10 Aug 2023

ABUSE OF POWER: Biden DOJ Fines Elon Musk $350,000 After He REFUSES to Give Them Access to Trump’s Twitter Account
Be very afraid. The US government has turned on its citizens.

This is not the moment to end US aid to Israel
the burgeoning movement to go ahead with it (cutting aid) is rooted in contempt for Israel’s democratically elected government and the majority of its citizens, and as a way to exert pressure on the Jewish state and downgrade the long-term and crucial alliance. That’s why, although I agree that in the long run that Israel will be far better off giving it up, this isn’t the time to do so.

Voters told to ‘come back’ later; ballot scanners stop working in Ohio special election
All ballot scanners at a Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, polling location experienced issues during a special election on Tuesday, according to local reporter Mike Holden with News 5 Cleveland. “This has resulted in people not being able to cast their ballot immediately. So, what they can do in the interim is put their ballots in this orange box, and it will be scanned later. Or they can void the ballot and come back, but people are concerned, and they’re very upset,” Holden explained. “They’re making calls to the Board of Elections right now.”

‘Native American Guardians Association’ Petition To Restore Washington Redskins Name Goes Viral
A Change.org petition in support of changing the Washington football team’s name BACK to the Redskins has gone viral and is racking up tens of thousands of signatures in real time. The petition was launched by an organization called the Native American Guardians Association whose stated goal is to end the “cancel culture” of Native Americans.

Surprise! The FBI Lied About ‘White Supremacist’ Memo Targeting Catholics, New Document Reveals
When the FBI was busted targeting Catholics in a now-retracted leaked document which said Roman Catholics were ‘at risk of committing acts of extremist violence,’ the agency downplayed it as the work of a ‘rogue field office.’ Subpoenaed document reveals that the FBI Richmond Field Office coordinated with MULTIPLE field offices across the country to produce a memo targeting traditional Catholics as domestic terrorists.

House Republicans Release Bank Records Showing Over $20 Million In Payments To Biden Family, Associates
Republicans on the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday revealed over $20 million in payments they claim foreign actors from places like Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan sent the Biden family and their associates while Joe Biden was vice president. Hunter specifically received millions from Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina, Ukrainian energy giant Burisma, and Kazakh oligarch Kenes Rakishev while father Joe was VP, the committee found.

North Korean leader orders preparations for possible war
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un dismissed the military’s top general and called for more preparations for the possibility of war, a boost in weapons production, and expansion of military drills. Kim made the comments at the 7th Enlarged Meeting of the 8th Central Military Commission of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

Palestinians kept in dark about potential Israeli-Saudi normalization
The Palestinian Authority is closely following reports concerning a possible normalization agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia, Palestinian officials said Wednesday. The PA leadership has yet to receive word from the Saudis regarding the veracity of the reports, the officials said.

AI weaponry on the horizon for world powers
The United States and China are slugging it out in an ongoing tech war revolving around the future of artificial intelligence (AI), according to a recent news release from GlobalData, a London-based data analytics and consulting company. Both nations are doing their best to keep the other from acquiring technology and materials that would, among other things, enhance their military’s ability to use and develop AI.

WATCH: Israeli researchers grow miniature human heart
“What makes this even more groundbreaking is that because we could make this heart in the lab, we were able to put sensors on it that told us how it works and to get some insight into the physiology of the human heart,”

You can’t protest against Hamas
Clashes between Israelis and Palestinians, whether involving Israeli soldiers or Jewish settlers, are reported quickly and frequently. This is always immediately worth a headline in the foreign media. Of course, Israel always comes off badly, because after all, the “principle” applies that it has conquered “Palestine” and the Palestinian Arabs therefore have the full right to a liberation struggle. When there are clashes or protests within the Palestinian population, however, mostly there is little interest.

Intensive excavations at Christianity’s holiest site bear surprising results
Intensive excavation work at a sensitive section of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem was completed, revealing several surprising finds. The week of intensive excavation was part of a $11 million, two-year renovation and archaeological excavation at the church,

Iranian Quds Force chief visits Lebanon for talks with Hezbollah head Nasrallah
The chief of Iran’s Islamic Guard Corps Quds Force, Esmail Qaani, arrived in Lebanon for talks with Hassan Nasrallah, the Iranian-backed terror group in Lebanon.

US and Saudi Arabia agree on the outline of a normalization agreement with Israel
The U.S. Biden administration and Saudi Arabia have reached a broad understanding on the outline of a Saudi-Israeli peace deal, according to a Wall Street Journal report on Wednesday. According to the report, U.S. officials have expressed optimism that such a deal could materialize over the next 9 to 12 months.

