11 Aug 2023

Nuremburg Trials for the White Coats Who Stoked the COVID Panic? Steve Deace Interviewed
John Zmirak: You’ve co-authored a meticulously researched, fact-packed book with Daniel Horowitz, Rise of the Fourth Reich, about the public health dictatorship that was foisted on the public across the world on the pretext of the COVID panic. Are you overheating the rhetoric a little by invoking the Nazi precedent? please explain the Nuremburg Principles, how they came to be, and how the government response to COVID in the U.S. and elsewhere violated them?

Does Anyone Believe The Air Force’s Claim That AI Weapons Will Be Programmed With ‘Judeo-Christian’ Morality?
Who would you trust more in a high-stress, high-stakes military excursion? A trained human soldier with the limitations of hunger, thirst, lack of sleep, and emotion—or a soulless, autonomous artificial intelligence system acting according to its programming? That’s a question militaries around the world—including the US military—are already facing as AI quickly advances into every industry. But the big question is this: who gets to do the programming?

US-Iran prisoner exchange could pave way to nuclear deal, according to NYT report
The prisoner exchange between the United States and Iran is part of a larger framework of agreements that could lead to a nuclear deal between the two nations, Israeli defense officials told The New York Times. Under the deal announced on Thursday, the U.S. and Iran will reportedly both release five prisoners, while the U.S. will unfreeze $6 billion worth of Iranian assets, to be used for humanitarian purposes only. (yeah right)

The Pentagon just launched a generative AI task force
Generative AI programs like ChatGPT and Google’s Bard have captivated public attention and lawmaker scrutiny, though so far the Pentagon has been reluctant to adopt them. But Thursday, the Defense Department announced a task force to understand how it might use such tools safely, reveal situations where it’s unsafe for the department to use them, and explore how countries like China might use generative AI to harm the United States.

Russia moves to boost army near Europe after NATO expansion
Russia will boost its military forces near its borders with NATO states, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said as he lashed out at the U.S. and its allies for providing support to Ukraine. Shoigu told a meeting of defense officials Wednesday that “strengthening of troop formations” on Russia’s western borders was necessary in response to what he said was a buildup of forces by North Atlantic Treaty Organization countries.

$13 Billion For Ukrainians, $12 Billion For Devastated Hawaii
Biden is expected to request $13 billion in emergency funding for… military support to Ukraine. And oh… emergency funds for Hawaii will be less, as Biden simultaneously approved $12 billion for federal disaster relief.

New AI laser system to guard US capital region from unauthorized aircraft
‘The first line of defense is actually that they will beam a laser at the cockpit of the aircraft.’

Another Massive Mystery Fire Strikes Moscow, This Time Just Miles From Putin’s Residence
Another explosion and fire has rocked Moscow in the overnight hours, as a warehouse in Odintsovo, which lies west of Moscow, suffered reported explosions and was engulfed in flames. While no cause has as of yet been officially communicated, Russia’s defense ministry has this week said the military intercepted several waves of drones in past days,

US suicides hit an all-time high last year
About 49,500 people took their own lives last year in the U.S., the highest number ever, according to new government data posted Thursday.

US Senator Joe Manchin says ‘thinking seriously’ about leaving Democratic Party
“I’m not a Washington Democrat,” Manchin said in the interview on Talkline with Hoppy Kercheval, a West Virginia Metro News show. “I’ve been thinking seriously about that (becoming an independent) for quite some time.”

Drought-hit Panama Canal lets more unbooked ships pass in bid to ease queu
The drought-hit Panama Canal has temporarily limited the number of new reserved passage slots to help ease a bottleneck of ships that are waiting to transit without reservations, the waterway’s authority said on Thursday.

Russia launches moon lander in race to find water on moon
Russia launched its first moon-landing spacecraft in 47 years on Thursday, in a bid to be the first power to make a soft landing on the lunar south pole, a region believed to hold coveted deposits of water ice.

How bad are Iran’s supersonic cruise missile claims for Israel?
Iran on Wednesday announced that it has the technology to build supersonic cruise missiles, leading to some wondering if Israel, and even some US Middle East interests, might now be in greater danger. Before dissecting what exactly the Islamic Republic really presented and how game-changing or not it is, the first thing we need to notice is that the key phrase here is “cruise missile” as opposed to “supersonic.”

Anheuser-Busch sells 8 drink brands to cannabis company in fallout from Bud Light boycott
Anheuser-Busch InBev is selling off eight of its beer and drink brands to a cannabis company in the latest sign of financial woes brought on by a consumer revolt when iconic brand Bud Light decided to wade into gender politics. The news sparked a substantial backlash against the brand and its owners to the point that last month it fell out of the top 10 most popular beer brands in the United States.

Uganda president slams World Bank for freezing loans over anti-sodomy law: ‘We shall thrive’
Yoweri Museveni blasted the World Bank for trying ‘to coerce us into abandoning our faith, culture, principles and sovereignty, using money. They really under-estimate all Africans.’

Lakeville, Minnesota’s fastest growing city, bans smoking weed in public places
The fastest growing city in Minnesota, and one of the fastest growing suburban communities in America, has banned the use of smokeable marijuana in its public spaces. And they’re doing it for the kids, according to city leaders. The Lakeville City Council voted this week to create a new ordinance that prohibits the smoking of cannabis and hemp in public places — including parks, streets, sidewalks and other outdoor spaces where people can gather. Violation of the new ordinance, which takes effect immediately, is a petty misdemeanor, punishable by a $300 ticket

Wildfires in Hawaii claim at least 36 lives, destroy more than 270 structures in the historical town of Lahaina
At least 36 people lost their lives to wildfires that engulfed Maui over the past couple of days. Fueled by the strong winds of distant Hurricane Dora, the fires have razed hundreds of structures in the historic town of Lahaina. A mass evacuation of people north of the town is in progress.

