 7 narrative of Iran, Hezbollah?
Hamas put out two denials this week about October 7, both of which raised eyebrows. Neither of the Hamas statements denies its crimes on October 7; rather, it is proud of how it massacred civilians and kidnapped children and elderly people. Instead, it is concerned about reports that Iran and Hezbollah knew about the attack.

Dutch minister accused of financing terror groups selected for reconstructing Gaza
Kaag, who previously served as the European country’s minister for foreign affairs and development cooperation, admitted to parliament in 2020 that her ministry had paid part of the salaries of two terrorists involved in the murder of an Israeli teenager. … Kaag, who is married to Anis al-Qaq, a former Palestinian Authority deputy minister and PLO ambassador, continued to support the UAWC, contributing some 11.7 million euros ($12.9 million) between 2017 and 2020.

Mass surrender of Hamas terrorists to the IDF
The IDF is putting immense amounts of pressure on Hamas forcing hundreds of terrorists to surrender. “Sinwar has locked us here, we aim to work in Israel, but @UNRWA won’t allow us.”(watch)

Pro-Israel UK politician targeted in arson attack
After the Metropolitan Police in London said they are investigating the fire in Tory MP Mike Freer’s Finchley office as an arson attack, the MP said the fire was only one of many threats made against him for his pro-Israel stance. Freer, who represents Finchley and Golder’s Green, the home of one of London’s largest Orthodox Jewish communities, was away from his office when a fire was started on 7pm on Christmas Eve. The fire charred the front of the building and damaged three floors of the interior. Freer has been a staunch supporter of Israel’s military operation to eliminate Hamas following the October 7th massacre.

European MPs visit devastated kibbutzim, see severed body parts, watch hamas footage
‘What we saw with our own eyes today is the result of this terrorist attack … I believe that Hamas should not live in this world.’ Croatian, German, Italian, and Lithuanian parliamentarians, many of them visiting the country for the first time, arrived in Israel to see first-hand the devastation created by Hamas terrorists on October 7th.

Army of God: Top pundit notes that religious soldiers represent 45% of fallen, only 20% of population
“Fourteen of the fallen soldiers are alumni,” Segal noted. “45% of the fallen soldiers are from the religious Zionist sector, and even more, if you count what is called the ‘clear kippot’ – the ones who are no longer religious [but were raised on religious Zionist values].” According to the Israel 2022 International Religious Freedom Report, about 20% of the Jews in Israel self-identify as Religious Zionists. “And no one even mentions it,” Segal said.

Many Gazans about to turn to Christ, says Palestinian Evangelical,
While many geopolitical changes are ahead, … a Palestinian Evangelical Christian from Gaza tells me that he believes a great spiritual awakening is about to take place in the Gaza Strip when the Hamas terrorist organization is finally and fully vanquished.

Canada on track to let doctors offer assisted suicide to mentally ill people
The law would make Canada one of the few countries that allow individuals struggling with mental illness to seek assisted suicide through a doctor, according to the NYT. It is set to go into effect in March, and has drawn condemnation from lawmakers and mental health professionals, the latter of whom fear it will undercut their efforts to help their patients and prevent them from committing suicide.

The hostile takeover of education in Minnesota
The teaching of academic knowledge is no longer the primary purpose of K-12 education. The spring 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress results released Monday, Oct. 24, show Minnesota eighth-graders’ math test scores dropped by 11 points from 2019, placing the state among the 10 biggest drops in that age group nationally. No state reported gains in math performance for fourth- and eighth-graders since the last assessment, and nearly all states, including Minnesota, saw reading scores drop.” In just three years, all 50 states saw significant declines in K-12 student academic achievement. The results indicate a catastrophic reduction in the academic achievement of Minnesota school children.

Kim Jong Un calls to ‘accelerate’ war preparations following ‘confrontation moves’ from the US
North Korea’s Kim Jong Un called for the acceleration of war preparations in response to what he described as “unprecedented” confrontation moves from the United States, state media reported Wednesday. The comments came during an annual multi-day meeting of North Korea’s ruling party, the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK), during which North Korean officials wrap up the year and outline policy objectives for the following year.

