1 Oct 2023

Satanic Pedophile Extortion Cult Uncovered By FBI After NY Arrest
A November 2021 arrest in Queens, New York led to the discovery of a satanic cult of pedophile extortionists known as 764, which has been linked to significant criminal activity around the globe. The organization, which goes byseveral aliases, was uncovered by the FBI while investigating alarming posts on social media made by 23-year-old Angel Almeida of Astoria, Queens, When the FBI searched his New York apartment, they found … books pertaining to the Order of Nine Angles (a satanic occultist group). They also found a flag with the insignia of a US -9A offshoot, the Tempel ov Blood,

Putin Signs Decree To Draft 130K Young Men In Fall Conscription
In a fall call-up, Russia is drafting 130,000 more young men for compulsory service, based on a decree signed by President Putin on Friday. Men aged 18-27 will be recruited for a one-year period from Oct.1 and Dec.31, however, this latest conscription drive will not involve sending this new batch to fight in Ukraine,

Is The US Military Laying The Groundwork To Reinstitute The Draft?
By far the most concerning and most relevant section for the average American citizen is a subsection entitled “Casualties, Replacements, and Reconstitutions” which, to cut right to the chase, directly states, “Large-scale combat operations troop requirements may well require a reconceptualization of the 1970s and 1980s volunteer force and a move toward partial conscription.”

RFK Jr. Flees Democrat Plantation, Set to Run as Independent
RFK Jr. is reportedly on his way out of the backdoor at the Democrat Party – which made it abundantly clear he was not welcome at any rate – and is set to run in the 2024 presidential election as an independent.

McCarthy Rolls the Deep State, Advances Government Funding Plan that Cuts Off Ukraine Cash
Speaker Kevin McCarthy scored a shocking victory over the deep state Saturday by securing House passage of a 45-day stopgap bill to keep the government open and cut off funding for Ukraine.

Record Crowds Expected at Temple Mount During Sukkot Celebrations
Authorities at the Temple Mount are gearing up for a significant influx of Jewish worshipers during the Sukkot celebrations, according to a statement released on Friday. Already, there has been a noticeable increase in visitors to the site in Jerusalem’s Old City, with a 20 percent surge during the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur festivities compared to last year.

As US Government Shutdown Looms, Senators Introduce Bill to Fund Security Coordination With Israel, Palestinians
With a shutdown of the US government all but certain after the failure of a short-term funding measure in the House of Representatives on Friday, a bipartisan group of senators has introduced legislation to fully fund US security cooperation with Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

Biden State Dept funds group with ties to Palestinian Islamic Jihad
The Phoenix Center for Research and Field Studies—affiliated with the Islamic University of Gaza and which received a $90,000 grant from the U.S. State Department—has ties to two entities designated by the United States as terrorist groups, according to a Sept. 27 report from the Washington Examiner.

New ‘air vax’ delivers mRNA right to your lungs, raising serious bioethical concerns
Researchers say this new ‘air vax’ method could ‘radically change the way people are vaccinated,’ but it could also be used to rapidly vaccinate the masses without their knowledge or consent.

Dianne Feinstein dead at 90
California’s longest-serving senator announced that she planned to retire at the end of her term in 2024.

Canadian School Libraries Remove All Books Published Before 2008
I’ve said over and over that “inclusivity” means anything but including everyone—it means tolerating, promoting, and celebrating one viewpoint and excluding all others. This was demonstrated yet again by a decision made by a school district in Ontario, Canada, which directed school libraries “to remove all books [published] prior to 2008” in the name of “equity” and “inclusion.”

New York City, New Jersey brought to a standstill by flash flooding
A coastal storm unleashed a deluge of heavy rain on the New York City Tri-State area from late Thursday night into Friday night, leading to flash flooding, stranded motorists, street closures, subway suspensions and hundreds of flight delays and cancellations. Water rescues were reported in neighboring New Jersey.

Nigeria: Air Force personnel arrested and detained for two years for speaking at Christian event
Here is yet another indication that the Nigerian government is on the side of the Islamic jihadis who are rampaging through the country. They cannot or will not do anything effective to stop the jihadis, but they’re ever-vigilant about Christian air force personnel speaking at a Christian event. And so the jihad in Nigeria continues unimpeded.