30,000 Pilot Shortage Union Demands Will Make Flying Unaffordable.
Flying in the United States is set to become unaffordable for normal Americans with a combination of severe pilot shortages and increasingly-demanding pilot unions causing ticket prices to soar.

Spurred by rumor, hundreds of migrants mass at US border in Mexico’s Ciudad Juarez
Hundreds of migrants gathered alongside the U.S. border in the northern Mexican city of Ciudad Juarez late on Monday, after false rumors spread via social media and word-of-mouth that the U.S. would allow entry to a mass group.

US credit card debt tops $1 trillion, overall consumer debt little changed
Americans borrowed more than ever on their credit cards in the last quarter, the New York Federal Reserve Bank said on Tuesday, with balances surpassing $1 trillion for the first time even as overall household debt loads were largely unchanged.

DNA tests suggest more than 10% of seafood sold in Australia not what’s on the label
…Researchers who DNA tested 672 seafood products sold at Australian supermarkets, fish markets and restaurants found 11.8% didn’t match what was on the label.

Worldcoin says will allow companies, governments to use its ID system
Worldcoin will expand its operations to sign up more users globally and aims to allow other organisations to use its iris-scanning and identity-verifying technology, a senior manager for the company behind the project told Reuters.

Planned Parenthood and ACLU Fighting AGAINST California Banning Child Marriages
Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union are among several leftist organizations fighting against California’s proposed ban on child marriages.

As Biden’s Endless Dumping Of Illegal Immigrants Overwhelms Massachusetts, Residents Are Now Being Asked To Take Them Into Their Own Homes
A rapidly rising uptick of immigrants has strained state resources and pushed the Massachusetts shelter system to the point that it is “reaching capacity,” Gov. Maura Healey said Tuesday morning as she declared a state of emergency around the “crisis” situation.

Doctors Sue California Over Forced ‘Implicit Bias’ DEI Training in Medicine
Two doctors are suing the Medical Board of California over a state law that forces physicians and those who teach them to accept radical political and racial indoctrination in order to continue practicing medicine.

“They’re ARMED and wearing full tactical gear as they cross” – Invasion at U.S. border
Last week, Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas said our southern border is secure and they have a great plan in place. It appears nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, July saw a record number of border crossings the same with June …

Flock Safety and Ubicquia Partner to Help Police Departments Across US Capture Objective Evidence with License Plate Recognition
Flock Safety, the first public safety operating system for cities, and Ubicquia, a company that makes intelligent streetlight infrastructure, have announced an integration partnership that promises to revolutionize the way public safety agencies deploy license plate reading (LPR) and situational awareness cameras to capture the objective evidence needed to solve more crime.

Scientists raise alarm over arsenic contamination: Metal increasingly found in tap water causes cancer and is rife in Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico
Scientists have raised the alarm over yet another cancer-causing toxin contaminating food and water which they call an ‘urgent health threat’.

Saint Louis Rioters are the Latest to Win a Huge Payout – Leftists Rewarded $4.9 Million following their Violent Protests in 2017 that Terrorized the City
St. Louis is the latest Democrat-run city to offer massive payouts to leftist protesters and rioters who caused havoc in their communities and are now winning big payouts from local courts.

Tainted Medication Fears Spur US Defense Department to Seek Outside Testing
The US Department of Defense entered an agreement with Valisure, an independent lab that’s spotted dangerous chemicals in a variety of widely used pharma and consumer products, to test medications amid surging concerns about generic drug quality and shortages.

Spiritual Consequences of the Fake ‘Covid’ Vaccines
Energy healers, massage therapists and craniosacral therapists in Germany, Switzerland and Austria have come together and pooled their experiences treating their vaccinated clients. They put it all in a book called Corona Vaccination from a Spiritual View

World Bank cuts funding for Uganda in response to new anti-sodomy law
The World Bank has cut funding for Uganda in response to the African country’s strict anti-sodomy laws. In a statement released on August 8, the World Bank Group wrote, “Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act fundamentally contradicts the World Bank Group’s values.”

Release of Bill Gates’ GM mosquitoes gets pushback in California but is it too little too late?
Genetically engineered mosquitoes continue to be released in the US, gaining another green light from the EPA. Yet, it’s possible that, due to genetic spread, the genetically modified mosquito experiment could be one that “never ends.“

Things are not looking good for UK’s Net Zero Zealots and offshore wind profiteers
At the end of June, we wrote that things were not going as well for the Net Zero Zealots in Europe as hoped.  However, the UK seemed hellbent on marching forwards, charging consumers for net zero schemes regardless of the costs.  Now it seems, it is the UK’s turn to face the cold hard facts.

There Was No SARS Cov2 Disease, Just A Set of Symptoms and a Branding Campaign 
Dr. David Martin has been championed as a guy who has shown proof that “SARS  was research developed by humans in the lab at the University of North Carolina and then weaponised and released to attack humans.” Now though, he has said that there is “no disease it was a set of symptoms and a branding campaign” Simplified he says, it is a fake virus that was merely used to convince many people to get injected.