24 Oct 2023

Blinken, Austin: We’re Ready for War In the Middle East
Shortly after the terror attacks of October 7, the United States’ position initially appeared to be very clear. This was Israel’s war to fight and we would provide material and vocal support, but allow them to handle it as they saw fit. By this past weekend, the situation had shifted noticeably, with threats of escalation showing up to the north of Israel from Hezbollah and rocket attacks on American posts in various places, including Iraq. And now both the Secretary of State and the Defense Secretary are clearly preparing the country for the possibility that the entire situation may blow up and our military is “ready” to go to war if we must.

Iran-backed Hezbollah has it sights on Israel, posing ‘immense problems’
“It is now imminent that Hezbollah will open up a second front in northern Lebanon,” she tells AFN. “They’ve already started gearing up and preparing for that.” According to Gabriel, Hezbollah maintains weapon depots beneath hospitals and schools. “[Also] many of the homes that were built in southern Lebanon [in Shi’ite towns] since 2006 have rooms with retractable ceilings where Hezbollah can launch rockets from within these rooms into Israel because Hezbollah controls the majority of southern Lebanon,” she adds.

The Israel-Hamas War Is Already Pushing The Great Reset Agenda
A few days ago we published an article discussing how the Great Reset agenda is still moving forward behind the scenes, while the headlines are full of Israel-Palestine. But it’s also true that, in its thirteen days of existence, the war itself has already pushed that agenda forward as well.

Macron to visit Israel on Tuesday, will hold talks with Netanyahu
Emmanuel Macron will visit Tel Aviv on Tuesday for talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his office announced. His visit comes more than two weeks after Palestinian terrorists stormed into Israel from the Gaza Strip on October 7 and killed at least 1,400 people,

Korea reports 4 more cases of lumpy skin disease, bringing total cases to 14
Korea reported four additional cases of lumpy skin disease (LSD), amid growing concerns over the nationwide spread of the highly infectious disease, the agricultural ministry said Monday. “There have been 14 cases of infection, with 638 units being culled so far,” Agricultural Minister Chung Hwang-keun said during an audit session at the National Assembly.

Escalation in Middle East Conflict Raises Fears of World War, U.S. Troops at Risk
The United States, in collaboration with its allies, has expressed growing concern about the potential for an escalation of the Israel-Hamas conflict in the Middle East, which could pose a significant threat to U.S. troops. This mounting tension underscores the ever-present risk of a broader conflict that could have worldwide implications,

Biden Admin Officials Terrified of Massive Military Escalation: ‘It Could All Veer Off the Rails’
As threats and bombs pile up in the Middle East, the Biden administration is feeling queasy about being drawn into a Middle East war. If Hezbollah escalates its involvement Israel’s economy minister, Nir Barkat said it would “eliminate Hezbollah” but not stop there, according to the U.K. Daily Mail. “The plan of Iran is to attack Israel on all fronts. If we find they intend to target Israel, we will not just retaliate to those fronts, but we will go to the head of the snake, which is Iran,” he said.

USS Carney Shot Down More Missiles, Drones Over Longer Period
The engagement of Houthi cruise missiles and drones by the Arleigh-Burke class destroyer USS Carney on Thursday in the Red Sea took place for far longer than initially reported, with more targets destroyed than first indicated. You can read our initial reporting on the incident here. The Carney shot down four land attack cruise missiles and 19 drones, a U.S. official told The War Zone Friday. The engagements took place over a nine-hour period,

Ukraine Situation Report: Multiple Russian Attacks On Avdiivka Repulsed
Fighting continues to rage around the eastern Ukrainian city of Avdiivka, where Russia launched a bloody new offensive earlier this month. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the situation in Avdiivka and the nearby town of Maryinka was “particularly tough.” However, multiple accounts so far suggest that Russia has suffered heavy losses in terms of manpower and equipment, without making significant gains.

More US troops prepping for Middle East deployment
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced Saturday that the United States is taking “additional steps” to increase U.S. strength in the Middle East, including preparing additional troops for potential deployment as tension continues to increase in the region.

