10 Oct 2023

Herzog: ‘Not since Holocaust have so many Jews been killed in one day’
As president of the State of Israel, I speak to you now from our capital city Jerusalem under the dark shadow of war, as my nation continues to endure a savage attack from a cruel and inhumane enemy. To my mind, not since the Holocaust have so many Jews been killed in one day. And not since the Holocaust have we witnessed scenes of Jewish women and children, grandparents—even Holocaust survivors—being herded into trucks and taken into captivity.

PA President Mahmoud Abbas MIA as Hamas wages war against Israel
President Mahmoud Abbas has been conspicuously absent from the public eye since Hamas launched its surprise attack on Israel Saturday morning. Middle East expert Hasan Awwad told The Media Line that the military operation carried out by Abbas’ rival, Hamas, puts him in an awkward position. “His silence is a position. Not intervening is a position in itself to protect his political project. He wants to appease the international community and regional players,” The official blamed the US administration for the bloody escalation, saying that“Biden is the reason for what is happening.”

‘By Any Means Necessary’: Anti-Zionist College Students Cheer Hamas Massacre of Israelis
Across the US, dozens of college student groups declared solidarity with Hamas on Sunday, cheering the Palestinian terrorist group one day after it invaded Israel from its enclave in Gaza and murdered hundreds of Israelis and took dozens more captive in a shocking surprise attack. Scenes of Hamas terrorists abducting children and desecrating dead bodies have circulated worldwide and invoked global outrage. However, several chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at places such as Brown University, the University of Maryland, Tufts University, and the University of California-Los Angeles have described the attacks as a form of “resistance,”

The calm before the storm
A report from the north. I live in Galilee. We know what’s coming, you can literally feel the tension, you can almost cut the heaviness in the air with a knife. The question is not if, but when. This all-or-nothing situation, in which the existence of the State of Israel is essentially at stake, is nerve-wracking. Losing is not an option;

Netanyahu: Genocidal Hamas must be ‘eliminated’ like ISIS, and Israel must form emergency unity government
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went on live television Monday evening at around 9:30pm local time to address the nation and the world. “We are at the third day of the war for our very existence, one which we’ll win,” Netanyahu said, comparing the Hamas terrorist organization in Gaza with ISIS — also known as the Islamic State — both of which have genocidal objectives. “Hamas is the same as ISIS, and we’ll combat it in the same way it was combated by other countries in the world,” Netanyahu vowed. … “Hamas wanted this war, and he will get it. When this war ends, all of our enemies will realize it was a mistake to attack Israel.”

At least 11 Americans killed in Hamas attack, White House confirms
Over the weekend, Hamas terrorists fired thousands of rockets from Gaza to multiple locations in Israel as terrorists infiltrated Israel, killing and capturing Israelis. Israeli media reported hundreds dead and thousands wounded, and Israeli forces quickly struck back. The White House released a statement later Monday putting the number of Americans killed at 11.

Socialist group backing Minnesota Dems condemned for comments after Hamas attack
The Democratic Socialists of America, a political organization with a growing influence in Minnesota politics, was widely condemned over the weekend when it blamed “Israel’s apartheid regime” for Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas’ attack on the Jewish state. The Democratic Socialists of America’s (DSA) New York City chapter promoted an “All Out for Palestine” protest that took place in Times Square Sunday, just a day after Hamas invaded Israel, targeting civilians, taking women and children hostage, and killing hundreds at a music festival.

Hamas Strikes Mosque Named After Chechen Leader Near Jerusalem – Israel
A rocket fired by the Hamas militant group hit a mosque near Jerusalem dedicated to Akhmat Kadyrov, a Chechen separatist fighter in the 1990s who later switched sides and pledged allegiance to Russia, Israel’s foreign ministry reported Monday. According to the ministry, a Hamas rocket “directly hit the Akhmat Kadyrov mosque,” the second-largest mosque in Israel. No injuries were reported.

Feared that number of murdered will reach 1,000
Direct hits from Jerusalem area rocket barrage, including Bethlehem; Northern residents told to stay in shelters after border infiltrations, rocket attack; Islamic Jihad claims responsibility

EU, Germany, Austria suspend funding for Palestinian Authority
The European Union announced Monday that it was “immediately” suspending hundreds of millions of euros in aid for the Palestinian Authority because of what an EU commissioner called the “scale of terror and brutality” during the Hamas invasion of Israel. Germany and Austria also announced similar measures.

