7 Oct 2023

Portland Residents Told Not To Call Police For Help
Portland officials were proud of themselves in 2020 when they defunded the Police Bureau by $15 million instead of increasing it by $3 million as planned. One commissioner was even upset that the council didn’t remove more from the budget. “Please take a moment to celebrate this victory, and let it fuel your fire, because we’re not done,” Commissioner Chloe Eudaly said at the time. A year later, the council was trying to add funding and retain the city’s police officers.

Let’s Examine Some Real Crimes Committed By Presidents
But there’s an entire class of people above the law. Or who at least act like they’re above the law—the political class. The hypocrisies of their effort to convict Trump and block him from holding office again reveal that the motivations are purely political—not born of some commitment to a higher moral or legal principle. George H. W. Bush launched a war on Iraq without congressional authorization. Obama conducted more illegal wars in Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Mali, and Yemen. In many of those wars, Obama expanded George W. Bush’s policy of giving support to al-Qaeda, which is treason according to Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution.
Trump is charged with mislabeling some business expenses.

Quantum AI: Merging End Times Technologies
The next advancement is called quantum computing — an exponential leap in computer capability. The military, analytic, scientific, and “artificial intelligence” potential of this advance is expected to be virtually unlimited. The virtually limitless subdivision of qubit data allows a quantum computer to exponentially accelerate calculations. Packed with infinitesimally small microprocessors, it can easily process over 5 billion calculations per second — 3 million times faster than classic computing.

Syria Bombards Rebel Areas After Drone Strike on Military Academy Kills Scores
Syria on Friday held funerals for scores of people killed in a drone attack on a graduation ceremony at a military academy in the Homs region the previous day, one of the bloodiest strikes against the military in more than 12 years of civil war. There have been no claims of responsibility for the attack. 89 people had been killed, including 31 women and five children.

Hezbollah Leader Threatens Europe With Wave of Syrian Refugees
Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah, this week threatened Europe with a new wave of Syrian refugees in an apparent bid to gain leverage over the European Union and force the United States to lift sanctions on Syria.

Biden Calls for ‘Free and Democratic’ Iran in Congratulations to Iranian Dissident Nobel Prize Winner
Joe Biden on Friday endorsed the Iranian anti-government protest movement’s call for a “free and democratic future” in a message congratulating jailed women’s rights advocate Narges Mohammadi for winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

Accused antisemite Kat Von D renounces witchcraft, converts to Christianity
Famed tattoo artist and occultist Kat Von D, who faced antisemitism accusations throughout the early 2000 and 2010s, released a video on her Instagram on Friday announcing her conversion to Christianity. The video shows Von D at a church wearing an uncharacteristic white garb being baptised. “Katherine von Drachenberg, upon your profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and in obedience to his divine command, I baptize you, my sister, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” the pastor says before dunking her in the baptismal pool.

Saudi Arabia has given up on Palestine with Israeli peace – terror chief
The head of Islamic Jihad denounced Arab attempts to normalize relations with Israel on Friday, as the militant group staged demonstrations in the Palestinian territories and neighboring states amid Israeli efforts to make peace with Saudi Arabia. “Those who rush towards normalization with the Zionist project must know, and they do know, that this is their acknowledgment that Palestine is not ours, and that Jerusalem with its mosque is not ours,” Ziad al-Nakhala, the leader of the PIJ terror group, said in the video address.

‘Leave before it’s too late’: Rabbi warns Armenia ‘is dangerous for Jews,’ urges mass emigration
“I repeat my call to the Jews in Armenia: Leave, and if you need help, I’ll take care of it. Leave before it’s too late…” On Tuesday, Armenia’s only synagogue was vandalized just days after a 14-person Israeli medical delegation arrived in Yerevan

Saudis ready to drop demand Israel make major concessions to Palestinians:
Saudi Arabia is reportedly gearing up for an historic normalization agreement with Israel that doesn’t include sweeping concessions to the Palestinians, despite officials from the Gulf Kingdom repeatedly stating that such a deal would be conditional upon the foundation of an independent Palestinian state.