Royal Navy Tells Sailors to Introduce Themselves with Gender Pronouns
Britain’s Royal Navy has reportedly told its sailors that they should introduce themselves with gender pronouns before meetings in order to be more “inclusive”.

Monumental Prophetic Implications: Is Peace Between Israel And Saudi Arabia Inevitable?
Saudi Arabia is actively pursuing a US-brokered deal that would see bilateral relations formed between Saudi Arabia and Israel. This is being called by experts a “grand bargain” and a “tectonic shift” in the Middle East.

HORRIFYING: Rep. Thomas Massie Exposes Taxpayer-Funded “Transgenic Edible Vaccines” Which Turns Edible Plants Like Lettuce and Spinach Into mRNA Vaccine Factories to Replace mRNA Shots
In a shocking revelation, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) has recently brought to light a deeply concerning issue that should alarm every American citizen. The U.S. government is currently funding research into “transgenic edible vaccines,” a term that sounds like it’s straight out of a dystopian science fiction novel. Yet, it is very much a reality, and it’s happening right under our noses.

Terror Cover-Up in the Netherlands: Medical Student and Animal Abuser, Fouad L., who is known to Police, Shoots Neighbors and Teacher Dead, Leftist Government Pretends Attacker is ‘Far-Right Nazi’ 
The media’s deliberate avoidance of releasing Fouad’s photo, their use of initials to obscure his identity, the authorities’ refusal to reveal his nationality, and the fact that he was already known to the police have collectively fueled suspicions of a concerted effort to whitewash his identity and a troubling lack of transparency surrounding the case.

‘A Panopticon of Epic Proportions’: CDC Awards $260 Million to Track Disease Outbreaks in Massive Surveillance Scheme 
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to establish a national “public-private” network to sweep up unprecedented amounts of individual and community data and develop artificial intelligence (AI)-driven models to predict disease outbreaks.

‘Outrageous’ Approval of New Moderna Shots for Kids Could Spark School Mandates, Doctor Warns 
Parents should be concerned that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) earlier this month granted full approval to Moderna’s “Spikevax” COVID-19 vaccine for children 12 years old and older — because now that the vaccine for school-age kids is no longer an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) product, states and schools may be more likely to mandate the shots, according to Dr. Meryl Nass.

King Charles’ visit to Paris the week before last was an important event on the Globalists’ calendar
The week before last was a busy week for the Globalists and their puppets…The more important meeting may be going on today through Friday in Paris: Elites planning strategy to roll out World War III, which will likely be fully manifest by 2024.

California: Class action filed against Gilead Sciences for death and injury by remdesivir
A ground-breaking class action lawsuit was filed on Wednesday in a California superior court against Gilead Sciences for people injured or killed by remdesivir. The complaint alleges violations of consumer protection laws, false advertising, deceptive promotion, negligent misrepresentation, and other charges related to the marketing and administration of remdesivir, also known as Veklury.

A comparison of Government reports suggests the COVID-19 Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
The 5 PHE tables below from their excellent Vaccine Surveillance Report, separated by 4 weeks, clearly show the progressive damage that the vaccines are doing to the immune system’s response. People aged 40-69 have already lost 40% of their immune system capability and are losing it progressively at 3.3% to 6.4% per week. Weekly Decline in doubly vaccinated immune system performance compared to unvaccinated people…

Putin Orders Nationwide Nuclear Attack Response Drill for Day Before US National Emergency Alert Test
One day before the United States conducts a major test of its emergency alert communications network, Russia will hold drills in the event of a major nuclear attack.

CDC Refuses to Release Updated Information on Post-COVID Vaccination Heart Inflammation
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has declined to release updated information on reported cases of myocarditis and pericarditis following COVID-19 vaccination.

Two men are dead and three injured in ‘crew on crew’ shooting in DC after ‘100 rounds are fired from automatic weapons that turned the city into a ‘war zone’: Cops hunt three suspects
Two men have been killed and three were injured after a ‘crew on crew’ mass shooting in Washington DC. Cops said they were hunting three men after locals claimed ‘100 rounds were fired from an automatic weapon’ during the attack in the north east of the city.

Biden FDA Vaccine Adviser Refuses Latest Covid Shot, Raises Concerns over Heart Failure Spike 
One of the leading vaccine advisors within the Biden administration declined to receive the most recent Covid vaccination while expressing concerns regarding the potential long-term consequences associated with mRNA injections.