The Devil’s Other Puppets :: By Rick Segoine

In a recent article entitled “The Devil’s Puppets,” we were discussing some of the devil’s puppets who are a part of the evil globalists’ coalition. That wicked cabal that seeks to depopulate and enslave the world and to set up the reign of the antichrist. The international bankster gangsters, the WHO, the U.N., the WEF, and all of Klaus Schwab’s young global leaders, as well as independently mega-wealthy multi-billionaires such as Gates and Soros and the entire Davos crowd.

Interestingly, there is another group of bad actors who qualify as puppets of the devil and who have been wreaking havoc on planet Earth for quite some time. At least some of these other evil puppets were seen in visions by the prophet Ezekiel roughly six hundred years before the first advent of Jesus Christ. These particular visions that Ezekiel beheld, however, were of a future time that coincided with the second advent of Jesus Christ.

As of this writing, the fulfillment of the visions recorded in the book of Ezekiel in chapters 38 and 39 about a specific coalition of nations that unite to attack Israel in the latter days has yet to come to pass.

Although these prophetic visions have not yet occurred, an alliance of the very puppets of the devil mentioned in the vision is forming and firming up right before the eyes of all who are watching and paying attention to Bible prophecy with eyes wide open, here on planet Earth at the beginning of the year 2025.

The alliance at this time consists of Vladimir Putin of Russia, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei of Iran, and Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey. These three being the leaders of the nations that are the main players in the visions that God showed Ezekiel.

Xi Jinping of China and, oddly enough, Kim Jong-Un of North Korea are also working with this coalition, at least at the present time.

Russia, Iran, and Turkey, along with Libya and Sudan are mentioned together by their ancient names in the prophecy recorded in the book of Ezekiel chapter 38, as a coalition that would assemble together to attack Israel in the latter days, only to be supernaturally defeated and utterly destroyed by God Himself on behalf of the nation of Israel.

This odd alliance forming right now is made up of the most unlikely characters when you take their individual ideologies, theologies, and backgrounds into account.

The main characters are those mentioned above, and they are the ones we see specifically forming pacts with each other in conformance to Ezekiel 38.

The one that is a bit of a mystery in this alliance is Kim Jong-Un of North Korea, who, along with Xi Jinping of China, is not mentioned in the Ezekiel 38 and 39 prophecies.

Even though Kim Jong-Un can be considered a part of the nations of Central Asia along with China and Xi Jinping – both of which are aligning themselves with Iran and Russia, and though each of these two men could be considered “kings of the East” in reference to a biblical end times prophecy found in Revelation 16:12-16 – there is just such an oddness about this alliance.

As of January 2025, Putin of Russia and the Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran (ancient Persia) are right now in the process of developing and signing a pact that includes military cooperation.

Kim Jong-Un has been assisting Iran in missile technology for a number of years and is now also aiding Russia in Putin’s war against Ukraine with actual boots on the ground.

Iran has also been aiding Russia by providing drones to attack the Ukrainians with.

China is cooperating with both Russia and Iran and is Iran’s biggest oil- buying client. Russia and Turkey just celebrated the opening of the nuclear power plant the Russians built for the Turks.

Erdogan of Turkey has, in recent months, been making loud, boisterous threats about invading Israel and has been giving asylum to some of the Hamas demons who are wearing an Israeli target on their heads.

Erdogan, who is Sunni, and Khamenei, who is Shiite, may not agree on who the true inheritor of the mantle of Mohammed might be, but they, as hard-core Islamists, share an out-of-this-world hatred for Israel and all things Jewish.

There are so many things these puppets of the devil do not share in common, and yet there are also certain things they do hold in common.

Who would ever imagine that atheistic, communist, Marxist leaders such as Putin or Xi Jinping and Kim Jong-Un would ally themselves with the most fanatical of all Islamic religious leaders, such as the Ayatollah of Iran or Erdogan of Turkey, who is a close second to Khamenei when it comes to ruthless Islamic fanaticism.

Who would believe that Sunni Muslim dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey would align with Shiite Iran and its tyrannical leader, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei? And, how in the world does Kim Jong-Un – who, by following in the footsteps of his father, Kim Jong-il, and his grandfather, Kim il-Sung, keep the citizens of North Korea enslaved inside a “cult of personality” with his own unique brand of Marxism – fit into this group of Jew-hating mega egomaniacs.

Those are just a few observations regarding some of the extreme differences that don’t seem to be slowing down the coalition building that is right now going on between these particular unlikely allies.

On the other hand, some of the things these puppets of the devil do have in common are listed below.

  1. Each of these dictators/tyrants seems to envision themselves expanding their empires and, thus, their personal power.
  2. Though they are already quite mega-wealthy as individuals, all want more.
  3. They all wish to replace the geo-political power base of the West with their own.
  4. They all also want a new world order, but not the one the Globalists and their Western puppets are proposing.
  5. They all accuse Israel of committing genocide against the people of Gaza and turn a blind eye to the atrocities of Hamas on Oct.7, 2023, as well as all terrorism committed against Israel by Hamas, Hezbollah, and other Iranian proxies.
  6. They all have their eyes fixed on the amazing bounty of natural resources that exist in Israel.
  7. They all seek to go down in history with the legacy of a hero to the peoples of their own nations.
  8. They are each evil tyrants completely out of touch with the will of God.
  9. They all recognize that there is power in numbers.
  10. None of them can be trusted at all, even by each other.
  11. Each of them appears to be completely ignorant of Bible prophecy.
  12. Each and every one of them is a “Puppet of the Devil.”

