29 Oct 2023

‘Second war of independence’ – Israel’s war cabinet confirms ‘second stage of the war’ has begun
As the IDF’s ground offensive into the Gaza Strip intensified, the three members of Israel’s war cabinet – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant and former IDF Chief Benny Gantz – addressed the Israeli public on Saturday evening for the first time and made themselves available to answer questions from the press. Netanyahu opened his remarks by confirming that the ground offensive into Gaza had, indeed, begun on Friday.

Impactful storm taking shape across the Central US to unleash snow, ice and perhaps Otis-fueled rainfall
Gulf moisture will clash with a burst of cold, Arctic air from Canada this weekend, sparking a multi-faceted storm across the Central US.

How Does a Math Formula Highlight the Creator?
When it comes to math, most people either love it or hate it. But no matter how you feel about it, it might interest you to know that mathematics actually confirms the truth of God’s Word! Think about it—how could random, chance, materialistic processes over millions of years produce immaterial, precise (absolute) mathematical laws? They can’t! There’s one specific mathematical formula that one of our staff members, retired US Marine Patrick Kanewske, loves to highlight because it magnificently declares the Creator’s glory: the golden ratio, which is related to the Fibonacci sequence.

House Speaker Johnson: Russia, China, & Iran Are The New Axis Of Evil
The Speaker presented Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran as a trilateral threat to Washington. “Big priorities in this moment right now. We have Israel being attacked, we have unrest, we have the Ukraine situation we’ve got to deal with, we have China being aggressive, we have Iran with all the meddling, and China, Russia, and Iran working together. This is a dangerous time.” he said.

Erdogan Vows To Get Israel Branded As “War Criminal” State, Also Blames West For Gaza “Massacre”
Erdogan said: “Israel, we will also declare you as a war criminal to the world, we are preparing for it, and we will introduce Israel to the world as a war criminal,” according to a state broadcaster. Footage of the event shows that the turnout was huge, in the hundreds of thousands or possibly over 100,000 people gathered in the capital.

Democrats Blast New House Speaker For Unabashedly Holding To A Biblical Worldview
On Wednesday, after three weeks of dysfunction following the ouster of former-Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana was elected as the 56th Speaker of the House. Johnson’s elevation to the office caps a frenetic period in which Republicans considered multiple candidates before coalescing around the four-term congressman. Although Johnson’s unexpected rise to the speakership was welcomed by conservatives, the Left has predictably been apoplectic in denouncing Speaker Johnson’s long-standing social conservative views. Although progressives routinely castigate those who hold convictions rooted in a biblical worldview, the sharp criticism directed toward the new speaker for his Christian faith is nonetheless revealing.

IDF ground forces stay in north Gaza as incursion expands
Israel Defense Forces ground forces that entered northern Gaza on Friday night remained there on Saturday, marking what appears to be the start of the Israeli ground offensive, as opposed to earlier brief raids. Infantry, Armored Corps, and Combat Engineering Corps units all entered the Strip, supported by heavy artillery.

Israel Recalls Diplomats After Erdogan’s Words at Istanbul Hate Fest
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday inveighed against what he termed the Israeli army’s “massacre” of Palestinians in Gaza. The leader spoke at a massive pro-Palestinian rally in Istanbul that he said had drawn a crowd of 1.5 million.

IDF strikes targets in Lebanon
IDF fighter jets on Saturday struck targets belonging to the Hezbollah terror organization. In a statement Saturday night, the IDF confirmed: “In response to the rocket and missile fire from Lebanon during the past day, IDF fighter jets struck a number of military targets belonging to the Hezbollah terrorist organization in Lebanon.”

Bennett’s plan to defeat Hamas: Cut Gaza in half
As a direct result, Gaza City will be cut off from all supplies. Controlling the proposed buffer zone will require a smaller force, allowing Israel to demobilize a portion of its reservists and reduce strain on the economy. The hostages Hamas has seized – particularly the infants and the elderly hostages – will become significant liabilities, demanding additional care and supplies from the organization’s stockpiles.

“We are determined to eradicate this evil from the world, for our existence and for all of humanity,” said the prime minister.
IDF artillery fire targeted positions used by the Syrian Army and Iran-backed militias in the Quneitra region near the Syrian-Israeli border on Saturday night, according to Lebanese and Syrian sources. The Syrian Capital Voice news outlet reported that the artillery fire was conducted in response to a rocket fired from Syria toward Israel on Saturday.

‘Never again is now’: Netanyahu addresses the nation
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed on Saturday night to press forward with the military offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip to ensure the Palestinian terrorist group can never again harm the Jewish people. “We are determined to eradicate this evil from the world, for our existence and for all of humanity,” said the prime minister.

Israel prepares for war on multiple fronts
While Israel’s focus is on Gaza, Iran is threatening to attack Israel from other arenas as well, through its terror proxies in Lebanon, Syria and Yemen. Last week, the Houthi army in Yemen fired rockets toward Israel, but they were intercepted by Saudi and U.S. forces.

The ‘ground shook in Gaza last night’ – IDF continues ground operations, war moves into ‘new phase’
The “ground shook in Gaza last night,” Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant stated on Saturday morning, adding that Israel had “entered a new stage in the conflict…the operation will continue until new orders are given.” During the night, 150 underground targets of Hamas were destroyed by airstrikes.

