Bishop Bud, at the Prayer Service at the start of Inauguration Day, was asking President Trump to protect gay, lesbian, and transgender children, illegal immigrants, and people who pick our crops and clean our offices at the service at the Nation Cathedral of the Episcopalian Church of the USA. This Bishop (a woman who does not know her place) is an extreme activist and WOKE socialist, and the Trump and Vance Families were subjected to all this as they sat in that Cathedral. She was preaching directly at Trump’s position. What an evil ambassador for Satan that woman is.
I have never seen such selective cherry-picked sections of the Bible and then grossly misapplied. This was Satan delivering a sermon.
“And together in a free society, it is the solid rock, as Jesus said in this case, upon which to build a nation.” A total misquote. She continued to misquote the Bible, showing she is devoid of any biblical comprehension. My question is, “Who arranged that this service was to be held where it was, and who arranged this woman to do it?”
She then went on at length to speak about UNITY that respects our differences and to hold multiple perspectives and life experiences as valid. This is the old inclusion garbage over again where you hold to every distorted anti-biblical position in the name of conformity and unity. This Bishop claimed we must embrace all these “deviant positions” (my words) so that we can genuinely care for one another.
This woman is Satan’s voice in the Anglican/Episcopalian church, and it shows how far the so-called Christian testimony has sunk in our day. Biblical acceptance by God’s true saints rejects all this wicked false teaching in the churches. I will end this section here, but it is covered in this link – What is good here in this video are the comments, and they are worth reading.
President Biden was signing these apparently when Trump gave a speech right at the very, very end of his term so he would not face questioning. He has pardoned all his family members and Cheney and Milley and other criminals who would have faced prosecution but now will not. A President can pardon someone convicted, but a pre-emptive pardon has never been issued in the US history of Presidents. The person is pardoned before the criminal charge is made.
It all goes to show how guilty these people are, or else they would not need pardons. Biden and Harris are just so criminally corrupt that I am surprised God did not step in to condemn them while in office. Harris spent her 4 years touring the USA for one purpose only – to institute the murder of the unborn up to the day of birth. She worships Molech. Biden is a practicing criminal, in my mind, as I look at all that has emerged. Both are anti-Israel. That we know, and they rest with the curse of God on them. Genesis 12:3 “I will bless those who bless you and the one who curses you I will curse. In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
What is wrong with the United States in its high offices of governance and the judiciary? It is all so corrupted. I can write as an outsider because I am not American, and I know some dismiss me because of that fact. That is sad, for I am still a child of God.
It is about time that many in the USA come to realize that is not THE WORLD, and much exists outside the USA and is just as legitimate and valid. We sit back and wonder how some of your rules and institutions exist. None of us can understand how a President can bypass law and justice and pardon whoever he wishes. It flies in the face of decency and fairness.
In pardoning others, Biden has condemned himself. Not only he and Hunter are criminally involved in crooked deals, but when one pardons criminals, then he will bear their guilt as well.
Issuing pre-emptive pardons even before a trial of any sort is like Satan issuing a pre-emptive pardon for Judas Iscariot and Haman of Persia and for Herod the Great so that they never go before the great white throne. Why not include General Titus, who murdered about a million Jews in AD 70? Man’s justice is not God’s justice.
How refreshing that was to hear what is absolute common sense. His speech will raise eyebrows all over, of course, because we have gone so far down the path of sin and stupidity, but 100 years ago, his speech would have been accepted as normal.
I only hope that the USA can implement what is proposed. In Australia, we are so far down the road of socialism and anti-Semitism and hatred for our nation, with all politicians not willing to upset the apple cart, that we will not see this refreshing start again that Trump is proposing. Godlessness rules Australia today, as in the UK and all of Europe.
I am so glad Trump confirmed just two genders – Matthew 19:4 He answered and said, “Have you not read, that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female.” God has given us science and scientific principles that run the universe. One of those is DNA. A male has Y-DNA, and a female has mtDNA (mitochondrial). It is as simple as that. No argument. One or the other.
Satan is the promoter of confusion, and those in his camp who are far off from God will push for every distortion possible. We have a deeply confused world. All that WOKE stuff of the last two decades has radicals calling the shots, and in some nations, politicians are scared of them such as we have in my nation. I am glad to see some in the USA are being forceful for what is right and speaking out. I know this is because the United States has a stronger Christian base than Australia and Europe. We have very little. 1% may be born again.
