22 Aug 2023

Tens of millions of Americans to swelter in triple-digit temps this week
Temperatures can surge to 120 F in parts of the nation’s midsection as the hottest weather of the summer swelters more than 15 states.

Central Asia is the prime battlefield in the New Great Game
all major powers are at work in the Heartland/Central Eurasia: China, Russia, US, EU, India, Iran, Turkiye, and to a lesser extent, Japan.

Iran cuts flow of Little Zab river into Iraq
Iran has cut the flow of the Little Zab river into Iraq, causing decreases in the water levels of both the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and exacerbating Iraq’s ongoing water shortages, … this unilateral act by Tehran to curtail water flow from cross-border rivers and estuaries, particularly during the summer months, without providing any justification or advance notice, is plunging Iraq into an even more precarious situation.”

GOP senator claims Covid was ‘pre-planned’ to take away freedom
Sen. Ron Johnson (Wis.) recently claimed that the Covid-19 pandemic was “pre-planned by an elite group of people.” Johnson’s comments came during an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business, where he highlighted concerns about what has happened and is continuing to “be planned for our loss of freedom.”

Haiti and Dominican Republic warn of floods and landslides as Tropical Storm Franklin nears
Tropical Storm Franklin churned through the Caribbean Sea on Monday as authorities in Haiti and the Dominican Republic warned residents to prepare for landslides and heavy floods.

US Border Patrol agents in Texas shot at from Mexico
“USBP agents in El Paso Sector came under fire while arresting 3 subjects as 2 others fled back into Mexico. Fortunately, nobody was injured, but these are the very real dangers our agents face every day on the frontline.

AI can steal passwords by listening to you type; with 95% accuracy
The latest AI research, published on August 3, showcases the training of an AI model on audio recordings of people typing. The AI was astoundingly adept at discerning the distinct sounds that each key produced, an ability beyond the human ear. During testing, with just a phone’s microphone positioned 17 centimeters away, the AI achieved 95%, 93%, and 91.7% accuracy rates for typing on a 2021 MacBook Pro, Zoom calls and Skype calls, respectively.

‘Quid-Pro F-You Dad’: Hunter’s Lawyers Threatened To Force Joe To Testify Unless Plea Deal Reached
Hunter Biden’s lawyers played heavy with the Department of Justice, effectively threatening to force President Joe Biden to testify in any criminal trial against the First Son if a plea agreement wasn’t reached over his multiple alleged crimes.

“If We Press This With Russia, It Will Reach Us Here In The US” – Col. MacGregor Tells Tucker Why The Ukraine War Must End Now
According to Macgregor, “The smartest thing we can do is end this war now,” adding “The Russians will never tolerate NATO forces on Ukrainian soil.” “Ukrainian forces are in piecemeal fashion, surrendering to the Russians, not because they don’t want to fight; it’s because they can’t fight anymore, they have so many wounded they can’t evacuate them … we’re going to see this army that we have spent so heavily on, melt away.”

Biden Administration to Urge All Americans: Get a Coronavirus Booster Shot Now
Reuters reports the official said while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports an increase in infections and hospital admissions from the virus, overall levels remain low, however caution is urged.

Nikki Haley assails fellow GOP candidate Ramaswamy over call to cut Israel aid
Former U.S. ambassador the UN and GOP presidential contender Nikki Haley slammed fellow Republican candidate Vivek Ramaswamy for calling to cut financial aid to Israel by 2028.

Hunter Biden prays in synagogue for God’s justice
Hunter Biden seemed inspired when he went to synagogue on Saturday. It may have been the subject matter; the president’s son was asked to pray for the nation, including a supplication for helping the system of justice. Despite not being Jewish, Hunter was called upon to read the traditional Jewish prayer for the nation.

Two-thirds of Ethiopian immigrants to Israel are Christian
The Israeli Immigration Policy Center (IIPC) reported data released by the Population and Immigration Authority that two-thirds of the immigrants from Ethiopia to Israel between 2020 and 2022 identified as Christians.

A terror wave of the kind we haven’t seen in a long time,’ IDF general says
Shortly after the terror attack near Hebron on Monday, in which an Israeli woman was killed and a man was seriously injured, IDF general Yehuda Fox pushed back against a renewed wave of criticism coming from members of the government.

Mexican former congressman convicted by high court for ‘misgendering’ far-left politician
A top Mexican court upheld a guilty verdict against Rodrigo Iván Cortés for accurately referring to an anti-Catholic, ‘transgender’ congressman as a male.

WHO’s first traditional medicine summit splits opinions
With billions of people already using traditional medicines, the organization needs to explore how to integrate them into conventional healthcare and collaborate scientifically to understand their use more thoroughly, says Shyama Kuruvilla, WHO lead for the Global Centre for Traditional Medicine and the summit, who is based in Geneva, Switzerland. Many researchers who study traditional medicines agree — but some are not sure whether the summit will deliver.