Although they may have certain things in common, puppets of the devil each have their own individual agendas that take precedence over common agendas with their fellow puppets of the devil.

Both their individual and their common agendas spell bad news for all decent peace-loving people.

Satan, the devil, uses all of his puppets to gaslight, create fear and chaos, crush freedom, cause much harm to, and attempt to snatch people away from God. It matters not to Satan that the ideologies and theologies of his puppets differ greatly or even oppose each other.

A prime example of this is the overthrow of the brutal dictator Bashar Assad in Syria by Sunni rebels backed by Erdogan of Turkey. Assad had longed been backed and propped up by the Shiite Mullahs of Iran and Putin of Russia.

Just as the centuries-old feuding between Sunni and Shiite branches of Islam are united in their hatred of Israel, all of the diverse puppets of the devil are united in their hatred of anything, anyone, and any ideas that have to do with freedom, anything Jewish, or with God Almighty, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

All puppets of the devil are fulfilling Bible prophecy each in his own way as well as together, and it appears that every one of them is oblivious to that fact, as well as to this other important fact, God is in control.

It is worth repeating. God is in control.

As we race toward the fulfillment of end-times Bible prophecies, none of the seemingly crazy events occurring on planet Earth daily – such as one major natural disaster after another like super destructive fires and earthquakes, droughts and frigid arctic cold-blasts, tornadoes and torrential rains, roaring seas with gigantic waves including tidal waves, volcanic eruptions, or the bizarre geo-political alliances that we see rapidly manifesting right before our eyes, nor geo-political or domestic political intrigue based on treachery and deception – should be even the least bit surprising.

Our Heavenly Father, who declares the end from the beginning, has prepared us with relevant prophetic scriptures like the following, scriptures that shed light on this darkening world.

“For you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, see that you are not troubled, for these things must come to pass, but the end is still to come. Nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes and pestilences and famines in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 28:4-8).

“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling to all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut to pieces, though all the people of earth shall be gathered against it” (Zechariah 12:2-3)

“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads, for your redemption draws nigh” (Luke 21:28).

“Therefore rejoice, ye heavens and ye that dwell in them. Woe to those who inhabit the earth and the sea! for the devil is come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows he has but a short time” (Revelation 12:12).

It matters not whether it be the evil globalist coalition of the devil’s puppets or the Ezekiel 38, 39 coalition of evil puppets, or all of the devil’s puppets from all of the nations gathered together for one last futile attempt to defeat God Almighty at the final battle of “Armageddon” in the Jezreel Valley of Megiddo which lies at Israel’s doorstep.

Any and all “puppets of the devil” are doomed to utter failure. Doomed to failure and then banned from the new Heavens and the new Earth after they are all deposited into the Lake of Fire, which was prepared especially for them (Matthew 25:41).

No matter how dark things might become in the year 2025, perhaps even in the face of President Donald J. Trump and his new administration’s best efforts, remember always that our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus are in control of the prophetic timeline and everything that either happens or doesn’t happen, even when it may appear otherwise.

The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10).

No politician or world leader, including Trump, can prevent or even delay the inevitable prophetic fulfillment as it is revealed in Bible scripture according to the will of God Almighty. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Trump and his administration can make it harder for the evil puppets.

They can throw sand, so to speak, into the gears of the globalist machine, and they can and should fight back as best they are able to do so against any and all of the devil’s plethora of vile godless puppets in their efforts to do what is righteous.

However, there is only one savior, and His name is not Donald J. Trump. Mr. Trump is a unique man, granted, and quite likely chosen by God for a time such as this. But he is a man nonetheless. An imperfect and flawed human, just like all the rest of us. Although DJT has proven to be pro-Israel and pro-Christian – and to recognize that it was the hand of God that turned his head, thus saving his life at the rally in Pennsylvania – whether or not he has full and true understanding of Israel’s role in prophecy as well as the covenants with the God of Israel remain to be seen.

Our Savior’s name is Jesus, and He is the only one who possesses unlimited supernatural power.

Jesus alone wields the Almighty supernatural power that is going to be required in order to completely dismantle this hideous, satanic, octopus-like geo-political monster engineered by the devil and his puppets that has, over time, meticulously and cunningly placed this world into a stranglehold.

Pray for Donald Trump and all whom he has appointed to help him in the good fight, but trust in Jesus, and don’t be surprised by anything that happens in the coming year of 2025.

As we observe the devil and all of his puppets worldwide aligning themselves with end-times Bible prophecy and doing all they can to rapidly bring about the conditions for the Rapture to happen and the Seven-Year Tribulation to begin, we should remember this.

No matter what happens, trust in Jesus first and foremost and in all ways. Be assured that the day when the trumpet blows and Jesus calls us home is not very far away. Stay steady, be ready, and rejoice!

Blessings of protection and peace in the midst of all storms to all of God’s beloved children in the precious name of Jesus.

Rick Segoine


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