29 May 2024

Rabbi Mazuz: Why do Arabs not hold ‘Pride Parades’?
Rabbi Meir Mazuz urges all Pride Parades canceled: ‘It is all about abominations, it is all about repulsiveness, it is all filth, it is all stupidity, it is all ignorance, it is all foolishness.’ There is no person in the world who has a brain who would do such an act.”

Putin Threatens West’s ‘Dense Populations’ In ‘Small Land Masses’ In Response To NATO Escalation
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday issued one of his more dire warnings yet, putting Europe on notice by commenting on their possessing small land areas and dense populations. The veiled threat is very ominous especially in light of the fact that Russia just wrapped up tactical nuclear drills near Ukraine…

The Warning Left Unheeded By Ebrahim Raisi: Don’t Mess with Israel
Was the May 19th helicopter crash the Lord’s response to the man responsible for so much bloodshed and great suffering in Israel? I’m certain that what appeared to most as an accident was, in reality, God’s response as well as a warning of what lies ahead for those who now seek to divide and destroy Israel and its people (see Joel 3:1-3). The wicked misinterpret God’s patience and continue in their wicked ways. Raisi, thinking he was above reproach for his monstrous actions, continued to breathe out threats to destroy Israel, never imagining that the Lord would so soon hold him accountable for his great wickedness.

IAEA: Iran expanding stockpile of near-weapons grade uranium
The document, which was also seen by the Associated Press, revealed that Tehran has accumulated 142.1 kilograms (313.2 pounds) of uranium enriched up to 60%. This level of enrichment is just a technical step from 90% enrichment, considered weapons grade. it is technically possible to create an atomic bomb with roughly 42 kilograms (92.5 pounds) of uranium enriched to 60% if the material is enriched to 90%.

Yup’: Elon Musk affirms informal poll claiming pro-Hamas protesters are Democrat supporters
Elon Musk, the owner, executive chairman, and CTO of X Corp, responded “yup” to a Monday poll on his platform which found the majority of users believe that pro-Hamas protesters are likely supporters of the Democratic Party. The poll, of 748,398 users, found that 79.6% of X users perceived pro-Hamas protesters of being supporters of the Democratic Party.

Mexico files declaration of intervention in South Africa ICJ case against Israel
Mexico has become the latest country to invote Article 63 in ICJ legal proceedings against Israel

Nikki Haley in Samaria: Stay strong, the majority of Americans are with Israel
Haley said, “We’re here today in this beautiful spot to really show our solidarity with Israel. What I will tell you is: Don’t listen to what the media says. The majority of Americans are with the people of Israel. This war is personal for Israelis, but this war is personal for Americans.”

WATCH: Iranians vandalize posters mourning dead president Raisi
Seems like Iranians are not too sad about the Butcher of Tehran, Raisis death. They have vandalized his portrait with “Exe*cutioner of Tehran”

Biden Admin Protects Iran from International Censure as Regime Prepares to Go Nuclear
A ruler who listens to lies, All his ministers will be wicked. Proverbs 29:12
The Biden administration is pressuring Britain, France, and other nations to halt their plans to censure Iran at the upcoming International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors meeting in June. This action is prompted by the disconcerting fact that Iran’s nuclear program has made significant strides. This situation is exacerbated by the regime’s persistent non-cooperation and lack of transparency with the IAEA, which demands immediate attention. A report in the Wall Street Journal claims that concerns are rising that a new government led by a replacement of President Ebrahim Raisi would be even more volatile.

Drones from Iran-backed terrorist groups shot down over Red Sea, near Eilat
The two drones, which were armed with explosives and heading toward the southern Israeli city of Eilat, were detected by Israel Defense Forces and shot down before entering Israeli airspace. The IDF said the drones were neutralized by an Israeli Air Force (IAF) fighter jet, as well as “ground-based air defense systems.”

IDF releases preliminary results of investigation into Rafah strike – IAF munitions not to blame for fire
“On Sunday, we eliminated senior Hamas terrorists in a targeted strike, on a compound used by Hamas in Rafah,” Hagari said. “The strike was based on precise intelligence that indicated that these terrorists, who were responsible for orchestrating and executing terror attacks against Israelis, were meeting inside this structure we targeted.” the IDF is also investigating the possibility that Hamas weapons stored in the area of the strike were responsible for causing the fire, which spread to an area of tents killing a number of civilians.

Male drag ‘artist’ dances for kids at Vatican’s World Children’s Day
Catholics have expressed horror after a male performance artist danced in drag for young children during Pope Francis’ first World Children’s Day this weekend. On May 25, Salerno native Carmine De Rosa performed as one of the official artists for the inaugural World Children’s Day. In his capacity as a quick-change artist or a living cartoon, De Rosa appeared as a woman, wearing multiple outfits in drag. He also used suggestive cardboard costumes. Children sat in a circle around De Rosa as he performed.