850 people are still missing after Maui wildfires: Hawaii county mayor
Maui Mayor Richard Bissen said Monday 850 people are still missing as search and rescue efforts continue after devastating wildfires tore through the island earlier this month. “It is my sad duty to report that 114 individuals have been confirmed deceased,” Bissen said in a video update Monday morning. “Twenty-seven individuals have been identified and 11 families have been notified.”

Hilary becomes the fourth tropical storm or hurricane to reach California intact, brings record-breaking rains 
Tropical Storm “Hilary” — previously a Category 4 hurricane — reached California on August 20, 2023, marking its position as one of the rare storms to maintain integrity upon reaching the state. The storm, with surface winds over 80 km/h (50 mph), brought with it record-breaking rainfall and caused widespread flooding and power outages across the region.

New York City Bans China’s TikTok on City-Owned Devices over Security Concerns
New York City has issued a directive banning China’s TikTok from all city-owned devices, citing security threats to the city’s technical networks.

Beef Company CEO: “I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat”
Quickly but quietly, Big Pharma and various state governments are working to inject beef and dairy cattle with mRNA “vaccines.” The practice has been happening with pork since 2018 and beef is next on the agenda.

It’s still a big mystery, but what really happened in Maui is starting to leak out… 
There are so many theories floating around over the Maui fires, and they range from the totally absurd to the diabolically evil. Some are political, and some are actually really logical. Many are questioning the motives of the leaders, and what they may have had to gain in all of this. We have footage of local officials bizarrely shutting down donation centers.

Migrants Get Apartments and Social Security Applications From A Soros And Bill-Gates Funded Group Overseen By Obama Officials
A George Soros-funded organization called the International Rescue Committee is providing services to migrants to ensure their permanence in the United States of America. The group finds apartments for the migrant invaders and helps them apply for Social Security,

Evil WEF Leader Caught Celebrating Depopulation: ‘Population Collapse Is Good For The Planet’
Remember when the mainstream media was insisting that “depopulation” was a right-wing conspiracy theory? Times have changed, and now the World Economic Forum are openly celebrating “depopulation” and instructing the mainstream media to send the message that “population collapse is good for the planet.”

14 American Cities Aim to Ban Meat, Dairy, Private Cars by 2030
In a move that is just downright daffy, not to mention leaning hard into totalitarianism, 14 American cities are aiming at what is sure to be an elusive target: banning meat and dairy consumption and the use of private automobiles – in just seven years.

Los Angeles Dodgers Stadium Is FLOODED, Just Months After Mocking God
The Los Angeles Dodgers had their latest game against the Miami Marlins canceled after Hurricane Hilary caused Dodgers Stadium to flood.

Exploding E-Bikes: Lithium Battery Fires Spread In New York And California 
Lithium-ion batteries have sparked hundreds of fires across New York and San Francisco this year, injuring dozens and resulting in the death of a few individuals, triggering worries about ongoing public safety.

WATCH: Wild SoCal Weather Turns Biblical: Mudslides, Flooding, Debris Flow and Earthquakes! #Hilary
Tropical Storm Hilary made landfall in Southern California on Sunday with maximum sustained winds of 65 mph. Southern California was hammered by rain and strong winds on Sunday.

NY Hospital Reinstates Face Mask Mandates As Media Rolls Out New Covid Fear Campaign
Mainstream media networks and establishment health officials have startd ramping up the covid fear propaganda once again.

Furious Parents Take Daughter Out Of Nursery After Finding ‘Erotic’ Image In Children’s Book
An LGBT children’s book has been blasted over its pedophile symbolism and sexualized images

Leaked Documents Show American Doctors Were Financially Rewarded For Pushing The Covid Jab
Millions of Americans were advised by their doctors to get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) – not because they actually care about their patients, mind you, but because they were bribed by health insurance companies to peddle as many jabs as possible in exchange for cash. A leaked document from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) Medicaid shows how the health provider created a “COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Incentive program” to reward doctors for pushing covid jabs on their patients (source). Does this against their Hippocratic Oath?

There is a global pushback against CBDCs; we CAN stop them
Central bank digital currencies (“CBDCs”) are deeply unpopular with the general public and we have a chance of stopping them in their tracks, writes James Corbett.  We’re already seeing a massive global pushback against the CBDC agenda. And this pushback is already causing the banksters to panic and pull back on their grand plan for world domination.

Covid Related News: SA court orders covid vaccine contract to be made public and US court rules manufacturer and hospitals liable for remdesivir injuries
Results of contaminated DNA in Pfizer’s covid injections have been replicated and confirmed.  This is just one of many dangers of injecting synthetic DNA into humans. Vaccine victims of the first bout of covid injections is being ignored while corporate media ramps up the fear to get people to roll up for another round.  The corporate media hype from the UK and USA about a new covid variant has now infected corporate media in Germany.