12 Oct 2023

The Unprecedented Events In Israel Are A Reminder For Christians To Get Ready
“The church needs to be aware what is happening, and our hearts should be stirred,” Pastor Hamrick said. He encouraged believers to remain vigilant, pointing out how “as we get closer to the return of Christ, we’re going to see more and more anti-Semitism around the world. Complete peace on Earth won’t happen until the Lord returns, but Scripture still tells us to pray for Israel. … these unprecedented events in Israel are a reminder for Christians to get ready for the Rapture.

Hamas Leader Calls For Global Muslim Uprising In ‘Day Of Rage’ On Friday, Report Says
A screenshot of a video on X (first posted on YouTube) shows Khaled Mashal, the former leader and founding member of Hamas, who allegedly called on Muslims earlier this week to unleash a ‘Day of Rage’ on Friday. The ‘final words’ of Mashal’s speech included, “Funds are important but today we are asking for your blood and souls [to be sacrificed for Palestine,”

Microsoft Must Pay $28.9 Billion In Back-Taxes
In an 8K filed by Microsoft after the close, the company said it received notices from IRS seeking additional payment of $28.9b plus penalties and interest for the tax years 2004-2013; the payments stem from disagreements over the tax treatment of intercompany transfer pricing, a well-known corporate tax black hole. It was not immediately clear if these notices suggested the company had underpaid taxes on purpose or if there was a TurboTax-style glitch, but whatever the reason, $29 billion is a lot of money, even for Epstein island regulars such as Bill Gates.

Netanyahu Vows “Every Hamas Operative Will Die” As Israeli Citizenry Mobilizes For War
Every Hamas operative will die. Hamas is ISIS.” And Gantz too spoke of total societal mobilization in Wednesday night words:

Pompeo: The United States Must Give Israel A Free Hand To Do What Needs To Be Done
former Sec. of State Mike Pompeo urged the United States to take a strong stance in support of Israel. Calling the actions of Hamas “grotesque” and “barbaric,” Pompeo highlighted that “Prime Minister Netanyahu should have a free hand to do what he needs to do.” “I am just hoping that this administration doesn’t slow him down,” he implored. “There are going to be long weeks. There are going to be some pictures that come out of Gaza that are going to be tragic. But make no mistake about it: Prime Minister Netanyahu has the duty to defend his own people in the same way that the United States has that duty.”

Israeli Health Ministry tells hospitals to stop treating terrorists
“Since the beginning of the fighting, the issue of treating the damned and despicable Hamas terrorists within the public hospitals has piled up a tremendous difficulty on the health system,” wrote the health minister. “In these difficult times, the health system should focus fully on the treatment of the victims of the criminal massacre, IDF soldiers and readiness for the next [attack],” Arbel explained. “The task of securing and treating the cursed and despicable terrorists within the public health system significantly harms these efforts and therefore, under my guidance, the public health system will not treat them,” he added.

Ben Gvir to police: Prepare for riots and violence in Israel
National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir (Otzma Yehudit) on Wednesday morning ordered Israel Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai “to be prepared for the scenario of Guardian of the Walls 2.” Ben Gvir, who arrived at the Sderot police station following the battle which took place at the scene, said, “The police officers, Counterterror officers, and Border Police, were a ray of light in the darkness.” “They killed over 350 terrorists in face-to-face combat. This war proves how much we need to arm civilians.”

Turkish minister to PM Netanyahu: One day they’ll fire at you, too
Nazif Yılmaz, Deputy Minister of National Education of Türkiye, responded to a tweet by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by warning, “You will die.”

EU expands warning over pro-Hamas content on social media
The European Union has expanded its warning that tech companies must remove pro-Hamas content from their platforms, or face legal penalties. Following the Islamist group’s attack on Israel, social media firms have seen a surge in misinformation related to the conflict, including doctored images and mislabelled videos, alongside images of graphic violence.

Netanyahu: Hamas burned people alive in the south
Hamas terrorists in an ISIS-like manner burned people alive, raped victims and shot babies in the head when they assaulted southern Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Israelis in a late-night address.

Million Person March organizer announces new nationwide protests against LGBT agenda
The organizer for the Million Person March held in September to fight back against radical LGBT agendas being taught in public schools has planned a new event for October 21 after getting over ‘12 calls a day” to organize another protest. The “Worldwide Stop the War on Children Rally” to be held throughout the country will be looking at taking a ‘double measure, one cut” approach, said Kamel El-Cheikh, who was the main organizer of the September protest, …there is a huge “appetite coast to coast” to rid Canadian schools of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) indoctrination.

Gaza power plant shuts down after running out of fuel during Israeli blockade
Reports coming out of Gaza indicate that the power plant has run out of fuel as a result of the Israeli blockade, which was established after the Hamas terror organization’s barbaric invasion of southern Israel on Saturday. Palestinian Energy Authority Chairman Zhafer Melhem, reported to local media that the power plant had run out of fuel and stopped operating at 2 p.m. today. With no power, water pumping stations will also soon cease to operate.

Instead of complaining, stranded passengers began to pray for Israel at Ben Gurion Airport
After many international air carriers suspended or scaled back flights to and from Tel Aviv, hundreds of foreign nationals are stuck in Israel and waiting for their flights out of the country currently at war with the Hamas terror organization Tourists from across the globe remain stranded at Israel’s Ben-Gurion International Airport on Tuesday after their flights were canceled, but instead of complaining they banded together to pray.

