Vaccine Gaslighting: Part I & II :: By Bill Wilson

Corporate media and the government are using fear and intimidation to gaslight the world about COVID 19. Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation designed to make people question their own perception or judgment, and they are unable to come to sensible conclusions. Yes, I understand that many have lost friends or loved ones to COVID 19. One death is too many. My sincere sympathies. Notwithstanding, people are being coerced into taking a vaccination for a virus that there is less than a 1% chance of contracting and less than a .02% chance of dying from, according to CDC statistics. Moreover, there is a .0017% chance of dying from the vaccination. But there is a whole lot more to this.

Over the weekend, alarming reports surfaced of side effects of the vaccine. The Epoch Times reported on a CDC study that concluded, “Of those who received one dose of the messenger RNA vaccine, 74 percent of Moderna recipients reported injection site reactions of pain, swelling, redness, and itching, as opposed to 65.4 percent of the Pfizer/BioNTech recipients. Furthermore, 52 percent of those who received the Moderna vaccine said they had a generalized reaction like fatigue, headache, and body pain, compared to 48 percent of recipients who had the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.” In addition, four Johnson and Johnson vaccination sites have been closed so far due to adverse reactions. There are also reports of post-vaccination blood clots and many other complications.

But according to the CDC, there is nothing to see here. A CDC spokesman said, “CDC has performed vaccine lot analyses and has not found any reason for concern. Currently, CDC and FDA are not recommending health departments stop administering any lots of COVID-19 vaccine.” Huh? They shut down four vaccination facilities to date. In a March 13 interview, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, dismissed long-term effects of the vaccines, saying most adverse reactions occur between 15 to 45 days following vaccination. He said, “The reason we say that is that we have decades of experience in the field of vaccinology and virtually all of the effects if they even occur, and they’re very rare, occur within 15 to 45 days following the dose.”

In other words, Fauci, the CDC, the pharma companies, and other health officials are saying, ‘Yes, there are adverse reactions to the vaccines, some of them very severe, but there is nothing to worry about.’ At the same time, they are closing down vaccination sites because of the obvious adverse reactions. Whether you decide to get the vaccination or not, make an informed decision about what is right for you. And understand, too, that something is terribly wrong when the government and media acknowledge issues but then say those very issues are nothing with which to be concerned—all over a virus that you have less than a 1% chance of contracting.

Ephesians 5:6 says, “Let no man deceive you with vain words.”

Part II: How your life can be controlled by this vaccine mania

The government and corporate media are employing tactics to force you into complying with the COVID 19 vaccine. The federal government says there will be no vaccine passport. But the caveat is that the private sector will do the government’s dirty work for it. The government cannot easily trample your Constitutional rights to privacy, which is what a vaccine passport does, but the private sector has a lot more leeway in removing your civil rights. It is what Alexis de Tocqueville defined in 1840 in his book Democracy in America: soft tyranny covers the surface of society with a network of small, complicated rules where the will of man is constantly restrained, stupefying a people.

Case in point was the April 9 news conference by Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of St Vincent, a Caribbean island evacuating because of a volcanic eruption. Gonsalves told reporters that only COVID vaccinated people would be evacuated. He told reporters, “The chief medical officer would be identifying the persons already vaccinated so that we can get them on the ship…Those that are vaccinated, [the chief medical officer] can get them going on the vessel. Those who are not yet vaccinated but who would be vaccinated, you wouldn’t send them immediately after vaccination” due to possible side effects like “wooziness in the head, you know how that is.” Yes, we know how it is, and we see how it can be.

Another example is an acquaintance from Ghana living in America who went to visit Ghana last week. He was asked if there was a vaccination passport. He said, “No, nothing like that at all.” Then he went on to describe that all he had to do was just show proof of vaccination and a negative test, and upon arrival in Ghana, have another negative test to enter the country. Without knowing it, he experienced a vaccine passport. There are many examples of friends, neighbors and family members who are refusing to associate with those not vaccinated. This type of peer pressure is also a form of tyranny. People are being ostracized and categorized for not complying with this “voluntary” mandate. Employers are putting extreme pressure on employees and customers to “voluntarily” take the vaccine. Corporations are now making the rules,

In order to know who is vaccinated, you carry papers or some sort of identification certifying your vaccination. The corporations and authorities know who you are and whether you are complying. Your entry to certain places depends on getting the vaccine. Everyone should make an informed decision whether to be COVID vaccinated, but you should also be informed of the freedom-curtailing impact of this entire phenomenon, the soft tyranny. Vaccine or no, Americans should not be gaslighted into accepting this systemic violation of their civil rights.

Galatians 5:1 says, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” That yoke, in this case, is a principality of darkness preying on your spiritual and physical life.

Part III will examine the repeat of history and what can happen with this form of tyranny.

Posted in The Daily Jot