Day of Liberty Part II—The Responsibility :: By Bill Wilson

Prior to the last presidential election, the progressives (communists) had a long-term grip over the US government and our liberty. The nation was being transformed, or remade, into a socialist system. It was fast approaching tyranny as evidenced by what we now know of how the left and the deep state tried to prevent Donald Trump from being president, and how it is now trying to remove him.

In essence, the nation reversed a secret coup of the Constitution. As we approach Independence Day, let’s recall the 2016 election where Christian men and women voted responsibly in choosing between an imperfect man and a woman who openly stood against the precepts of God. Since then, the godless have raged against America.

Christians have responsibility to freedom. Freedom of worship permits disciples of Christ to preach the gospel to all creatures.

“Freedom sees in religion the companion of its struggles and its triumphs, the cradle of its infancy, the divine source of its rights. It considers religion as the safeguard of mores; and mores as the guarantee of laws and the pledge of its own duration”—these are the words of Alexis de Tocqueville, a French aristocrat who came to America in the 1830s to observe what made the country so great. His “Democracy in America” is considered a historic treasure about the unique success of the United States. Tocqueville wrote that America is free because of its collective Christian religion.

He pointed out that the laws that governed the Plymouth colony were derived from the Hebrew texts. In the later 1600s, even the law of Connecticut stated that man shall not “have or worship any other God, but the Lord God.” He said that Americans “have succeeded in incorporating somehow into one another and combining marvelously…the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom.”

According to the laws and the nature of early Americans, men and women who identify as progressives, socialists, communists, etc., would not qualify as legitimate leaders because their very nature denies God and embraces the state as the ultimate source of human rights, religious expression, and physical authority (tyranny).

Cotton Mather wrote in 1820, “There is a liberty of corrupt nature, which is affected both by men and beasts, to do what they list; and this liberty is inconsistent with authority, impatient of all restraint; by this liberty we are all inferior; ‘tis the grand enemy of truth and peace, and all the ordinances of God are bent against it. But there is a civil, a moral, a federal liberty, which is the proper end and object of authority; it is a liberty for that only which is just and good; for this liberty you are to stand with the hazard of your very lives.”

Romans 8:2 says, “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.”

The foundation of progressivism/socialism/communism is abolishing all religion and morals, making these systems manifestations of sin and death. We have a responsibility to stand in the gap.

​​ Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!