16 Oct 2023

Israeli boy featured in COVID vaccine campaign dies of heart attack at age 8
After a distinguished physician’s grandson who appeared in vaccine promotions tragically passed away, one commentator asked, ‘How many more children will die on the golden altar?’

Hamas: Described in the Bible as destroying the world
While the entire world is aware of the attack last week in which thousands of Hamas terrorists infiltrated into Israel and murdered over 1,300 Israelis, far fewer people are aware that the portion of the Torah that is being read by Jews all around the world this week contains the word ‘Hamas’ as the reason for which God destroyed the world.

Short changed: Can China pay the bills?
Amid reports and rumors of starving zoo animals and retirees not being paid their pensions, the chair of financially distressed China Evergrande Group, the world’s most indebted property developer, is now under “residential surveillance.” Call it house arrest – and as the Chinese property sector loses its mojo some 42,000 local governments are looking for money to pay off creditors. He was once the richest man in China.

George Soros Once Blasted US, Israel For Not Embracing Hamas
George Soros, whose empire and its tentacles have worked to flood Western nations with migrants and cause chaos in America through soft-on-crime DAs, once slammed the United States for supporting Israel and not recognizing Hamas after the militant organization gained control over the Gaza strip.

New Zealand Ousts Leftist Lockdown Loons After Conservative Wins Election
Voters in New Zealand on Saturday ousted the party once led by Jacinda Ardern, and have instead elected the country’s most conservative government in decades.

Court Rules No Evidence Georgia’s Voting Law Discriminates Against Black Voters
Several left-wing advocacy and civil rights groups, as well as the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ, sued in 2021 after Republican state lawmakers passed the measure amid claims about election fraud in the state in 2020. Those lawsuits claim that black voters are now denied equal access to voting, which violates the Voting Rights Act. “Plaintiffs have not shown, at least at this stage of the proceedings, that any of the provisions have a disparate impact on black voters,”

Egypt Mulls Allowing Refugees Entry As Over 600,000 Gazans Move South; FBI Warns Of Hamas Attacks On US Soil
Axios reported that Tehran has sent Jerusalem a message through the UN that it will intervene if the campaign in Gaza continues, and particularly if it launches a ground offensive. … the Pentagon confirmed that it has ordered a second carrier strike group to the eastern Mediterranean Sea … “Rafah will be open,” the top US diplomat said after meeting President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi.

IDF commando chief: ‘Hamas will be just a memory, nothing more, that’s a promise’
With only one eye (he lost the other during Operation Protective Edge) and remarkable courage, Lt. Col. D. led his elite Duvdevan unit to the Gaza border, where they fought continuously for 60 hours; During this time, they eliminated dozens of terrorists and saved numerous civilians

‘Hezbollah working to escalate tensions on the northern border’
IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said on Sunday that it is evident that the Hezbollah terror organization is working with Iranian support to intentionally escalate the situation in northern Israel. “Hezbollah is working to escalate tensions on the northern border under the order and with the support of Iran.

Israeli startup SuperMeat gets kosher certification for lab-grown product
The Orthodox Union has granted kosher certification to a type of lab-grown meat, a decision that could signal an expansion of the options available under Judaism’s intricate dietary laws.

Gallant on Gaza border: ‘This will be a massive, deadly, exact, and decisive war’
Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant … stated: “There is a war here, which is a war of the children of darkness against the children of light. We are facing a culture that does not accept our existence here, wild men, vicious animals, who murdered our soldiers, our children, and our citizens. The soldiers here, together with their friends, together with the Air Force, with the intelligence personnel, and the Navy, will eliminate the Hamas organization.”
“This will be a massive war, this will be a deadly war, this will be a precise war,

Israel at war – Live updates: Rockets continue to fly as war enters second week
Israel entered its second week of war, which has been dubbed “Swords of Iron,” on Saturday. The war was sparked on October 7th, … the IDF has been striking terror targets in the Gaza Strip as Gaza terror organizations continue to fire rockets into Israel. At the same time, terrorists in Lebanon and Syria have also targeted Israel with missile attacks. The IDF has retaliated to those attacks with tank and artillery fire, as well as airstrikes.

Lebanon border heats up as Hamas continues firing rockets into Israel
Sirens were heard in western Galilee on Sunday afternoon close to the Lebanon border in the towns of Nahariya, Rosh Hanikra, Hanita, Gesher HaZiv, Betzet, and Shlomi. Hamas in Lebanon took responsibility for the rocket fire.

Filipina care-giver stayed by elderly patient until the end
Angeline was a nurse from the Philippines who was caring for her elderly patient, Nira on Kibbutz Kfar Gaza. Despite having a chance to flee the Hamas terror attacks, Angeline showed unbelievable humanity and loyalty by remaining Nira’s side during the violence, resulting in both of them being brutally murdered by Hamas. Unimaginable honour in the face of evil,” she said.

Dr. James Lindsay warns Minnesotans of ‘indoctrination, brainwashing’ in public schools
Dr. James Lindsay spoke at a Child Protection League event Wednesday to discuss what he described as Marxist ideology plaguing the nation’s public schools. … an expert in cultural Marxism, advocates for teaching children to think for themselves and educating parents on how to help make that happen. Some states, Minnesota included, are “worse than others” when it comes to the public education system.