Watch: Pro-Palestinian Mob Shuts Down Minneapolis Street, Terrorizes Motorists
If you were wondering why the pro-Palestinian protests in the US today are starting to look a lot like the BLM riots of 2020, it’s probably because they are made up of the same people with the same political agenda. Minnesota has one of the most concentrated Muslim populations in the US, but it is also a well-known Democrat stronghold. Palestinian protests across the country are predominantly manned by far-left groups like Antifa seeking to attach themselves to minority issues as an excuse to wreak havoc.

NewsGuard & US Govt. Sued By Consortium News; Musk Slams ‘Scam’
NewsGuard, a company which claims to rate media outlets’ level of ‘trustworthiness’ and therefore has a meaningful influence over ad revenue, has been sued along with the Biden administration by Consortium News, which also named the Pentagon’s Cyber Command for “contracting with NewsGuard to identify, report and abridge the speech of American media organizations that dissent from U.S. official positions on foreign policy.”

Trump: U.S ‘Inches’ from WWIII Under Biden’s Leadership, ‘Neocon Warmongering’
According to the 45th president’s prepared remarks for his campaign stop in Derry, New Hampshire, in the afternoon, Trump will label Biden’s speech “a grotesque betrayal of Israel and a confused mess of neocon warmongering and America-last lunacy.”

Exclusive: Nvidia to make Arm-based PC chips in major new challenge to Intel
Nvidia (NVDA.O) dominates the market for artificial intelligence computing chips. Now it is coming after Intel’s longtime stronghold of personal computers. Nvidia has quietly begun designing central processing units (CPUs) that would run Microsoft’s (MSFT.O) Windows operating system and use technology from Arm Holdings(O9Ty.F), , two people familiar with the matter told Reuters.

IDF intercepts drone from Lebanon near Acre
Rocket-warning sirens pealed in the Acre region for the first time … The Israel Defense Forces shot down a drone that infiltrated Israel by sea from Lebanon on Monday, the army confirmed. Rocket warning sirens pealed in the Acre region on Israel’s northern coast on Monday afternoon for the first time since the war against Hamas began on Oct. 7.

Israel Mounts Limited Gaza Ground Raids as Troops Mass on Border
Israel‘s military said on Monday its ground forces mounted limited raids into Gaza and airstrikes targeted Palestinian terrorists assembling to repulse any wider Israeli ground offensive, as each side prepares for the next stage of the escalating war.

IDF strikes terrorists who tried to fire rockets from Lebanon
An IDF aircraft on Monday evening struck a terrorist cell that was identified in the area of Har Dov attempting to fire rockets from Lebanon toward Israeli territory. This was the third attack of the day by terrorists who have been trying to fire at Israel from Lebanon since the morning.

Iran cuts military service, warns Israel and US of escalation
Iran-backed proxies have increased their attacks across the region; in Iraq and Syria, Iranian proxy groups attacked US forces a number of times over the last week, while Hezbollah increased its own attacks on Israel’s northern border in the last several days, and Iran-backed Houthis launched drones and cruise missiles over the Red Sea, intercepted by a US warship.

Mysterious explosion at Iranian power plant kills one, injures 4
An explosion was reported at a power plant in central Iran Sunday evening, according to Iranian media outlets. A report by the semi-official Fars agency said that the incident occurred at the Parand power plant, located in Robat Karim County, about 30 miles (50 kilometers) southwest of Tehran.

IDF hits Gaza tunnels; ground forces conduct raids ahead of offensive
The Israel Air Force has destroyed 20 Hezbollah anti-tank missile cells since start of the war. The Israeli Air Force struck hundreds of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad targets in Gaza in recent hours, including tunnels with terrorists in them,

200,000 Israelis have left their homes since start of war with Hamas
The statistics, released by Israeli authorities, include communities along the Gaza border, as well as the northern border with Lebanon, which were emptied of their residents in anticipation of continued clashes with the Hezbollah terror organization based there.