Mother of Iranian girl in coma after Hijab beating arrested by regime security forces
After 16-year-old Iranian girl allegedly beaten unconscious by morality police, authorities arrest her mother in Tehran. The mother of a 16-year-old girl who was allegedly beaten by the Iranian regime’s morality police for wearing her hijab, or head scarf, inappropriately has been arrested by security forces in Tehran, a leading human rights group reported on Thursday. Shahin Ahmadi was apprehended by government agents in the vicinity of Tehran’s Fajr Hospital.

World’s oldest complete Hebrew Bible to ‘return now to the possession of the Jewish people’ in Israel
Codex Sassoon was donated to ANU Museum after being purchased for $38 million. Starting October 11, 2023, the Codex Sassoon, the oldest most complete copy of Hebrew Bible in the world, will be on permanent display at ANU Museum of the Jewish People in Tel Aviv. Codex Sassoon landed in Israel Thursday, after arriving on an El Al flight from New York. The Codex Sassoon is believed to be at least 1,100 years old,

Hillary Clinton claims Trump supporters are in a ‘cult’ and need ‘formal deprogramming’
Clinton’s comments ignited controversy among conservative commentators, who likened her call for ‘formal deprogramming’ to instituting ‘re-education camps.’ Clinton railed against supporters of former President Trump, pathologizing them while claiming that they are part of a “cult.”

Strengthening Ties, Promoting Peace: Upcoming Meeting of Israeli and US Defense Leaders in Washington
In a pivotal rendezvous slated for later this month, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant is set to meet with U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in Washington, D.C., marking a continuation of the steadfast and dynamic partnership between the two nations. A partnership rooted not only in mutual strategic interests but also in a shared commitment to peace, stability, and prosperity in the Middle East.

Victorian city of Sale braces for major flooding, residents urged to move to higher ground, Australia 
Major flooding was expected in the Victorian city of Sale this morning, October 6, 2023 (LT), as the Thomson River approached the severe flood level. Residents were advised not to return home for 12 to 24 hours and to seek higher ground immediately.

Strong M6.3 earthquake hits Izu Islands – third M6 in 3 days, Japan 
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the JMA as M6.3 hit Izu Islands, Japan at 01:31 UTC on October 6, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). USGS and EMSC are reporting M6.1 at a depth of 10 km.

Strongest marine heat wave in 40 years off Canada’s East Coast 
A severe marine heat wave was recorded off Canada’s East Coast this summer, according to data compiled by Fisheries and Oceans climate scientist Peter Galbraith. The event, lasting from the last three weeks of July to the first week of August, saw a weeklong temperature spike off Newfoundland averaging 6.7 °C (12.1 °F) above normal.

Australia experiences driest September on record, endangering agricultural production
Areas of severe rainfall deficiency are expanding in Australia, following the country’s driest September on record (since 1900), affecting the nation’s farm production and contributing to a 41% predicted fall in average farm incomes in the 2023–24 financial year.

Gopalganj tornado leaves 25 shops, temples damaged, India
A tornado struck Kashiani upazila of Gopalganj, Bihar, India around 15:30 local time on October 5, 2023, damaging approximately 25 business establishments, temples, trees, and electric poles. There were no reported casualties.

Planned Parenthood is Helping Teenagers Transition After a 30 Minute Consult. Parents and Doctors are Sounding the Alarm.
The abortion provider is wading into transgender care, doling out prescriptions for estrogen and testosterone, including to special needs kids.

Civil Rights Agency Sues 2 Businesses That Fired Workers Over COVID Vaccine Refusal
United Healthcare Services, a Cleveland-based health care provider, and Arkansas-based Hank’s Furniture violated federal law when denying the exemption requests and firing the workers, according to the suits. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 bars discrimination over religion and requires businesses to accommodate a worker’s religious practice unless doing so would cause “undue hardship.”

