Just Sharing With You What is on My Heart :: By Keith Watts

“Prayer warriors have entered countries that their feet never have entered and never will enter.” – Leonard Ravenhill

Heavenly Father, I pray that you will open up the spiritual eyes of pastors, preachers and Christians around the world to join with us in this worldwide prayer movement and for the sake of over 701,619,718 precious souls in 37 nations on the continent of Africa, and we believe we are moving your heart. I pray that people will join in to be a part of the harvest of lost souls in these nations. In Jesus’ precious and holy name. Amen.

I ask all prayer warriors from around the world to join with us for these 37 nations on the continent of Africa and on behalf of over 701,619,718 precious souls to pray, fast, and repent on these set dates.

Please join and share the post and be a part of the harvest of lost souls. We believe we are moving the heart of God.

Egypt, September 08, 2022. Over 106,627,787 precious souls

Ethiopia, September 08, 2022. Over 121,389,787 precious souls

Djibouti, September 19, 2022. Over 1,018,566 precious souls

Seychelles, September 19, 2022. Over 107,118 precious souls

Comoros, September 19, 2022. Over 908,960 precious souls

Togo, September 19, 2022. Over 8,691,517 precious souls

Sierra Leone, September 19, 2022. Over 8,321,213 precious souls

Libya, September 29, 2022. Over 7,076,517 precious souls

Cabo Verde, September 29, 2022. Over 593,149 precious souls

Central African Republic, September 29, 2022. Over 5,008,417 precious souls

Mauritania, September 29, 2022. Over 4,909,012 precious souls

Algeria, September 29, 2022. Over 45,608,960 precious souls

Sudan, October 10, 2022 over 46,151,585 precious souls

Morocco, October 10, 2022. Over 37,867,486 precious souls

Eritrea, October 10, 2022. Over 3,654,290 precious souls

Gambia, October 10, 2022. Over 2,571,145 precious souls

Ghana, October 10, 2022. Over 32,522,757 precious souls

Madagascar, October 20, 2022. Over 29,301,197 precious souls

Cameroon, October 20, 2022. Over 28,037,482 precious souls

Cote d` lvoire, October 20, 2022. Over 27,852,303 precious souls

Niger, October 20, 2022. Over 26,241,537 precious souls

Gabon, October 20, 2022. Over 2,343,908 precious souls

Sao Tome & Principe, October 31, 2022. Over 228,205 precious souls

Lesotho, October 31, 2022. Over 2,179,050 precious souls

Burkina Faso, October 31, 2022. Over 22,205,264 precious souls

Mali, October 31, 2022. Over 21,580,327 precious souls

Guinea-Bissau, October 31, 2022. Over 2,066,577 precious souls

Senegal, November 10,2022. Over 17,743,553 precious souls

Chad, November 10, 2022. Over 17,499,910 precious souls

Somalia, November 10, 2022. Over 16,901,623 precious souls

Equatorial Guinea, November 10, 2022. Over 1,509,120 precious souls

Guinea, November 10, 2022. Over 13,941,362 precious souls

Mauritius, November 21, 2022. Over 1,276,274 precious souls

Benin, November 21, 2022. Over 12,842,303 precious souls

Tunisia, November 21, 2022. Over 12,088,224 precious souls

Eswatini, November 21, 2022. Over 1,186,345 precious souls

South Sudan, November 21, 2022. Over 11,480,694 precious souls

Keith Watts

Online Missionary to the world

Facebook page: Prayer Warriors 4HIM Online Ministries

Email bkwatts64@yahoo.com