Pakistani Book Funding Thank You Letter from Pastor Anil

Dear Brother Terry & all supporters,

Good Morning!

I am writing to you with a heart full of gratitude and thanks, not only to you but to all our beloved brothers and sisters who have generously contributed their financial gifts to print and distribute “Prophecy Power” in Urdu language.

This unwavering support and dedication to spreading the message of faith and hope have been a source of inspiration for me and countless others. Your commitment to this project has truly made an unbelievable difference in the lives of many, and I am deeply grateful for your partnership in this endeavor.

I cannot express enough how much your generosity means to me. Your willingness to give of your time, energy, and finances to ensure that the message of “Prophecy Power” reaches souls in Urdu-speaking communities is a testament to your love for our Lord Jesus Christ and your passion for His kingdom.

I also want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all our beloved Pastors and Evangelists, as well as all brothers and sisters who have contributed their gifts to make this project possible. Your generosity has made it possible for us to print and distribute “Prophecy Power” in Urdu, a language that holds great significance for many souls longing to hear the prophetic message of our Lord’s imminent return.

Indeed, this message is preparing souls for the glorious day when our Lord Jesus Christ will return to this planet Earth to collect His Blood-bought people from every corner of the earth. Your support in printing and distributing this message in Urdu is playing a vital role in fulfilling the Great Commission and bringing hope to those who are eagerly awaiting His return.

As we continue to work together in spreading the message of faith and prophecy, may the Lord bless you all abundantly for your selfless dedication, and may He use “Prophecy Power” in Urdu to touch the hearts and souls of many, leading them into a deeper relationship with Him.

Once again, from the depths of my heart, thank you, Terry, my dear friend and most loving brother, and thank you to all our beloved brothers and sisters for your incredible generosity and support. May the Lord continue to guide and bless you in all your endeavors.

In Christ’s unfailing love,

Rev. Anil Jasper