Fukushima Nuclear Plant Starts 2nd Release of Treated Radioactive Wastewater Into Sea 
Japan’s wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant said it began releasing a second batch of treated radioactive wastewater into the sea on Thursday after the first round of discharges ended smoothly.

China Turning Oklahoma Land Into Drug Farms: Senator
Over 1 million acres of Oklahoma farmland are owned by foreign entities and groups from nations like China are “100 percent” using the land to grow drugs, according to Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.).

Canada Wildfires Send Another Toxic Smoke Plume Across America
Smoke from Canada’s still-burning wildfires once again drifted across the border into the northern United States this week, prompting smoke and haze advisories until Wednesday, although the air quality remained much higher than it was during Canadian wildfire smoke plumes this summer.

US Bioweapons in Nigeria Endanger Africa and the Whole World 
Revelations about what Victoria Nuland ever so euphemistically called “biological research facilities” in Ukraine are usually tied to the start of Russia’s strategic counteroffensive against NATO aggression in Europe (SMO). However, the truth is that the United States has had a massive bioweapons program for well over half a century and that it has become unprecedentedly globalized in recent decades.

Just the Facts on ‘Geofencing,’ the Intrusive, App-Based ‘Dragnet’ That Sgt. Joe Friday Never Dreamed Of
As worshippers gathered at the Calvary Chapel in 2020, they were being watched from above.  Satellites were locking in on cell phones owned by members of the nondenominational Protestant church in San Jose, Calif. Their location eventually worked its way to a private company, which then sold the information to the government of Santa Clara County. This data, along with observations from enforcement officers on the ground, was used to levy heavy fines against the church for violating COVID-19 restrictions regarding public gatherings.

Top UK University Offers ‘Magic and Occult Science’ Degree
The Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies at the University of Exeter promises “decolonisation… feminism, and anti-racism” in its new Master’s Degree in Magic and Occult Science, the first of its kind in the UK.

LA elementary schools to celebrate National Coming Out Day with a week of LGBTQ lessons
The “Week of Action Toolkit-Elementary,” sent from the Los Angeles Unified School District’s Board of Education, outlines suggested lesson plans for elementary students around LGBTQ+ topics. The document, which a teacher shared with City Journal, noted teachers can adapt the lesson plans to better suit the needs of their students.

Netherlands Land Grab: MP is being prosecuted for two counts of sedition for encouraging civil disobedience
Dutch Member of Parliament Gideon van Meijeren is being prosecuted for encouraging farmers to rebel against a tyrannical government that is attempting to steal their land.

City of Portland Tells Residents Not to Call 911 ‘Except in Event of Life/Death Emergency’
Police in the progressive haven of Portland, Oregon are telling residents not to call 911 ‘except in event of life/death emergency.’ Certain parts of the United States are regressing into the wild wild west as crime surges with less resources.

British Columbia brings back COVID mask mandates in healthcare settings 
Following the lead of hospitals in other provinces, British Columbia has reinstated a mask mandate in most healthcare settings across the province. Effective today, October 3, masks are mandated in all healthcare facilities in British Columbia under an order from provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, amid a reported increase in respiratory infections.

Human-Like A.I. Is Deceptive and Dangerous 
Tech companies are developing and deploying artificial intelligence (A.I.) systems that deceptively mimic human behavior to aggressively sell their products and services, dispense dubious medical and mental health advice, and trap people in psychologically dependent, potentially toxic relationships with machines, according to a new report from Public Citizen released today. A.I. that mimics human behavior poses a wide array of unprecedented risks that require immediate action from regulators as well as new laws and regulations, the report found.

Rogue banks are not waiting for the UK Energy Bill to be enacted to use it to deny us being able to buy or sell property
The Telegraph published an article yesterday which described how banks will not be allowing mortgages on “energy inefficient” homes. The Telegraph also notes how this policy is despite Installed Prime Minister Rishi Sunak saying the public should  not be burdened with the cost of “net zero.”  The implication is that it is only the commercial lenders who are attempting to impose draconian “net zero” policies.