Entrenchment is the problem we are going to face in the coming days. We battle against godlessness and wickedness in high places, but it is so firmly entrenched that we wonder how the chains can be broken. Personally, I do not think these chains will be broken. Trump might be able to paint them white, but they are still chains. King Josiah was so godly, but the people remained wicked. And when we read Jeremiah, we see how nothing from Josiah or Jeremiah made any difference to Judah.
I have said a few times now that Trump is the last chance the USA has to return to God and the Rapture is so close. Trump’s agenda is urgent with so much to do. Clearly, the line between what is right and wrong will be evident, so if men and women do not repent, then the time for that is almost ended, and judgment awaits. No other option exists.
In very recent days, Congress voted on the Bill to stop transgender men from participating in women’s sports and breaking all the women’s sporting records. This is another devilish evil and distortion. We are speaking about entrenchment here. The result of the vote was this:
Supporting the Bill to abolish transgender men participating in women’s sports – Republicans 216 for and 0 against. 2 Democrats supported the Bill.
Opposing the Bill (that is, to allow transgender participation in women’s sports) – 206 Democrats. You can see how evil the Democrats are. The heart of the Democrats is black, for it resides in hell. That is not to say Republicans are angels! Far from it.
I think those of us who reside outside the USA are better informed than the general person in the US. I believe that is because we have more open News outlets and a more informed public, even though US pride may not like me saying that. I only hope Trump might be able to change your News Outlets because they are awful. CNN, MSNBC, ABC and all the rest. Our ABC in Australia, 100% taxpayer funded, is Marxist and disgraceful, but no political Party will change it. The Labor Party loves it, as do the Communist Greens, and the Liberal Party is too scared to change it.
People in the USA, stand up for your rights! I am glad to see you have more freedom than we have. Cherish it. Christians, get the message out and do it quickly because the time is short. I am so glad to see Trump will stop the rise of Islam and cut off these gangs and traitorous acts against your own people. The Australian Government (Labor Party) is importing all these Palestinians into the nation, and they are protesting and rioting here just like in France and the UK. The Labor Party has given about 100 million dollars to the Palestinian Authority, and that was channeled into Hamas weapons.
It will be very difficult to break entrenched practices in any of our nations. There are destructive people in the world like Newsom and Albanese and Starmer and Marcon, Putin and Xi. Only God can break entrenchment, but I think the time of spiritual prosperity for the West has gone. We are in the days of reprobation. This is my idea. You might think differently. I won’t mind.
In spite of the elation at Trump’s success, it must be remembered that around half the nation voted Democrat and hold to the ideals of the left. This is similar in a number of the world’s nations.
I watched some of the hearings that were going on for Trump’s selections for office, especially the disgraceful way Pam Bondi was treated. What I saw was a deep nastiness, a wickedness that permeated from the Democrat questioning, hate and attitude, especially from people like Senators Adam Schiff and Hirono from Hawaii.
Every decent person wants Trump to succeed, but remember this verse – Luke 11:17 “but He knew their thoughts, and said to them, ‘Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste and a house divided against itself falls.'” Failure will come for all man’s kingdoms sooner or later. We look forward to the Millennial Kingdom over which the Lord rules from Jerusalem. Do you know that could be as little as 7 years away?
In Trump’s inauguration speech, he laid to rest the 4 failed years of Biden and Harris, and they sat only a few meters from him and had to listen to all of the reviews. Their failure was declared in public, and it served them right. They must have been squirming. Franklin Graham’s prayer did the same thing.
The USA has had some bad Presidents through history, but Biden would be the worst. He takes the cake. In every category you examine, Biden has been a failure and, in my opinion, even traitorous. But look at Security, Gender, Abortion, Defense, Lying (even about not pardoning his son), Vindictive (lawsuits against Trump), and hatred for Israel shared with Cackling Harris.
I watched a very good video by Ted Cruz that outlined the ways Biden’s policies were meant to undermine Israel. He was working for Israel’s ruin. Harris refused to meet with Netanyahu when he visited the USA. Marco Rubio filled in more on Israel’s lack of support from the USA. Ted Cruz did not hold back, and I like that about him. Trump, it is said, by moderate commentators, will be the best President ever for the support of Israel.
There are some good people Trump has put into office. I am really impressed with Pam Bondi. I do not know if any of these appointees are Christians. I have not been able to check that.
I hope this makes some sense. I am recovering from a major sinus and septum operation 2 days ago and not thinking clearly and bleeding as I do this, but I wanted to get this away while it is still topical. I hope it is logical.
God bless,