You Can Have Victory Over Your Addiction :: By Keith Watts

I was the superintendent of the Roloff Home for Men from February 2006 to July 2011. It was one of the hardest things that I’ve ever done in my life, but with Jesus, all things are possible. It was also one of the most rewarding things I have done in the ministry, watching families get back together and men getting their lives together and living for the Lord; that is so wonderful.

When I’m talking about addictions, I mean all addictions: liquor, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, food, sex, pornography, yourself, pleasures…. Whatever addiction you have, through Jesus, you can overcome it, and that is what this article is about.

The third leading cause of death in the USA and Europe is prescription drug overdose. I believe the overuse of prescription drugs has a major effect not only on our country but on our church here in America. Many people take 10 to 15 pills every day, which should be alarming to us. No one wants to talk about it, and preachers don’t want to preach about it; it is sad. I’m reminded of what the Bible says. “Let this mind be in you, which was in Christ Jesus.” I believe this is one of the steps of the enemy taking over this country. What happens when all these adults and kids on these prescription drugs cannot get it at the drugstore? How will their reaction be? It will not be good.

Text verses Luke15: 17-20

Luke 15:17 “And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!”

Luke 15:18 “I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee…

Luke 15:19 “…and am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.”

Luke 15:20 “And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.”

  1. Verse 17 “And when he came to himself…”

So much can be said about these six words. The prodigal son came to realize where he was at. He was in a pigpen, the last place you would think a Jew would be. Whatever you are hooked on, and how ever many years or days you have been hooked on it, you have been in that pigpen. Most don’t want to get out of the pig pen; they have never come to themselves in their mind to realize where they’re at; they are in a comfortable place in their mind. The prodigal son started thinking about his father’s servants.

As Christians, if an addiction has a hold of you, you are living like paupers and not like sons and daughters of the King of kings.

  1. Verse 18. “I will arise and go to my father…”

In order to get help, you have to go to the right place. I want all pastors, Christians, moms, dads, brothers, sisters, and all family members to see this. Please stop giving them money. They will never get to the place in their mind and to the place for help until they reach the very bottom of the pit, the horrible pit. The reason why most people don’t really seek help for their addiction is they know they have a family member or members that will bail them out every time, so why stop?

  1. Verse 18. “I have sinned…”

Have a genuine repentance in your heart for the sins you have committed. You will never have victory over your addictions until you have a genuine heart. Ask the Lord for forgiveness. You can say the words of repentance, but God sees the heart. You will never have victory over your addictions until you ask the Lord for forgiveness of your sins.

  1. Verse 19. “And am no more worthy to be called thy son.”

Wow, what humility the prodigal son had! The prodigal son was so dressed up in humility that he was willing to become as one of his father’s hired servants. if you really want victory over your addiction, become genuinely humble. You will never get over that addiction until you become humble, and this may be the first step of having victory over your addiction problems.

  1. Verse 20. “and he arose and came to his father.”

The prodigal son took genuine action on his part to start going in the right direction; he headed toward his father.

If you want to have victory over your addiction problems, you have to come to yourself. You have to go to the right place. You have to ask for forgiveness of your sins. You have to be humble, and you have to act upon this and head toward your father. Then, start genuinely opening up your heart and reading the Bible every day. Pray every day from your heart to His heart and not miss one day; then, you will genuinely truly have victory through Jesus Christ and his precious blood. If Jesus Christ is powerful enough to save, he is powerful enough for you to overcome. How did they overcome the devil by the word of his testimony and the blood of Jesus? I pray that you will have victory in Jesus; may the Lord bless you.


Matthew 18:19 “Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.”

I am asking all prayer warriors from around the world to join with us for a day of prayer, fasting and repentance on May 14, 2024, for these seven nations.

  1. Cabo Verde and on behalf of over 603,598 precious souls.
  2. Cameroon and on behalf of over 29,282,132 precious souls.
  3. Central Africa Republic and on behalf of over 5,889,533 precious souls.
  4. Chad and on behalf of over 18,761,510 precious souls.
  5. Comoros and on behalf of over 865,278 precious souls.
  6. USA and on behalf of over 341,543,546 precious souls.
  7. Israel and all Jews around the world and on behalf of over 16.7 million precious Jews.

I asked you to please join with us, trusting we will move the heart of our Heavenly Father and share in the harvest of precious, lost souls coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Facebook page: Prayer Warriors 4HIM Online Ministries

Grace Baptist Church

Keith Watts, associate pastor

Online Missionary to the World