Divine Appointments 3 :: By Jim Towers

I’m writing this story to encourage the brethren to be more and more bold in these last days – before the rapture.

People everywhere are hurting, lonely and confused with no help in sight; and since church is usually the last place people look to for solace and answers, it’s up to Christian laymen to reach out to them anywhere and everywhere we encounter them.

Today I awakened with the usual prayers for three people that came to mind then I asked for God to give me an exciting day – one in which I could witness to or encourage someone.

I headed out to the gym, determined to do a little filming for a project I’m in the process of developing. In the midst of this, my iPhone went completely dead. Just as I began to get hot under the collar, I remembered that “All things work together for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” I made a beeline for the nearest Verizon store and was a half hour early, since they don’t open until 10 a.m. on Saturday.

One other car was ahead of me with two elderly people sitting in the front seat, waiting for the doors to open. I went to Home Depot to get a couple of things I needed – just to kill time.

I came back to Verizon five minutes early, and already people were beginning to arrive.

The old, bent-over woman who had been waiting dragged herself out of the car while her elderly brother waited in the car. The new arrivals were approaching the door, and she let it be known that she had been waiting “for hours.”

Two employees met us at the door, and she went away with one of them while I talked to the other one, telling him of my dilemma with a relatively new phone.

After toying with the phone, the employee asked me to have a seat at the waiting bar while he fetched some other gadgets to get my phone working again.

The little old lady was sitting two seats away while she also waited.

I asked her what the problem was with her phone, and she told me. Pretty soon she was telling me her life story and how she had emphysema from having smoked for most of her life. She needed an inhaler on occasion just to be able to breathe. She went from there to telling me she was Jewish, and I told her I was a Christian and how I used to have many Jewish friends in Miami. I didn’t tell her it was my mission to reach out to them, but instead told her that we often talked politics and religion.

I told her how I had known a man who lived next door to Bibi’s family whose father was their rabbi. She then told me that her older brother had lived in a Kibbutz during the sixties and had later become a wealthy doctor. She told of how he paid all funeral expenses for their mother who had recently died. At this juncture, she began to tear up; and she wiped the tears with her finger from behind her glasses. My heart went out to her.

The woman continued talking about her condition, which led me to give her a short testimony.

At this, I saw her withdraw, and instinctively draw back at the name of Jesus Christ. She looked away from me and tried to change the subject. I let things rest. Finally, having not felt threatened by me, she came back to our conversation. She told me more.

All the while I was thinking that, everywhere you look today, people are sick, hurting and dying with no one caring or even acknowledging them. Apparently, she and her husband were all alone now, with the nearest relative hundreds of miles away.

If only her mother were alive, she pined; she cared even if none else did. Tears began making their way down her wrinkled, sickly face.

At this, I asked her name. Karen, she said; “My name is Karen.”

I arose and asked if she would like for me to pray for her. She quickly said “Oh, please do.”

Laying my hands on her shoulders, I began: “Heavenly Father, please give Karen rest and relieve her emotional and physical pain. I ask this in Jesus name – Amen.” All the while, people were walking back and forth within a couple of feet from us as I massaged her shoulders and back lovingly. Finally, at God’s prompting, I gently kissed her forehead, and she exhaled a sigh of relief. After a moment, she began thanking me profusely with all humility as tears ran down her cheeks. As a matter of fact, she was still thanking me even as I walked out the door. “Thank you, kind sir… thank you, thank you!”

I couldn’t have been happier as I drove away, knowing I had touched someone’s life in their hour of need.

Everywhere we turn today, people are hurting, floundering and crying out for help – often in silence. We Christians should focus on our fellow man and quit focusing on ourselves. Our fake piety will only get us the recognition and derision we deserve…. Let’s try loving someone besides ourselves.


A new film is set to release soon. “The Trump Prophecies” will soon be playing at a theatre near you. At the moment, Facebook refuses to let them advertise on their platform (citing political correctness). This could be the beginning of shutting down anyone opposed to liberalism.

The storyline is that a fireman had a vision of Trump becoming a presidential candidate and winning, several years ago. He added that this event will open the door for a good relationship with Israel (which is true). However, you must decide the truthfulness of his prophecy. It seems like everyone is having visions these days.

NOTE: Our church continues to draw people to faith in Christ through the preaching of Dr. Hayes Wicker.  Tune in on FBCN live streaming on Sunday at 9:30 EST on the internet to hear him speak.


Jim Towers

You can write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and check out thepropheciesmovieandbook.com and dropzonedelta.com (Warriors following Christ.)