Emergency gov’t on the way? Gantz, Lapid negotiating with Netanyahu
Opposition lawmakers Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid) and Benny Gantz (National Camp) are currently deep in talks with negotiators acting on behalf of the Likud party, following public statements that the two politicians are willing to join an emergency government headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

IDF shells terrorists in Lebanon as death toll rises to 900
After terrorist infiltration into Israel, mortar fire, and border clashes, IDF shells southern Lebanon, as death toll from Hamas invasion tops 900. The death toll from Gaza’s surprise invasion of southern Israel rose topped 900 Monday night, while the number of wounded rose to 2,616.

Fighting spreads to Israel’s northern border, 6 IDF soldiers wounded
A terrorist infiltration was reported in northern Israel Monday afternoon, outside of the town of Adamit in the northwestern Galilee, less than half a mile from the Lebanese border. Residents of Adamit and the surrounding area have been instructed to remain in their homes. According to preliminary reports, a group of at least five terrorists was spotted, with Israeli ground forces and military helicopters engaging the terror cell.

Israeli defense minister orders ‘complete siege’ on Gaza Strip
Israel’s military ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip on Monday, halting entry of food, fuel and supplies to its 2.3 million people as it pounded the Hamas-ruled territory with waves of airstrikes in retaliation for the militants’ bloody weekend incursion. More than two days after Hamas launched its surprise attack from Gaza, the Israeli military said it had largely gained control in its southern towns where it had been battling Hamas gunmen.

Blind watchmen, mute dogs and prophets
This is a terror attack of proportions heretofore unknown in Israel; the casualties are more in line with full-scale war. Prime Minister Netanyahu has indeed labeled this a war and not simply a military operation.

‘This is a war between good and evil’: Media advisor to Netanyahu called up at front as IDF prepares for invasion of Gaza
Right now, much of the world is showing sympathy to the Jewish state after the horrific slaughter in the last 48 hours of more than 700 innocent Israeli by Hamas terrorists. But that’s not going to last, … Already we’re seeing more and more mainstream media reports spewing lies about Israel, And we should expect this to get much, much worse in the coming days.

Israel mobilizes 300,000 soldiers in 48 hours – invasion of Gaza likely
“We have never mobilized so many reservists so quickly – 300,000 reservists in 48 hours,” Hagari said. Hagari reported the IDF is in the process of securing all breaches in the security perimeter with Gaza. “The breaches opened in the fence in Gaza will be secured by tanks that will reach the area and face every breach, aerial vehicles – combat helicopters and drones, so that we will hold all the breaches in the fence.” No official announcement has been made yet about a ground campaign into Gaza, but signs indicate forces are being prepared for such a campaign.

CATASTROPHE: Israeli death toll now 800 – to understand emotional impact, that’s like 26,000 Americans dying in 72 hours
the Israeli government confirmed that more 800 Israeli civilians have been killed by Hamas terrorists since they launched this war at 6:30 on Saturday morning. At the same time, more than 2,200 Israelis have been wounded, many of them seriously. Each of these deaths and injuries is absolutely horrific for the individuals affected, and their families and friends. But the scale of this disaster is having a profound emotional impact on Israeli society as a whole.

BBC guest compares Hamas slaughter of Jews to Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
A BBC News guest has compared terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians to a major episode of Jewish resistance against the Nazis. The comments came during a discussion on the United Kingdom’s national broadcaster of the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict following the incursion of Hamas terrorists into southern Israel on Saturday, which has left hundreds of Israeli civilians dead and an unconfirmed number held hostage. There have been reports of sexual assault and torture.

Pentagon sends Israel weapons, redirects aircraft carrier to region
The security assistance “will begin moving today and arriving in the coming days,” said U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and the U.S. Department of Defense, adding that the decision was in response to the “abhorrent terrorist attack by Hamas.” Austin said that the United States would also send the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group to the region, including the USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78), the world’s largest aircraft carrier and the newest in the U.S. fleet, the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy and four Arleigh-Burke-class guided-missile destroyers.

Rescuers search for survivors as Taliban put quake toll at 2,400
…The Taliban administration said at least 2,400 people had been killed and many more injured in the quakes, which were among the world’s deadliest this year after tremors in Turkey and Syria, in which an estimated 50,000 people were killed.

Gulf of Mexico tropical disturbance to soak drought-stricken US Gulf Coast regardless of development
A new tropical disturbance, dubbed Invest 93L, formed early Monday in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico and will be monitored for development as it heads north through midweek. Regardless of the system’s status – tropical or non-tropical – it is forecast to bring heavy downpours to the U.S. Gulf Coast, a parched region in desperate need of rain.

Coast-to-coast storm to bring heavy rain, severe weather, possible nor’easter to millions this week
The FOX Forecast Center is tracking a powerful storm system sweeping across the  U.S. this week that will bring threats of heavy rain, mountain snow, severe weather  and even a possible  nor’ easter to millions of Americans in more than 30 states from coast to coast.