Col. Macgregor to Tucker: Biden admin is driving the US into an ‘Armageddon’ war in Middle East
Decorated combat veteran Colonel Douglas Macgregor has warned that Biden administration officials are driving the United States into an “Armageddon” war that risks a military conflagration with Iran, Turkey, Russia, and others in order to defend and help facilitate an Israeli war crime that is unacceptable to the world and most Americans. “It looks like the chosen destination is indeed Armageddon,” the military scholar and author told Tucker Carlson on his latest Twitter/X program.

Dead ‘fetus’ found at south Minneapolis encampment
Just after 5 p.m. Wednesday, police were requested to assist EMS personnel at the encampment located on the 2300 block of 14th Avenue South on a report of a “female with possibly a baby that is DOA in a bag,” according to police dispatch audio.

Halloween arctic blast to plummet temperatures to freezing in every state except Florida
An outbreak of arctic air that will grow through the first half of Halloween week promises to send temperatures to their lowest levels since the spring across much of the U.S., with parts of every state except for Florida reaching the freezing point. And for many, the introduction to the cold air will be quick and abrupt with temperature drops of 10-20 degrees or more in just hours, if not minutes.

Hurricane Otis death toll rises but number of missing in Acapulco remains unclear
As calls for help grow from the worst-hit communities in the Mexican state of Guerrero, the country’s death toll was reported to have risen to at least 39 on Saturday after Category 5 Hurricane Otis made landfall Wednesday.

Biden’s State Department honors ‘Intersex Awareness Day’ amid wars in Middle East, Ukraine 
Joe Biden’s State Department, dealing with a war in Ukraine, a war in Israel, increasing tensions in the South China Sea and a state visit from the Australian Prime Minister, took time out its busy schedule to put out a statement honoring Intersex Awareness Day.

Spanish clergy sexually abused over 200,000 children, probe estimates
Over 200,000 minors are estimated to have been sexually abused in Spain by the Roman Catholic clergy since 1940, according to an independent commission published Friday.

Bowling Alley Where Maine Attacker Killed 7 Is a Gun-Free Zone
The bowling alley where Robert Card allegedly shot and killed 7 people has a sign on the front door announcing the premises are gun free.

Brewing eastern Pacific storm may become next quick-strengthening hurricane in wake of Otis
Mexico is on alert for another tropical system that could rapidly intensify into a powerful hurricane before making landfall not far from where Otis roared ashore as a deadly Category 5 storm.

Biden releases 96% of inadmissible aliens who used its ‘CBP One’ app
The Biden administration has released into the country nearly all the inadmissible aliens who scheduled appointments through its CBP One mobile application so far this year, according to new information obtained by the House Homeland Security Committee.

DC Stores Display Framed Images of Toilet Paper to Stop Product Being Stolen.
Retail stores in Washington, D.C. are displaying images of products on their shelves instead of the items themselves, as the U.S. capital continues to suffer a plague of shoplifting and robberies. CVS Pharmacy on H Street Northeast has even placed pictures of toilet paper on otherwise empty shelves in an to prevent theft:

Political ‘Party of Islam’ Registered in UK 6 Days After Hamas Attack.
A new political party was registered with the United Kingdom’s Electoral Commission regulator just six days after the Hamas terror attack on Israel and ensuing response. The description for the party, as given to the Electoral Commission, states:

Tyson Foods Begins Massive Investment Into Bug and Insect Proteins.
Tyson Foods – the United States’ largest poultry processor – announced alongside Profix,  a Dutch insect ingredient producer, that the two companies have agreed to build a giant facility to produce insects and bugs en masse for the American market in order to “reduce the burden on the planet”.

University Draws Backlash After Students Offered Extra Credit to Attend Pro-Palestinian Event
The University of California, Berkeley, is facing backlash after a teaching assistant sent an email to students offering them extra credit if they participated in a pro-Palestinian protest.

60 Years of Indoctrination
We have long suspected that campus indoctrination has contributed to much of the political and social chaos in our country. It has now come to a head. Academia, much of the grade school system, and a major political party in America have been taken over by the Left. It is no longer a secret. It is in our faces.

Satanic Temple Loses Lawsuit Challenging Indiana Abortion Ban
The organization claims that bans violate their members’ right to “religious freedom” of performing “abortion rituals.” The Indiana lawsuit was filed in September 2022, claiming that the state’s near-total ban violates the U.S. Constitution and the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

UK Government’s Covid-19 Inquiry – Frightened of the Truth? 
…The covid-19 fraud cost British taxpayers huge sums. It has been estimated in the mainstream media that the early cost of the chaotic and wasteful testing programme etc etc was over £6,000 per person. I have no idea if this is true but it seems possible. And, of course, the costs continue because the £6,000 a head doesn’t include the costs of ruined businesses, ruined education and ruined health care. Millions of people in Britain will die as a result of the disgraceful and pointless policies followed by healthcare leaders – the lockdowns, the PCR test, the toxic vaccine, the pointless masks, the senseless social distancing schemes and so on.

Geert Vanden Bosshe: “No mRNA-based injectable product should ever be used for immunisation purposes”
A week ago, Dr. Jessica Rose published an article highlighting a preprint study on the DNA fragments detected in Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna’s covid “vaccines” and the relationship of these DNA fragments to adverse effects post-vaccination. Dr. Rose concluded: “In light of DNA discovered in commercial vials, as per the precautionary principle, the modified mRNA-lipid nanoparticle platform needs to have a moratorium slapped on it, and all existing vials should be confiscated and protected for testing.”