Illinois’ billionaire Democrat governor creates new group to promote abortion nationwide
Billionaire Democrat Governor J.B. Pritzker announced that he created a new group named “Think Big America” to push for abortion across the country. The Illinois Democrat supports his party’s official stance that abortion should be freely available, subsidized by taxpayers, and legal up until the moment of birth. He is considered a potential presidential contender in 2028.

Shallow M6.0 earthquake hits Kermadec Islands, New Zealand 
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.0 hit Kermadec Islands, New Zealand at 10:10 UTC on October 23, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 23.1 km (14.3 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.1 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).

Scotland’s agricultural sector heavily impacted by Storm Babet 
Entire crops were lost and farmlands inundated as Storm Babet struck Scotland between October 19 and 22, 2023. The River Esk in Brechin overflowed its 3.8 m (12.5 feet) high flood walls, leading to unprecedented flooding in areas like Angus and Perthshire.

Early winter storm to impact West and Plains with heavy snowfall and frigid temperatures
An early winter storm is set to impact the Northwest and Northern Rockies starting late Tuesday, October 24, 2023. The event, forecasted to bring heavy snowfall and strong winds, will extend into the Northern High Plains by Wednesday.

UN Security Council Resolution 2231 Banning Missile Transfers To Iran Expires
With the eyes of the world transfixed upon the UN Security Council’s vote on whether or not to seek a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, a less heralded event coming out of the council may prove to be even more consequential should that conflict widen. October 18th marked the expiration of UN Security Council Resolution 2231. The resolution was passed in 2015 as part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action more commonly known as the Iran Nuclear Deal. One core component of the provisions  set forth by the resolution was the prohibition of transferring missiles, drones, and adjacent weapons technologies to and from Iran. With the resolution’s expiration, Iran is now free to send and receive those arms.

Fighting Has Erupted On Multiple Fronts As Israel Braces For A War Of National Survival
It is becoming clear that Israel is going to have to battle enemies on multiple fronts, and that means that this war is going to look a whole lot different than a lot of people thought that it would.  If the fighting could have been confined to just Israel and Hamas, there still would have been a lot of death and destruction, but everyone knows that Hamas is no match for the IDF.

Eleven-Year-Old ‘Transgender’ Biological Boy Becomes Youngest Grand Marshal of Orlando Pride Parade
An eleven-year-old “transgender” biological boy, who identifies as a girl, has become the youngest grand marshal of Orlando’s Come Out With Pride Parade on Saturday.

Why Egypt and Other Arab Countries are Unwilling to Take in Palestinian Refugees from Gaza
In response to the desperate situation of Palestinians in Gaza due to Israel’s ongoing retaliation for the October 7th attack by Hamas, neighboring countries, Egypt and Jordan, have firmly rejected providing refuge. Jordan has a significant Palestinian population, but together with Egypt, they have refused to take in Palestinian refugees from Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

Slow down WHO’s power grab: Nations must opt out of IHR amendments before 1 December
In 2022, the World Health Assembly quietly agreed to reduce the period during which nations have to opt out of future amendments to the International Health Regulations.  We didn’t agree to this, they just did it.

Expansion of Canadian “assisted suicide” programme is an excuse to murder infants for profit 
There are times when doctors promote ideologies that make us want to throw up, literally.  The suggestions made are so diabolical that any sane and rational-thinking person would not be able to dream up such atrocities.  One such suggestion came from Canadian doctor Louis Roy who suggested that Medical Assistance in Dying (“MAiD”) could be used to end the lives of infants.

“You Can Now Sue the mRNA COVID Vaccine Manufacturers For Damages,” says Steve Kirsch
A cancer-promoting genetic sequence—SV40 was found in mRNA vaccine vials in April 2023. It is doubtful that there was disclosure of the SV40 contamination within the Pfizer documents received by the FDA. This means that the mRNA COVID vaccines are adulterated and the manufacturers can now be sued for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market until the adulteration is fixed,” according to Steve Kirsch,