3 Aug 2023

Jesus Coming For His Bride Isn’t Debatable… And We Should Make Ourselves Ready
The fact that Jesus is coming for His bride isn’t debatable. The Bible is clear. He will come for us in one of two ways. Either He will come for us at our death, or He will come for us at what is referred to as the Rapture—when believers will be caught up to meet Him in the air, as Paul described in 1 Thessalonians 4.

Eyeing China in the Pacific, US studies explosives to make missiles fly further
U.S. officials want to tinker with the mix of chemicals fueling missiles and rockets to gain an advantage in the Pacific by increasing the range of its front line munitions so U.S. forces can operate further away from China. The Pentagon and Congress are looking at a retrofit that could extend ranges for some current weapons as much as 20%

Pittsburgh: Tree of Life synagogue shooter gets death penalty
Jury sentences Robert Bowers to death for massacre of 11 people at Pennsylvania synagogue in 2018. The jury reached its verdict on the shooter’s sentence today (Wednesday).

Israeli company signs solar deal with Saudi Arabia
Israel’s largest solar energy company, SolarEdge, has signed a joint venture with Ajlan & Bros Holding (AHB) to adopt solar energy in Riyadh. The joint venture will support the deployment of smart renewable energy solutions in Saudi Arabia and aligns with the Saudi Vision 2030 initiative, aiming to reduce the country’s dependence on oil by the end of the decade.

US researchers develop revolutionary ‘cancer-killing’ pill
The drug in question, dubbed AOH1996, works by targeting the protein that helps facilitate cancer cells reproduce and spread throughout the body. US researchers at City of Hope have found a new way to treat cancer via a targeted chemotherapy pill that can kill solid tumors, according to a recent study. The findings of this study were published in the peer-reviewed academic journal Cell Chemical Biology.

Ukraine’s Zelensky: Russia wants ‘global catastrophe,’ food markets collapse
Zelensky said on Wednesday that Russia’s attacks on port infrastructure showed Moscow was intent on creating a “global catastrophe,” with a crisis in food markets, prices and supplies. “Moscow is waging a battle for a global catastrophe. In their madness, they need world food markets to collapse, they need a price crisis, they need disruptions in supplies.”

Israel’s natural gas revolution leads to $86b in savings
Israel’s economy saved more than NIS 316 billion (~$86.7 billion) over the past decade thanks to its “natural gas revolution,” according to an in-depth study released on Tuesday. That reflects a savings of more than NIS 120,000 (~$33,000) for every family in Israel over the past decade, according to the report by economic consulting firm BDO and the Israeli Natural Gas Trade Association.

Netanyahu and Gallant reject criticism: ‘IDF ready on all fronts’
According to Israel’s Maariv newspaper, Netanyahu stated: “The IDF is strong, the Israeli economy is stable, and the Israeli society and democracy will emerge strengthened. I want to tell you that I work around the clock, together with others, on a solution [to the judicial reform crisis].” Netanyahu and Gallant were joined on their visit by IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi and received an overview of the combat and intelligence operations in the regional command before meeting with soldiers.

Dr. Robert Malone: COVID jabs were a CIA operation to depopulate the world
In a speech at the 2023 White Coat Summit, Dr. Robert Malone asked the crucial question about the so-called COVID vaccines: “Why would a government wish to advance this technology?”His reluctant conclusion is that the novel mRNA injections have been developed by the CIA to assist in a global depopulation program – which has existed in the United States since the 1970s. When we ask who are the puppet masters behind all this, we have to look the brutal truth in the face. That behind a lot of this is the U.S. government … in funding, policy and actions.

Rand Paul refers Fauci for prosecution after emails show he lied to Congress about COVID origins
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky announced over the weekend that he has filed a criminal referral to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) against former top White House COVID-19 adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci for apparently lying to Congress about his role in subsidizing controversial gain-of-function (GOF) research that is suspected of contributing to the COVID outbreak.

 Pro-life Catholic dad Mark Houck to announce run for Congress
‘I have seen firsthand what an out-of-control government can do to its citizens,’ Houck said in a statement published on the campaign website. ‘I will fight to protect all people and their rights under God & our Constitution. My platform is based on common sense.’

Notice to the IDF: Southern Lebanon is biblical Israel
Once again, we are seeing Hezbollah threatening us, encroaching on the demilitarized area and daring us to retaliate. In Southern Lebanon, Hezbollah has positioned thousands of rockets aimed at Israel in direct violation of the stipulations of the pact Israel agreed to after the Second Lebanon War. The tribe of Asher was allocated Southern Lebanon from the Sidon to Mount Lebanon.

UNESCO designates biblical Jericho as ‘Palestinian Heritage Site’
In a move that poses a threat to Israel’s security, UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee is expected to list Jericho as one of its sites, citing the location of the Biblical city as being in the fictitious state of “Palestine.” The committee will be voting on a total of 53 natural and cultural sites when it meets in Saudi Arabia in September.

Typhoon Khanun slams into Okinawa after two deadly East Asia storms – BBC News
A typhoon has lashed southern Japan, forcing evacuations and cutting off power to one-third of homes on the Okinawa islands.

PBS Kids Creates Series ‘Lyla in the Loop’ to Get Young Children Talking to AI Characters
The new PBS Kids series Lyla in the Loop is set to feature the network’s first interactive episodes with the help of artificial intelligence (AI).

Why India’s rice ban could trigger a global food crisis 
What happens when India bans exports of a food staple that is essential to the diets of billions around the world?

79-Year-Old Farmer Tortured and Murdered One Day After “Kill the Boer” Rally – Musk: “They Are Openly Pushing for Genocide of White People in South Africa”
The day after radical leftist Economic Freedom Fighter (EFF) leader Julius Malema sang the “struggle song” “Kill the Boer” in Johannesburg’s full 90.000 seat FNB Stadium, a 79-year old farmer was brutally murdered and his wife severely injured. Elon Musk said “they are openly pushing for genocide” in South Africa.