Tropical Storm “Max” hits Guerrero; Lidia to intensify into hurricane before Mexico landfall
Tropical Storm “Max” formed at 03:00 UTC on October 9, 2023, and made landfall 15 hours later just west of Puerto Vicente Guerrero, Mexico, with winds of 105 km/h (65 mph). Originating south of Central America, the storm intensified rapidly, bringing with it a threat of heavy rainfall and potential mudslides. Max is closely followed by Lidia, currently an intensifying tropical storm, which is expected to make landfall over west-central Mexico as a hurricane.

Tsunami waves up to 60 cm (2 feet) hit Japan’s Izu Islands following shallow M5.0 earthquake 
Japan’s Izu Islands and parts of the Pacific Coast near Tokyo experienced tsunami waves up to 60 cm (2 feet) in height triggered by a shallow M5.0 earthquake that occurred at 20:26 UTC on October 8, 2023 (05:26 local time, October 9). The quake’s epicenter was situated near the uninhabited Torishima Island at the southern end of the Izu chain and is part of an ongoing earthquake swarm in the region.

Canada’s wildfires sending smoky air and haze to Miami and South Florida. When will it clear?
The thick haze that blanketed South Florida Tuesday is the result of wildfires burning in Canada thousands of miles away. CBS News Miami meteorologist KC Sherman said many parts of South Florida, including Broward, have air quality that is considered unhealthy.

Henry Gruver: “When Israel Sends Troops Into Gaza, It Will Be A Sign The Middle East War Has Started.”
We just witnessed the biggest attack on Israel in 50 years, and as a result the Israeli government has declared war on Hamas.  The IDF is already striking strategic targets all over Gaza, but it also appears that a ground invasion could be imminent.  As I was reflecting on these events today, the words of Henry Gruver came to mind.  All the way back in 2018, Gruver issued a very ominous warning.  According to James Bailey, Gruver stated that “when Israel sends troops into Gaza, it will be a sign the Middle East War has started”…

Over 100 Bodies Found In Israeli Kibbutz; Biden Confirms 11 Americans Killed & “Likely” More In Captivity
The numbers of Israeli hostages being held by Hamas has been revised upward to an estimated 150. By Monday’s end at least 900 Israelis have been reported killed and nearly 2,400 wounded since the Saturday surprise assault from Gaza. Palestinian emergency sources report 560 dead and over 2,700 wounded in Gaza has heavy Israeli bombardment of the strip has continued.

SICKENING: Hamas Savages Chop Off the Heads of Israeli Soldiers
The depravity demonstrated by Hamas savages has no limits. As previously reported by The Gateway Pundit, Hamas released several videos of captured young Israeli women, photos of dead Israelis, and photos of them abusing the bodies of the victims.

Iran Helped Hamas “Plot Israel Attack Over Several Weeks”, Gave Green Light
Readers may recall that we ended our first post-mortem to the war between Israel and Hamas by speculation if Iran would get dragged in: Finally, there is some speculation that Iran may get dragged into what is rapidly emerging as the worst Middle-Eastern crisis in years, with various pro-Israeli hawks claiming that the Hamas attack would have only occurred with explicit Iranian backing. If Israel does indeed attack Iran, as it has hinted it would do for years, may we suggest you fill up your gas tank.

Biological Man Crowned ‘Miss Portugal’ in Miss Universe Pageant
A man who identifies as a woman has been crowned “Miss Portugal,” making him the second man in the race for this year’s “Miss Universe” title.

Rejecting HKOPS sees world unleash a monster
I am writing this article in total despair as the Simchat Torah War–started when a large number of bloodthirsty armed Gazan-Arab Jew-haters crossed from Gaza unchallenged into Israel on a Jewish Sabbath and special joyous Festival Day–slaughtering hundreds of innocent Israeli civilians in an orgy of murder and destruction.

Iran Helped Plot Attack on Israel Over Several Weeks 
The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps gave the final go-ahead last Monday in Beirut according to the Wall Street Journal who laid bare the Islamic Republic’s deep involvement in this weekend’s bloodshed. They reported that “Iranian security officials helped plan Hamas’s Saturday surprise attack on Israel and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting in Beirut last Monday.”

If the Bilderbergers are a powerful think tank, where do they come from and what is the power behind them?
The Bilderberg Group, formed in 1954, was founded in the Netherlands as a secretive meeting held once a year, drawing roughly 130 of the political-financial-military-academic-media elites from North America and Western Europe as “an informal network of influential people who could consult each other privately and confidentially.”