Hamas bombs its own people as they flee northern Gaza, expert video analyst reveals
the Hamas terror group has been preventing Gazans from fleeing the northern Gaza Strip and shared photos of roadblocks along the evacuation routes. the IDF released an audio recording [Arabic with Hebrew subtitles] of a phone call with a resident of Jabalia in Gaza who explained that Hamas confiscated personal equipment and car keys from the people he was with in a protective shelter. “They’re preventing people from leaving,” said the resident of Jabalia. the IDF commander asked. “Who is stopping you, Hamas?” “Yes, yes,” the resident responded.

Is America already waffling on their ‘We’ve got your back’ statement?
it didn’t take long before mixed messages started to be sent, requesting that we “postpone a ground offensive until there is the establishment of a human corridor.” So, what started out as an unequivocal green light is now beginning to feel more like waffling by the Biden administration

Western Afghanistan hit by fourth M6.3 earthquake since October 7
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.3 at 03:36 UTC (08:06 local time) on October 15, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 8 km (5 miles). This region of Afghanistan was hit by a total 4 of M6.3 earthquakes (USGS) since October 7 when twin M6.3s killed more than 2 400 people.

Is It Just A Coincidence That We Witnessed A “Ring Of Fire Eclipse” Just As The Great Middle East War Begins?
We sure have been experiencing a lot of “coincidences” lately, haven’t we?  On Friday, Israeli forces conducted their first localized raids inside Gaza.  Then on Saturday, the path of a spectacular “ring of fire” solar eclipse marched across the continental United States.  Is it just a coincidence that this eclipse has happened just as the Great Middle East War is commencing?  

Islamic Controlled Scotland: Hamas Supporters Taunt Jews about Concentration Camps
Mounting concerns point to a possible link between leniency towards Hamas supporters and Scotland’s incoming Prime Minister, Humza Yousaf, whose affiliations, ties to Islamic extremist groups and individuals, advocacy for Sharia blasphemy laws, and allegations of racism and radical connections have cast a dark cloud over his leadership.

Bayefsky: The UN Has Blood on Its Hands in Denying Israel Its Right to Self-Defense
Human rights activist Anne Bayefsky and founder of  Eye on the UN. org contributed a must-read analysis on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the horrendous response by the United Nations since the assault was launched over one week ago.

New York City Public School Teacher Shares Image Of Hamas Paragliders, Calls Attack “Successful Military Campaign”
A New York City public school teacher expressed support for the Hamas terrorist organization and its assault on Israeli civilians that included the murder of more than 1,300 people and at least 150 kidnappings, then repeatedly doubled down on the position.

Ukraine hit two Russian vessels in drone attacks, intelligence source says
Ukraine struck a Russian missile carrier and a patrol ship in separate attacks this week involving sea-borne drones carrying experimental weapons, a Ukrainian intelligence source said on Friday.

8-Year-Old ‘Vaccine Poster Child’ Dies after Sudden Heart Attack
An 8-year-old boy, who was featured in a national campaign to promote Covid vaccines for children, has tragically died after suffering a sudden heart attack. Yonatan Moshe Erlichman from Israel died unexpectedly after suffering cardiac arrest while taking a bath.

US Confirms 2nd Carrier Group En Route To “Deter Hostile Actions Against Israel” 
The Pentagon has ordered a second carrier strike group to the eastern Mediterranean Sea, according to two US officials, as Israel prepares to expand its Gaza operations. The first carrier strike group, led by the USS Gerald R. Ford, arrived off the coast of Israel earlier this week.

Israel-Hamas War Latest: Israeli Troops Amass At Border As Iran Warns It Will Intervene If Ground Offensive Launched 
Summary: After giving the northern Gaza strip an evacuation ultimatum on Friday, Israel has so far withheld from launching a “significant” ground operation, with some speculating that requests from the US to evacuate all US citizens out of Palestine ahead of the invasion is what is holding Israel back.

Oil Prices Are Now Rising, & Biden Already Drained The Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
Global benchmark Brent crude futures soared to $87.20 per barrel on Monday morning, while West Texas Intermediate futures in the United States landed on $85.7 per barrel, having initially passed $86. This represents an increase in oil prices of over 3.1 percent globally and over 3.5 percent domestically, as the markets react to Israel declaring war over the weekend in response to an armed incursion from Gaza.

Chicago Residents Express Concerns Over New Migrant Shelter for Single, Adult Men
Chicago continues to face overwhelming challenges with the influx of illegals thanks to Joe Biden’s broken border. In the West Town area of Chicago, residents shared concerns over news that 200 illegals will be placed in their neighborhood. Presenting even more concern, the shelter is being established solely for single, adult men.

This man claims that a Military aged Migrant UN Soldier told that UN paid the man and gave him a card + a phone then told him to await for orders. Something to look into due to how many people are flooding in through borders of U.S.

Agenda 2030’s goal is “no farmers, no food” – if we can’t own property, we become the property
..A war against farmers has emerged, threatening to push them off the land they’ve farmed for generations. Those in control of the land control the food supply and, along with it, the people.  Much of this threat is cloaked under Agenda 2030, which they are attempting to impose across the globe, in every country, by 2030 We are in a situation in which there is no other better term than to call it a crisis.

 During “lockdowns” when American parents couldn’t take their children for routine vaccinations, childhood mortality dropped by 30%. Coincidence?
Over the last few years, we have all watched in horror as the extent of the harm and damage that has been caused by the covid injections has been revealed,..But what about all the other vaccinations that people have been pumping into our babies and toddlers over the last fifty years?