It’s Getting Crazy Out There :: By Jim Towers

I don’t know about you, but I, for one, think it’s getting crazier and crazier out there.

With a mentally challenged man in the presidential office, a crew of deranged people surrounding him and telling him how to run the country, plus a puppet master (you get three guesses, and the first two don’t count) pulling the strings to get him to sign executive orders indiscriminately — normal conservative people have reason to be concerned since Godless pedophiles, Sodomites, communists, Lesbians, traitors and haters, and assorted other criminals now rule the roost.

This cabal is uniting forces to subdue and silence Christians and Conservatives through intimidation and by trying to take away our constitutional rights. Free speech, the right to bear arms, and to have open debates on how things ought to be done in government are anathema to them. But there is a lack of direction among the now ruling Democrats, and they are trying to throw the hot potato to one another. They are a hard lot to please since they don’t have a sense of direction except toward evil. They also anger easily as each has his or her own agenda, and it’s usually the wheel that squeaks and makes the loudest noises that gets the oil.

To be a politician, you don’t even have to be a law-abiding citizen and can even be an insurrectionist from another country, as some of them are. You don’t have to have a degree; you can even be a former bartender with an axe to grind. All you need is a cadre of drinking buddies to vote you in. Most of these people are in politics to make the big bucks, but why, pray tell, do they want the southern border to remain open for sick and diseased people to invade our country? It’s being done for the votes they hope to get from them, ensuring they win elections in the future – even without having to cheat so openly. This ruse is backfiring on them.

Biden was one of the quiet ones because he was always thinking of ways to turn over a buck for himself and his family. He couldn’t be bothered by politics as usual unless it was to extort money or political favor from other politicians or foreign governments. Holding his cards close to his chest, he avoided controversy and, for over forty years, did nothing more than collect his check year after year, often beating around the bush on various issues to avoid detection. Now though, there is no need for more beating around the bush, with the Democrats in control. They can do what they want – when they want. The Democrats’ agenda appears to be coming to the fore – Communism.

Communism has never been good for any country that adopts its way of life, a life where the elite run the country and tell you how to live your life – freedom be damned. Socialism is good for only the leaders. Just ask Cubans, Chinese, Venezuelans, and the millions of dead and dying in other countries. Ask Solzhenitsyn, the writer of The Gulag Archipelago.

Communism and godless leftists are deliberately doing things to destroy our way of life. These people have supplanted the Word of God with synthetic manmade philosophy and ideas that only lead to misery and confusion. Christianity is fast being replaced by Utopian fantasies and other manmade religions, and many people don’t know what to believe anymore. The Chinese Communists would like nothing better than to take over our country and be the dominant world power.

Families are being torn apart for loss of jobs, lack of money, and addictions of all kinds. Lawlessness, helplessness, and sexual addiction are sweeping the country, with men subscribing to porn like never before.

As I waited for the service to begin at my new church home last Sunday, I encountered a man and his wife who were also seated in the waiting area. As usual, I sparked a conversation about politics with the man, but he warned me (with a self-righteous look) that we shouldn’t speak of politics since we were in church. I told him that with the new administration in office, we Christians may be muzzled completely, that the two subjects were synonymous, and with the wrong people in office, we may lose the freedom to worship.

Speaking of politics, have you heard of John Bonners new book Here’s to You? The cover shows him toasting the reader with a glass of wine (some accuse him of being an alcoholic). He writes about the lying Chuck Schumer and the treasonous Mitch Mc Connell, who is married to a woman with strong political ties to China. Maybe that’s why he has a Communist bent, and of course, he has plenty to say about former president Trump – nothing good.

We Bible-believing born-again Christians, as well as seekers, need to hope for the best but prepare for the worst. The Bible is proving to be true in its prophetic messages as they begin to dominate the news cycles. Wars, rumors of war, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, hate, criminality, random murder, and assaults are happening on an unprecedented scale. We’ve been warned by scripture that these things would happen with increased speed as the rapture draws near.

It’s only a matter of time that people’s hearts will fail them for fear of what’s coming upon the world. Thank God we Christians have been given the Holy Spirit to keep us well balanced in the face of the turmoil surrounding us.

If you don’t feel you have the Holy Spirit residing in you, all you have to do is ask God for Him to come into your life to strengthen you through faith in Christ. As you study to show yourself approved as commanded in scripture, you will find the strength and purpose to carry on. The promise is, “God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind” through the Holy Spirit, who also keeps our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit work in unison to enlighten and strengthen those who are chosen to escape God’s wrath.


Jim Towers

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