While Turkey attacks Kurdish militants in Iraq, Erdoğan slams Israel for not acting ‘like a state’
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan condemned Israel’s bombings of Gaza on Wednesday as “shameful,” while refusing to condemn Hamas. “Israel should not forget that if it acts more like an organization rather than a state, it’ll finish by being treated as such,” saidErdoğan. Erdoğanrefused to condemn Hamas,

Israel prepares for Iran to order massive Hezbollah attack on Israel from the north
As IDF prepares to invade Gaza to ‘eliminate’ Hamas, Netanyahu team prepares for a second front to open. Already, several skirmishes on the northern border have erupted.

Netanyahu and Benny Gantz, former Israeli defense minister, announce emergency unity government today
About an hour after ALL ISRAEL NEWS was the first media outlet to break the story, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Benny Gantz issued an official statement confirming that they have agreed to form an emergency national unity government. Netanyahu, Gantz, and current Defense Minister Yoav Gallant will form a three-person “war cabinet” to directly manage the war against Hamas.

Israel pounds Hamas stronghold in Gaza’s Rimal
Israel pounded downtown Gaza City with relentless bombardments Tuesday after it vowed a retaliation that would “reverberate for generations” against the Hamas militant group for its surprise weekend attack

Western Afghanistan hit by third M6.3 earthquake since October 7
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.3 hit western Afghanistan at 00:41 UTC (05:10 local time) on October 11, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 9 km (5.6 miles). This is the third M6.3 earthquake to hit this area of Afghanistan since twin M6.3s on October 7 in which more than 2 400 people lost their lives.

Extremely dangerous Category 4 Hurricane “Lidia” makes landfall in west-central Mexico
Category 4 Hurricane “Lidia” made landfall along the coast of west-central Mexico near Las Penitas in the state of Jalisco around 23:50 UTC on October 10, 2023, with maximum winds estimated to be near 220 km/h (140 mph).

Wildfires prompt evacuations in Argentina’s Cordoba Province amid heat wave
Wildfires exacerbated by an intense heat wave led to the evacuation of dozens of residents in Cordoba Province, Argentina, on October 10, 2023. The fires neared the resort city of Villa Carlos Paz and involved the deployment of 960 firefighters.

Shallow M6.4 earthquake hits west of Macquarie Island
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.4 hit west of Macquarie Island at 20:04 UTC on October 11, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 11.6 km (7.2 miles). BMKG is reporting M6.1, Geoscience Australia M6.2, and EMSC M6.4.

Get Ready, Because The U.S. Is Going To War In The Middle East…
We are on the precipice of a major regional war in the Middle East, and the U.S. military is going to be involved.  Of course if this war was just limited to a fight between Israel and Hamas, there would be no need for the U.S. military to intervene, because the IDF can handle Hamas quite easily.  But Hezbollah is another matter entirely.

Sydney Jews Warned to Stay Home as pro-Hamas Protesters Claim the Streets
Members of the Jewish community in Sydney, Australia’s biggest city, were warned Monday to stay home and avoid being identified while supporters of the Palestinian terror group Hamas marched through the Central Business District to gather at the iconic Opera House.

No, the Hamas Invasion Was Not an Israeli ‘Intelligence Failure’
One would have to be almost hopelessly naïve to buy the corporate state media line that the Hamas invasion yesterday morning was an Israeli “intelligence failure.”Mossad is one of, if not the, most powerful intelligence agencies on the planet. It routinely shares intelligence, furthermore, with the “Five Eyes” intelligence services. It has its tentacles deep inside of every ally and foe of import.

Preliminary analysis of UK flu vaccine data suggests they contribute to deaths
Joel Smalley has been analysing UK annual flu vaccination data.  In 2000, national flu vaccination programmes were introduced for those aged over 65.  So, did the flu vaccines save lives? Not according to Smalley’s analysis.  His preliminary analysis suggests the opposite is true.  Deaths have increased for those aged over 65 after the flu vaccine was introduced.

Gender-confused men on hormones ‘up to 95% more likely to suffer heart disease’: 
A recent study shows that gender-confused men who undergo cross-sex hormone treatments are at a significantly higher risk – up to 95% – of developing heart disease.

WHO tries to sneak in IHR amendments without the approval of member states
…“These things are specified in the versions of the treaty and the amendments that we’ve seen so far … but they haven’t been negotiated, they haven’t been accepted, they haven’t been voted on,” Dr. Nass said.  If this process is about the member nations negotiating and agreeing to the IHR amendments and a Pandemic Treaty, the question is: Why has WHO already started building all these hubs?

DNA Contamination and Cancer-Causing ‘SV40’ found in Pfizer’s COVID Injections
It’s not just the spike protein and the mRNA that are a problem. Both Pfizer and Moderna covid injections also have DNA contamination and Pfizer’s covid injection contains SV40 promoters.

California Rolls Out New ‘Ebony Alert’ to Prioritize Search for Missing Black Children
California Governor Gavin Newsom on Sunday signed a bill into law that will prioritize the search for missing black children. The “Ebony Alert” will go into effect on January 1.

BLM’s LA Branch Backs Hamas Terrorism.
In a statement posted on their verified Instagram account, Black Lives Matter (BLM) Los Angeles have endorsed the Hamas terror raids on Israel over the weekend, calling their “resistance” an act “of self-defense.”