Flood warnings issued as rivers in the Netherlands swell to record highs
Record-high water levels in the Rhine and Vecht Rivers following a rainy Christmas Day across western Europe have caused significant disruptions in the Netherlands, leading to widespread concern and impacts throughout the country.

Floods and landslides claim more than 60 lives in the Democratic Republic of Congo 
More than 60 people have died and 16 remain missing in the Democratic Republic of Congo following torrential rains that triggered devastating floods and landslides over the past couple of days.

Major incident declared in Tameside after tornado rips through during Storm Gerrit, UK
A small tornado, produced by Storm Gerrit, tore through Greater Manchester, UK around 23:45 UTC on December 27, 2023, leading to significant damage and the declaration of a major incident in Tameside.

Strong and shallow M6.5 earthquake hits Kuril Islands
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.5 hit the Kuril Islands at 09:15 UTC on December 28, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 23.8 km (14.8 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.5 at a depth of 13 km (8 miles).

More than 51,000 Accept Jesus at Fellowship of Christian Athlete Events in 2023
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes had a banner year in 2023, with more than 51,000 athletes accepting Jesus into their lives at the group’s events.

Only Three Percent of Soldiers Who Refused COVID Vaccine Rejoin Army
More and more Army soldiers are reenlisting after being discharged for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine, according to information shared exclusively with The Daily Signal.

Outrageous! California to Penalize Stores for Refusing to Provide “Gender-Neutral” Toy Sections for Children
Some California retailers will be hit with a financial penalty in the coming days if they do not bend their knee to the far-left trans mafia.

Four Canadian churches BURNED just before Christmas
Four churches across Alberta have been burned over the past few weeks, with the latest incident taking place just days before Christmas. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are investigating the fires, which Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre deemed to be motivated by “anti-Christian hatred.”

MUST WATCH: WHO head Tedros declares war on meat and traditional farming to fight ‘climate change’
A new declaration from the World Health Organization has revealed that it wants the masses to eat less meat and more plant-based foods in order to supposedly combat “climate change.”

Sydney’s Pro-Hamas, Hinduphobic Muslim Senator Calls for ‘Criminal Australia’ to Pay Climate Reparations to Pakistan
Senator Mehreen Faruqi’s slander of “criminal Australia” starkly represents the tactics of Islamic Pakistan’s deep state, leveraging its diaspora to propagate hatred against Israel, India, Jews, and Hindus, while aggressively lobbying for Palestine and Kashmir.

NY County Announces Travel Bans For ‘Catastrophes’, Introduces ‘Movement Passes’ For ‘Essential Workers’
A New York county announced the launch of a travel ban initiative where “essential workers” can apply for an exemption in the event of a state of emergency or other “catastrophe.”

CBS News Talking Head Warns Of Black Swan Event In 2024
In the latest bit of alarming evidence that the globalists who’ve been working to destroy America are preparing for something huge as we arrive in just days at 2024, during their year-end CBS News correspondents roundtable, analyst Catherine Herridge predicted a major national security crisis for the United States in the new year.

TikTok Demanding Users Enter iPhone Passwords to View Content
Chinese-owned video streaming platform TikTok has reportedly been asking users for their iPhone passwords in order to view content, sparking concern among individuals using the app.

Pope Francis Faces Growing Worldwide Pushback Against His ‘Same-Sex Blessing’ Doctrine
If you think that fierce opposition to the latest initiative by Globalist Pope Francis – namely, the blessing of same-sex unions – is limited to the Conservative American bishops led by Joseph Strickland, think again.

Northern towns rocked by heaviest Hezbollah barrages since outbreak of war
Sirens sounded repeatedly in northern Israel on Wednesday as rockets fired from Lebanon pummeled the towns of Rosh Hanikra and Kiryat Shmona in a major escalation of violence along the restive border, as Israel’s top general vowed that the country’s military was prepared to battle the Hezbollah terror group, even as heavy fighting persisted in Gaza.

Israelis hear drilling, feel shaking amid West Bank terror tunnel fears
“I felt like there was an earthquake far off, like the bed I was lying on was moving and sailing,” said Baruch Ben Neria, a resident who reported his experience to the authorities.