The Greatest Christmas Gift :: By Holly Spate

“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).

Over 2,000 years ago in a little unsuspecting town, a star shone incredibly bright. To most inhabiting the little town of Bethlehem, it was just another ordinary day… another ordinary night. Yet, it wasn’t.

In one single moment.. one single point in time… the greatest gift of all would be graciously bestowed upon the whole world. And, in one miraculous moment, that same gift would forever change all mankind for all time.

Yes, in one act… one heavenly moment, the deepest act of love, wrapped in love, came down from a heavenly throne. And in that moment, unconditional love touched the earth. It was, without a doubt, a merciful act by a most merciful God.

From the cradle to the cross and from the cross to the defeated grave, the Creator’s love was majestically and beautifully bestowed upon the world. A story for all time… a story meant for everyone. The Creator of all had lovingly come to save His creation.

And while some were unaware of what was transpiring in that little town, many shepherds watching their flocks came to see and worship. The angels, in all their splendor, ascended with great rejoicing, announcing the presence of the King of Kings.

Just imagine!

Humbly He came. He did not come wrapped in the finest linens but rather wrapped in simple swaddling clothes. He did not lay in the finest of beds but rather laid in an uncomfortable manger. He did not rest in a cozy inn but rather nestled in a stable with the animals.

Yes, He came humbly, but He came with great power.

He came not just as a King but the King of Kings.. the Lord of All.

He came as…

A King who would save us.

A King who would rescue us.

A King who would step in and take our place… our punishment.

A loving King… a powerful King… a forgiving King, a forever King!

He came to build a bridge back to the Father. He came to die for each of our sins… to cleanse us from all our filthy unrighteousness… to bring us back. He sacrificed himself… His perfect self. He gave His very life so that ours could be saved…  saved for all eternity… rescued for all time!

To some who hear, it’s just a simple Christmas story… a nice story. To others, an imaginative and creative fable. But the truth is it’s undeniably one hundred percent the truth.

Without Christ, there would be no Christmas… no reason to celebrate.

It’s not just a story… it’s the world’s hope. Actually, it’s the world’s only hope.

A hope no one else could bring. A hope no one else will ever be able to bring.

God selflessly sent His one and only Son. Although the gift given came at an undeniably priceless cost, the gift shared was given freely. Salvation is a free gift. There is nothing anyone can do to earn it or to deserve it. It is not accepted by our works but solely on what Jesus did for each of us.

Have you accepted the greatest gift ever given… the only gift that will bring true peace, happiness, hope, and a bright eternity?

Romans 10:9-10 explains how to receive this beautiful gift: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

Aren’t you thankful for the greatest Christmas gift?!

Yes, over 2,000 years ago in a little unsuspecting town, a star shone incredibly bright. To most inhabiting the little town of Bethlehem, it was just another ordinary day… another ordinary night. Yet, it wasn’t.

And, one day, in one miraculous moment, that same King who came over 2,000 years ago will descend from heaven to call all believers to meet Him in the clouds. And forever will we ever be with Him. Hallelujah!

Here’s wishing you and yours a very Merry CHRISTmas! (latest labor of love)