Karl Marx

What Would He Say Today?

"Without political rule based on Godly principles found in the Bible, there is no freedom. Man's fallen nature will always lead to ruination."

Factoid - Marx was a German philosopher, social scientist, and professional revolutionary. Few writers have had such great and a lasting influence on the world. He was the chief founder of the communist movement that, at its peak, enslaved around two billion people.

Jesse James

What Would He Say Today?

"Crime does not pay because not even the most crafty and elusive criminal can hide from the Eternal Judge."

Factoid - U.S. outlaw. In 1866, Jesse and his brother Frank assembled a gang to rob banks, and they soon began robbing trains and stagecoaches as well. In 1876, Jesse led a failed attempt on a bank in Northfield, Minn.; the brothers escaped, but the rest of the gang was killed or captured. In 1881, Missouri's governor offered a $10,000 reward for their capture. The following year, Jesse was shot in the back of the head by a member of his own gang.