Global child sexual abuse probe that was launched after two FBI agents were killed leads to almost 100 arrests
Almost 100 people in the United States and Australia have so far been arrested over child sexual abuse allegations after the fatal shooting of two FBI agents led to the unraveling of a suspected international pedophile ring, officials announced Tuesday. The development brought the total number of people arrested as part of the joint probe up to 98, with at least 79 arrests so far carried out by the FBI, according to the Australian agency.

A wildfire on Maui kills at least 6 as it sweeps through historic town, forcing some into the ocean
A wildfire tore through the heart of the Hawaiian island of Maui in darkness Wednesday, reducing much of a historic town to ash and forcing people to jump into the ocean to flee the flames. At least six people died and dozens were wounded.

‘Harry’s Razors’ Ad Features Trans Activist.
“Socially-minded” razor blades company Harry’s has partnered with a transgender social media influencer to advertise a product line raising money for The Trevor Project, which in turn promotes “pubertal suppression” drugs for minors.

At least 60 fatalities, 37 missing as severe floods continue affecting China 
At least 60 people have lost their lives and 37 others remain missing in eastern China due to widespread floods caused by heavy rains over the past 10 days. The missing people include 51 in Beijing, 28 in Hebei, 15 in Jilin, and 3 in Fujian.

Over a million evacuate as Tropical Cyclone “Khanun” threatens South Korea post havoc in Okinawa 
Tropical Cyclone “Khanun” formed on July 27, 2023, as the 7th named storm of the 2023 Pacific typhoon season. The system is already blamed for the death of 6 people in southern Japan and Taiwan. Kahun is expected to make landfall over the southern coast of South Korea around 00:00 UTC on August 10.

‘It’s Murder’: Remdesivir Victims Decry FDA’s Shocking New Move
Remdesivir may be the most despised drug in American history, earning the nickname Run Death Is Near for its lethal record during COVID.  Experts claimed that it would stop COVID; instead, it stopped kidney function, then blasted the liver and other organs.  Now this reviled destroyer of kidneys has been approved by the FDA for COVID treatment of kidney patients.  Does anybody else feel as if the FDA is shoving its power in our faces and laughing at us?

Report: Biden Has Handed Taliban Over $2 BILLION In 2 Years 
A report by the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR) notes that the Biden administration has given $2.35 billion to Afghanistan over the past two years, despite the fact that it is now ruled by the Taliban again following the disastrous U.S. withdrawal in 2021.

Over 3,000 US Marines and Sailors Arrive in Middle East in Deployment Aimed at Iran
The troops are part of an Amphibious Readiness Group/Marine Expeditionary Unit (ARG/MEU) and arrived onboard the amphibious assault ship USS Bataan and dock landing ship USS Carter Hall. The vessels entered the Red Sea on Sunday after transiting through the Suez Canal.

VAERS data is crystal clear: The COVID vaccines are killing an estimated 1 person per 1,000 doses (676,000 dead Americans)
It takes about 30 seconds to do a VAERS query that shows the COVID vaccines are deadly. The shape of the “onset curve” makes this obvious. An estimated 676,000 Americans have been killed.

People Are Raving About Mike Lindell’s Bible Story Pillows for Kids – “My 4 Grandkids Love Their Special Pillows!”
For too long, we’ve allowed Liberals to indoctrinate our children with comic book characters. Liberal comic book characters don’t always reflect our values, but there’s something worse. Liberal comic books replace in our children’s minds what Americans once held sacred: Bible stories.

In A Nod To The Apocalypse, People In Hawaii Are Hurling Themselves Into The Ocean To Escape The Raging Wildfire Flames On The Island Of Maui
The wildfires that have engulfed the island of Maui in Hawaii right now are so intense that people are running into the ocean and casting themselves in, that’s how bad it is. That imagery is very much like how things will be during the great Tribulation, when God’s physical judgement begins falling from the sky. What’s happening in Maui is not the actual apocalypse, but pray for the Hawaiian people and this terrible situation.

Nurse Diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis After COVID Vaccine Sues Former Employer
An Ohio nurse permanently injured by Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine after her employer threatened her with the loss of health benefits if she refused to be vaccinated is suing her former employer and Ohio’s Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, alleging her vaccine injuries were work-related”.

“Disease X” Was Rehearsed at “Clade X” Are We About to See A New Plandemic? 
We are hearing that UK scientists have begun developing vaccines as an “insurance against a new pandemic caused by an unknown “Disease X”. In the same way as COVID-19 was rehearsed at Event 201, It would seem that Disease X” was also rehearsed at “Clade X”. Could it be that we are being prepared for a new plandemic?

BREAKING: Bridgen to Sunak: Recall parliament immediately to halt the covid booster programme 
“Given the gravity of the peer-reviewed revelation, it would appear that parliament should be recalled immediately to review the latest scientific material and call a halt to the roll-out of the booster programme.”