America In 2024: Fast Food Is A “Luxury”
Little by little, our standard of living has been eroding. A couple decades ago, we had the largest and most prosperous middle class in the history of the world, but now most of the country is struggling. At this point, fast food is considered to be a “luxury”, 11 million children are living in poverty, and thousands of stores are permanently shutting down all over the United States because consumers have so little discretionary income these days.

Researchers Warn of Mass Contamination of Blood Supply from COVID Vaxxed Donations
Japanese researchers warn of the risks of using blood from mRNA COVID vaccine recipients, highlighting potential deadly effects and the need for urgent action to secure the global blood supply Blood contaminated with prion-like structures from the spike protein raises the risk of inducing fatal neurodegenerative diseases in recipients.

COVID-19 vaccine litigation against Mayo Clinic revived by federal court
A lawsuit against the Mayo Clinic must move forward, a federal court has ruled, reviving the suit after it was thrown out in 2023. The five fired workers who sued the Minnesota-based health nonprofit have all plausibly pleaded that their religious beliefs conflict with the clinic’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit ruled on May 24. The workers in multiple suits, which have since been consolidated, argued that the Mayo Clinic illegally failed to accommodate their religious beliefs, violating Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

Severe storms and heavy rainfall across Texas and Oklahoma
Severe weather is anticipated across Texas and southern Oklahoma on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, with strong storms expected to bring damaging winds, large hail, and the risk of flash flooding. The National Weather Service has issued an Enhanced Risk (Level 3 of 5) for central Texas, warning residents to stay alert and prepared for severe conditions.

China Unveils Advanced Brain-Computer Interface Implant, Rivaling Elon Musk’s Neuralink
China has unveiled its brain-computer interface, rivaling Elon Musk’s Neuralink. During the 2024 Zhongguancun Forum, Beijing Xinzhida Neurotechnology debuted its brain-computer interface (BCI) implant called Neucyber.

Colorado Rancher, 37 Cattle Fatally Struck by Lightning
A Colorado rancher and 37 cattle were struck by lightning and killed during Memorial Day weekend, according to multiple reports.

Vatican Apologizes for Catholic Missionaries in China, Calls on Communist “Bishops” to Rule the Chinese Church
Pope Francis apologized to the Indigenous Canadians, he apologized to the Mayans, now he’s apologizing to the Chinese Communists. In another big overture to China on May 21, Pope Francis and his Vatican assured the Chinese government that the Catholic Church poses no threat to Beijing’s Communist sovereignty and apologized for Catholic missionaries of the past for their zealous work to convert the Chinese to the Catholic Faith, even referring to their pastoral work as “errors.”

Chase Bank Building Explodes in Downtown Youngstown, Ohio — One Missing, Six Hospitalized
A massive explosion ripped through the heart of downtown Youngstown on Tuesday afternoon, injuring six people and leaving one missing.

US Special Forces Operator Kills Undocumented Chechen Outside Home In Possible Spy Incident
Two Chechens with no personal identification – and who were in no US national databases, otherwise illegal aliens that likely invaded the nation through the southern border, were ‘taking photos’ – or possibly surveilling – outside the home of an elite US Army special forces colonel near Fort Liberty, formerly Fort Bragg, in North Carolina.

House passes bill barring Federal Reserve from issuing digital dollar
The House passed a bill Thursday barring the Federal Reserve from issuing a central bank digital currency (CBDC) unless it has explicit authorization from Congress.

Negotiations For The Global Pandemic Treaty Have Broken Down, But Fear Of What Is Coming Next May Revive Them
The World Health Organization was hoping that there would be a vote on the global pandemic treaty at the World Health Assembly at the end of this month, but now that is not going to happen.  Negotiations that were supposed to result in a final draft of the treaty have completely broken down, and that is great news because the treaty would have transferred a tremendous amount of authority to the World Health Organization.

WHO’s Pandemic Treaty is dead and the amended IHR has been all but neutralised
Nothing in WHO’s Pandemic Treaty can rise from the ashes of the negotiations to be voted on this week. The treaty is done.  And of the amended International Health Regulations articles that were agreed upon and will be put forward for countries to vote on this week, the only one of any real concern relates to the surveillance of citizens to combat misinformation and disinformation.

Trump’s Bronx Rally Drives Stake In ‘Identity Politics’
In order for society to progress, for the American Idea or, if you prefer, the American Dream, to be preserved or obtained, identity politics must be eliminated

Mossad Chief Stalked, Threatened ICC Prosecutor Over War Crimes Probe: Report
“Well, now we know what Israeli intelligence was busy doing instead of monitoring Hamas.”

Pope says gay men should be barred from seminary, accused of using derogatory word
Pope Francis reportedly told a group of bishops that homosexual men should not be allowed to enter seminary to train for the priesthood and is accused of using a vulgar Italian phrase to describe the queer community in his remarks.