Swedish Trans Activist: ‘Qur’an is a Terror Book for Racists, Mass-Murderers, who Exterminate Cultures and Religions’
The demonstration clearly shows that even groups typically associated with the left in Sweden are increasingly recognizing the urgent need to address the challenges posed by Islam in the country.

Worldcoin isn’t as bad as it sounds: It’s worse
Worldcoin — a new financial system connected to sensitive biometric information, mostly harvested from poor people — sure sounds like a terrible idea. “Terrible” doesn’t do it justice.

Doctors shocked to discover man’s rash was actually a case of killer medieval disease
A MAN’s mysterious ring-shaped rash turned out to be leprosy, scientists have revealed. The man in his 20s, from Texas, was struck down by the killer medieval disease — which also made his fingers bend into a claw.

Energy industry fears Biden to declare climate emergency, seize powers like COVID pandemic
President Joe Biden appears to be facing increasing demands to declare a climate emergency, like the one declared for the COVID-19 pandemic that had a devastating impact on the country, warns a top advocate for the U.S. oil and gas industry.

Latest peer-reviewed study destroys any dignity left for these so-called “Covid experts”…
According to the findings, heart-related Injuries from a Moderna C•19 Booster Dose were 3000x higher than thought. Researchers found a staggering 1 in 35 healthcare workers at a Swiss hospital had signs of heart injury associated with the booster dose.

Report: Over a Million Women in India Have Gone MIssing from 2019 to 2021
A report published by India’s Union Home Ministry last week revealed that over a million women and girls disappeared between 2019 and 2021. 250,000 of the disappearances involved girls under the age of 18.

Biden admin uses gun control bill to block funding for archery, hunting courses in American schools
It has been revealed that the Biden administration is refusing to provide funds for hunting and archery courses offered at elementary and secondary schools across the nation.

Globalists Groom Americans For WW3 Nuclear Armageddon And Coming Climate Lockdowns
Anyone who STILL believes that VERY REAL terrorists would never masquerade as the ‘government’ and carry out terrorist attacks upon their own people, quite literally carrying out mass murder and genocide, to accomplish ‘hard to reach’ political goals, has never heard of ‘Operation Northwoods.

Why Aren’t We Retaliating Over That Chinese BioLab in California?
..If you haven’t heard, an unassuming warehouse about an hour outside of Fresno, California, was found to contain evidence of horrific, black-market biological experiments. Reedley City, a fairly small town of fewer than 25,000 people, was the site of a shocking laboratory.

Millions Flock To Worldcoin To Have Their Irises Scanned To Receive A Digital ID As Founder Orders Services To Be Made Available To Governments
At the height of the Pandemic and lockdowns, a company called Worldcoin was quietly signing up millions of people around the world to have their irises scanned to create their digital ID. To date, there has been over 2,167,405 users, with new users signing up at the rate of more than 100 per minute. World ID users are located in 120 different countries, and their tagline reads ‘For Every Human’. World ID? Hmm, seems like Bill Gates is not the only one with this dark dream.

Democrat Party Social Media Page Calls to “Burn” Homes of Trump Supporters
Jon Cooper, a Barack Obama and Joe Biden supporter, posted a picture Monday of a house decked in Trump memorabilia. “What would you do if this was your next-door neighbor?” Cooper asked in the post. The Missouri Democrat Party responded to the post by calling to “burn” the home. “The roof, the roof is on [fire emoji] we don’t need no water, let the ‘insert your word’ burn!” the Missouri Democrat Party’s official account wrote in a since-deleted response to Cooper’s post.

Mayor Adams Declares A ‘State Of Emergency’ To Exist In Illegal Immigrant Sanctuary Haven Of New York City
The New York City mayor Eric Adams has blamed the Biden White House for not sending enough financial aid as illegal immigrant crisis reaching a boiling point

Police: Kentucky Mother Arrested After Toddler Dies of Sexual Abuse
Authorities arrested a Kentucky mother after a 17-month-old toddler died of severe sexual abuse injuries.

New Minnesota Law That Gov Tim Walz Signed Bill Lets Babies Die Who Survive Abortions 
Today a law goes into effect hiding from the public the fate of infants who survive abortion. Under the new version of Minnesota’s abortion reporting law, practitioners of abortion will no longer report when abortions result in live births and what measures are taken to care for such infants. The change comes as the legislature has also repealed a guarantee that born-alive infants receive appropriate lifesaving care.

Mayor Adams Now Supports Enhanced Border Control, Calls for State of Emergency Amidst Influx of Illegal Aliens in NYC
New York City Mayor Eric Adams was finally given a dose of reality about what residents who live near the border have been going through for years.

Corporate Fascism kills freedom; and its already here 
Corporate Fascism, or Corporatism, arises as the political right moves left or the political left moves right. It is a combination of right-wing corporate power, socialist totalitarianism and dominance of one state over another. In the past, it has been the foundation of Nazi and Fascist systems of Government.

4 in 10 Businesses Have Already Seen Deepfakes, Injection Attacks
Deepfakes have suddenly become much easier to create with the launch of generative AI based on large-language models. Over 40 percent of businesses or their customers have already encountered deepfake attacks, and nearly as many have experienced injection attacks, according to survey results shared by ID R&D CEO and Co-founder Alexey Khitrov in a Biometric Update webinar last week.

Passing Observations 195 
In his latest passing observations, Dr. Vernon Coleman discusses grain surpluses in Russia, the fall of NatWest’s boss, the weather according to the BBC, what BBC could learn by watching RT and how to stop Local Councils inspecting your bins to see what you’re throwing away.